Here the scene (half naked brothers "squabbling") leading up to where Shou falling onto Chisato's lap was pretty funny.
Shou was actually embarrassed when he almost kissed her again! Chisato couldnt stand it and demanded the guys go put on some clothes before they start the meal. Haaa haa.
Dont think I have to summarise much since the episode is quite self explanatory without subs. The rest of the story was simply about shou and the orphanage that he grew up in. Shou asked to borrow the suitcase of money but was rejected by the brothers initially because Shou didnt tell them the real reason.At the same time, the trick castle was locked down.
However later Takeru revealed the reason as he overheard Shou and Chisato conversation. Despite their good intentions, Shou insisted on believing Shimura. Chisato friend appeared with Fuu, and he explained Shou had been bluffed by Shimura, the person who had been calling Shou for money. Yet despite that, Shou choose to believe Shimura who had raised him and still want to pass the requested 8,000,000yen to him, even after Chisato's friend revealed the fraud and explaining that those kids Shou saw were paid by the Shimura to act... and Shimura was facing a huge personal debt. In fact he was not longer the orphanage management.
However, Chisato understood Shou's feelings and still decided to pass him the money anyway and ask him have a good talk with Shimura. Takeru asked Chisato what on earth is she thinking... She told the rest she is the family decision maker and anyone else who are unhappy with the decision should get out.
In the end, Shou found out the truth when Shimura was arrested before him and brought the money back. He has been cheating alot of other people who were raised at the orphange. Shou asked him why, Shimura said he really didnt want to either. Shou shouted out to Shimura that he still believe in him...believed in the tears Shimura had once shed for him.
Back at home, Shou apologised to his silblings, Takeru deliberately said hurtful things to "drive" off Shou from the room. When he left, Fuu said it was time for them to think. Chisato asked what and she was told "the uses for the money".
Chisato then use the sum to repay expenses for the upkeep of the trick castle instead...However, everyone still decided to help reopen the Shou's orphanage in the end. Fuu and the rest told Shou that it was Chisato's idea, while joking at all the "sacrifices" they had to make like no more aircon, computer etc. Chisato told Shou everyone wanted to retain the place that was very important to him. She also said Shimura prob wasnt a bad guy like what Shou said but was forced by circumstances.
In the sauna room, Chisato friend revealed it was him who shut down the electricity to save bills. The secretary revealed he was the one who locked down the castle and revealed he now have Mirakuru (ミラクル). (The secretary becomes the new president of the company!?!)
When Shou placed his arms on Chisato, Chisato shyly asked if it was another one of those full moon accidents, but Shou looked at her tenderly and replied it was not full moon that night. Shou hugged Chisato but She moved away after being hugged, however Shou turned her around and kissed her instead.
BTW, I was screaming my head off at the last scene!!!!! Finally! Shou is falling for Chisato!

He KISSED her! Shou voluntarily initiated to Kiss her! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Episode 9 is going to focus on Miracle (Mirakuru) . Fuu shared with the rest, the last letter Shinzo had sent to him before he died. Takeru and the appearance of his dad, who came after learning of Shinzo's death. Chisato was worried about the exchange between the fatehr and son. Hmm...forget Takeru, just give me MORE on Chisato and SHOU!!! Arrrrhhhh
OMG....I can't wait to watch the subbed episode. I've been waiting forever for Shou to do something. I'll be screaming my head off when i watch the kissing scene :)
Thanks for the quick summary, makes me really look forward to watching it.
same here! It's a killer!!! I cannot wait to watch it too! I was drooling when i saw the cap shots...
Thanks for the summary! I can imagine I will be screaming my head off too! LOL
Nice caps o_o <3
Finally.. The moment between two of them. I'm sure there gonna be a lot awkward yet cute moment between them for the rest episodes ^^
Yeah!!! Those "lost and shy" moments with Chisato and Shou are sooo adorable. I was screaming and grining. Must have gave my neighbor a shock when i went ballistic and screaming as Shou grabbed her and I was like KISS HER KISS HER..and wham it happened!!! If only one can win lottery the same way by chanting enough screams.... heee
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