Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Xmas!!!!
Before I disappear for another long week as I head back to Sunny Oz for my xmas with family, here's wishing all my beloved blog readers (u know who u are :) ) a very merry happy festive holidays with your loved ones!
Boarding the plane in few hours so gotto keep this short, back next week recharged and revitalised, and prob weighing a few more pounds to boot... ;p
Happy Holidays people!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A quick one..and SS501 하루만
Just reformatted my PC, finally killed off crappy Vista and replaced it with my shiny Windows 7!!! Never been happier! Vista had me pulling my hairs out for so long that I wanted to smash the whole PC. I couldnt understand why they would tinker with a perfectly good Win XP and make an utter mess out of it wirh Vista. And now, I can proudly declare that MS is back in my good books again with the shining saviour Win 7. It's clutter free, easy to use, good layout, and NOT resource intensive. The joy is akin to feeling like I have been upgraded to VIP status :P
And because I had to reformat the whole PC,will take a while before I load everything back (old contents, pixs and stuff). So in case I disappear for a week, fret not, I will be back soon.
Meanwhile, after I had panned SS501's Love like this track, I check out the rest of the tracks, and I thought the slow track (track 3- 하루만) (download) was decently better. In fact "wasteland" and "obsessed" isnt that bad either. Let me find time to load it later. I think SS501 should just stick to singing ballads, their vocal cords aint suited for fast tracks...I am liking Junming more and more...I like his voice.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
K-Music: SS501: Love like this
Ok visuals aside, I didnt think the track was spectacular despite the "acclaimed" fast pickup by fans. The song is not bad, just a little too commercialised feel for me. It is just one of those "dime and dozen" kind of song, the music mix has overlapping similarities with too many other dance tracks (esp compared to english albums) so much so that it doesnt hold the sort of "freshness" I was hopin for.
I thought to be fair, I should check out the official MV.
The song is definitely more "polished" and "groovy" in the MV but the tune still borders on average here. It doesnt have that wow factor for me. The dance movements reminds me of group dance in "Think you can dance" competition shows except it is even less fancy, just some coordinated moves meshed together to try to look good. My review prob sound harsh but only because I am hoping more from SS501 and had better expectations than this. If I am 16yr, I will love this but I am not, hence the reservations about going gaga over this.
I hated the makeup and styling for KHJ even more here. The punk look with Black eyeliner on his lower eyelid simply doesnt cut it for him. Ugly outfit aside (the red one esp). I prefer KHJ in his natural looking style.
KHJ appeared in tonite's variety show "Let's go Dream team" (S2-Ep4) and I was hoping that he would help win the game but much to my disappointment, he didnt make it. Instead, it was Minho (from shinee) who saved the day!! But at least KHJ did a short solo dance performance to the tune of the new track "Love like this"...with the "L" "O" "v" "e" and signs of course *swoonin*
After watching months of variety program (which always crack me up big time), I was really impressed with Eunhyuk and Minho, but esp the latter. I like his new hairdo, and esp his fighting spirit to try his best each time. I find myself rooting for him more and more each time as Minho looked so determined to lead his team to winning the game. After 2 loses, 1 tie, he finally won tonite!!!! YEAH!!! I was screaming in excitement!!!
Ok I digress...I was suppose to talk about SS501 new video.
I dont like it. Maybe I should check out the remaining songs from the album
Thursday, November 26, 2009
You are Beautiful Ep 16 Review
While TK was swarmed with adoring girl fans and signing the auto, GMN quietly slipped away. When he looked up again, TK was shocked and annoyed that she left "without saying a word".
Meanwhile GMN was hurrying away believing that it will be worse if she actually did say hello. Just then, our Director Ma appeared before GMN....
Meanwhile, TK was still perplexed and "fuming", grumbling to himself what's the deal about her simply slipping away just like that after a bow.
Tk saw his boss and asked where the heck is GMN and the makeup artist looked mildly displaced and awkward when the boss asked her about it. Meanwhile, Director Ma was filling GMN in on her brother and asked if GMN was really going away to Africa! "Arent you gonna see them before you leave? Shinwoo, Jeremy and TK. Dont you miss them?" Director ma tread carefully as he asked GMN, to which she replied that she has been following up on the news about them from various channels like TV and newspaper etc. Director Ma then revealed that TK had not asked about GMN once, and TK and the real GMN completely ignored each other the whole time. GMn deftly avoided his question if something happened between her and TK in Okinawa....
Just then Director Ma received "the call" demanding the real GMN to appear before him since he received news that the real GMN appeared to have accepted "job scheduling" he was unaware of...thus, our GMN had to stand in for her brother once again!! (I was laughing sooo hard at Director Ma's begging expression here!)
"Just a while, just a short while!" he desperately begged a frantic looking GMN, revealing that the real GMN had accepted the side job to help him raise money for Director Ma's "unborn child" (Our Director Ma shared that he had been a nottie boy in Okinawa! haaaaa)..Our angelic GMN relented....
Meanwhile, our adorable TK was still talking to himself over the GMN encounter.
"Maybe she didnt see me. Nope, no way. She even bowed to me. It's impossible that she didnt see me. So it was intentional avoidance huh... Pig Rabbit, What exactly are u up to.... ?" With that, a string of TK's wild imaginations of GMN was ignited :P (He negated all the possibilities of her becoming a sister and "marrying" her brother's best friend)
The thought of GMN becomin a "normal" fan crossed his mind but even at that, TK grumbled shouldnt she at least have walked over for a autograph signature?! "So what?! She's not even a FAN NOW?!" With that, a flash of doubt suddenly hit TK, has he been completely "dumped"?! (Haaaaa haaaaa, i love this HTK. The old HTK is back! Yippppeee!)
Meanwhile, the boss saw "GMN" and happily walked away. As GMN congratulated the makeup assistant about the baby, she was completely bewildered! Director Ma had lied about their naughty biz to GMN! Just then, Jeremy appeared yelling at "GMN (and hop on clinging on to Director Ma like a koala! and being dragged away... Soooo cute!!!!) ", demanding for news about his sister. GMN learned that Jeremy had been badgering her twin brother for her news daily, even "sacrificing" his beloved bike loaning it to GMN's brother as a bribe!
Meanwhile a brooding TK convinced himself that, much that he didnt want to admit it, he had been dumped.
"All along, I was convinced she will return once she is ok, I was the only one thinking that way...seems like that pig rabbit is looking fine. So I am being the obstinate one, clinging on to her. I have better "reply" to her that I am alright before I sink too deep into this (looks bad)." Unknown to him, the girl he was thinking about was standing right behind him, watching him.
Just as GMN turned away from her star, TK called out to "GMN", telling him to convey "I am alright" message to his sister and that he had also received her message. "Well, it will be pretty awkward if I am to say this to her but tell her thanks for being so "clean cut" ending the matter. Plus I had just seen her earlier, I didnt have the chance to say it being surrounded by fans, but let her that i am FINE and living well." With that that parting words, TK left. As tears welled up, GMN mumbled to herself that it's a good thing to know TK is being fine and she will try to do the same in future...
Before GMN could leave, the boss said something about fulfilling the request and dragged GMN to a restaurant. Apparently he had set up a date for the woman the real GMN liked and its UHEY! During the conversation, GMN learned that Uhey had told her twin brother not to reveal any information about GMn to TK or Uhey will never speak to him again.
Meanwhile, TK was still pacing restlessly in the music room and talking to himself (again). He wondered if GMN had received the indirect message, and perhaps will never see him again! Tk seriously wondered what should he do then?! With that, Tk got up and headed to look for GMN's brother to "clarify". The whole gang was on their way to look for "GMN!" and director ma decided to drown GMN in alcohol so that she will not reveal her true self! A relunctant GMN heard the words "U might be dragged to sauna" and quickly gluped down the alcohol without 2nd thoughts!
When the 3 guys appeared and realised GMn was dead drunk, Uhey deliberately got "intimate" with GMN by placing the head on her laps to try to stir up HTK.
Meanwhile TK tried to find out if GMN had ever talked to his sister on the phone and director Ma replied instead wasnt TK never concerned previously? Shinwoo observed quietly on the side on the sleeping GMN and recognised her. Meanwhile, TK pouted to himself. Just as Director ma went to answer the real GMN's call, GMN fell onto TK's lap!
As TK looked at the sleeping GMN and held her hands, he realised the truth. Memories of their happier times came to mind and he covered up GMN even more. Shinwoo looked on from the sideline (shinwoo knows the truth!) and TK looked away, making excuse that he will send GMN back as he is too dead to the world.
As Director Ma panicked searching for missing GMn, shinwoo appeared explaining Tk has taken GMN away before the boss realised the truth. Director ma realised that both Shinwoo and TK knew the truth....
As a half stupor GMN awoke in the car (TK was waiting patiently for her to wake), she called out to Director Ma asking her whereabouts. Instead she heard TK's voice saying: "GMN, Do I LOOK anything like director Ma?!! I see that you are too drunk, so I sent you back. What are u looking at? This is your home! " GMn panicked seeing TK and tried to get off the car with the seat buckle still on, screaming to let go of her.
"GMN, I am not holding u back. U must be pissed drunk." TK retorted as he released the catch. As TK got off the car, he muttered "So I have caught a pig rabbit faking GMN huh" (his expression....funny!!!!! I love GMN's reaction, she really look like a caught bunny! haaaa )
GMN on the other hand was suffering from tummy ache and decided to beat TK to home so that she can go to the loo before declaring her real identity. TK being in the dark was muttering she sure has guts to make herself at home dashing in like that, as a hurried GMN pushed past him at the entrance.
In the kitchen, GMn decided she was too thirsty and decided to reveal the truth later after she quenched her thirst. As she stuck her head in the fridge, she started to wander in her thoughts and TK jolt her back to reality. Tk decided to make her a drink to cure her hangover.
Tk asked GMN as he raised his hand and asked "what is this?" GMn replied "5..." "It's a palm." TK replied.
GMN asked if TK had recognised her....to which TK replied her hands didnt have the scar as the real GMN and her boot size is smaller..."My understanding of you goes beyond all these, do u think I will not recognise you?" GMN apologised. Tk asked GMN had done this stand-in earlier and GMN said no. TK asked if it was her at the roof earlier in the day. "Yeah..... the words that hyung-nim had wanted to convey, I have heard it." GMN replied gingerly. GMN replied it's a good thing to know that TK is living well and not in guilt..Tk was speechless until GMN mumbled "I had said I wont see hyung-nim anymore. Because of me, Hyung nim is upset again.."
TK asked she had deliberately avoided him in the day. "I had said I cannot see u anymore, seeing u, my heart hurts too much, I'm in too much pain, it's so tough...." GMN replied in a half drunk honesty state and continued to describe how all her feelings and that she could only admire the "star" from a distance but the brightest star will hurt her eyes, so she had to leave here... with that, a teary GMN fell asleep.
Tk looked at her and commented to himself "So it wasn't alright afterall, but rather you are emotionally weary isnt it?" (refering to GMN singing the song assuring she was ok, trying to make him feel better despite feeling otherwise...)As he reached out to wipe her tears, a sad TK convinced himself that he should no longer hold her back/cling on to her anymore.
"Awaiting your return, to see you clearly, I am trying hard to see (improve his night vision) in the dark too, eating things I hate like carrot and spinach, fearing I will miss u in the dark, and I dont want to miss u. Yet as I see so clearly now, I can't hold on to you..."
Director ma asked if TK is serious about sending her off like that as he will never see GMN again. When GMN woke in the car, Ma told her she should at least see her brother's first concert before she leaves. GMN remarked it is the same day as her departure. Ma asked her if she is living in teh church all these while and GMn replied yes and she is helping put in the preschool.
Back at home, TK decided to put away the pig rabbit since it is decided that things will end the way it is. "you are out!" TK said as he took the bunny by its ears and then "escort" it out of his room.
Yet as he passed areas of the house, he longingly recalled scenes with GMN....even the fanclub moment when he had kissed her hand as he thanked her for her "affections".
As TK put the rabbit down in the fans' present room, he commented the one and only pig rabbit to ever had appeared before him, is now "officially extinct".
Tk mum apologised to GMN. She even passed her a cd of GMN's mum songs so that GMN can at least hear her mum's voice.
"Your dad didnt abandon your mum, and never wavered because of me. Like you said, he said what I had wasnt love, your mum must know the truth, that the one your dad loved was never me but her." GMn said she hoped this is indeed so...and that she is thankful to hear those words before she leave, "If u leave just like that, TK will never forgive me..can u tell him u have forgiven me? He had refused to see me and this is a first..." GMN asked why couldnt she do it in person, to apologise to TK since he is the person she need to seek forgiveness most. "Please dont let him suffer in pain, seek his forgiveness, in truth, he still miss his mum." GMN said. The mum asked why did GMN advise her that since it will be hard for GMn to return to TK's side if TK's mum is around. GMN replied "It is not love if it had to make him give up someone important to him."Prior the concert, Jeremy was fretting if GMN will appear, or that she will watch the concert and leave without seeing them. As Jeremy asked to borrow the pig rabbit toy, TK replied that he had "got rid" of it. Jeremy asked wasnt TK waiting for her? Tk retorted why should he wait for someone who wont come? It has ended. Jeremy asked "Then did u ever say you are waiting for her?"
TK replied with annoyance as to why would he say things like that? Jeremy was pissed and yelled at TK that if TK did not say he is waiting for her, isnt it the same as saying he is NOT waiting for her?!!!!! "You are an idiot who only knows how to act cool!!!!" With that Jeremy stormed off.. (I love Jeremy!!!!!!)
Shinwoo asked if TK just let GMN leave just like that the other day? Tk replied yes since she said the closer she is, the more weary she is, so he let her go. An agitated Shinwoo retorted THAT isnt letting her go, that is called pushing her away!!! Only a person who had attempted to hold on has the right to say "let go". Shinwoo further questioned if TK had ever held on on to GMN and not let her go? Shinwoo continued to explain about Okinawa, about how he had at least held on to the last min before he was finally willing to let go. Shinwoo lectured TK that TK is only seeing things (a fleeing GMN) from his own perspective and never ocurred to him to run after her? "Great. Just cling on to your pride and watch her run far away! U sure are something HTK!" With that parting words, Shinwoo stormed off.
Just as TK was mulling over those words said to him, his mum appeared.
The mum apologised to TK much to his shock. After explaining why she was here, the mum told TK that she didnt want him to regret letting the person he love go. Tk questioned why his mum was saying all those stuff to him. "Because letting someone important to you leave, is not real love." she said to him. As Tk was leaving, he told her he will listen to her apology again another time, but before that, he said "Take care, mum." , showing he had forgiven her.
As TK rushed to the preschool to look for GMN, he realised regardless what she said about being tired, GMN had never forgotten him and was thinking about him all the time!!!! As an emotional TK was taking in the truth, the little girl revealed to TK that GMN had said she is going to see the brightest star before she leave today. With that, TK rushed back to the concert venue!
At the concert hall, TK was anxious and exasperated, fretting how on earth is he gonna find her in the crowd?! In the room, he told the guys GMN is here in the crowd and asked to change the performance sequence. With that, TK started singing GMN's dad's song "What should I do?" as he desperately scan the crowd for his true love GMN (and pleaing for her to hear his heartfelt words pen by her dad..how apt!!! Destiny has run a full circle).
As GMN listened on in the crowd with tears welling, she said she will always rem this moment where he shone the brightest. With that, she started to leave...
"You are listening to it now aint you? It's bright here but it's too dark where u are. I cannot see u. So please dont hide in places where I can't see u, please come into the light where I can see." TK pleaded with GMN openly. "Please, allow me to see u." Tk confessed. The crowd went wild!
GMn started to walk while TK was still scanning the crowd. Shinwoo told the staff to turn on the lights in the crowd.
As lights flood the fan area, TK saw her. He finally saw a crying GMN. As he walked down the stage towards her (The crowd didnt mob him to death?), his gaze never left GMN.
As TK grabbed and hugged GMN tightly, "I will tell you everyday, so listen carefully, I love you." The crowd went berserk!!! At home, GMN was commenting if Africa will have as many stars and TK questioned if she is still leaving. GMN assured TK that she will be back and for him to wait for her. Tk commented isnt she getting alittle over confident here, leaving the brightest star behind? GMn said she cannot possibly bring him along with her. TK then pretended to pluck a star and gave her the star necklace he had bought for her sometime back. GMN teased him he has changed so much that he is even plucking stars for her now...GMn said she will never let go of her star and TK replied, "Yes u are right, hold on tight coz your star (me) will only shine for you."
- end of series-
Back to the show. Have I said already how much I adore Jeremy? He is hilarious and adorable seeing him going after GMN's brother relentlessly for news of GMN, and him clinging on to Director Ma both in office and the restaurant. Jeremy is such a loyalfan! I love how he scolded TK and hitting it right on the spot telling TK to hell with his cool pretence. We all know he care for GMN and didnt want her to be hurt by TK. We all know in truth he is rooting for the couple and not for himself. That is what make Jeremy so great!!!!!!
As for Shinwoo, I am glad he is over GMN now and even lend a hand towards the end by asking the lights to come on. He too played fair in lecturing TK to get him to his senses. He was really pissed with TK and I guess it is harder for him since GMN is someone he really liked. It is inevitable that Shinwoo is still somewhat protective of her and considering how much efforts he had put in to win over GMN, it must have been frustrating for him to witness TK's lack of action and easy surrender to the situation, only because he didnt know what really went on between GMn and TK... To shinwoo the romantic, a man must never give up without a fight until the dice is really cast. Shinwoo had been rejected by GMn so firmly so many times that he recognise what GMn said to TK was not a rejection at all. His love for GMN told him the truth about GMN's feeling and the right to give TK the push he needed. We must not forget too how he is about to identify the drunk GMN so quickly...he really watched her well...
TK is funny and he is very lucky to have such true friends. I like him here. We saw his petulant side, his perlexed self indulgent side, and we also saw his sensitive caring side (towards GMN) to the magnanomous side (in forgivin his mum). He is not without flaws and his train of thoughts and actions are all understandable given his character. Initially he was held back by his pride while not wanting to look for GMN after seeing teh music upload but his feelings for her overrule that pride. However, GMN's avoidance at seeing him and speaking to him "confused" him to the point that he concluded he was dumped hence wanting to prove to her he could live equally well without her. Yet, at the thought that she will take his "I am ok reply" at face value and never se him again, he panicked and tried to undo the knot he tied. Before he could even say more, a drunk GMn confessed her pain thus stopping TK in his track to say anything more which might burden her further emotionally. I suppose TK honestly thought by letting GMN go was the only and wise decision because he didnt want to see her suffering on due to his presence. It must have been conflicting and difficult for him. Much that it was against what he hope for, he did what he thought was right. When he wipe those tears tenderly away from GMN's face, try to imagine the sort of complex emotions that must be enveloping him.
Even though it was funny about how he came to a shocking "conclusion" that she is not even his fan anymore, and that he was possibly ditched, I loved how it all went beyond all that "petty charade" because to TK, seeing GMN and hearing her drunk confessions, it was no longer about him and how he felt, instead he did what he thought was right for GMN because he love her. Even after all the reprimands from his friends, TK was still doubtful about the whole situation but thanks to the conversation with his mum, it jolt him to his senses (since only his mum truly knew why they broke up and esp now she has let on that GMN still loves him) And when he saw all the stars in the preschool, he was fully convinced about the horrible mistake, and realised how misunderstood he was about the whole situation and GMN's words. With that singular thought to reach out to GMN, he did everything he could to seek her out and plea for her return. Crap, how can he be sooo sweet! It's driving me nuts!
What did perplex me however was GMN's brother attitude. I suppose he is aware of how his sister feels for TK right? Is that why he snubbed TK? Did he really like Uhey or is he using her to stir up TK? I don'r really get the smirk in the changing room when director Ma announced that the "missing" TK has gone to fetch the woman he love. So what was that grin about on the real GMN? Was that what he was expecting and hoping for all along? Any thoughts?
As for TK's mum. I am glad she apologised in the end, though I wished the drama revealed more about her split relationship with GMN's dad. If it had been a official split, I cannot imagine her holding on so desperately to it to the point that she would blame TK's birth as the cause of losing her man (I'm sure its delusional but she isnt raving mad, so what triggered that?). However, when she realised that teh son who had always hated her had actually loved and missed her through GMN, she didnt hesitate to try to win him back by begging for his forgiveness. She wasnt afriad of losing him, rather, I think she never thought she ever had his love for all the mean things she had done to hom. Now that she knew "the truth", she was willing to fight for it, thus her advice for her son.
After following through all these, my heart is finally settled and contented with the ending. Thanks again to everyone who had urged me to catch this drama while I was still happily oblivious to it when it started. Most of all, I really love everymoment discussing this drama and dissecting every bits and pieces with u girls. I wont have endure the week and remain sane if I had no one to "talk to"!! And now....I am waiting for the time to do the "our fav top scenes" together! heeeeee :)
PS: Much that I adore HTK, I must rem he is only but a character. JGS is completely a different matter...... sanity...oh sanity, please come back to me!
You are beautiful Ep 16 (Final episode) -HTK singing concert solo to GMN
Before the episode review spoiler, but u want to hear HTK singing "what should I do?" track, check out below.
It's the last episode and even as I have finished it, I still cannot get over feeling elated and happy. I will be suffering from happy insomia tonight! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Watch Raw
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Firstly, I love solo concert singing scene the BEST! Followed by the declaration...
TK said it!!! He SAID IT!!!! The 3 important words, he said it!!!! Yes, the "I Love You" phrase..and then the big tight hug!!!! Arrrhhh! I was over the moon!!! I couldnt feel my limbs at all with allthe blood rushing to my head...
It's getting late to do the review now but I just want to say this is a fantastic drama. The ending (as in the final scene) was probably shot in earlier stages so JGS was prob raw and new to the role and kinda overdid the "pout" here, however who cares! Haaaa
Ok arlyne, I have to agree one thing with u, JGS did do a very good rendition of the song "What should I do" here (the concert version). Perhaps the song range doesnt require him to stretch his vocals too much, so he manage to pull it off beautifully (though I still catch parts where his voice break/shook a little. However, I think this is the BEST song I have ever heard him sung. I still prefer him as an actor but I will give him full credit for this track. Bravo!
It's a pity that the real GMN had soooo little part and contribution. Maybe they do need a YAB2, I want to see life-after-confession for TK and GMN!!!
Ok, I will do a more proper review later after I wake...if I manage to fall asleep that is..
You are beautiful ep 15 review
Dont get too stuffed by the turkey! heeee heee
Everyone must have seen episode 15 by now.... Surprisingly, it wasnt much of a roller coaster ride for me. I wasnt overly overwhelmed, maybe because I kind of expect things to come.
So the truth is out. TK's mum used money to buy the rights to sing the song that GMN's dad had composed for GMN's mum, to prevent them from reuniting.
*gasps of horror and disgust*
And because she was so irate that another artist had leaked that the song wasnt intended for her, TK's mum looked the old guy up and had a major "disagreement" with him. As such that was how the squabble got to TK and him learning the whole truth from a 3rd party. Tk was so furious that he stormed into the recording studio and "confronted" his mum, spilling the whole naked truth in her face, revealing the web of lies the mum had spun for herself and to him. The mum broke down in tears while TK went in search of GMN in a hurry.
I like the aquarium scene in Japan when TK was set up to meet GMN to pass her a picture of her mum. I love how GMN (rather than taking it all in as usual) for a change, painfully stood up to TK's snide remarks about her "getting along happily with the woman who wants to be her step mum". She (fairly) questioned Tk's jibes openly, and reminding him his selfishness for only thinking about his own hurt, thus neglecting the feeling and emotions of people around him (referring to her own hurt). I am glad GMN put it all out there and "wake" TK up from his little well of personal grief, that others are victims suffering for his mum's actions as well apart from him.

On another note, I do admire TK's personality, in the middle of all the grief and pain, he never forgot about GMN's pain of never knowing her mother. The fact that he even bothered to ask his mum (the person he hate the most) for details on GMN's mum goes to show he isnt beyond redemption and consumed by hatred and forget everyone else. It shows the side where his love for GMN supersede his negativity against his mum. One thing HTK isnt, that is he isnt a petty and narrow minded person despite all the skewed childhood he had suffered. For that, I applaud him as a man.
The only feeling I am firm about is that TK's mum is an obnoxious piece of shit. She not only rob TK of his precious childhood, abandoning him and ruining his esteem and all. She even LIED about the truth thus ruining his first love for him, so that the queen bitch herself can wallow in her dream fantasy world where she is being loved. She used money to try to "buy" a non existent love and even fabricate stories and twist the tale so much to her son and GMN. She would rather HURT both of them then face the truth... She is such a incurable, pathetic, self delusional person that honestly deserves no sympathy. If it wasnt enough that she caused the death of GMN's mum, she is willing to sacrifice her son's love intentionally. No remorse, no guilt...only sorry tears for herself even till the last moment.
The garden scene where TK apologise to GMN was touching but hmmmmm...it didnt quite do it for me in the sense that I didnt really get sucked in. Was it my own emotional barrier defense at work? Or the unnatural trying too hard to be "artistic shot" ruined it for me?

Despite all, I did feel TK is rather pitiful when he said sorry and tried to hold on tightly (and weeping uncontrollably) to GMN's hand as she was departing..

When GMN said she cannot say everything is ok now for her but will let him know once she is alright no matter how many years down the road sounded really depressing to me.... Maybe I was still fuming over the lying mum too much, not enough calming down to feel sad for HTK. The only thought that persistently went thru my head in that scene was "Yeah IT's ALL YOUR MUM"S fault!!! She ruined your love for you! She hurt GMN for her selfish reasons." Damn....

There are a few extra scene in here which I thought was unnecessary and border on draggy. The part where the manager Ma and the makeup artist were "conspiring" about settig GMN with Jeremy and shinwoo was rather unessential. I took those romantic scene matching Jeremy and Shinwoo with GMN was excessive and wasting roll of film. Maybe it is to satisfy the segments of fans out there but I questioned the validity of it in the super high climax moments. It might have worked better in the earlier episodes, now, these scenes are kinda irrelevant for me since TK and GMN has already acknowledged their feelings for each other.
Another scene I didnt appreciate was how rude the reporter was, trying to reveal GMN as a woman. Does he think that by "undressing" a woman in public is acceptable behavior? What was he trying to do? If the fake GMN was wearing a shirt, was he going to expose the bra out to prove she is a girl? Ridiculous. The actions are over the top and I cannot concur with the script writing here.
On the other hand, the finalisation between Tk and Uhey.
TK is a very perceptive person. I like how he handled Uhey's confession.

He is spot on about how Uhey will feel (humiliated) if he actually acknowledged and reject her true feeling... so he let her down in a "gentle" way and asking her to take care before walking off.

We should have all know that GMN dad would not have begged TK's mum since other wise he would have left GMN in her care rather than with GMN's auntie.
Is it just me or why did they make GMN sing so badly in the karaoke? She was completely out of beat with the tune. Isnt she supposed to be a good singer, why does she sound so amateurish there? It's funny how TK tried to deny his own feelings and finally coming to terms that he simply cannot just NOT see GMN, thus dashing out of teh van in search of his pig rabbit. We can all witness his devotion to GMN....how sweet.
Oh, another thing. I hate the red jacket he wore. It's so 80's for me and just doesnt suit him. I love him in the black jacket with the white shirt wth black tipped collar (the one in the aquarium). That is the best attire suit on him. That red jacket is such a dated look... doesnt do it for me. Luckily his face alone is suave enough to compensate for the bad suit.
ok, nothing much more to write for this episode. The truth of the parents are out, the real GMN is back. Now what is left is TK to be reunited with GMN! Does the real GMN even know how TK and his sister feel for each other? How does he react to it? the real GMN is not after Uhey is he?!!! It will be soo bizarre!!!
A little thought:
while the sight of the aquarium was beautiful and spectacular, I felt sad because of the captive whales swimming in the tank at the background...i just felt they shouldnt be there but in the wide open sea, in the wild where they call home...oh well... just me and my anti-whaling and anti-captivity thingie...
sorry if the review is a little jumbled up in sequence...my thoughts are not really on track now , so i'm just "scribblin whatever afterthoughts" that came into my mind...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
You are beautiful ep14 review
I was laughing and grinning so much at the start of the episode but as it progressed towards the end, I started to get sad and depressed.
watch raw
part 1

The most unbelievable scene is the starting scene where TK whispered the "i like you" confessions to GMN at the carpark (after being interrupted by the fangirls). Can I believe it?

He must really really really really really really really really like GMN to do something sooooooooo uncharacteristic of him. I did a doubletake. I DO of course expect him to say it, but later (after they spend more time together), not sooner as of now. Then again, I guess he was feeling insecure that GMN might "run off" if he doesnt make his feelings clear since he has been on the receiving end all along.
However I laughed out loud immediately when he said "Such a mushy line, I will never say it (more than once)/ again" while alone in the car alone spying at GMN's reaction at the bus stop.
As for GMN, she behaves exactly at how a girl will react!!! Haaa haaa haaaa, the disbelief, the self doubt (did i really hear it correctly?), and the floating to cloud 9 and laughing out loud to her self regardless of the funny stares....i was grinning sooo hard thinking GMN, u are the cutest and luckiest girl alive!
I dont quite get the part where he was asking GMN what does she want to eat for lunch. I am alittle dense as I dont get the humour or the implications behind it. She hiccuped when he asked if she wants spaghetti. Then he went on to ask if she like the ribs etc. Suddenly he declared he like Sushi...and was pleased when GMN replied she liked it alot. Is there something I am missing? However, What really caught my attention here wasnt the conversation, but the part where TK was "supposedly" to be driving, it's so unreal and "distracting".. since in reality, he will never be moving the steering wheel so much on a STRAIGHT road!! I thought it was quite funny because any real driver will tell your hand will hardly move the steering wheel. Ok, that's just me too engrossed in every minute, every scene.....
At the sushi place, it was funny how TK was "bullying" GMN saying that he wants the tuna and eel as an "exchange" for the shrimp and crab stick sushi she had taken from him. GMN's pouting reluctant expression was classically cute!!!! She did it sooooo well!!! TK really dotes her too giving in to her rather quickly seeing her pout. It's adorable how he mumbles to himself that he is going to get points deducted soon i he carry on like that, and questioned to himself "why on earth am I so obsessed with the whole "points" thingie" ..haaaaa haaaa haaaa!
Back at the office, Director ma was obviously still such a muddle head reprimanding TK for interfering things between GMN and shinwoo. It was even roaring-ly hilarious when TK decided to once and for all "announced" the truth to the manager. It was priceless when TK looked at the manager with a proud smirk and said "Director Ma, look carefully/properly." before hugging GMN.
When the hug ended with TK successfully demonstrating GMN's pig nose is for HIM, it tickled me so much when he said "There, did you see that?" to Ma Director while having that gleeful "There! It's ME she likes!" expression as he walked off leaving those shell shock adults behind.

of course this is where the sad scene starts when Jeremy overheard GMN's confessions about liking TK.
This has to be the most touching part, where Jeremy confessed his feelings to GMN in the bus. My god....even I felt like crying. My nose was feeling a little uncontrollably sniffy, and my eyes were kinda welling up but not exactly crying when he said "Why? I have only let you in on the secret of this bus. I have ever only let you hold on to Jolie's leash...(sob sob)and I was only gonna sing only for u...(sob sob) why...why dont you like me?" His raw emotions are really real. I could feel for him as he went from disbelief, followed by the "This is MY bus, get off" petulant anger, to his acceptance of the situation displayed how mature Jeremy is.

Emotionally, sure he is also being prone to being angry and hurt (being human) but he isnt fragile and reserved like Shinwoo, on the contrary, Jeremy was more upfront and realistic, he neither clings nor dwells on a cast-and-concrete situation, thus handling the whole situation better which deserves standing ovation.
What he said to GMN towards the end of the bus ride "When I alight the bus, everything will go back as to before, so if you dont forget what I said in the bus, I can never return to the original point", and "resuming" back to treating GMN as a boy takes courage and determination. At that moment he had my full respect. Despite hurting inside, harbouring un-reciprocated feelings, yet he doesnt want to impose his feelings at GMN's expense, so he rather go back to pretending as if he never knew. It takes effort I know, which is why Jeremy is the BEST! Some may see it as escaping from reality but I think it is a very good healing process... truthfully, I could really relate to Jeremy ...... :)
When TK finished recording, he must be hopping mad that GMN went to sleep without "missing him" It seems like TK is even more addicted to GMN than she is to him. He even woke her up and dragged her to the movies pretending he needed her eyes to see in the dark! It was soooo funny when he let the cat out of the bag while choosing the seats and GMN went "You can see in the dark?" when he tried to lead her to another seat in the middle, after he veto all her earlier choices! Haaaaa! Ooops HTK, you are caught red handed! I like to think he is red from blushing in the dark:)
Tk was obviously exhausted after long day of work, but he wanted to spend time with GMN so much that he rather sleep in the movies with her, while having his hands over hers. Sooooo sweet!
The scene where it made me happiest was after the movie, where TK pretended to prepare GMN to be knuckled by him (so that he can "assist" her to see more stars. he reckon GMN will see 5 stars circling after the hit), but it was a fake move where he actually kissed her by surprise.
As TK is expected to behave, halfway through, he stopped and even told GMN not to make that pig nose. With that, he continued to kiss her without further ado, and GMN for once closed her eyes to be kissed... Funny !!! Brilliant!!! *clap clap*

Of course I dont believe (find it hard to believe) a single word TK's mum spewed. I dont believe GMN's dad would abandon her mum for such a heartless bitch. GMN's mum is right, no way the dad would return to such a woman. It's still alittle hard to accept she is willing to see her son endure so much pain and anguish over her selfishness by forcefully letting him know the bitter truth - GMN's identity just like that. No matter what her reasons might be, it's a terible way to treat your own child. It's interesting how she views TK as an object of "use" and yet it grates her nerves to see him being with GMN, a child of THAT woman. She is not seeing TK as a person, she is seeing him as part of herself, her property....She really is a petty, narrow minded, self-absorbed dying woman.
As GMN desperately rushed after TK back to the office, she begged TK to hear her out. However TK choose to (understandably) bombard her with questions as to when did GMN know the truth of his mum, when did she know her dad was the composer etc. As I saw TK's eyes redden, and GMN trying to get TK to listen to her in vain, a sense of dread and foreboding overwhelm me...

For TK, I think he is too consumed by his own "hatred" and "grief" and "resentment" that he isnt viewing the whole situation clearly. He is acting out of reactive anger and shock, and not the usual calm cool collected thinking HTK. It is kinda sad how his mother is preventing happiness in his life, and how he is still unconsciously allowing his mum to "interfere" how he leads his life. I hope subsequently he will either give GMN a chance to explain, or someone will reveal the whole truth. Please come to realisation soon that GMN is worthy of your love and everything is a fabrication spun in your mum's head!!! (at least I hope sooooo)

Now as we march on towards the truth of the complicated relationship...my heart goes all out for TK, GMN and Jeremy. (Sorry shinwoo, I STILL dont feel too much for your state of mind.I will root for your recovery but I just simply cannot connect with you...)
I need to take a walk to calm my heaving emotions...

Girls...anyone...talk to me... I am drowning.... :(