Sigh..I am so overwhelmed and my study progress is not going well. I am having retention problems.. so many words to memorise and I keep mixing some up. My stress zits are poppin out, not been going for my usual runs, and my mood is grouchy... this is not a good week for me.
I got fed up and decide to reward myself with watching Buzzer Beat Episode 01. Hopefully eye candy Yamashita Tomohisa as Kamiya Naoki will liven my horrible mood. I try to convince myself that watching jap drama in a way is also half aiding my Jap study. yeah crap...
For those who wants to watch the first episode, i found it on Veoh here for the moment.
buzzer beat episode 1 summary
The first 15 mins were ok. The basketball match wasnt really exciting. Maybe i am in a foul mood so I wasnt very drawn in. Plus I thought it was a little flaky.. if u watched enough NBA, you will know what I mean. And I thought Aibu Saki (as Nanami Natsuki) dressed in that cheerleading top looked hideous. It doesnt match her appearance. I cannot convincingly believe she is a cheerleader, her appearance just doesnt cut it, or maybe its just her top...its a turn off for me. Plus she is playing the role of Kamiya way. they dont look good together at all to me..she is too cutesy and his more manly appeal doesnt look compatible.
The next scene when Naoki was chasing after the bus for his dropped mobile was quite funny. I was laughing so hard when the girls were chatting about Riko was sharing to her gf about her mistake of stepping into a guy's toilet, and say this guy putting on foundation. The two started to talk about how disgusting it is about the man manicuring their eye brows etc these days... and about man with 1,2,3,4,5,6 packs...all these while Naoki was desperately chasing the bus. Its funny because what the girls said are so relevant to the current society of japanese boys where they really pluck their eyebrow more diligently than the girls. The script writers is making a light mockery of the extreme behaviour of the young men in Japan and the way its presented was sheer humour for me. Anycase, this mobile incident marks the start of the destiny between the two.
The 2 girls was strolling waiting for the 'owner' to come pick up the phone. again, riko's friend is quite funny. assuming Naoki is a uni grad student, she said she is not interested anyway since man of all brawn from sports dept will not suit arty farty faculty girl like her. haaa riko said she dont think he is a bad person from the cute picture on the phone. An incoming call came and it was the coach. As they passed the phone over, a chemistry seemed to ignited between the 2. As they were departing, a firework display started and they turned to look at each other. with that, the coach mustered his courage and asked if they could give him a number for future contact. the girls obliged. Meanwhile on the other end, Naoki and Nanami were also watching the fireworks. kamiya told Nanami if the team won the season, he is asking for her hand to marry him. she nodded and said yes, but only if the team win.
Naoki was wanted to kiss her but she stopped him, because the rest of the team were standing by watching and they surrounded them to cheer them on. at the celebration, the coach turned up and pass the phone to naoki and thanked him as he winked. naoki was mystified.
"At that time, both of us were unaware that the ball of destiny has already started to "bounce'.
Playoff - the 2 battle
Naoki's team lost.
The team was told they will rest for a month, and also contract and pay negotiation for the next season. With that their 2008 competition season came to an end. Naoki sat in the changing room alone staring at the proposal ring, before snapping the box shut.
A new morning, naoki rode off to discuss the new pay. his mum and sister were discussing about him and his gf. his mum was musing about how smart, nice, pretty nanami the gf is but his sister lament she doesnt really like nanami as she is too overly perfect..'which is why she is perfect for naoki' the mum interjected.
at the basketball company, naoki was shocked to discover a decrease in the new pay. the boss said it cannot be helped as there wasnt much prize winnings and the company is not doing great, and they will not stop naoki from going for other company options. naoki said he will need to reconsider the offer.
alone, naoki was sharing with his gf at how his earning has dropped from 450 to 315 man yen from previous pay. the gf assured him it was ok and no rush to get married and she would still
be by his side.
after explainin she was busy with work and unable to spend time for dinner together, naoki left. while waving him off with a smile, the gf started to grumble to herself 'someday, someday, its always that. yet he is still behaving like a kid. ' with a big sigh, she turned and left. naoki on the otherhand, was telling himself how sweet his gf is, and it almost make him feel bad...
'what i want is not your cooking.' nanami lamented to herself as she is alone.
at the bath. the coach joined naoki. he commented 'it sure is pathetic to have 2 grown man soaking in a pink strawberry bath.' before stepping into the bath.
after the bath and while strolling, the coach said naoki has the looks and if he does well, he will gain much recognition in japan. however for some reason, naoki always falter at the crucial moment. naoki said he knew he is not that strong yet, but he is not lacking confidence. with all the taller and even better player, naoki shared he knew he had been too proud in the past. the coach comforted him that there is nothing wrong. pride is an attribute of youth. naoki lamented he is getting old even though the coach said not really at 24yr.
naoki continue to share his dream, which was originally intended to buy a house for his parents, support his sister to uni, getting married and have kids with nanami, to watch him play hsi game.
however he is panicking that nothing is happening yet and how weak he is.
'forget it, men is nto as strong as he think he is'
the coach encouraged him and told him never to let girls see him in this emotional state he revealed now.
meanwhile, the coach made his move on riko at the bookstore she worked.
he initated to date her, seeing she looked troubled, the coach added he will of course asked riko's friend mami along and he would asked someone else. with that riko agreed. the coach left. mami appeared laughing away. she said she suspected all along the coach only had eyes for riko. mami grinned evily and pondered aloud 'should i tell him that riko sleep with her bra thrown onto the floor at night..' riko held her back and tried to distract her saying she was too happy over the moving in celebration...

meanwhile, naoki was playing ball and saw a beautiful sunset and has been a while since they met, with that he wrote a nice sms with pic to nanami but she totally was unappreciated and grumbled he could just make a call.
the boss introduced a new guy that is jjoining the team. as nanami was explaining details to him, he asked for her size which she tried to brush it off. he asked if she is attached. she said yes and its none of his business. 'however you are dissatisfied' he said. nanami froze in her track and look at him, 'its written all over your face' the new guy said and walked off.
at the basket ball club, naoki was shocked to learn that he is only of 15 man en higher than junpei. 'i cannot believe i am only 15 man en difference from this fatty meat' to which junpei protested and started to flex himself at the mirror...[quite funny here] naoki took off his top and said a pro should have a body like his and flex his abs. naoki's team mate then asked 'hey naoki, your chest looks bigger than your gf..' 'never compared' naoki replied. the men started stripping and comparing amongst themselves..
at the court, the coach intro the new guy. the new guy insulted naoki saying he doesnt seem as good as before and then challenge the guys to a 1 on 1 match. naoki lost the challenge. the new guy told naoki is useless to have confidence without skills to match and off he walked saying he has other offers to consider.
riko was proposed to 'audition' for a group violin by this sucessful musician, only to find out the lecherous guy only wanted her to strip. he never told she was any good in her music...angered, riko slapped her idol and left. at the bookstore, the coach appeared and passed her 2 tickets for her and mami to join him and his friend/
naoki gf called to tell naoki that she is having dinner with the boss, and the new guy as they really want to sign him on. nanami said the coach will be coming and asked naoki to join but he declined. nanami frankly told him he should in case other baseketball team doesnt contact him to shin him up, at least he still have this team. even if it hurt his pride to hear this, she said she prefer he stayed to fight on. and she wont be lonely. naoki declined and nanami stared at the phone andfrowninly said to herself 'this guy is really...' before pretending her fake smile to the rest.
brooding at the park alone, nanami tried to call naoki but he was cycling. the new guy approached nanami and commented she is not as good agirl as everyone thinks she is, so what she asked. 'i'm a bad woman. so what. not for a stranger to criticise' as she walked away, the guy grabbed her and said 'nope, i think u suit me just fine.' and forcefully kissed her . before long, she melted and willingly reciprocate. at that naoki unknowingly cycled past them. naoki asked to continued to be signed on and later tried to reach his gf but no answer.
as naoki went to the court near his house, he saw riko playng away. when she finished he clapped. as she was wrapping up and gave naoki the court back, she turned ard and saw him accurately shooting all his balls into the net and was impressed. riko praised him 'beautiful pose. beautiful rythm. its the first time i think guys are beautiful. i admire you.' a surprised naoki nodded his thanks. at that riko exclamed if they have met before..but he said no
just as riko was leaving, naoki thanked her. and said he was extremely happy to a puzzle riko.
'you praised my basketball skill.' he explained. riko smiled. she said she was happy too when he clapped his hands.
riko asked if he was a pro player. naoki said yes but a sucky one with no fans. riko looked put out at this confession. then they both started to laugh. riko surprised naoki by taking a step forward, grabbing him by his shoulder and urge him to work harder even if not easy. 'and let me be your first fan.' riko smiled and said.
next morning
nanami was buttoning up her top and left the new guy's place.
the coach was determined to persist to the end in his pursuit of riko
riko woke up to the sound of basketball and happily cheered naoki on from her room
I got fed up and decide to reward myself with watching Buzzer Beat Episode 01. Hopefully eye candy Yamashita Tomohisa as Kamiya Naoki will liven my horrible mood. I try to convince myself that watching jap drama in a way is also half aiding my Jap study. yeah crap...
For those who wants to watch the first episode, i found it on Veoh here for the moment.
buzzer beat episode 1 summary

The next scene when Naoki was chasing after the bus for his dropped mobile was quite funny. I was laughing so hard when the girls were chatting about Riko was sharing to her gf about her mistake of stepping into a guy's toilet, and say this guy putting on foundation. The two started to talk about how disgusting it is about the man manicuring their eye brows etc these days... and about man with 1,2,3,4,5,6 packs...all these while Naoki was desperately chasing the bus. Its funny because what the girls said are so relevant to the current society of japanese boys where they really pluck their eyebrow more diligently than the girls. The script writers is making a light mockery of the extreme behaviour of the young men in Japan and the way its presented was sheer humour for me. Anycase, this mobile incident marks the start of the destiny between the two.
The 2 girls was strolling waiting for the 'owner' to come pick up the phone. again, riko's friend is quite funny. assuming Naoki is a uni grad student, she said she is not interested anyway since man of all brawn from sports dept will not suit arty farty faculty girl like her. haaa riko said she dont think he is a bad person from the cute picture on the phone. An incoming call came and it was the coach. As they passed the phone over, a chemistry seemed to ignited between the 2. As they were departing, a firework display started and they turned to look at each other. with that, the coach mustered his courage and asked if they could give him a number for future contact. the girls obliged. Meanwhile on the other end, Naoki and Nanami were also watching the fireworks. kamiya told Nanami if the team won the season, he is asking for her hand to marry him. she nodded and said yes, but only if the team win.

"At that time, both of us were unaware that the ball of destiny has already started to "bounce'.
Playoff - the 2 battle
Naoki's team lost.
The team was told they will rest for a month, and also contract and pay negotiation for the next season. With that their 2008 competition season came to an end. Naoki sat in the changing room alone staring at the proposal ring, before snapping the box shut.
A new morning, naoki rode off to discuss the new pay. his mum and sister were discussing about him and his gf. his mum was musing about how smart, nice, pretty nanami the gf is but his sister lament she doesnt really like nanami as she is too overly perfect..'which is why she is perfect for naoki' the mum interjected.
at the basketball company, naoki was shocked to discover a decrease in the new pay. the boss said it cannot be helped as there wasnt much prize winnings and the company is not doing great, and they will not stop naoki from going for other company options. naoki said he will need to reconsider the offer.
alone, naoki was sharing with his gf at how his earning has dropped from 450 to 315 man yen from previous pay. the gf assured him it was ok and no rush to get married and she would still
be by his side.
after explainin she was busy with work and unable to spend time for dinner together, naoki left. while waving him off with a smile, the gf started to grumble to herself 'someday, someday, its always that. yet he is still behaving like a kid. ' with a big sigh, she turned and left. naoki on the otherhand, was telling himself how sweet his gf is, and it almost make him feel bad...
'what i want is not your cooking.' nanami lamented to herself as she is alone.
at the bath. the coach joined naoki. he commented 'it sure is pathetic to have 2 grown man soaking in a pink strawberry bath.' before stepping into the bath.
after the bath and while strolling, the coach said naoki has the looks and if he does well, he will gain much recognition in japan. however for some reason, naoki always falter at the crucial moment. naoki said he knew he is not that strong yet, but he is not lacking confidence. with all the taller and even better player, naoki shared he knew he had been too proud in the past. the coach comforted him that there is nothing wrong. pride is an attribute of youth. naoki lamented he is getting old even though the coach said not really at 24yr.
naoki continue to share his dream, which was originally intended to buy a house for his parents, support his sister to uni, getting married and have kids with nanami, to watch him play hsi game.
however he is panicking that nothing is happening yet and how weak he is.
'forget it, men is nto as strong as he think he is'
the coach encouraged him and told him never to let girls see him in this emotional state he revealed now.
meanwhile, the coach made his move on riko at the bookstore she worked.
he initated to date her, seeing she looked troubled, the coach added he will of course asked riko's friend mami along and he would asked someone else. with that riko agreed. the coach left. mami appeared laughing away. she said she suspected all along the coach only had eyes for riko. mami grinned evily and pondered aloud 'should i tell him that riko sleep with her bra thrown onto the floor at night..' riko held her back and tried to distract her saying she was too happy over the moving in celebration...

meanwhile, naoki was playing ball and saw a beautiful sunset and has been a while since they met, with that he wrote a nice sms with pic to nanami but she totally was unappreciated and grumbled he could just make a call.
the boss introduced a new guy that is jjoining the team. as nanami was explaining details to him, he asked for her size which she tried to brush it off. he asked if she is attached. she said yes and its none of his business. 'however you are dissatisfied' he said. nanami froze in her track and look at him, 'its written all over your face' the new guy said and walked off.
at the basket ball club, naoki was shocked to learn that he is only of 15 man en higher than junpei. 'i cannot believe i am only 15 man en difference from this fatty meat' to which junpei protested and started to flex himself at the mirror...[quite funny here] naoki took off his top and said a pro should have a body like his and flex his abs. naoki's team mate then asked 'hey naoki, your chest looks bigger than your gf..' 'never compared' naoki replied. the men started stripping and comparing amongst themselves..
at the court, the coach intro the new guy. the new guy insulted naoki saying he doesnt seem as good as before and then challenge the guys to a 1 on 1 match. naoki lost the challenge. the new guy told naoki is useless to have confidence without skills to match and off he walked saying he has other offers to consider.
riko was proposed to 'audition' for a group violin by this sucessful musician, only to find out the lecherous guy only wanted her to strip. he never told she was any good in her music...angered, riko slapped her idol and left. at the bookstore, the coach appeared and passed her 2 tickets for her and mami to join him and his friend/
naoki gf called to tell naoki that she is having dinner with the boss, and the new guy as they really want to sign him on. nanami said the coach will be coming and asked naoki to join but he declined. nanami frankly told him he should in case other baseketball team doesnt contact him to shin him up, at least he still have this team. even if it hurt his pride to hear this, she said she prefer he stayed to fight on. and she wont be lonely. naoki declined and nanami stared at the phone andfrowninly said to herself 'this guy is really...' before pretending her fake smile to the rest.
brooding at the park alone, nanami tried to call naoki but he was cycling. the new guy approached nanami and commented she is not as good agirl as everyone thinks she is, so what she asked. 'i'm a bad woman. so what. not for a stranger to criticise' as she walked away, the guy grabbed her and said 'nope, i think u suit me just fine.' and forcefully kissed her . before long, she melted and willingly reciprocate. at that naoki unknowingly cycled past them. naoki asked to continued to be signed on and later tried to reach his gf but no answer.
as naoki went to the court near his house, he saw riko playng away. when she finished he clapped. as she was wrapping up and gave naoki the court back, she turned ard and saw him accurately shooting all his balls into the net and was impressed. riko praised him 'beautiful pose. beautiful rythm. its the first time i think guys are beautiful. i admire you.' a surprised naoki nodded his thanks. at that riko exclamed if they have met before..but he said no
just as riko was leaving, naoki thanked her. and said he was extremely happy to a puzzle riko.
'you praised my basketball skill.' he explained. riko smiled. she said she was happy too when he clapped his hands.
riko asked if he was a pro player. naoki said yes but a sucky one with no fans. riko looked put out at this confession. then they both started to laugh. riko surprised naoki by taking a step forward, grabbing him by his shoulder and urge him to work harder even if not easy. 'and let me be your first fan.' riko smiled and said.
next morning
nanami was buttoning up her top and left the new guy's place.
the coach was determined to persist to the end in his pursuit of riko
riko woke up to the sound of basketball and happily cheered naoki on from her room
sssuuuuugggooooyyyyy! that is cool and funny this j drama is very nice too Buzzer Baet is now on my Top 10 favorite series XD
yeah, this is pretty good drama ;]
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