Monday, June 1, 2009

MR.BRAIN 2話:変人脳科学者VS蘇る美しき幽霊!!脳トレで人は蘇る!?

Mr Brain Episode 2 - Watch vide0

Mr Brain Ep 02 Summary

北千住署の刑事・津村修介が、両手と左足を切断された状態で絶命しているのが発見された。荒らされた部屋のあちこちから犯人の指紋が検出されたため、警察は前科者の指紋と照合。すると、そこにはありえないような真実が…なんと指紋の主は、3年前に残酷な事件を起こした連続殺人犯・竹神貞次郎 だったのだ。

The video starts off rewinding to one year ago (2008 May) on a rainy night where a convict was sentenced to death by hanging. When asked for his last words, the convict laughed stating that he would return.

"I would kill all of you guys, and come to consume your flesh! I will definitely be resurrected again." He continued to laugh even as the noose was looped round his neck....

Back to May 2009. Another stormy night.
At home, this (police) guy saw a shadow and asked who is that. The shadow slowly walked towards the guy. The guy called out the hung convict's name Takegami, asking if he had really revived from death! At that point, the shadow man raised the knife and stabbed the guy to death.

Ryusuke (Kimura) was performing some lab "brain" study-test with Yuri with a device he invented that will predict the subject's behaviour based on the brain "signals" .

Back to the police victim who was stabbed to death at home. Staring at the bloody scene, a little faint Hayashida (Hiro) was reminded of the convict's last word about returning to kill those police offiers present at his hanging. However, his boss told him off saying its impossible. Asking about the crime scene find, they were told that they had recovered from the knife weapon and everywhere in the room, possible prints from the murderer and the prints are now sent for matching.. The results returned being the hung convict Takegami.

Back at IPS, Ryusuke explained to his assistant Yuri how he had set the trap to ensure he would win the scissor paper stone bet. He had pretended to be able to read his colleague's brain wave. Thus in order not to reveal what he was thinking to Ryusuke, hence his colleague had been despertaely torn between what to choose...hence slowly down his thought process and combined reaction, hence settling on stone..resulting in Ryusuke winning the bet. Hayashida appeared once again, asking Ryusuke for help in the mysterious case, asking him if Ryusuke believe in the return of spirits.

He started to reveal the past of Takegami who had a record of killing his victims and cutting them up, cooking and eating their flesh at home. In the end, after several attempts to eat the guards fingers, the convict even consume his own fingers in the jail cell! Because of his unstable mental issue, his lawyer calls to overthrow his conviction. However, the 4th victim's fiance proclaimed if Takegami is not given the death sentence, she will kill him herself! After much public debate and evaluation, it was deemed the convict was aware of his own doing and hence sentenced to death. He went on to explain about the recent case where the dead convict's prints were all over the house.

While Ryusuke and Hayashida were inspecting the crime scene, Ryusuke commented the house was in a complete mess and wondered why it was so, and if the murderer was looking for something. "Could it have happen while the 2 of them are struggling in a tussle?" Hayashida asked. Ryusuke turned to look at him mildly incredulous and said "With a spirit??" Hayashida realised his mistake and gave a silly laugh.

Ryusuke commented that the kettle must have fallen off the coil heater, Haya told Ryu Takegami's print was all over the kettle, and that the victim must have been boiling water before the incident because when the police arrived, the heater coil was still turned on. "in that case isnt it strange? That should CLEAR prints are left on the kettle?" Ryu pointed out.

"Normally wont people would be yelling Ouch its hot when they touch a hot kettle?" Haya commented perhaps spirits are not afraid of heat... Ryu seemed to go along with his theory...

Another victim had his legs cut off. Again Takegami's prints was all over. Haya's boss was pissed that Haya brought Ryu to the crime scene!

At IPS, Ryu's assistant asked the rest of the scientists if they had ever come across cases related to spirits but was mocked by them instead that they dont hold much expectations from her anyway.

Meanwhile, Haya and his partner-boss went to visit Miyase, the fiance of the last victim from 3 years ago. Apparently Haya's partner-boss had once saved her from being run over by a train as she no longer possess the will to live after the incident. Haya's boss told her about the recent killing and he thinks she might possibly be on the hit list. Miysase then revealed before their arrival, someone else had come worrying about the same thing, the police investigator in charge of the case previously. He had come to apologise for not catching Takegami earlier or her fiance would not have be murdered, and that he would send extra men to protect her from now on. Haya's boss revealed that that investigator is not the sort who would be so nice to protect Miysase.

AT IPS, Ryu was examining Takegami's brain recorded 3 years ago and see that Takegami was truly not afriad of death and his brain signals showed that he wasnt lying when he said he would revive from the dead. Ryu discovered the first 3 murder cases, there were no evidence but only in the 4th case was there prints discovered. Hence Ryu wanted to go to the 4th murder scene to investigate.

The assistant read the "self confession" report and lead Ryu to the crime scene near the stadium with the orange roof. The report stated the victim's hand and legs were found but not the torso and head. Takegami claimed he had thrown those parts to the sea. "Why didnt he throw everything else too?" Ryu pondered aloud. He went on to ask what time was the limbs disposed off. It was supposed to be 2am. Ryu wondered then since there are no street lights then, and pitch dark, how would the murderer know it was an orange roof stadium? Ryu wanted to investigate further as the case from 3 years ago was abnormal and strange.

AT IPS, Yuri gathered the rest asking their help to reinvestigate the case from 3 years ago as requested by Ryu as Takegami might not have been the killer. However the rest told her the case was already proven to be done by Takegami and closed. Yuri told them off isnt it the job as scientist to solve riddle. The female boss reminded Yuri alot of evidence would have disappeared by now as 3 years have passed but if its them, it might be possible.

Ryu appeared at Miyase's shop and told her he thinks its possible her fiance is not murdered by Takegami. He asked her if the real culprit is still out there, what would she do. She said she would kill them all. Ryu went to approach the investigator in the car and asked the same question but the guy drove off.

Back at IPS, Ryu teased Yuri that she has finally evolve,,to be an assistant. It was revealed that Miyase's fiance was indeed killed by the 2 recently deceased police officers plus a unknown accomplice but not Takegami based on DNA and the hand size matching those left on the victims limbs. Haya's boss rejected the claim since the fingerprint match those in the database of Takegami. However Ryo pointed out the database could hypothetically be swopped. Plus they rem Takegami had eatened off his own fingers . They finally revealed the 3rd accomplice could have been the police guy!!

Meanwhile Miyase call Haya's boss that there seemed to be someone outside. He told her they are driving there now! At IPS, it was confirm the prints were indeed swopped! Ryu also discovered by Takegami was not afriad of death!

At Miyase's place, Ryu appeared and revealed the murderer is still in the room. Apparently, Miyase knew that the 3 police were present at her fiance's death and hence killed the cops as revenge for the accidental death of her fiance. At the interrogation room, Takegami discovered the 2 cops had killed someone! He initiated to take the rap since he was going to die anyway. They took away the skull as that no one can tell about the accidental injury to the head. Ryu said she gave herself away as she had said she would kill "them" meaning she knew it was not a single killer. Haya's boss refused to believe Ryu's assumption.

At the crime scene, Ryu pretended to have a game of scissor paper stone. However he knew Miyase will definitely choose stone as she was holding on to her necklace bead which had dropped at the crime scene. However Ryu told her the bead was taken from her house and he threw it there. If she is not a murderer, she would not try to hide the evidence. And Takegami did not fear death because he is living thru her...


@k@ne said...

uwaah, thanks a lot for the summary.. i'm currently watching this drama but there are no subs out yet so.. thanks! ^^ will be waiting for ep 3 summary too~

TvADddict said...

Glad to find another person interested in this drama! The subs are not out yet? Surprising!

this drama is good isnt it? Though episode 2 was a little predictable..still, I am holding out hopes for episode 3 and do the summary when its raw is out:)

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