Dont get too stuffed by the turkey! heeee heee
Everyone must have seen episode 15 by now.... Surprisingly, it wasnt much of a roller coaster ride for me. I wasnt overly overwhelmed, maybe because I kind of expect things to come.
So the truth is out. TK's mum used money to buy the rights to sing the song that GMN's dad had composed for GMN's mum, to prevent them from reuniting.
*gasps of horror and disgust*
And because she was so irate that another artist had leaked that the song wasnt intended for her, TK's mum looked the old guy up and had a major "disagreement" with him. As such that was how the squabble got to TK and him learning the whole truth from a 3rd party. Tk was so furious that he stormed into the recording studio and "confronted" his mum, spilling the whole naked truth in her face, revealing the web of lies the mum had spun for herself and to him. The mum broke down in tears while TK went in search of GMN in a hurry.
I like the aquarium scene in Japan when TK was set up to meet GMN to pass her a picture of her mum. I love how GMN (rather than taking it all in as usual) for a change, painfully stood up to TK's snide remarks about her "getting along happily with the woman who wants to be her step mum". She (fairly) questioned Tk's jibes openly, and reminding him his selfishness for only thinking about his own hurt, thus neglecting the feeling and emotions of people around him (referring to her own hurt). I am glad GMN put it all out there and "wake" TK up from his little well of personal grief, that others are victims suffering for his mum's actions as well apart from him.

On another note, I do admire TK's personality, in the middle of all the grief and pain, he never forgot about GMN's pain of never knowing her mother. The fact that he even bothered to ask his mum (the person he hate the most) for details on GMN's mum goes to show he isnt beyond redemption and consumed by hatred and forget everyone else. It shows the side where his love for GMN supersede his negativity against his mum. One thing HTK isnt, that is he isnt a petty and narrow minded person despite all the skewed childhood he had suffered. For that, I applaud him as a man.
The only feeling I am firm about is that TK's mum is an obnoxious piece of shit. She not only rob TK of his precious childhood, abandoning him and ruining his esteem and all. She even LIED about the truth thus ruining his first love for him, so that the queen bitch herself can wallow in her dream fantasy world where she is being loved. She used money to try to "buy" a non existent love and even fabricate stories and twist the tale so much to her son and GMN. She would rather HURT both of them then face the truth... She is such a incurable, pathetic, self delusional person that honestly deserves no sympathy. If it wasnt enough that she caused the death of GMN's mum, she is willing to sacrifice her son's love intentionally. No remorse, no guilt...only sorry tears for herself even till the last moment.
The garden scene where TK apologise to GMN was touching but didnt quite do it for me in the sense that I didnt really get sucked in. Was it my own emotional barrier defense at work? Or the unnatural trying too hard to be "artistic shot" ruined it for me?

Despite all, I did feel TK is rather pitiful when he said sorry and tried to hold on tightly (and weeping uncontrollably) to GMN's hand as she was departing..

When GMN said she cannot say everything is ok now for her but will let him know once she is alright no matter how many years down the road sounded really depressing to me.... Maybe I was still fuming over the lying mum too much, not enough calming down to feel sad for HTK. The only thought that persistently went thru my head in that scene was "Yeah IT's ALL YOUR MUM"S fault!!! She ruined your love for you! She hurt GMN for her selfish reasons." Damn....

There are a few extra scene in here which I thought was unnecessary and border on draggy. The part where the manager Ma and the makeup artist were "conspiring" about settig GMN with Jeremy and shinwoo was rather unessential. I took those romantic scene matching Jeremy and Shinwoo with GMN was excessive and wasting roll of film. Maybe it is to satisfy the segments of fans out there but I questioned the validity of it in the super high climax moments. It might have worked better in the earlier episodes, now, these scenes are kinda irrelevant for me since TK and GMN has already acknowledged their feelings for each other.
Another scene I didnt appreciate was how rude the reporter was, trying to reveal GMN as a woman. Does he think that by "undressing" a woman in public is acceptable behavior? What was he trying to do? If the fake GMN was wearing a shirt, was he going to expose the bra out to prove she is a girl? Ridiculous. The actions are over the top and I cannot concur with the script writing here.
On the other hand, the finalisation between Tk and Uhey.
TK is a very perceptive person. I like how he handled Uhey's confession.

He is spot on about how Uhey will feel (humiliated) if he actually acknowledged and reject her true feeling... so he let her down in a "gentle" way and asking her to take care before walking off.

We should have all know that GMN dad would not have begged TK's mum since other wise he would have left GMN in her care rather than with GMN's auntie.
Is it just me or why did they make GMN sing so badly in the karaoke? She was completely out of beat with the tune. Isnt she supposed to be a good singer, why does she sound so amateurish there? It's funny how TK tried to deny his own feelings and finally coming to terms that he simply cannot just NOT see GMN, thus dashing out of teh van in search of his pig rabbit. We can all witness his devotion to sweet.
Oh, another thing. I hate the red jacket he wore. It's so 80's for me and just doesnt suit him. I love him in the black jacket with the white shirt wth black tipped collar (the one in the aquarium). That is the best attire suit on him. That red jacket is such a dated look... doesnt do it for me. Luckily his face alone is suave enough to compensate for the bad suit.
ok, nothing much more to write for this episode. The truth of the parents are out, the real GMN is back. Now what is left is TK to be reunited with GMN! Does the real GMN even know how TK and his sister feel for each other? How does he react to it? the real GMN is not after Uhey is he?!!! It will be soo bizarre!!!
A little thought:
while the sight of the aquarium was beautiful and spectacular, I felt sad because of the captive whales swimming in the tank at the background...i just felt they shouldnt be there but in the wide open sea, in the wild where they call home...oh well... just me and my anti-whaling and anti-captivity thingie...
sorry if the review is a little jumbled up in thoughts are not really on track now , so i'm just "scribblin whatever afterthoughts" that came into my mind...
1 comment:
Hi tvaddict,
My watching of episode 15 & 16 was at best.. disjointed , with broken links ,unfinished subs and ritual crashing of vikkii.I have to rewatch the eps back to back without the madness that accompanied my original viewing:)
We all knew ‘when’ it will end but what was exciting was the ‘how’..
TK was mad hurt at knowing that Minam knew about his mother , the seedy affair between the parents and kept silent ,in one second from beloved to traitor !! .He lashes out at her without thinking that she is equally hurt.........How could he dismiss her so cruelly, Didnt you hear her sobs?
Shinwoo watches them quietly, finds a way out of the predicament - fan meeting in Japan .I had great fun watching manager trying to get Wang coordi drunk ,Really you have to get her drunk to sleep with you? :) and their what if scenarios LOL
Minam knows she will not be returning back to Korea and prepares her farewell.She wants to remember them as they are ,the innocently exuberant Jeremy ,the calm supportive Shinwoo...and TK ..he passed her coldly when he saw her struggling with the luggage , stops ,hesitates wondering whether to help but she's gone...
Like you said ,for all his cold demeanor /indifference to GMN ,she's still very much on his mind ,he asks his mother about Minami's mother and hears from the producer not before its too late that Minami 's father wrote that song for the twin's mother and not for his mom.He confronts his mom immediately and sees the truth in her welled up eyes .
TK goes to Japan with dual purpose but sees her in SW's arms without knowing her firm rejection to SW's final confession ...(there is no last shot with his guy !!!!) ..... after seeing that ,the green eyed monster makes him say regretful things to Minami :(
I thought Minami was excellent in telling off Taekyung in the aquarium scene (beautiful shot ^^)..He needed to hear that from her ,at no point was she overindulgent of her grief nor did she belittle his pain ...... Impressive !!!. I love the new grownup Minami
Have to tell you the heart thumping music (like before the appearance of GMN or when TK finds out MN is a girl.... to list a few ....) that heralds any momentous/ominous scene in YAB is a real winner for me ..I get excited and....afraid too :)...I was praying the whole time for a surprise ,the twist....... that it will be G-Dragon or as viikii subbers were hoping for the discredited but very talented Park Jaebum of 2PM...anyone that I didn't have to see the 'undressing ' of GMN ........It did piss me off ,that's why real GMN should have been played by a guy because no way the reporter would have been satisfied with just the face.PSH as bro GMN was so -so
The final parting was necessary .There's too much history to understand,too soon to assimilate ......and the mighty TK says the words, a son burdened by his mother’s sins ...I thought the pig rabbit msg on fan board was cute ...and Taekyung slowly realising that he cannot just not go ............
You know when a show transcends from a gimmicky /fluffy romcom to prompting people to write long winding discourses like its the best thing since ...well what was the last movie/drama that made u this giddy ?:0..I cannot remember….. to be the 'One '(kungfu hustle anyone :)) know,its special :)
Nimy( who thinks it aint over till shes over it regardless what SBS says :)Ps:I too hated the jacket :)
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