Previously, I had put off watching this drama because I know it was going to be sad. I am not a person who really want to watch TV to get sad. However, something that day pushed me to try and I figured what do i have to lose if i watched and dont like it, i can always stop. Till today, I AM GLAD I WATCHED IT.
This is possibly the only drama i have watched that made me teared in every episode. The message is unconsciously powerful about the love of a mother, and how the different mothers struggles with her emotional turmoil, ranging from hatred, shock, self doubting, self questioning, self reproach.
The story plot is simple enough, that a bright adorable boy Kiyotaka in 2nd year elementary school was apparently senselessly killed, and worse, by another quiet well behaved boy Tomoya in his 4th year in elementary school.
The victims family was shocked and the mother was left with guilt that it was her fault that she came home too late by 15mins resulting in the unforseen tragedy. The other question was also, why my son. what has my little boy done to deserve such a death.
The culprits family on the other hand was racked with shock, and guilt as well but of a different kind. Both family struggle to cope with the difficult path laid before them as they confront the truth of what had happened.
In the drama, we journeyed through with both family, as they struggled with the loss and reality of the society. The society is undoubtingly harsh and unforgiving to the murderer's family, and the mother was tormented with questions at how her beloved son could do such a thing, robbing another child of a life. The family then took an introspective approach at everything they had done, from raising their kid, to the sort of resentment that had built up unconsciously.
Meanwhile, we also understand the importance of balanced child-raising, preventing trouble shooting off one's mouth. And how when one makes mistakes, its the whole family that suffers along with it especially a mother.
One of my favorite lines below struck a deep chord with me was the victim's mother grappled with the horror of losing her son. ''I can spend several million hours through the nights and days, taking care of my little boy, but nothing I do can ever take back that mere 15 mins, to bring my son back.''
I love this drama for many reasons.
The story is well scripted and executed, and we go through the same emotional cycle as the mother searched for the truth behind his son's crime. It is easy to get lost in her emotions, and her confronting the facts of how her actions may have indirectly be the root of the crime. One cannot but feel the sorrow, and self blaming as the mum did, even if you are not a parent because we all have mothers and the drama is simple enough for u to relate to another's emotion.
This drama is worthy of your time, I truly truly recomend it. Dedicated to all great mothers, and to remind us how communication in a family is always important, and how one member often tries to protect or even hurt one another in every little way unknowingly.
Should you decide to embark on watching this drama, get a few tissue packs on hand. I cannot imagine anyone who can possibly complete 10 episodes without shedding any tears. Once in a while, we need such human drama to remind us the complexity of life, and how we should never take your family for granted.
Finished watching buzzer beat 3 and there is really nothing much going on to summarise since i think the whole episode is rather self explanatory, hence i manage to slack off this week and focused my time watching another drama instead. however, just for continuity sake, here's the summary and video clip. pick whichever works for u.
The show basically focused on the increasing dissatisfaction of Nanami's frustrations with Naoki, and the increasing interactions between riko and naoki.
During one night at the park, when Riko was sharing the music to Naoki, she turned around and was stunned by Naoki's close profile, and when he turned around to agree with her on her views on the music, Riko backed off and surprised at her own reaction. Ever since, Riko was unconsciously looking out for Naoki on the practice court but he didnt turn up and she was disappointed.
One night riko and naoki bumped into each other at the supermarket, Riko learnt from Naoki he was attached thru the conversations, and she was somewhat surprised. While on the way home, they stopped at the basketball court and started to chat and drink at the same time. Riko was telling Naoki she has good drinking power and can stay sober, and she hate those women who uses being drunk as a pretext to cosy up to man and she aspires never to be like that. Halfway thru, a bunch of people appeared dumping rubbish on the court. An indignant Riko stood up and demanded those strangers not to dump their rubbish there but the people left ignoring her. Naoki saw an agitated Riko and told her to forget it for her safety. Riko said she cannot keep it to herself as it is her nature and plus how can they leave the rubbish there as it will stop him from practising his basketball. With that before Naoki can stop her, she dashed after those man confronting them and chasing after them when they drive off. Naoki got worried and chased after her while calling the cops.
At the police station, the culprits were caught and both riko and naoki were leaving. Riko felt unwell and realised it must be the beer on empty stomach and running so far after that. She got drunk. Naoki decide to piggy back her home. To his shock, the house was in a mess, so he cleaned it up for her and even made french toast for her.
Mami had a performance and the coach asked a few more guys including Naoki to attend and support her. Riko was also there and Naoki snucked a few peeks at her registering her expression. When they were at the bar to celebrate, the coach announced that Riko was his girlfriend without any prior discussion with her. Riko felt awkward and she looked at Naoki who seemed not affected. Nanami appeared with the rest of officegirls and YOYOGI and she walked over explaining to naoki as the team leader, she had to join in. however thruout the drinks, yoyogi snubed her and she was feeling jealousy
at the loo corridor, nanami confronted yoygi not to stare at her and he denied, saying that while his eyes were indeed all over other women but just not her. and he counter asked if she wasnt the one who was staring at him instead, and that she can never withstand such househusband material like naoki. she got upset and left. on the other hand, riko spotted a missing naoki and went to search for him at the loo corridor, and then apologise to him for the drunk nite but naoki said it was ok. the coach appeared and riko left. naoki explaine to the coach that they lived near each other at the park.
that night when the coach was walking riko home, he asked if she was upset about his announcement that they are a couple. riko explained that while she wasnt upset but she much prefer that they go slow from now on. she explained that she had been 2-timed twice by her previous 2 bfs and hence she is apprehensive and lost faith in men, so she needs more time. the coach shared he is used to being an attacker on the field where time is essence and he unconsicously also wanted to speed things up, so he promised he understand and will slow down his speed courting riko. when she left for home herself, he stopped by the side to take in and ponder about the situation. riko passed the court and felt a sense of disappointment that naoki wasnt there practising.
meanwhile, nanami was trying to get cosy but Naoki for some reason gently nudged her away. When she proposed to him to just get married, Naoki declined saying that he is not ready, meaning that he still have no self confidence and asked her for her patience to wait. Finally, Nanami reached a point that she finally blurted out to him to grow up, and how unrealistic for her to keep waiting for him to grow up since it could be 1 day, a month, 10 years or maybe even 20years. Naoki while shocked did not engaged her verbally and told her he is going off, leaving Nanami to her thoughts and frustrations.
the coach decided to get the boys out to the beach, extending invitation to riko and mami. riko avoided playing beach boy because she didnt want to injure her fingers and unable to play violin. when she was taking pictures of the coach, naoki happened to appeared before her while taking his stuff out of the bag. naoki sat down and told her that the rubbish has been removed from the court and riko said she saw. naoki went on saying that he had wanted to email the picture he took of the clean court but realised that he doesnt have her email. riko said the same. then naoki asked riko it should be fine if they exchanged contacts since they are friends and it hit riko somehow that indeed they are friends. just then, the naoki was called by his teammates to join in the beach ball game and he left his mobile on the table with riko. riko recognised the mobile and realised at that moment that naoki was the owner of the phone she had picked up in the first place.
on the other hand, nanami received the sms that naoki sent to her. he apologised for walking away that night without a proper talk and that he would look for her that night to continue the conversations. unknown to naoki, nanami was cheating on naoki with yoyogi again at her own place that very moment. Though somewhat lost in thoughts after reading naoki's sincere mail, she discarded the phone to one side and continued her tryst with yoyogi....
yeah riko and naoki are getting closer. i cannot wait for naoki to discover his cheating gf and dump her. i wonder when he will start to fall for riko since it is apparent that riko is the one who is feeling the affections first. i like the coach and feel sorry for him, but i think riko is better match with naoki.
meanwhile junpei's character doesnt have a place to stay in the drama is going to stay with mami and riko soon. i cannot wait to see if that will help to bring riko and naoki closer, or that is just a branch off to develop a relationship between mami and junpei.
The other Korean drama that i will be anticipating will be MY FAIR LADY - 아가씨를 , starring Yoon Eun Hye. Expected broadcast date will be 19 august by KBS.
i love this 'making of mv' for wizard of oz track, this clip made me grin from start till end. For those who misses kim bum's smiles, u will get plenty here not to forget KiBum from SuperJunior. Then again, there are many pretty cute faces here too.
Clazziquai Projectis one of the few korean groups that I would consistently anticipate their album release. They are not teens idols, they are proper musicians and their albums to date have never disappoint.
Their 4th release continues to impress with new music trends. The injection of POP, House combined with a variety of electronic tempo neatly woven together, has significantly created a new unique wave of modern, chic and chill lounge atmosphere with its solid bass and light beat rhythm. Alex continues to captivate his female audience with his ozzing sexy voice
Below is the cover for their japan release cd cover.
i really dont like their korean cover version with the mask face guy this is my much anticipated album after their 2 years break. Enjoy.
my fav track is 'talk a walk'..i love listening to it as i watch the rain falls...
TRACK LISTNG 클래지콰이 프로젝트 4집 - Mucho Punk / Mucho Musica
01. 초콜릿 트러플 [chocolate truffles] [DOWNLOAD] 02. Kiss Kiss Kiss 03. Love Again [DOWNLOAD] 04. 사랑끝에 [DOWNLOAD] 05. Tell Yourself 06. Back in Time [DOWNLOAD] 07. Lazy Sunday Morning 08. Take a Walk [DOWNLOAD] 09. The Road 10. Spinning the World 11. 라푼젤 12. Wizard of OZ [DOWNLOAD]
the story starts with the riko and naoki sitting at the park, sharing food and chatting causally together. naoki asked when did she started playing violin, and she replied when she was in grade 3 in elementray school. naoki shared that he also started playing basket ball when he was that age. naoki said he was picked by the coach while riko said she saw her cousin playing the violin at her place and hence pleaded with her dad. riko went on to explain why violin was an expensive passion. meanwhile, mami her friend walked passed the court and saw them and with much surprised curiosity, she inched in closer to hear what riko was so engrossed in sharing. mami was puzzled as to why riko was saying so much to a stranger, and spillinger her guts out as well...
when they got home, riko said he doesnt know the guy. mami asked then why on earth did she talked soooo much. riko expressed she has no idea but he sure was a super good listener...and even gave her an onigiri. riko went on to muttered plus he is an amazing basketballer..which mami said she had no idea what riko is going on about.
on naoki end, his mum is busy cleaning up to welcome nanami visiting their place. of course naoki's gf suck up to his family members by buying belated birthday flower to his sister, and pretended to be some homely domestic girl offering to make the meal.
as for riko and mami, they were going for their double date with the coach. mami was saying she has no expectation since the coach is zooming in straight at riko . riko turned to ask if she really thought so. mami pretended to be annoyed and sacasticaly teased riko that she is pissed becoz riko is carrying on as if she is super popular..[hahaha.i love mami's sense of humour. she is damn funny.]
riko quickly clarified otherwise that she just felt everything is going so fast and smooth and that its like almost the reaching end point kind of feeling. just then, they spotted the guys and mami got super excited seeing her date. her hopes was raised and couldnt stop drolling over him..
during dinner, they started chatting and naoki sister revealed about how worried naoki was that night when he couldnt reach her, nanami's face froze as she recalled she was whoring herself that night with the other basketballer yoyogi. she made some excuse that she had slept early but naoki said it was alright when she apologised. her phone rang, it was the guy yoyogi she slept with. he asked her where she was and she replied at her bf place. and she told him to buzz off and not to get the wrong idea just becoz she had slept with him once. the guy listened to a dead line and said to himself, 'indeed my sort of girl'.
at the date, mami learnt that the coach was a super player in his time, but becuase of his knee injury, he had to quit but still is a super excellent coach. when he said the coach is still someone he admired since uni. the coach on the otherhand was asking belatedly if riko is attached. if she wasnt, he is super lucky. if she is, he has to work harder. riko laughed and said she is single. 'then i am lucky..' the coach smiled and said.
when nanami was leaving the place, naoki gave her a chaste kiss. she felt dissatisfed and asked for another one. naoki looked at her puzzled and she brushed off her desire for a long passionate kiss and pretended nothing was wrong. however when alone, she gave a long drag that time, riko and mami walked past nanami, while chatting about what they love about dating a mature man.
that night , naoki thought about his childhood and his buzzer beat score. however how long can i extend this dream naoki asked himself.
on another day, naoki and 3 other players were sent to teach the school kids basketball. at the same time, naoki was asked and he shared why he got interested into basket. his gf by the side heard and also learnt for the first time the reason.
at the bar, the coach told riko the place is a regular spot for him and his players to unwind. he observed and commented that riko seemed a little tensed and wary and he laughed asking her to relax, and that he wont kissed her suddenly on a first date. riko laughed and said she was worried about that. meanwhile, riko voluteered to sew back a loose button on the caoch jacket.
at home, naoki sister was googling the flower interpretation that nanami had given her. ' 'seduction'. she said. 'sounds not bad' her mum commented. 'the thrill of danger, the danger of a relationship' ' playing with fire' naoki sister went on. the mum got alerted and brushed it off saying that only the first definition is enough.
naoki was at nanami's place and after playing, he said he has to leave to a surprised nanami. she looked somewhat disappointed.
walking alone, the coach expressed his shock when he saw her bleeding finger and she laughed saying she sucked most at home economics. and she had to care for her fingers due to violin. just as she was leaving, the coach told her to call him by his name or he feel like was at work. 'tomoya' she was repeating to get use to calling him by his name and the coach sneaked a kiss attack. 'u lied' she said. 'sometimes.' he said.
he shared that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her and when she turned around during the fireworks. 'so this is destiny' he had thought to himself then. he held her hand and said he meant everyword and then he really liked her, before leaning over for another deep kiss.
riko walked home with a silly happy grin. she said 'such a good kisser'. 'is it really alright to fall in love so quickly.' she grined and said. mami asked if it with the coach and she smiled and said 'u wanna know' mami screamed and said yes but riko teased saying no she isnt going to say... and went on laughing....
meanwhile, yoyogi found out naoki is nanami's bf. he went to visit her place and pestered her. she rejected him. however he called and said he joined the team because of her and said that during teh friendly match, if he fared and scored more than naoki, she would be his gf. if naoki fared better. he would continued the undergrd affair with her. she refused.
at the court, it was a friendly match between naoki's team and naoki's uni basketball team. the coach placed naoki on the bench with the purpose of training him to play under pressure as his weakness has always been faltering in the crucial time.
riko and mami appeared upon the coach invitation and as they passed nanami, mami commented she doesnt like nanami type of girl, because she just is an eye sore.
as the match progress, riko spotted naoki on the bench to her shock. she told mami about it. 'its like a dream. so he is this team player. to think i will see him here. why is he on the bench when he is such an amazing player' riko went on confiding in mami.
when the time was near, the coach gave naoki's his playtime and asked him to do his best. however, naoki was unable to perform at all. he kept missing the shots and mami thought he was such a lousy player and riko was very surprised at this sudden bad performance on naoki's part. mami commented that since naoki is on court, he messed up the whole team rythm. riko got increasingly worried about what she was seeing.
when naoki had the chance to score the penalty ball, mami commented he is sure to miss judging from his earlier performance. naoki truly missed the first one. just as i expected, mami muttered.
at the 2nd chance, riko sensed the hesitance at naoki part. he was worried, self doubting. at that, riko flared up and yelled at naoki in front of everyone present. 'Hey number 8. ARE YOU DAY DREAMING? BEING SO WISHY WASHY, WORRYING HERE AND THERE, ARE U AN IDIOT? IS THIS ALL YOU HAVE AND CAPABLE OF?
nanami ran over to riko and excused riko to stop yelling as she is disrupting the match. Riko ignored her completely and continued yelling. 'U OBVIOUSLY HAVE THE TALENT AND CAPABILITY, A GENUIS SO WHY ARE U PLAYING SO LOUSY. IF U ARE NOT HAPPY WITH WHAT I SAID, THEN PLAY BETTER AND PROVE ME WRONG. YOU ARE EXCELLENT AND STRONG AND CAN PLAY VERY WELL. U MORON.'
the coach on the side laughed when he heard riko calling naoki a idiot. mami meanwhilke apologised to nanami on riko behalf saying she wasnt aware of the rules. riko was still fuming after her outburst.
naoki got back to playing and he got the ball in. riko was overwhelmed and happy. however..seeing everyone's eyes on her..she scrambled away.
throughout the game, naoki played excellently scoring every ball. the coach uttered 'his binding chains have come off' naoki even scored a buzzer beat ball. after the game, naoki looked ard for riko but she had disappeared, leaving only mami behind. outside the stadium, naoki asked nanami if she saw riko and she said riko had left ha;fway. 'did u know her' nanami asked. he said no and said he will look for her. after he left, yoyogi appeared and asked her what she is pretending about before walking off.
alone by herself, riko answered the coach's call. thanks for today for scolding and awaking my player the coach said. she is regreting she said. 'do u know him' the coach asked. riko said no and explained they only met ocassionaly at the court.
at home, she was still squriming at her outburst. she heard basket ball and she saw naoki training by himself again. she rushed down to the park.
earlier, sorry for yelling at u. however i am the sort to say whatever is on my mind. she said. but you left halfway. naoki said. 'i was embarrased at the stares.'. riko replied. 'i should be the one to feel embarrassed.' naoki said. 'thats right. i'm sorry again.' riko said.
'however thanks' naoki said. 'i'm grateful to you for seemingly giving me the courage.' naoki said. ' at least watch till the end since u have alreayd yelled at the player, u missed the buzzer beat. come watch the offical match the next time. with your presence, you seem to give me strength. maybe for fear of being called an idiot again.' naoki said. 'i wont make the same mistake again. however but yes i will go, because i am your fan.' riko laughed.
' a scary fan' naoki joked 'this is fan's love' riko said.
that night, as she was leaving the court, riko turned ard to ask naoki for his name so that she knows what to scold him the next time. after they exchanged their names, she discovered they were same age at 24. 'goodnight then kamiya kun' riko said and then turned ard. naoki waved goodbye and so did she.
the epside ended with the poster ' love makes me strong.'
Buzzer Beat is definitely a must watch for me this season.
I just finished watching ep 2 and it was pretty funny esp when Naoki got scolded by riko publicly at the court during a friendly match because he was being wishy washy in his match, and couldnt perform to his optimal potential. that scene was really good when she blasted him and she was squirming after that for the outburst. Riko's best bff mami is also damn funny with her opinions on guys.
i will write more summary later when i have the time, i just want to recommend it as this drama has good potential. right now i just want to slap naoki's gf because she is such a pretenious witch, a fake and a major disgusting fraud. naoki and riko looked sooo good together and riko is sooo cute in this drama, very real, very likeable. the scene when she got kissed by the coach, and went home grinning like a silly cat had me laughing and rooting for her. and when she waved goodbye to naoki at the basketball court, i so wanted to cheer both of them on....such lovely dynamics.
ok. later then. if u havent catch on to buzzer beat, quickly jump on the wagon now!!! oooooo..i cannot wait for the next episode, HOT BODS ON THE BEACH...I want to feast my eyes on those hot bods playing beach ball...haaaa haaaa. slurp slurp... need to go wipe up my trail of drool now
i love to blog the summary for buzzer beat episode 2 but my keyboard is acting up after i upgraded to firefoz 3.5. the crappy browser software killed my keyboard functions and so there are many keys that are acting funny and refure to type the correct letter, and the caps doesnt work.
its soooo frustrating and its so aggravating. i honestly regret moving away from windows I.E. NEVER AGAIN, will i experiment with crappy 3rd party software that tries to prove alternative to microsoft but ending up causin more distress to computer users like me.
so bear with me until i try to sort this nonsense out. if u are a firefox browser 3.0 user, my advice is DONT UPGRADE TO 3.5 OR U WILL REGRET FOR SURE.
took some time to watch koshite - the vampire drama episode 2. i have to confess i really cannot bear to watch on. the plot is slow moving, script bordering on a little meaningless and the lead non seasoned actors and actress are not really very intriguing...they looked as if they are on play stage rather than in a drama....
looks like its only buzzer beat that will be worth my time this few weeks till Otomen is released. then again, of all the pretty and cute actress, i have no idea why they chose such an ugly lead actress for the new drama. gross. she turn me off totally. i hope it doesnt mean its a lousy script which is why no decent looking or skilled actress want that role.
a brief summary of episode 2. the story continues that the boy vampire refuse to suck the blood out of his teacher because he thinks she is noisy, emotional and most of all he hates human. he continues his silly rant that humans are worthless and weaklings beneath the undead. his mentor of course continue to hassle him to suck the bloody asap.
the vampire boy tried to look around in school pathetically for a potential victim but of course all the girls are acting silly and loud and noisy that puts him off.
finally, he decided he may target the class representative and ask her to consider the dracula play. that night, she dreamt about him coming to her room to suck her blood. how predictable.
the teacher on the other hand has this ridiculous enthusiam insisting on vamp boy joining in the choir as part of the charity work at the old age home. of coz vamp boy refused. (can u imagine a vamp boy singing in a group... haa haa..)
of course the teacher lecture him at his goza place about him being overly high and mighty, and that he never really understood the impt of human interaction and he needs to get off his high horse. somehow the vamp boy soaked that in and decide to turn up and spied on his classmates singing and joyful sharing.. yeah right...
back in school, the vamp boy's fangs grew again when he was alone with his teacher in the music room. just as he was about to attack her and fed off her, he fainted. gheeess... can the plot get worse? yes apparently. while his teacher went off screaming like a headless chicken, the vamp boy mentor appeared out of the blue, and told vamp boy that his body is dying because of his stubborness to feed off human blood. apparently there is a time limit that once his fangs grew, he must consume fresh human blood by next full moon or vamp boy will die. vamp boy was in shock at this newsflash.
(i found it ridiculous that for a haughty vamp boy not to even know all the facts abt being a vamp before he went condemning as if he was never one before. i personally find this state of mind of him conflicting and overboard)
just got started on a new manga series which i thought is quite cute and can be comical at times. the prince is of course the typical gorgeous guy...
it's about 2 countries at war but the opposing prince and princess decide to announce their engagement to bring about a cease fire. the rest of the story evolves on how the princess who initially hated the prince slowly comes to a realisation that she may really be falling for him. meanwhile, people who had profited from the war including the prince's brother are against the peace and trying to assassinate the prince to bring back war.
the story is not difficult to follow and not heavy at all. the princess is pretty cute and her reactions at times are quite funny. my only gripe to date, its a little too repeatitive for the first few pages of very chapter to remind the readers that she is suppose to hate him, but i hope to see that stopping soon once the readership increase i presume.
so for a lighthearted read, here's the new series, read here
watched the first epi of the vampire drama -koshite akuma...
ok i have to state upfront, this is one of those 'b' grade drama. it's not a series i would really stay glued to screen for, or rushed back home for. it's pure mindless entertainment and even the cast is alittle weak to start with. i am not sure if i will continue to watch this drama since it doesnt really draw me in. perhaps i will watch the next 2 epi before i make my final judgement.
episode 1 brief summary
the story starts with this high school kid who is also a vamp. he has great disdain for human beings and that makes his coming to maturity as a vamp a problem. he need to find that special woman who will induce his interest, and hence have his vamp canine teeth grew.
the kid found it a chore but tried to locate that ideal woman from his schoolmate, where all the girls are crazy over him. he failed.
his homeroom tutor is somewhat intrigued by him because he resembled greatly of her first love when she was a high school kid. in one event when she thought he was going to kill himself, she tried to stop him but the kid told her he will never die. she accidentally fell into the water dragging him along. at that full moon night, the kid stared at the soaked and laughing tutor and suddenly, his vamp fangs grew...
this review is way belated i know but well, i just thought i should still do a sum up.
Took some time to watch the last episode of Mr Brain 08... Kinda lame ending for a series that had shown so much potential. It's like they ran dry on ideas on how to end it. The last epi never accounted why that bald cop is instigating the guy to expose the 3 officials for their mistake 18yrs ago. So a poor guy got imprisoned for a crime he never committed and the real killer is on the loose and the guy was bribed into admitting his guilt on condition to save his life from some illness while in prison. this guy decided to turn free and exact revenge on the 3 officials who wrongfully indict him, with help from the bald guy. so who exactly is this mysterious bald cop. What is his role? So many questions, so little answers or rather begging for one. So it was kinda anti climax ending for me.
Also watched the last episode for black and white. Another one of those crappy loose but happy ending story though I think it fared slightly better than Mr Brain in terms of context. At least everyone is accountable for and the twist and plots are relatively glued together. the bad guys got their arse whopped, and killed. everyone goes home. What remained weird was how could that girl that Vic Zhou liked be part of the bad guys. That is kinda too far fetched. What is she doing in Mac Donald when the plot hasnt even started yet? It's like she is undercover for what in a fast food joint back then? She doesnt even know Vic Zhou identity back then. These sort of bad guys are like looming around working shitty job in spare time when they are not running around bombing the world? Stupid. Also, it was a little unsatisfying coz there was no mention of the relationship part between Vic Zhou and the girl, or the forensic girl? If its me, I'll pick the forensic girl man. I think that San Lian girl is better suited to that guy who sailed away. I found it so funny that everything started with an affair that no one knew was going to be a threat to a nation. Sooo far fetched.
Ok that's about it for my loose tie up for those drama that ended. still counting down to my paper....arrrrggghhh
Sigh..I am so overwhelmed and my study progress is not going well. I am having retention problems.. so many words to memorise and I keep mixing some up. My stress zits are poppin out, not been going for my usual runs, and my mood is grouchy... this is not a good week for me.
I got fed up and decide to reward myself with watching Buzzer Beat Episode 01. Hopefully eye candy Yamashita Tomohisa as Kamiya Naoki will liven my horrible mood. I try to convince myself that watching jap drama in a way is also half aiding my Jap study. yeah crap...
For those who wants to watch the first episode, i found it on Veoh here for the moment.
buzzer beat episode 1 summary
The first 15 mins were ok. The basketball match wasnt really exciting. Maybe i am in a foul mood so I wasnt very drawn in. Plus I thought it was a little flaky.. if u watched enough NBA, you will know what I mean. And I thought Aibu Saki (as Nanami Natsuki) dressed in that cheerleading top looked hideous. It doesnt match her appearance. I cannot convincingly believe she is a cheerleader, her appearance just doesnt cut it, or maybe its just her top...its a turn off for me. Plus she is playing the role of Kamiya way. they dont look good together at all to me..she is too cutesy and his more manly appeal doesnt look compatible.
The next scene when Naoki was chasing after the bus for his dropped mobile was quite funny. I was laughing so hard when the girls were chatting about Riko was sharing to her gf about her mistake of stepping into a guy's toilet, and say this guy putting on foundation. The two started to talk about how disgusting it is about the man manicuring their eye brows etc these days... and about man with 1,2,3,4,5,6 packs...all these while Naoki was desperately chasing the bus. Its funny because what the girls said are so relevant to the current society of japanese boys where they really pluck their eyebrow more diligently than the girls. The script writers is making a light mockery of the extreme behaviour of the young men in Japan and the way its presented was sheer humour for me. Anycase, this mobile incident marks the start of the destiny between the two. The 2 girls was strolling waiting for the 'owner' to come pick up the phone. again, riko's friend is quite funny. assuming Naoki is a uni grad student, she said she is not interested anyway since man of all brawn from sports dept will not suit arty farty faculty girl like her. haaa riko said she dont think he is a bad person from the cute picture on the phone. An incoming call came and it was the coach. As they passed the phone over, a chemistry seemed to ignited between the 2. As they were departing, a firework display started and they turned to look at each other. with that, the coach mustered his courage and asked if they could give him a number for future contact. the girls obliged. Meanwhile on the other end, Naoki and Nanami were also watching the fireworks. kamiya told Nanami if the team won the season, he is asking for her hand to marry him. she nodded and said yes, but only if the team win. Naoki was wanted to kiss her but she stopped him, because the rest of the team were standing by watching and they surrounded them to cheer them on. at the celebration, the coach turned up and pass the phone to naoki and thanked him as he winked. naoki was mystified.
Narration "At that time, both of us were unaware that the ball of destiny has already started to "bounce'.
Playoff - the 2 battle Naoki's team lost. The team was told they will rest for a month, and also contract and pay negotiation for the next season. With that their 2008 competition season came to an end. Naoki sat in the changing room alone staring at the proposal ring, before snapping the box shut.
A new morning, naoki rode off to discuss the new pay. his mum and sister were discussing about him and his gf. his mum was musing about how smart, nice, pretty nanami the gf is but his sister lament she doesnt really like nanami as she is too overly perfect..'which is why she is perfect for naoki' the mum interjected.
at the basketball company, naoki was shocked to discover a decrease in the new pay. the boss said it cannot be helped as there wasnt much prize winnings and the company is not doing great, and they will not stop naoki from going for other company options. naoki said he will need to reconsider the offer.
alone, naoki was sharing with his gf at how his earning has dropped from 450 to 315 man yen from previous pay. the gf assured him it was ok and no rush to get married and she would still be by his side.
after explainin she was busy with work and unable to spend time for dinner together, naoki left. while waving him off with a smile, the gf started to grumble to herself 'someday, someday, its always that. yet he is still behaving like a kid. ' with a big sigh, she turned and left. naoki on the otherhand, was telling himself how sweet his gf is, and it almost make him feel bad... 'what i want is not your cooking.' nanami lamented to herself as she is alone.
at the bath. the coach joined naoki. he commented 'it sure is pathetic to have 2 grown man soaking in a pink strawberry bath.' before stepping into the bath.
after the bath and while strolling, the coach said naoki has the looks and if he does well, he will gain much recognition in japan. however for some reason, naoki always falter at the crucial moment. naoki said he knew he is not that strong yet, but he is not lacking confidence. with all the taller and even better player, naoki shared he knew he had been too proud in the past. the coach comforted him that there is nothing wrong. pride is an attribute of youth. naoki lamented he is getting old even though the coach said not really at 24yr.
naoki continue to share his dream, which was originally intended to buy a house for his parents, support his sister to uni, getting married and have kids with nanami, to watch him play hsi game. however he is panicking that nothing is happening yet and how weak he is.
'forget it, men is nto as strong as he think he is' the coach encouraged him and told him never to let girls see him in this emotional state he revealed now.
meanwhile, the coach made his move on riko at the bookstore she worked. he initated to date her, seeing she looked troubled, the coach added he will of course asked riko's friend mami along and he would asked someone else. with that riko agreed. the coach left. mami appeared laughing away. she said she suspected all along the coach only had eyes for riko. mami grinned evily and pondered aloud 'should i tell him that riko sleep with her bra thrown onto the floor at night..' riko held her back and tried to distract her saying she was too happy over the moving in celebration... meanwhile, naoki was playing ball and saw a beautiful sunset and has been a while since they met, with that he wrote a nice sms with pic to nanami but she totally was unappreciated and grumbled he could just make a call.
the boss introduced a new guy that is jjoining the team. as nanami was explaining details to him, he asked for her size which she tried to brush it off. he asked if she is attached. she said yes and its none of his business. 'however you are dissatisfied' he said. nanami froze in her track and look at him, 'its written all over your face' the new guy said and walked off.
at the basket ball club, naoki was shocked to learn that he is only of 15 man en higher than junpei. 'i cannot believe i am only 15 man en difference from this fatty meat' to which junpei protested and started to flex himself at the mirror...[quite funny here] naoki took off his top and said a pro should have a body like his and flex his abs. naoki's team mate then asked 'hey naoki, your chest looks bigger than your gf..' 'never compared' naoki replied. the men started stripping and comparing amongst themselves..
at the court, the coach intro the new guy. the new guy insulted naoki saying he doesnt seem as good as before and then challenge the guys to a 1 on 1 match. naoki lost the challenge. the new guy told naoki is useless to have confidence without skills to match and off he walked saying he has other offers to consider.
riko was proposed to 'audition' for a group violin by this sucessful musician, only to find out the lecherous guy only wanted her to strip. he never told she was any good in her music...angered, riko slapped her idol and left. at the bookstore, the coach appeared and passed her 2 tickets for her and mami to join him and his friend/
naoki gf called to tell naoki that she is having dinner with the boss, and the new guy as they really want to sign him on. nanami said the coach will be coming and asked naoki to join but he declined. nanami frankly told him he should in case other baseketball team doesnt contact him to shin him up, at least he still have this team. even if it hurt his pride to hear this, she said she prefer he stayed to fight on. and she wont be lonely. naoki declined and nanami stared at the phone andfrowninly said to herself 'this guy is really...' before pretending her fake smile to the rest.
brooding at the park alone, nanami tried to call naoki but he was cycling. the new guy approached nanami and commented she is not as good agirl as everyone thinks she is, so what she asked. 'i'm a bad woman. so what. not for a stranger to criticise' as she walked away, the guy grabbed her and said 'nope, i think u suit me just fine.' and forcefully kissed her . before long, she melted and willingly reciprocate. at that naoki unknowingly cycled past them. naoki asked to continued to be signed on and later tried to reach his gf but no answer.
as naoki went to the court near his house, he saw riko playng away. when she finished he clapped. as she was wrapping up and gave naoki the court back, she turned ard and saw him accurately shooting all his balls into the net and was impressed. riko praised him 'beautiful pose. beautiful rythm. its the first time i think guys are beautiful. i admire you.' a surprised naoki nodded his thanks. at that riko exclamed if they have met before..but he said no
just as riko was leaving, naoki thanked her. and said he was extremely happy to a puzzle riko. 'you praised my basketball skill.' he explained. riko smiled. she said she was happy too when he clapped his hands.
riko asked if he was a pro player. naoki said yes but a sucky one with no fans. riko looked put out at this confession. then they both started to laugh. riko surprised naoki by taking a step forward, grabbing him by his shoulder and urge him to work harder even if not easy. 'and let me be your first fan.' riko smiled and said.
next morning nanami was buttoning up her top and left the new guy's place. the coach was determined to persist to the end in his pursuit of riko riko woke up to the sound of basketball and happily cheered naoki on from her room
Looking at the new drama line up at Fuji Tv, nothing really grab me except maybe Buzzer Beat - 9pm, that is starting on 13th July. The drama is focused on a professional basketball team and I see 2 really cute guys in there...pumping up my adrenaline oreadi.. hahaha.The shy lead grows to like this girl. Hopefully, this will be an eye candy month ahead...
Thanks for all the lovely messages while I was away!
Sorry for the long silence as I have been travelling. Been too busy catching up with old friends and family that I barely had time to go near the PC!!! Hk is unbearably hot hot hot now with summer in full slate! I was just sitting still for a minute and beads of perspiration starts to form. Yucks!
Oh, the next 2 weeks will be busy for me as well mugging for my Jap. So entries will be sporadic till I clear my paper :) So do excuse me if my response comes slow and erratic in between these times:)
Dwelling from place to place, restlessly ambling from point to point. A nomadic soul. A wandering mind. Honoring the past. Living the present. Anticipating the future.