Looks like my coming week isnt going to be as boring as I feared if this season lived up to my expectation as season one had... If u are a person who enjoys "Mind games", this is one drama for u (if u dont mind bearing with some annoying eccentric characters along with it)

Havent quite figured out why they even bother with Code Blue season 2, airing on 11th Jan 2010...I didnt even think season one was that great, but I suppose it is good news for yamapi fans...

1 comment:
Hi Tv addict ,Thanks for Hongki..err..FtIsland download link s:)
have u finished LG-S2? After watching complete 1st season of liar game ,I immediately started season 2 but didn’t finish ep 1.Not because it was boring or anything but I wanted to move on or I wanted them to move on .I know its presumptuous of me to assume anything without watching all the aired eps but it was a bit too familiar ,Akiyama ,the saviour ( still hot !),Naoki ,the cute but dumb ,Fukunaga ,the former ? conman (ahhh ,the violator of my fashion sensibility ) what bugs me is the Detective Conan or Yukan club vibe I am getting but with game theory, art house setting and gang bang music ,I know its totally different ,like comparing Truman Capote with Colin Forbes ,whose characters never grew .I mean ,the games get intense but the interpersonal equations are downplayed deliberately in the plot ,which I have come to hate as a general principal .I have to admit I may be a Noaki in RL:0 .May be things have changed S2?
U know after You Are Beautiful ,I have not settled on a definite drama(nor have I rewatched ,there goes my/our list !!:)).I started many ,old & new ,but nothing seems to hold my attention ,the downside of liking a trendy drama too much :) ....there are a lot to pick from ..The only drama that am watching week to week is Smile ,You .It started as a comedy but is veering towards melo ! What is keeping me glued are the leads .But I hate the girl getting all doormatty in front of guy’s family ! Where is the spunky girl I loved ?
1.chuno..people are raving but no subbed version is up yet ..as far as I know ..I highly recommend this ...Can we watch this together ? ,pretty ,please :)
2. pasta ,good reports..but viikii has new ‘translator ‘ policy, cant seem to work around it
3. god of study ..am keeping this aside for the time being
4.Will it snow for Xmas ,remake of a Jap drama .Go Soo ,the hero akka Mr Soulful eyes is delicious from stills but it’s a melodrama .I am not ready for a melo now .May be once all eps are aired ,I will marathon it. Has great potential, I tell :)
Old dramas that I simply cannot get ahead with
1.Mixed Investigation Agency (love all the leads especially Lee Minki , I like their kind of humour and am their kind of person but a bit slow for me ..will finish it in Jan )
2.Fantastic couple( what made me check it out was the scriptwriters .Hong SISTERS ,YES the same Hers Highnesses behind YAB .Great fun,good chemistry between leads …but ...)
3.Tamra the island ,stuck at ep 4 .What got me started was my love for jeju island that I have seen in a million dramas...but same problem
4.Conspiracy In the Court ..Really awesome, A+ ,Cannes golden palm stuff ,May be one of the best dramas I have watched ,it s too good ,so have to assimilate it slowly and am taking my time .
Now I have news .Manga Perfect Girl Evolution or Wall Flower is being adapted to live action and is going to start airing from this Jan 15 and Kame is the lead .I like Kame but I am not too sure about the choice .I don’t know whether u heard this or know this manga ?
I have not read the manga nor watched the anime ,just know the synopsis from wikipedia .What caught my attention was 4 hot guys + nobuta like female lead .My brain yelled *YAB+nobuta wa produce *,went into this ‘must watch this at all cost’ mode ,a bit hungry , a bit desperate ,now I have seen the preview and it doesn’t look very appealing .I think I ma going to be terribly disappointed with everything but I will watch !!! U may want to check it out ?
Oh btw I watched Avatar during xmas hols .Loved it ,premise is familiar but MAN ,Na’vis are Gods ;0 ..Catch U later
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