Monday, June 22, 2009
Atashin no Danshi Episode 11
Here is the last episode of Atashin no Danshi Episode 11! I'm flying off today after my class. So I wont be able to blog anything in detail today. I'll try to do it asap. Meanwhile, I skim through the video and below is the snippets that I have. Some parts (words) I forgot the meaning and dont have time to check my dictionary so I will fill it in / correct later.
Watch Pandora last episode
アタシんちの男子 第11話: BRIEF SUMMARY
- Inoue played the last voice and image of Shinzo to the crowd and halted the castle invasion.
- Shinzo said he was expecting this moment and warned Tokita the secretary against destroying the castle, and also called out his children's name one by one and then told them about a book. The way to protect what is important is written inside. However the book will be destroyed the same day Chisato's contract expired in 2 more days.
- Just when he was saying "the last thing", the image disappeared. Tokita ignored Shinzo's words and still wanted to charge ahead to the castle but last minute he stopped.
- The next day, Fuu finished the helmet and placed it over the robot
- When they reach the 1000 task, they were stumped when asked for Inoue's first name. The helper appeared and challenged Chisato to another armwrestling, saying she would tell them if Chisato do it. Chisato beat her and found out her first name is rosemary! The laywer appeared and told them they cleared the challenges!
- The lawyer appeared telling Chisato she has to saw all her brother's names into the wrist band
- When they ate together and said Ittadakimasu, the robot shine a light at Shinzo portrait and it revealed a map! The kids did as instructed and a light shone up the chandeliar, and the steps gave way revealing a secret door!
- Just as they are fretting, Masaru solved how to open the door inside the tunnel!
It was with the palm print but still didnt work! They noticed one more canvass in the middle, and Chisato asked "Me?" They guys nodded and when she complete the palm print
- Chisato's friend help provide answer to the last question they couldnt solve, and they saw the inheritance of bar gold and a book
- Chisato went out to get the secretary and told him they have to talk. Chisato revealed the book and the story within....
- The secretary didnt take the money in the end and left.
- At the final drinks together, Shou informed Chisato about the plans to leave. Akira has contacted his mom and will be with her, and Satou said he will meet his parents etc.
- Chisato thought about the times they had been fightin and laughing together and started crying. The guys tried to console her and told her they had a good time together too.
- Shou kicked Takeru and he woke, (in half stupor?) and told Chisato they will always be a family
- Chisato was alone outside looking at the scene and Shou walked over to join her. She asked where is everyone else and Shou told her they had gone to sleep.
- However shortly Shou noticed and threw a stone at the bush and hit the hiding brothers spying on them! Fuu made fun of Shou and asked SHou to hurry up and kiss Chisato
- Shou declined and started to walk off but the brothers caught up with him and shove him towards Chisato but Shou escaped!
- Next day, the guys left one by one leaving Chisato sitting alone in the dining room....
*Aikira boarded a bus
*Satou went back to his parents place
*Masaru continued with his modelling
*Takeru woke at construction site
*Fuu took over Shinzo's company (wearing Shinzo's attire) and the secretary continue to report to Fuu. The lawyer also continued her work and Fuu asked her if she was free that night for a meal. She asked if its a date..and Fuu grin and replied "I wonder..." ...the happy lawyer did her "yeah " stance! (She finally got her wish!)
* At the playgrd, Shou told his son when he is 23 years he must also still be smiling like now
* Chisato was alone and went thru the photo album of the family moments..
Just then, Takeru burst thru the door, and Akira follow suit saying taking the plane is impossible, followed by Satou, Masaru, a very tired Fuu and lastly Shou saying "I'm home"
Chisato was puzzled seeing everyone being back with their bags but saw everyone was wearing the wristband she had made for them..Shou was asking Chisato about later and Satou asking what's that but Shou said its none of his business. Masaru chirped in teasing Shou that's cold.The boys started squabbling (soo funny! I was laughing quite a bithere). Chisato told them to be quiet and ask them what they are doing. The boys stood up (they said something together I didnt quite catch) and they started to strip off their top! They threw their shirt at each other while Chisato was telling them to stop and not do it there, but the guys ignore her. I think the ending Chisato said something about "i dislike it when the guys are like that" ( Will double check again when i get to rewatch the video at leisure).
The end
Too bad they didnt show Shou and Chisato together but I think the idea is that the rest of the family prob will approve anyway:) So its up to the viwers's imagination. However, I did wish they could have been more outward in expressing their liking for each other to be more selfishly satisfying for me. The ending was ok. It wasnt a let down but it wasnt really a super climax ending for me either. It felt abit of rushed for the ending esp since we all know it will end happily, so there was little surprise in the end...
Manga: Hapi Mari

I started laughing when I saw page one of the most recent chapter 142 of Skip Beat. This is a great chapter and the valentine build up is getting more exciting with Shou and Ren discovering Kyoko's chocolate secret.. I had to laugh so much at her comical expressions throughout the chapter! Hee heeee. I simply cannot wait for them to decide and start on Season 2 of the animation...
Meanwhile, just started on a new manga romance series - Hapi Mari., scanlated by Aerandria. Honestly, Aerandria really pick the best projects and most of the series that they do are pretty nice.
As far, the first 4 chapters are out. Its about this O.L who had to pay off her clueless father's debt and in the end saved by her company president. They got married and so tha story revolves round the relationship build up between them. It's quite funny really these first chapters. She is soooo innocent that borders on impossible but well, its comic.:) The drawings are good, and as usual, pretty girl with goodlooking guy. It's probably another predictable plot but comic reading is to destress and be entertained, not to mention the drawing board for great drama series! heee hee. So for those interested in Manga, check this series out. It has a rating of 4.92 out of 5 to date.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Mr Brain Episode 5 Summary

Episode 5, The exciting part 2 of Mr Brain is out!!!
Here's the RAW video!
Watch Pandora ep 5
Brief Summary
Basically the famous pianist had inspiration block, so all thse while he had been stealing musical scores from the guy who suffers from memory problem.
WHat happened was that 5 years ago, the sister was assaulted by this bad guy at her brother's place. To protect her, her brother killed the attacker but because he suffer from 1hr only memory recollection, he forgot he had killed someone. However, because his music creation was a record of his emotions, which was why whenever he heard the music that was created that on that fateful day, he would have violent reaction and hyperventilating issue.
The sister split the dead guy's body into pieces but her actions were discovered by the famous pianist. Hence ever since, she had been blackmailed to pass her brother's composed scores over and recorded it, passing it off as the pianist's own work.
The sister's boyfriend knew about the truth and had begged her to go to the police to tell the truth. However they had a big fight and she refused. In the end, her boyfriend went to confront the pianist and thus was killed to silence him.

The pianist wanted to exploit the guy's memory loss and moved the body to the memory loss guy's house and told the guy that he was the killer, and forced the guy to write into his memo a false confession as being a killer. What the pianist didnt know was that the guy had quickly written down 4 musical note to conceal as the pianist name which was discovered by Ryu during the concert. Physical evidence and survelliance cam turned up by the IPS lab also assisted the police to narrow down the pianist as the suspect.
Its a good episode. I thought it was pretty touching. Somehow though, the episode are becoming more predictable...hmmm.. however in the same episide leading to the next story, I laughed so hard at Hiro's expression when he said "45!" refering to the gun murder weapon and his partner smacked him on his head asking why he's talking in english. That moment was really funny for me and i burst out laughing! It must Hiro's innocent expression... :)
Black and White Drama: Episode 21 and 22
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Atashinchi no Danshi Episode 10
Watch: Pandora TV
Sorry for being alittle late on the summary but here it is!!! I took abit longer because I think all the conversations were relevant and harder to shorten and skip over or you missed the fun.
I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!!!! IT was really really GOOD for me! Alot of emotions and I love teh fact that Shou's feeling has come out in the open to the rest and the truth about Chisato! WOW! What a twister! Love it! So here goes folk! The latest tv guide for this exciting episode!
Atashinchi no Danshi Summary Episode 10
The scene begins with the secretary appearing, informing the brood that they have to shift out as it has been decided that the Miraku's treasure theme park will be built on the castle site. The boys rejected the idea asking why they have to leave but the secretary said they should have been prepared to leave ever sine they were booted out of the line of succession. Fuu asked what if they refused, but the secretary suggested they would be removed by force then. Before the secretary left, he threw the shoe (that was hurled at him after he shut the door) back and the shoe was wedged into the wood with great force to the shock of the family. After he left, Sato was suggesting to ignore the secretary but Fuu said the secretary is someone who means his words.
Fuu then said that Shinzo's only portrait is hung at the castle and not his company nor his home. Which means this place is a special place to his father, and also why they are all living here.
"I have no wish to hand over my father's castle to anyone. When we do leave this place, it has to be of our own decision." Fuu said.
Back in her own room, Chisato recalled the lawyer had once told her that under her bed is a secret passageway out of the castle, and posed the question as to why Shinzo had built so many tricks and traps in this place. Her thoughts were interrrupted by visiting Shou.
"What's up" Chisato asked
"Hmm...actually nothing much...ever since Takeru left, alot of things has happened" Shou replied
"So u are worried about me." Chisato said gently.
Shou took a quick seat and pointed at Chisato, stating she reminds him of a wandering cat he had once adopted. He was making a joke on the cat's name and managed to make Chisato laugh. Shou looked relieved and said being happy will make her feel better, not before adding that Masaru and Sato said it. "Dont get the wrong idea." Shou quickly added. "Of course NOT!" Chisato replied. Shou nodded and added as he stood up tp leave "Well.. just dont be too worried. Good nite"
Meanwhile, Masaru was spying from outside and grabbed Shou, demanding that he had never asked Shou to say those words! "What is your motive towards Chisato?!" Masaru demanded. "Nothing" Shou said with a smile and Masaru pouted.
Next morn Rereading the last letter, Fuu deduced the impt thing is refering to teh Trcikheart castle. Masaru suggested it might mean to protect the castle but Shou shrugged his explanation off being too farfetched. "if one can find the treasure, one can portect the impt thing." Fuu reread out loud. "Maybe it refers to completing all the tasks on the mother's contract?" "Then let's do it!" Chisato chirped in and the guys agreed and turned to look back at the doorway. Chisato then asked how come the lawyer isnt sneaking up on them like before and the boys agreed in silence.
"I'm here." she said and the rest got a shock when they turned back towards the staircase. "The 7 task on the mother's contract.." she began .."Wait a min!" Fuu said. "Wow It's Fuu's showtime!" Masaru excitedly said as Fuu stood up. Sato was specualting if its time for love confession. Akira asked if its time for them to be a couple?
As the lawyer floated in love atmosphere, Fuu brought her back to reality by whipping out a VCD, asking if she rem. "This is the video showing my father's comment promoting the secretary to the company's top seat. It's too strange for the executive board to agree to vote for the secretary who is so hopeless, so I did some investigation and found this. It's kinda strange..... a letter to inform me that the secretary is someone who is evil enough to usurp the company, dont quite understand the meaning of writing this but it would appear its a deliberate attempt to isolate the secretary and have us band together against him."
"What exactly is our father's secret plan?" Shou asked. "Please explain to us" Chisato besseched the lawyer. "Hey say something." Sato added. The lawyer tried to divert using the mother contract but Sato told her not to use such a diversion. Akira said dont pretend to cry. The lawyer got back to business and said the item 7 of mother's contract is to invent something together and passed them a blueprint of the design. It was a helmet design. By the time Fuu realsied, the lawyer has disappeared again.
After the prototype was done, the group asked Masaru to try it on but he tried to wriggle out of it until a sleeping Akira demanded him to try it. Chisato went to see the secretray who had asked to meet and he questioned if the luggaes are all packed. "We dont intend to move out." she replied. The 3 days dateline will be over soon, no matter how you struggle, the castle will be destroyed.
With the invention on his head, Shou asked Masaru how was it? Masaru said he felt nothing in particular to the disapppointment of the rest. Something exploded and Shou asked what was that? A bomb? Fuu asked. The arrived at the source and inside the room, they realised the clock gears have been exploded and dropped. Luckily Chisato is not here masaru said.
Meanwhile on the other end, "I'm not playing." the secretary said seriously to Chisato
"Wasnt the theme park supposed to be built somewhere else? Why destroy the castle which Shinzo san holds dear?" Chisato asked. "Its because its important to him. I only joined Shinzo's company to triump over him. Hence, I want to snatch over everything that man has. Not long, I will kick you all out forcefully. However if u promised u would helped to persuade the guys to leave, I promised to help take care of their future arrangements. I will give Akira a family and a caretaker until he is an adult. I will bear all expenses. As for Sato, I will respect his wishes and provide an environment condusive for his magic training. Takeru and the rest are all adults, so I will only give them a sum of money which I believe is sufficient to satisfy. I believe considering the children's future is also one aspect of a mother's impt responsibility." the secretary said.
Back at Chisato room, her friend appeared saying he was the one who did it but only that he didnt really think it would explode. The boys were very angry and yelled at him but Fuu asked him what exactly was going on. "It was the secretary who had instructed him to do so at a specific time and day. He explained that he thought the device would only stop the sound that Chisato had been complaining about that had disturbed her sleep. He never expect it to be a bomb. "This is a warning to us" Fuu announced. "That if we persist on, Chisato will faced such unexpected incidents again"
Chisato went back facing the boys. She asked to speak first and asked if its alright for all of them to leave the castle. "Didnt the secretary said he would evict us by force? If its true, someone may get hurt."
"What did he say to you?" Fuu asked but she denied. "rather than be forced and not matter how unwilling, we still have to leave eventually." She added.
Shou stepped in to say "No matter what happened, we will continue to stay here."
Masaru said "We have decided. We will protect the castle no matter what happens"
Chisato asked how is it possible?
"Whether it is possible, how would one know without trying?" Akira asked
"I just know. Just give up! Even if we leave this place, it doesnt mean we can never meet again" Chisato tried to convince them
"You are so noisy. If u want to leave, just go alone." Fuu yelled.
"Agreed. It's so hard for us to be finally so united. We have no intention to be of any association with someone like you who wants to flee." Shou said sternly. Chisato tried to disagree and Masaru and Sato said it is true after all that the secretary had said something to her. The guys started to discuss amongst themselves that it is possible she has been bribed since she had come here afterall because of money, and how awlful it is that she might betray them oneday.
"Why would I do that?! We are a family!" Chisato tried to explain.
"Dont get the wrong idea. We are all strangers just living together" Shou said and threw her bag on the table saying "your bag has been packed." "We even spare u the effort to pack, good idea eh?" Masaru added.
"It was your plan to kick me out fom the start right?" Chisato saw thru the plan.
"We aint joking with u." Fuu said seriously. The game of mother has ended and Shou said goodbye kitty. The boys left and Chisato angrily left the castle. She looked back sadly and left while all the guys spied at her departure secretly. After she disappeared from sight, Chisato friend asked how could they do that to her but he brothers were saying if this will be alright but we sure are bad people, but it's of no choice since this is to protect her. We cannot involve her but sure was a surprise that she left. They went on to diiscuss the mother contract is useless we have to protect the castle by themselves but at least we protected Chisato.
"Why did you guys do it?" Chisato friend asked.
"Ot's natural of course! Because we are a family." Shou turned to explain. At that, the rest of the brothers turned to stare at Shou. Sato waved his hand at Shou. Shou took a while and suddenly realised his slipup and went "Eh!" And then quickly said he take back what he said but teh rest ignored him and ran ahead.
Chisato went to look for Takeru who was getting along with his dad happily. She decided to leave but Takeru called out to her to her surprise. He had spotted her and asked what's up.
"I ot chased out." Chisato said and explained the castle situation to him. Everyone? he asked . No just me, she said. Takeru got the idea that the rest of his brothers are staying put to fight till the end. His father asked is it ok if he doesnt go back, and told him to go if he wants to and the happiest thing is not just living with him but rather that Takeru can be happy. Isnt everyone else waiting for your miracle? His dad said to Takeru.
Chisato went back to the Daikon's place.
Meanwhile, the secretary went to Chisato's friend work place and said they are all recruited by the company as they had went for the interviews. The condition is to help chased the brothers out and Chisato's debt will be cleared. However isnt that betraying Chisato? A guy asked. The secretary yelled NOOOOOO and explained they will be hero to save her.
Back at castle. Shou said isnt the contract now impossible to complete? Fuu explained he continued on with the helmet as he couldnt put it down and wondered what is his dad's true intention was. "Do u like Chisato?" Fuu asked. Shou asked what is that abt? Fuu said Sato and Masaru sure like her and Shou agreed saying they are transparent. "She is a good girl I think."
Fuu said. "Cute, strong and can cry for others." Fuu said. "Do u like her too?" Shou asked in surprise. Fuu looked up a little taken back. Looking at Shou, Fuu then smiled and said "My thoughts are also pretty clear isnt it?" Shou looked a little worried...
Back at Daikon's place. Chisato discovered the Miraku's tear gas product and wonder why they are there. She found more items and then a picture of the Daikon guy with Shinzo. She asked what is that and the lawyer appeared saying its abt time to tell her.
Shinzo and Daikon guy are uni friends and Shinzo used to come over and that's how Shinzo met Chisato;s mother. "They were as close as sibilings" the daikon guy said. The lawyer added."15 yrs later, Shinzo met your mother again."
"Your mother has always like shinzo san, and he was in turn attracted to her. and he proposed to her. the two should have married but.... a woman appeared before shinzo saying she has a child with shinzo. That was fuu's mother. That was the first time he had heard of Fuu's existence and he told Chisato's mum truthfully what happened. But your mum suddenly disappeared. At that time, she was also pregnant with Shinzo's child. She left because she didnt want him to know. By the time Shinzo know, your mum had passed away. "
"That child is..." she asked "It's you." Daikon said.
"You are shinzo's child" the lawyer said. "the other guy is your stepdad after you are born." The daikon guy apologised for keeping her in the dark. The lawyer said he is of no fault as it was a favor requested by Shinzo san. The laywer added " It wasnt a chance meeting between you and shinzo. he heard about your debt and being hounded and hence rushed to your rescue."
"Why didnt he tell me truthfully he was my dad?" Chisato asked in shock and tearfully.
"Perhaps he doesnt feel he was qualified to do so. He was prob fearful you would leave and then you wont be able to spend his remaining time together with him" Daikon guy said.
"BUT I am married to shinzo!" Chisato said.The papers are never submitted as the lawyer handed them back to her. This is the whole truth.
This must be a lie , Chisato said.. You guys must be lying to me! She turned to leave and ran out of the house. "its not true. its not true!" Chisato cried to herself and repeatedly told herself.
Back at the house in the sauna room.
Sato asked Masaru "What are we fighting for? They commented its becomes unclear ever since Chisato left. At that The others joined in. Akira asked if the rest are uneasy. Sato said truthfully he was uneasy, as it was a ridiculous change of events. Takeru would make us laugh at this moment, Masaru said and Shou agreed. Sato mimicked Takeru and Masaru said its like missing a piece. Just then, the room opened and Shou was shocked to see Takeru!! The guys were all so excited to see Takeru!! Takeru teased Shou saying obviously he is lonely without him but Shou vehmently denied before breaking into a smile!
Their happy moment was interrupted by the secretary video display. He announced he will be there tomorrow with a huge team. He wanted to reveal a new piece of news and that Chisato never married Shinzo. Shou was asking them not to spew rubbish to try to demoralise them but the secretary said he wasnt and he has other ways to demoralise them. Fuu STOPPED the secretary from continuing and sat before the screen. He told Fuu such a secret shouldnt be kept from the rest. Fuu you knew right? The secretary then revealed, Chisato is Shinzo's daughter!!!
The secretary said Chisato prob only just new about it as the guys are all pondering over the new fact.
Shou asked Fuu why didnt he say something before? Fuu said exactly to prevent such a confused situation like now. But ore imptly, is that Chisato herself doesnt know thw truth.
So she isnt mum...akira said. Takeru was saying isnt it better since now the guys can now bared their heart freely to her. Akira continued to mumbled that Chisato is not a mum. Shou was saying indeed he felt a little lost and Takeru was saying "Hey dont u like that girl too?" Shou asked what Takeru was talking about but Takeru laughed and teased that he saw them kissing
Sato asked Shou what was that about? masaru asked isnt it the accidental kiss? Takeru laughed and said NOT. "He initiated the kiss!" Shou tried to deny, stating it was just a magical moment and he kinda lost himself. Sato punched him and asked what he treated Chisato as?!!! Masaru said didnt Shou said he would help him? Was that a mockery?!!! Sato said Shou is the worst!
Takeru asked if Aikra had really treated Chisato as his mum and the boy retorted why couldnt he and stormed off. Masaru and Sato stormed off too saying that its not worth staying on.
Takeru said why over such emotional things. Shou angrily shoved takeru saying it was all his fault, saying such things at this moment but Takeru said isnt it better for truth to be out? They started to squabble again but Fuu stopped them. Both of them turned to him and pointed out its actually all Fuu's fault for keepin it a secret! I did it with good intentions Fuu said but the other 2 yelled in sync "That's being nosey!!!!" and stormed off.
Back at the shop, Chisato friend went back to the shop and realised everyone else was gone., Chisato appeared and hid in the cubicle still reeling from the truth.She recalled how Shinzo had once said he hoped Chisato would be a girl who cry for others and she had joking teased that he sounded like a father...
Chisato saw her stepdad and they had a heart to heart conversation. He told her that her mum was a wonderful person and he spent half a year trying to convince her to marry him. It didnt matter if Chisato was blood related. Chisato said she heard that he only went gambling to try to pay off her mum's hospital bill for he was a grounded man before. "You truly loved my mum right?" The dad said she was silly to believe those words that chased them out...and that those times they spent together cannot be faked no matter what the guys said.
"Is it alright for the castle to disappear? IS it alright not to help them?" he asked chisato.
AT the castle, Akira announced she is back. The boys rushed out to greet her return only to be pissed it wasnt Chisato! It was the househlp and grumbled they were happy for nothing. Takeru rushed in to state the Maraku people have arrived!!!!!!
The secretary said it has been over a week now and its time for forced eviction!!!
The boys decided...its time to FLee!!!!! Just when they were hiding in the castle, a machine was driven by chisato against the crowd. She launched the tear gas at the crowd!!
Chisato went into the castle. and announced this is her home.
All the boys were crying and claimed it was the tear gas. (side note: Its sooooooo funny this scene!!!) Sato denied crying even with huge tears rolling down...
"Everyone, let's protect this irreplaceable home" Chisato said.
Fuu said then this is an invincible family!
They stepped out of the castle together and faced the crowd.
Chisato announced and declared seriously: "Those castle is under our protection!"
The secretary responded. "Chased them out of this castle!"
Monday, June 15, 2009
Mr Brain Episode 04
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Note From Me
However, if you do come across links which already has the video removed or deleted or just broken link, do me a little favor? As I don't have time to check back on all the past post, please do leave me a comment in that post to notify me, and I will remove the invalid link so as not to disappoint others... :)
BOSS Episode 08
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Atashinchi no Danshi Episode 9 Review

Watch Atashinchi no Danshi Ep09 [アタシんちの男子第09話 ]
『さよなら奇跡の男』 - Goodbye Mr Miracle!
or watch Episode 9 here (Pandora RAW)
or at dramacrazy here
Quick summary
Basically the story revolves around Takeru resolving his relationship with his father. Takeru was angry with his father due to an incident 15 years ago...
The secretary also revealed that Shinzo had promised him that he would take over Miracle company once Chisato completed her "tasks" according to the mother's contract but Fuu produced the last letter left by Shinzo to him that appeared to suggest otherwise.
On the other hand, Chisato solved the clue that Masaru wrote on the board by changing each Kanji character to its Hiragana form. It revealed that the inheritance hint is hidden withing the Mother's contract. The lawyer appeared and revealed that the brothers with Chisato must complete a few tasks such as completing housechores (to be of squeeking clean sound without a speck of dirt), making vege soup and completin skipping rope of 100 rounds.
Finally when Takeru resolve his conflict with his dad, he made the decision to stay together with his dad. On the day of departure, after seeing off, Chisato had a change of heart and ran after him. She told him not to go, pleading that thoughshe understand why he had to do it for his father but she cannot help asking him to stay. However, Takeru appreciated her words but still choose to leave...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Mr Brain Ep 03 Review
Mr Brain Ep 3 Summary
Ryu was at the hosiptal doing his check up and was told that he fainted due to lack of sugar and sleep deprivation. At the same time, his PET brain scan showed huge exhaustion espec section relying on intuition. The doctor informed Ryu's brain may continue to display unpredicatable abnormal changes subsequently.
As Ryu was leaving the hospital with his assistant, Ryu suddenly stopped and told her to return first. He turned and appeared to chase after the senior doctor that passed him. Along the way, he bumped into a young doctor along the stairways and before he knew it, Ryu was locked down in a restricted section.
The senior doctor had been murdered and the murderer was nowwhere in sight. The victim was found by his colleague Chihara, and was followed swiftly by the police within 27 seconds. Back in the office, the young doctor Wakui appeared deep in thought and his fiance Megumi asked him what's wrong. He jolt back and told her nothing was wrong. He looked at the open case of medical instrument and noticed one equipment was missing...
During the review of the security video, Hayashi and his partner Tanbara was shocked to discovered that the storeroom's door become open but there was no one entering the room. Haya deduced it was "The Invisible Man"! At the same time, Ryu was arrested by the police because he was hiding in a cabinet. Haya and Tanbara rushed down only to understand that Ryu had actually been chasing after his pet mouse which had got loose. Which explains why he stopped in his track and followed the senior doctor earlier and to the restricted level, not realising a murder had been committed nearby. Haya told Ryu it was a crime committed by invisbible man and Haya;s partner was vexed!
Meanwhile, the IPS was tasked to identify the weapon used to kill the senior doctor. At the hospital, the police were gathering info from the victim's colleagues - Wakui, Chihara, Megumi. Haya's partner Tanbara noticed the nervous expression and figeting by the Megumi. So he left his namecard for them to contact him if they can think of anything useful.
After much hesitation, and against Wakui's advice to keep quiet about the bribery, Megumi still called Tabana in the end, stating she wants to share some information. However before she could reveal any lead, Megumi was pushed down the stairs in the hospital! Haya told Ryu that from all the camera from level 1-4, none of the video cam captured any possible culprit. Ryu digested that info. At the same time, the nero surgeon informe that she suffered memory loss and had problems reconnecting memory bank and speech.
With Megumi, Ryu was speaking slowly to Megumi emphasing each word. Apparently, Ryu informed that the brain is a powerful organ that aims to heal itself despite being injured. Hence through external stimulus via speech, will help the brain in its recovery process. Tabana asked if such a method can actually cure someone, Ryu revealed he has known a person (refering to himself) as such. Wakui said he would try and slowly pronouced every word for his fiance.
While inspecting the scene, Ryu asked Tabana if the corner behind the door couldnt be a possible hiding place for the culprit. But Tabana said they reviewed the video around the murder time but no one entered the stair area and everyone at the crime scene was hustled out of the stairs subsequently. Meanwhile, everyone at IPS was laughing hard at the edited chronological footage, of Ryu's comical run throughtout the hospital earlier while searching for his pet mouse. However at one point, a senior scientist seemed to discovered something critical and asked to repeat the video scene. Tabana on the other hand, heard about the Chihara's bribery rumour from another doctor...the conversation was being overheard by Wakui..
Tabana went back to the crime scene at looked at the "old stock" of the medical equipment. He brought the item back to the lab for possible weapon. However the lab revealed it doesnt matched because of the drill bit area was not smooth. Just then they realised the new improved model would be a possible match and the victim was to discuss with the manufacturer about purchase of the new model on the fateful day!
Tabana and Haya received word that Megumi seemed to have regained memory about criminal who attacked her! She slowly pronouced word by word "Long Hair, White robes, black spectales" and Tabana had an idea she was refering to Dr Chihara! Tabana's senses pricked and requested to know where is DR Chihara but Ryu stopped him, stating that Chihara sensei cannot be an invisible man. At that moment, the senior IPS lab colleague appeared, pointing at Ryu stating Ryu is the mystery Invisible man!!!
It was explained while reviewing the video, Ryu had ventured from 3rd floor North stairway and when everyone expected Ryu to appear from 2nd floor, Ryu had instead appeared on the 1st floor South corridor. To have done that, Ryu must have crossed the 2nd floor corridor but yet, the video cam on the 2nd storey completely did not captured Ryu's presence! The IPS guy turned to Ryu and asked how did Ryu did it?
Ryu recalled his actions and realised he was walking close to the wall that day. Just as expected his colleague said. At that, Ryu stopped and realisation dawned on him sloving the mystery. Tabana was anxious to know the reason. Ryu explained the CCTV security cam was unable to capture the blind spot, such as spot under the cam or sticking to path close to the wall.. Tabana asked then how did the culprit walked from the wall end to the yellow door. Ryu said just walk across. Tabana clearly was unconvinced, stating that the security cam would have captured that! However the IPS guy said not really judging by the angle of the cam. Ryu said both cam are positioned at such angle that where he is standing would be impossible to capture him on video. Ryu manually slide the door open and because its so wide, its possible to slide into the room. Tabana said the cam would not have missed such a blind spot in the middle of the door but Ryu said, not if someone had shifted the angle of the cam. Ryu proceed to reenact the crime scene and retrace the footsteps of Chihara...That means if the culprit is the Chihara, then his finger prints would still have been on the cam... The rest appeared confirming the murder weapon and the blood test positive as the victims....
At the questioning, Chihara said he had served under the professor for 10 years, yet he was being looked down and passed over. (the dead guy said some insulting things to him) Tabana asked if he was fearful Megumi would expose him, thus harming her. However Chihara denied and he himself was wondering all along who could it be...and why her.
Back in the lab, Ryu was reviewing the voice recording of Megumi's revelation of the culprit. Looking at the speech wave, Ryu gained an insight and said just as expected and dashed out! he rushed to reviewed the video tape of the stairways of everyone rushing to Megumi's crime scene. Then he declared, he has found it - the murderer!
AT the brain lap test, Ryu repeated his questions and Megumi repeated all the answers (long hair, white robe, black specs). When she got frustrated at unable to answer a question, Ryu flashed Wakui's picture to her and scan her brain activity and ended the session.
Haya asked what was that about and Ryu revealed that had concluded and know who attacked Megumi san. Ryu turned around and asked Wakui, the person is you isnt it? Haya said its not possible since he is the fiancee, so its impossible! Ryu stopped him and asked him to listen to the tape recording again. At that, Yuri realised it was a playing the connecting"continuity-word" game, where the last character of each word becomes the first character of the next word. From his daily speech session, Wakui had coach Megumi to "reveal" the false culprit via the connecting word game.
Wakui said indeed he didnt realise so. Ryu pointed to Megumi's brain activity. While "identifying" the attacker's description, there was absence of brain actiivty from her memory bank area. Hence, if she had truly recalled the attacker, during the questioning, the back of her brain should show extreme reaction which was glaringly missing. Instead, Megumi's frontal brain was more active, indicating a surface (recent) memory. MEgumi's brain which is doing self repair has started from the frontal section. Hence whatever megumi had said, it was all derived from recent brain records.
Ryu went on that Wakui prob had witness Chihara's strange actions that day at the corridor, sneaking into the storeroom., and also noticed the camera. Yet he choose to keep silent even though he guess what had happened but he prefer not to voice his speculation. However Megumi feel differently and had told Wakui that Chihara had motive..and wasnt willing to stay silent. With that, Wakui took the same idea as Chihara and attempted to murder his fiancee.
he had tricked Megumi to meet him at 10pm. Using the same blind spot method, he went to meet her at the designated meeting place and attacked her. Hearing her scream, everyone rushed over while he hid behind the door and pretend to join in later. Using her current state, Wakui decide to push the blame to chihara staging the fake identification.
Wakui said he had no motive, however Tabana appeared and revealed Wakui had been the one taking bribes as well! Megumi thought it was chihara but it wasnt. Wakui said the brain test cannot be used as evidence but Ryu said he had solid proof. That is on the day Megumi was attacked. The video cam which was used to captured everyone rushing to the scene from level 1 -4, Wakui was never caught on the camera rushing to the scene. "To try to play the role of invisble man, think u have overdone it." Ryu said.
When did u start suspecting me Wakui asked. When you said the word Hope Ryu said. Ryu said Wakui was prob wondering if she will stay that way forever, or she will recover. Ryu asked which was it? Wakui said prob half half. Haya was agitated asking how could Wakui have done that!!!
Wakui replied research needed alot of money and he couldnt let everything fail at the last step!
Ryu showed Wakui another brain scan. Wakui asked what was that. Ryu said that was Megumi's reaction when Wakui's photo was flashed. Ryu told Wakui that he should know what those brain actibity mean as well. "This happens when someone see a person that he/she loves, a known common reaction of the brain activity. In an instant with no room to think, this was the instinctive reaction. U can keep this" Ryu handed the scan print to a slient Wakui.
Looking at Megumi, Ryu said "It's probably likely that your brain will reflect and react the same way, beacause at that split second, you had hesitated...which is why you failed to kill her."
Suddenly, Megumi asked a sad looking Wakui what was wrong?
Wakui recalled the past. He sadly once again reassured her nothing was wrong, as he held his tears back.
Walking back.
Yuri exclaimed it was amazing what one can gleam from understanding from the brain activity. Yet, she was also afriad. To her surprise, Ryu replied. "Me too."
Somehow, I feel the role of Hayashi is similar to Kiina, where he is always the first to believe in "supernatural" or far fetched reasoning for crimes. Like how he was readily jumping to think it was the invisible man, or how it a spirit could return to live etc. Only difference is, Kiin was able to brak the case and solve it logically but Haya was more incompetent in that sense.
The story is becoming a little more predictable now after the 1st episode. The suspense for these last 2 episodes to date has not been very great, and one can guess the murderer/ culprit easily.
No matter, I still am keen to follow through this drama series as its still rather enjoyable! Kimura has such nice smile.....*floating*
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Atanshinchi no Danshi Ep 08 Review
Here the scene (half naked brothers "squabbling") leading up to where Shou falling onto Chisato's lap was pretty funny.
Shou was actually embarrassed when he almost kissed her again! Chisato couldnt stand it and demanded the guys go put on some clothes before they start the meal. Haaa haa.
Dont think I have to summarise much since the episode is quite self explanatory without subs. The rest of the story was simply about shou and the orphanage that he grew up in. Shou asked to borrow the suitcase of money but was rejected by the brothers initially because Shou didnt tell them the real reason.At the same time, the trick castle was locked down.
However later Takeru revealed the reason as he overheard Shou and Chisato conversation. Despite their good intentions, Shou insisted on believing Shimura. Chisato friend appeared with Fuu, and he explained Shou had been bluffed by Shimura, the person who had been calling Shou for money. Yet despite that, Shou choose to believe Shimura who had raised him and still want to pass the requested 8,000,000yen to him, even after Chisato's friend revealed the fraud and explaining that those kids Shou saw were paid by the Shimura to act... and Shimura was facing a huge personal debt. In fact he was not longer the orphanage management.
However, Chisato understood Shou's feelings and still decided to pass him the money anyway and ask him have a good talk with Shimura. Takeru asked Chisato what on earth is she thinking... She told the rest she is the family decision maker and anyone else who are unhappy with the decision should get out.
In the end, Shou found out the truth when Shimura was arrested before him and brought the money back. He has been cheating alot of other people who were raised at the orphange. Shou asked him why, Shimura said he really didnt want to either. Shou shouted out to Shimura that he still believe in him...believed in the tears Shimura had once shed for him.
Back at home, Shou apologised to his silblings, Takeru deliberately said hurtful things to "drive" off Shou from the room. When he left, Fuu said it was time for them to think. Chisato asked what and she was told "the uses for the money".
Chisato then use the sum to repay expenses for the upkeep of the trick castle instead...However, everyone still decided to help reopen the Shou's orphanage in the end. Fuu and the rest told Shou that it was Chisato's idea, while joking at all the "sacrifices" they had to make like no more aircon, computer etc. Chisato told Shou everyone wanted to retain the place that was very important to him. She also said Shimura prob wasnt a bad guy like what Shou said but was forced by circumstances.
In the sauna room, Chisato friend revealed it was him who shut down the electricity to save bills. The secretary revealed he was the one who locked down the castle and revealed he now have Mirakuru (ミラクル). (The secretary becomes the new president of the company!?!)
When Shou placed his arms on Chisato, Chisato shyly asked if it was another one of those full moon accidents, but Shou looked at her tenderly and replied it was not full moon that night. Shou hugged Chisato but She moved away after being hugged, however Shou turned her around and kissed her instead.
BTW, I was screaming my head off at the last scene!!!!! Finally! Shou is falling for Chisato!

He KISSED her! Shou voluntarily initiated to Kiss her! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Episode 9 is going to focus on Miracle (Mirakuru) . Fuu shared with the rest, the last letter Shinzo had sent to him before he died. Takeru and the appearance of his dad, who came after learning of Shinzo's death. Chisato was worried about the exchange between the fatehr and son. Hmm...forget Takeru, just give me MORE on Chisato and SHOU!!! Arrrrhhhh
Monday, June 1, 2009
MR.BRAIN 2話:変人脳科学者VS蘇る美しき幽霊!!脳トレで人は蘇る!?
Mr Brain Ep 02 Summary
北千住署の刑事・津村修介が、両手と左足を切断された状態で絶命しているのが発見された。荒らされた部屋のあちこちから犯人の指紋が検出されたため、警察は前科者の指紋と照合。すると、そこにはありえないような真実が…なんと指紋の主は、3年前に残酷な事件を起こした連続殺人犯・竹神貞次郎 だったのだ。
The video starts off rewinding to one year ago (2008 May) on a rainy night where a convict was sentenced to death by hanging. When asked for his last words, the convict laughed stating that he would return.
"I would kill all of you guys, and come to consume your flesh! I will definitely be resurrected again." He continued to laugh even as the noose was looped round his neck....
Back to May 2009. Another stormy night.
At home, this (police) guy saw a shadow and asked who is that. The shadow slowly walked towards the guy. The guy called out the hung convict's name Takegami, asking if he had really revived from death! At that point, the shadow man raised the knife and stabbed the guy to death.
Ryusuke (Kimura) was performing some lab "brain" study-test with Yuri with a device he invented that will predict the subject's behaviour based on the brain "signals" .
Back to the police victim who was stabbed to death at home. Staring at the bloody scene, a little faint Hayashida (Hiro) was reminded of the convict's last word about returning to kill those police offiers present at his hanging. However, his boss told him off saying its impossible. Asking about the crime scene find, they were told that they had recovered from the knife weapon and everywhere in the room, possible prints from the murderer and the prints are now sent for matching.. The results returned being the hung convict Takegami.
Back at IPS, Ryusuke explained to his assistant Yuri how he had set the trap to ensure he would win the scissor paper stone bet. He had pretended to be able to read his colleague's brain wave. Thus in order not to reveal what he was thinking to Ryusuke, hence his colleague had been despertaely torn between what to choose...hence slowly down his thought process and combined reaction, hence settling on stone..resulting in Ryusuke winning the bet. Hayashida appeared once again, asking Ryusuke for help in the mysterious case, asking him if Ryusuke believe in the return of spirits.
He started to reveal the past of Takegami who had a record of killing his victims and cutting them up, cooking and eating their flesh at home. In the end, after several attempts to eat the guards fingers, the convict even consume his own fingers in the jail cell! Because of his unstable mental issue, his lawyer calls to overthrow his conviction. However, the 4th victim's fiance proclaimed if Takegami is not given the death sentence, she will kill him herself! After much public debate and evaluation, it was deemed the convict was aware of his own doing and hence sentenced to death. He went on to explain about the recent case where the dead convict's prints were all over the house.
While Ryusuke and Hayashida were inspecting the crime scene, Ryusuke commented the house was in a complete mess and wondered why it was so, and if the murderer was looking for something. "Could it have happen while the 2 of them are struggling in a tussle?" Hayashida asked. Ryusuke turned to look at him mildly incredulous and said "With a spirit??" Hayashida realised his mistake and gave a silly laugh.
Ryusuke commented that the kettle must have fallen off the coil heater, Haya told Ryu Takegami's print was all over the kettle, and that the victim must have been boiling water before the incident because when the police arrived, the heater coil was still turned on. "in that case isnt it strange? That should CLEAR prints are left on the kettle?" Ryu pointed out.
"Normally wont people would be yelling Ouch its hot when they touch a hot kettle?" Haya commented perhaps spirits are not afraid of heat... Ryu seemed to go along with his theory...
Another victim had his legs cut off. Again Takegami's prints was all over. Haya's boss was pissed that Haya brought Ryu to the crime scene!
At IPS, Ryu's assistant asked the rest of the scientists if they had ever come across cases related to spirits but was mocked by them instead that they dont hold much expectations from her anyway.
Meanwhile, Haya and his partner-boss went to visit Miyase, the fiance of the last victim from 3 years ago. Apparently Haya's partner-boss had once saved her from being run over by a train as she no longer possess the will to live after the incident. Haya's boss told her about the recent killing and he thinks she might possibly be on the hit list. Miysase then revealed before their arrival, someone else had come worrying about the same thing, the police investigator in charge of the case previously. He had come to apologise for not catching Takegami earlier or her fiance would not have be murdered, and that he would send extra men to protect her from now on. Haya's boss revealed that that investigator is not the sort who would be so nice to protect Miysase.
AT IPS, Ryu was examining Takegami's brain recorded 3 years ago and see that Takegami was truly not afriad of death and his brain signals showed that he wasnt lying when he said he would revive from the dead. Ryu discovered the first 3 murder cases, there were no evidence but only in the 4th case was there prints discovered. Hence Ryu wanted to go to the 4th murder scene to investigate.
The assistant read the "self confession" report and lead Ryu to the crime scene near the stadium with the orange roof. The report stated the victim's hand and legs were found but not the torso and head. Takegami claimed he had thrown those parts to the sea. "Why didnt he throw everything else too?" Ryu pondered aloud. He went on to ask what time was the limbs disposed off. It was supposed to be 2am. Ryu wondered then since there are no street lights then, and pitch dark, how would the murderer know it was an orange roof stadium? Ryu wanted to investigate further as the case from 3 years ago was abnormal and strange.
AT IPS, Yuri gathered the rest asking their help to reinvestigate the case from 3 years ago as requested by Ryu as Takegami might not have been the killer. However the rest told her the case was already proven to be done by Takegami and closed. Yuri told them off isnt it the job as scientist to solve riddle. The female boss reminded Yuri alot of evidence would have disappeared by now as 3 years have passed but if its them, it might be possible.
Ryu appeared at Miyase's shop and told her he thinks its possible her fiance is not murdered by Takegami. He asked her if the real culprit is still out there, what would she do. She said she would kill them all. Ryu went to approach the investigator in the car and asked the same question but the guy drove off.
Back at IPS, Ryu teased Yuri that she has finally evolve,,to be an assistant. It was revealed that Miyase's fiance was indeed killed by the 2 recently deceased police officers plus a unknown accomplice but not Takegami based on DNA and the hand size matching those left on the victims limbs. Haya's boss rejected the claim since the fingerprint match those in the database of Takegami. However Ryo pointed out the database could hypothetically be swopped. Plus they rem Takegami had eatened off his own fingers . They finally revealed the 3rd accomplice could have been the police guy!!
Meanwhile Miyase call Haya's boss that there seemed to be someone outside. He told her they are driving there now! At IPS, it was confirm the prints were indeed swopped! Ryu also discovered by Takegami was not afriad of death!
At Miyase's place, Ryu appeared and revealed the murderer is still in the room. Apparently, Miyase knew that the 3 police were present at her fiance's death and hence killed the cops as revenge for the accidental death of her fiance. At the interrogation room, Takegami discovered the 2 cops had killed someone! He initiated to take the rap since he was going to die anyway. They took away the skull as that no one can tell about the accidental injury to the head. Ryu said she gave herself away as she had said she would kill "them" meaning she knew it was not a single killer. Haya's boss refused to believe Ryu's assumption.
At the crime scene, Ryu pretended to have a game of scissor paper stone. However he knew Miyase will definitely choose stone as she was holding on to her necklace bead which had dropped at the crime scene. However Ryu told her the bead was taken from her house and he threw it there. If she is not a murderer, she would not try to hide the evidence. And Takegami did not fear death because he is living thru her...