I was laughing and grinning so much at the start of the episode but as it progressed towards the end, I started to get sad and depressed.
watch raw
part 1

The most unbelievable scene is the starting scene where TK whispered the "i like you" confessions to GMN at the carpark (after being interrupted by the fangirls). Can I believe it?

He must really really really really really really really really like GMN to do something sooooooooo uncharacteristic of him. I did a doubletake. I DO of course expect him to say it, but later (after they spend more time together), not sooner as of now. Then again, I guess he was feeling insecure that GMN might "run off" if he doesnt make his feelings clear since he has been on the receiving end all along.
However I laughed out loud immediately when he said "Such a mushy line, I will never say it (more than once)/ again" while alone in the car alone spying at GMN's reaction at the bus stop.
As for GMN, she behaves exactly at how a girl will react!!! Haaa haaa haaaa, the disbelief, the self doubt (did i really hear it correctly?), and the floating to cloud 9 and laughing out loud to her self regardless of the funny stares....i was grinning sooo hard thinking GMN, u are the cutest and luckiest girl alive!
I dont quite get the part where he was asking GMN what does she want to eat for lunch. I am alittle dense as I dont get the humour or the implications behind it. She hiccuped when he asked if she wants spaghetti. Then he went on to ask if she like the ribs etc. Suddenly he declared he like Sushi...and was pleased when GMN replied she liked it alot. Is there something I am missing? However, What really caught my attention here wasnt the conversation, but the part where TK was "supposedly" to be driving, it's so unreal and "distracting".. since in reality, he will never be moving the steering wheel so much on a STRAIGHT road!! I thought it was quite funny because any real driver will tell your hand will hardly move the steering wheel. Ok, that's just me too engrossed in every minute, every scene.....
At the sushi place, it was funny how TK was "bullying" GMN saying that he wants the tuna and eel as an "exchange" for the shrimp and crab stick sushi she had taken from him. GMN's pouting reluctant expression was classically cute!!!! She did it sooooo well!!! TK really dotes her too giving in to her rather quickly seeing her pout. It's adorable how he mumbles to himself that he is going to get points deducted soon i he carry on like that, and questioned to himself "why on earth am I so obsessed with the whole "points" thingie" ..haaaaa haaaa haaaa!
Back at the office, Director ma was obviously still such a muddle head reprimanding TK for interfering things between GMN and shinwoo. It was even roaring-ly hilarious when TK decided to once and for all "announced" the truth to the manager. It was priceless when TK looked at the manager with a proud smirk and said "Director Ma, look carefully/properly." before hugging GMN.
When the hug ended with TK successfully demonstrating GMN's pig nose is for HIM, it tickled me so much when he said "There, did you see that?" to Ma Director while having that gleeful "There! It's ME she likes!" expression as he walked off leaving those shell shock adults behind.

of course this is where the sad scene starts when Jeremy overheard GMN's confessions about liking TK.
This has to be the most touching part, where Jeremy confessed his feelings to GMN in the bus. My god....even I felt like crying. My nose was feeling a little uncontrollably sniffy, and my eyes were kinda welling up but not exactly crying when he said "Why? I have only let you in on the secret of this bus. I have ever only let you hold on to Jolie's leash...(sob sob)and I was only gonna sing only for u...(sob sob) why...why dont you like me?" His raw emotions are really real. I could feel for him as he went from disbelief, followed by the "This is MY bus, get off" petulant anger, to his acceptance of the situation displayed how mature Jeremy is.

Emotionally, sure he is also being prone to being angry and hurt (being human) but he isnt fragile and reserved like Shinwoo, on the contrary, Jeremy was more upfront and realistic, he neither clings nor dwells on a cast-and-concrete situation, thus handling the whole situation better which deserves standing ovation.
What he said to GMN towards the end of the bus ride "When I alight the bus, everything will go back as to before, so if you dont forget what I said in the bus, I can never return to the original point", and "resuming" back to treating GMN as a boy takes courage and determination. At that moment he had my full respect. Despite hurting inside, harbouring un-reciprocated feelings, yet he doesnt want to impose his feelings at GMN's expense, so he rather go back to pretending as if he never knew. It takes effort I know, which is why Jeremy is the BEST! Some may see it as escaping from reality but I think it is a very good healing process... truthfully, I could really relate to Jeremy ...... :)
When TK finished recording, he must be hopping mad that GMN went to sleep without "missing him" It seems like TK is even more addicted to GMN than she is to him. He even woke her up and dragged her to the movies pretending he needed her eyes to see in the dark! It was soooo funny when he let the cat out of the bag while choosing the seats and GMN went "You can see in the dark?" when he tried to lead her to another seat in the middle, after he veto all her earlier choices! Haaaaa! Ooops HTK, you are caught red handed! I like to think he is red from blushing in the dark:)
Tk was obviously exhausted after long day of work, but he wanted to spend time with GMN so much that he rather sleep in the movies with her, while having his hands over hers. Sooooo sweet!
The scene where it made me happiest was after the movie, where TK pretended to prepare GMN to be knuckled by him (so that he can "assist" her to see more stars. he reckon GMN will see 5 stars circling after the hit), but it was a fake move where he actually kissed her by surprise.
As TK is expected to behave, halfway through, he stopped and even told GMN not to make that pig nose. With that, he continued to kiss her without further ado, and GMN for once closed her eyes to be kissed... Funny !!! Brilliant!!! *clap clap*

Of course I dont believe (find it hard to believe) a single word TK's mum spewed. I dont believe GMN's dad would abandon her mum for such a heartless bitch. GMN's mum is right, no way the dad would return to such a woman. It's still alittle hard to accept she is willing to see her son endure so much pain and anguish over her selfishness by forcefully letting him know the bitter truth - GMN's identity just like that. No matter what her reasons might be, it's a terible way to treat your own child. It's interesting how she views TK as an object of "use" and yet it grates her nerves to see him being with GMN, a child of THAT woman. She is not seeing TK as a person, she is seeing him as part of herself, her property....She really is a petty, narrow minded, self-absorbed dying woman.
As GMN desperately rushed after TK back to the office, she begged TK to hear her out. However TK choose to (understandably) bombard her with questions as to when did GMN know the truth of his mum, when did she know her dad was the composer etc. As I saw TK's eyes redden, and GMN trying to get TK to listen to her in vain, a sense of dread and foreboding overwhelm me...

For TK, I think he is too consumed by his own "hatred" and "grief" and "resentment" that he isnt viewing the whole situation clearly. He is acting out of reactive anger and shock, and not the usual calm cool collected thinking HTK. It is kinda sad how his mother is preventing happiness in his life, and how he is still unconsciously allowing his mum to "interfere" how he leads his life. I hope subsequently he will either give GMN a chance to explain, or someone will reveal the whole truth. Please come to realisation soon that GMN is worthy of your love and everything is a fabrication spun in your mum's head!!! (at least I hope sooooo)

Now as we march on towards the truth of the complicated relationship...my heart goes all out for TK, GMN and Jeremy. (Sorry shinwoo, I STILL dont feel too much for your state of mind.I will root for your recovery but I just simply cannot connect with you...)
I need to take a walk to calm my heaving emotions...

Girls...anyone...talk to me... I am drowning.... :(
I really like reading your summaries. You said you didn't quite get the food part, so maybe this helps-
Tae Kyung ask Mi Nam what she likes to eat and on the word like, she starts to hiccup, so he teases her because he senses she's only doing it on this word. So he goes on which food she likes only to press out a like from her to him too. And in the end he gets it, when she says I really really like it. So he interprets it that she likes him as well...hope this helps...by the way did I say I like your recaps??
Have a nice day :-)
Thanks Kerstin for your sweet comment:)
Oooooooh! So that is why he teases her so much with the food choices. My friend must have lost something in his translation to me which is why I didnt get it.
While it explains the situation, still dont quite get why would GMN hiccup so badly since it was never said that she will hiccup when nervous...Oh well, it's for laughs and I shouldnt be so critical:) It's enough to see TK smile esp when he had such a field day from being reassure of GMN's feelings for him:)
Have a nice day too Kerstin!
TvADddict!!! I was reading the others' comments when I heard my favorite song. Such a sweetie!!! Thanks so much. Wish we could fly to one place and watch the finale together. (So Kim Hyun Joong like, love the guy) Like Nimy, nobody on my side of the world understands my obsession to this drama. My sister and I only knockheads on "How I met your mother," "So you think you can dance," "Glee" and "top chef." She thinks I am weird on my K or Jdrama fixation.
Like you, I was grinning a lot (and yes Nimy, we need a better word for SQUEAL), when GMN was in the bus stop, and literally silenced everything with the background changed. TK's comment on it being a mushy line...(love that boy's face)hilarious. What a great scene.
@Nimy, WHERE IS OUR JEREMY? The actor playing the role is awesome. as they say, he fits the role to the tee. Singing that well while crying is a difficult feat to do even with an experienced thespian. We are so right to think that he would recover the best and fastest.
Everything about this drama except for the selfish nature of TK's mom is relatable. I couldn't possible understand the character and storyline for her. It appears so unnatural hence the only unbelievable part of this whole drama. I felt that it is forced but I guess for a Kdrama, an acceptable cliche. When a mom abandons a child because of love...when she sees him in the future all torn up, it is still "instinctive" to protect that child especially since she doesn't have to make a choice at a point when her true love has already died. It would take a Narcissistic and a way, way distorted Psychopath not to feel anything for a wounded child. Oh well, the whole still compensates for this puny error.
OH WOW! We are on a really nasty rollercoaster ride. We had our share of loop-the-loop and crazy shakes on side-to-side and episode 14 finale just dipped us really low. Law of physics demands that to get to a high peak you need to gather enough thrust to counteract the forces of gravity...so everyone, buckle up and we should brace ourselves to a huge adrenalin rush as we swoop high before the big drop to the end of the ride. Wow, looking forward to that this week...and to think I hate rollercoasters. I am more the "haunted elevator" and "space tour" type of a girl but so excited on this ride though.
This Padwan leaves you with a heavy heart too, but is consoled that Master shares her sentiments as well.
Hi TvAddict, finished ep 14 at last!!...I wish I was there to pull u up when u were drowning :)...
Ep 14,It’s everything I expected and more and worse... How can a single episode turn me into this mess? one moment I am giddy high ,grinning away foolishly at TK-MN attempts at ‘dating’ , next I feel its me that’s in pain when Jeremy’s heart is getting broken ...
Man ,Hwan Tae-kyung got Style ..!!!!!!..............He knew exactly what he was doing ,leaning in and saying ’ I Like You ‘ to Minami (like u said he was feeling insecure that GMN might "run off" if he doesnt make his feelings clear,this time he made sure she hears it right)...how he steps back back and send her off with that happy smug face :) That’s why He is Hwan Taekyung,the coolest guy that Minami(we) have ever met !!!!!!!!!!!!!
when Minami’s disbelief turns into happy realization at the buststop, her giggling is so infectious and endearing ,......with TK checking out her reaction but saying its too cheesy to say it again (but u were thinking about it ,right :)?).....in the car, Taekyung’s merciless teasing to make her hiccup was so bad :)( I hope u have watched with subs again to get the reason why Minami was hiccupping madly)
how straight-faced he is while he explains fanfic to Minami (I will never get the logic of FF)...I couldn’t get through the scene with Taekyung ,Shinwoo & Jeremy’s epic love story without ROFL ...and Jeremy reads it too :).
and how TK proves to the manager in 3 simple steps why MN & he are together :
Step 1 (turn Minami around )
Step 2(hug)
Step 3(pignose) ...there ,did u see that(pig nose is for Me!!) ! and walks away so cool(Ok,I need to stop saying cool!!:))
and he expects her to be sleepless (does he know she had to deal with 2 confessions in a single day ) with super excitement(much ego!)and has to drag her to a movie (good ploy!) to be his eyes in the dark.....Now,its TK that’s getting electric shocks when she holds his hand (btw awesome theatre seats )......Since Tae-kyung was looking intently at the night lights after the movie, after their star-moon discussion (again!) ,I thought he was having some deep thoughts or just enjoying the night view....never thought he was trying to find a ridiculous reason to get her over & kiss her :)....Since I am not familiar with guys threatening to hit & then kiss......I was like Whattttttttttttttttttt when he swooped in for a kiss :)...Scary but very very effective move :).....Did I say he totally awesomely cool he is ??????(u have....a million times already !!!)...
Jeremy killed me !!!!!!!!!!..........It’s unbearable to see him in pain because its so honest & raw....his love is what love would be if we were guile-less...,not even TK,MN ,much less SW made me feel like this ....(I tell myself these guys are paid to do this right but still... )…When he first met her he was disturbed about his new feelings for a guy ,but he come to terms with it ,he falls for her thinking shes a guy ,then goes delirious when he discovers shes a girl, hes so happy playing/being with her ....He likes her, Period!........ ,not ifs, buts,what ifs... I was not too worried how he would react when he finds out about TK&MN ,thinking he will just pout and bounce back ,being the energizer bunny ,he is ..I kinda took his love for granted and not very serious(with all the focus on shinwoo’s ) ....Man, Was I wrong !!!!....I am sorry I underestimated him, his love !!!...I was so not expecting this breakdown, this gut twisting agony …. .this guy is deep ....Lee Hong ki’s acting in those scenes is Fabulous (brilliant ,top notch ...I could go on ,but blogger will restrict me :)) and will be in my top 3 fav scenes in this drama...when Minami finds him on the bus , he tells her ,This is my bus ,get off!!!....but cannot hold himself back and asks why doesn’t she doesn’t like him back when he likes her so much ?.......I let u hold jolie’s leash...awwwwww...his cry-singing was heart wrenching...and when they reach the last stop he decides to face it like a man ,not wanting to complicate the situation.... Jeremy always has the biggest heart and the sweetest disposition ...Minam is clearly hurt at breaking Jeremy’s heart more than Shinwoo’s (with SW ,though she’s thankful for his care ,shes uneasy ).....because they relate at a level different..[clear ,innocent, pure] from the games played by other 2 ....he loved her the longest ,of course...he didn’t know other 2 guys liked her ..but he was planning on confessing to her...I felt Jeremy’s pain more than Shinwoo’s like Minami ..I love him as much as I love TK (yes ,I can:) ...I just wish he had more screen time with much more memorable scenes ...I always light up when Jeremy bursts onto the screen and I wish he finds his happiness...First love is unforgettable but life goes on ..
Taekyung’s mother is totally screwed up ..her love for twin’s dad now smacks of ‘fatal attraction’ ,at first she wants to ‘mother’ the orphaned kids ,now she wants to....really ,what does she want ???
Who the hell is Go Minam???? His appearance for just a few seconds was mind-blowing !!!you can tell this Go Minam is BAD ass !!!!!!!!!!!.........hes got that attitude going!!!....I don’t want PSH to play her brother ,though it’s her face plastered all over in the posters ...I want it to be played by a guy ..is it too much to ask?
Now Problem(1)I told u reporter is one smart cookie, he wants a joint interview...will GMN get back in time to save the situation?
(2)Tae-kyung is hurt at the supposed breach of trust by Minami and orders her to go away where he cant see her ...he ‘s hot headed and it was quite a shock but he should know Minami by now ..She is never untrustworthy...and I think real GMN remembers the real version of the ‘grand love story’ of their parents!!.
When I fell in love with this drama( I knew it within the 1st 10 mints) ,I fell knowing that it will be Over the top, cheesy, pushing credibility ..I knew certain characters were given more depth while others were short changed....BUT ... the ride may be the same but it’s the people who you go along with it that makes the difference ,doesn’t it ?
Am glad I was able to enjoy and discuss this drama in real time with fellow addicts :) Thank you .
Nimy (Hey we have to do top 10 scenes after the show is over,ok? )
yes yes!!! top 10 fav scenes!!! It's like those private reruns! haaaaa
You know Nimy, I can't say enough "TK is sooooo cool!" myself... In my head, i kept going OMG, OMG OMG OMG he is sooo coool, he is awesome, He is the ONE! As a hot lead band team leader, He is so sauve I can die. Just shoot me already!!! yup i got the "teasing" in the car after Kerstin explained to me. I didnt have the heart to rewatch ep 14 coz it's too painful for me....without knowing what is happening in ep 15, so I will wait till happy ending before I rewatch the whole series!
yeah Elisa, glad u like the song:)
This is my old fav track for the longest time, so I was happy that it was yours too, hence I put it up with u in mind really:) !
Like u said, TK's mum is the only unnatural unreal part. She doesnt even come across like a mum, more like a woman seeing TK as some objet of interest and use.
Oh btw, elisa, since your hubby goes to asia for biz trip, maybe u should get him to go HMV to get those box set korean dvds for u if u really cannot get them thru barnes and noble, amazon etc. I always get mine from HMV or some of those local video stores. Aplenty!
It's already tues! One more day....holding my breath....have I said how glad I am to be sharing this "moments" with you girls?!!! U girls are the best!!!
Hello, I googled for Tokyo Dogs synopsis and landed on ur blog, and I realise u love YAB too~~
Anyway I'm not sure if this is too late, but let me explain further the part where TK asked MN what she wants for lunch.
If u can recall (I'm sure u can as much as me cos we both luv the drama to da max, keke), MN was thinking to herself (while TK is driving) about what she should tell TK & came in the 2 imginative scenes.
She concluded that she don't want TK to repeat "like" because her heart probably won't be able to take it.
Just at that moment, TK went "Do you like speghetti?" And MN started to have hiccup but didn't reply TK. TK asked the question again and MN had another hiccup.
At this pt TK realise what's happening and take the chance to ask a few questions and emphasizing the word "like".
For example, his last question was something like:
TK: Do you LIKE sushi?
MN: *hiccups*
TK: I LIKE it very much
MN: *hiccups*
TK: So do you like it?
MN: I really really like it.
And from what I understand in Korean language, subject and object is not important, so they're often dropped during conversations.
So to literally be translated, MN just said "really really like", and it can also sound as if she really really like TK, that's why TK smirked after that (it's like hearing it for his own satisfaction, lol)
that's what I understood from the scene
glad to know another YAB fan~ =D
I watched the show with Chinese subs, so I could kinda catch it, plus after watching some Korean shows, I understand some basic words that they were using, so I managed to catch the meaning
So, don't worry, I don't think you're dense, I would say the meaning was lost in translation ;)
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