I just finished Akai Ito episode 4 and I was grinning from head to toe at one scene.... Nishino is sooo sweeeeeeeet!!!!! :) He looked so bashful and adorable at those scenes where he wanted to ask mei out and was mustering his courage.... heeeheee. Actor Mizobata Junpei definitely portray the boyish charm of Nishino perfectly
If you are going to spread the word, please do credit back to me/ my blog since I did spend some time looking for the videos and write the summaries for u guys. Thanks!!
Akai Ito Episode 4 Summary
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The episode starts with time rewind back to a 2nd year Sara, at how she lost her mobile phone outside Riku Takashi's ramen store. She was running away from her taunters from the same school. She tripped over the signboard and dropped her mobile.
At the same time, the scene goes back to the shopping mall where Mei was helping her crush to buy the birthday present for her sister. Mei witness Sara being chased and eventually saw she was being bullied in the toilet cubicle, where Sara was being drenched wet by a pail of water thrown in by the bullies. The bullies belived that Sara was dressing weirdly to attract attention. To help Sara, Mei scared the bullies away by pretending to yell for someone to call the cops. When the bullies left, Mei went in to check on Sara, asking if she was ok and that its safe for her to come out of the cubicle now.. Sensing no reply, Mei told Sara that it is better to leave before the group returns, and that there is nothing wrong to dress in something that one really likes, so she should just ignore the rest who are prob just jealous of her. Sayng that, Mei left. That was how Sara and Mei "met" for the first time and their paths crossed.
Back to present moment where they are now in 3rd year. Mei was walking with Sara discussing about the upcoming excursion trip and what she planned to wear on the free day. Mei other 2 gfs appeared teasing that only Sara can wear those cosplay. We see Nishino walking at a distance from Mei and the girls, him staring at Mei...

His friend pointed at Nishino and said "Ahh.. That's a little SCARY (expression)". Nishino marched on and replied again "Is that so." leaving his fren speechless! (I was laughing quite a bit here)
At the locker area where they are swopping their outdoor shoes to the indoor ones, Nishino looked and called out to Mei. Facing her, Nishino could only muster to say good morning to Mei, and just as he summed up his courage further to ask Mei about the upcoming excursion, Nishino was interrupted by his friend who was asking everyone which part of the body do they shower first.
As they group advanced to the corridor, Nishino once again tried to ask Mei.... " Mei, If it is possible...." before he was once again interrupted by Mia coming to join them, and dragged Mei away. Nishino was left standing and scratching his head in frustration at the constant interruptions, where his friend concluded that Nishino would washed his head first, stating how strange... Nishino went "huh?!" (he is soooo cute!!)
In class, the drug peddler girl Miyabi came in late and was asked to have a short talk by the teacher. Hence the class had some free time to freely discuss about the trip. The ususal group started chatting non stop about the trip as Nishino looked at Mei forlornly with his long suppressed question. Finally unable to contain himself, Nishino surprised the whole group when he stood up suddenly and said "Mei! If its possible, shall we be alone together (for the trip during the free day)" A surprised Mei went "Huh!?" Nishino continued bashfully " On this matter, please consider about it." before excusing himself out of the class leaving Mei completely stunned! Outside the class, Nishino heaved a huge sigh of relief from his "confession" before walking away with a smile....
After class, Mia was still teasing Mei and asking her for her decision, also stating that Nishino is not a bad choice. The other girl chiped in saying that Nishino is quite manly as well, and they went on to say isnt it great to be "asked out" so directly and openly. Mia re-enact the scene of Nishino asking Mei out and they laughingly called it a "If you like" (dating) tactic.
As the girls left, they spotted Nishino waiting alone. The girls smiled and Mia pushed Mei towards Nishino before the group ran off happily....
On the other hand, the guys were also discussing about Nishino's brave and open move, saying how unexpected it was. Apparently, one of the guys had wanted to ask Yuri out as well but was too shy, and instead decided to conceal it saying something else. The girls arrived to join the guys and Mia excitedly shared that Nishino is launching his "surprise attack" on Mei outside the locker entrance. While the rest of the guys exclaimed over the news, Riku had a forced smile and didnt say a word. Someone teased Riku that Nishino had "striked" first but the girls started to taunt the guys instead.
Back to Nishino and Mei, they both went browsing for travel books together to plan for their "free day" trip together. They spend the rest of the day together discussing about places to go and food to eat and Mei exclaimed over this stall which the sister had claimed to be delicious. Nishino shared that it would be best eated when served piping hot but he had a "cat's tongue" - meaning he is the sort that is afriad of burning his tongue. Mei piped in that she is likewise the same, before excitedly asking for a contest between them to see who would win in munching down the hot meat bun! The afternoon continued with them discussing the trip.
On way home, they bumped into Miyabi and the man which is Nishino's mum's friend. He asked Nishino about his mum, to which Nishino replied stonily that "It's none of your business."
At home, Mei bumped into her mum returning. After he introduced himself, Mei's mum paused and asked Nishino where he is living. He explained his mum is hospitalised and he is living with the shrine guy. Mei's mum continued to ask for Nishino's mum's name and lied that she had thought it was her friend but turned out not to be. However, mei's mum had a strange look. During dinner, Mei's sister was teasing Mei about having a boyfriend to their dad, but her mum interrupted the conversation to start dinner.
During the trip, Sara and Mei had a heart to heart talk. Mei said she was impressed by Sara's skill in the UFO's machine (catching toys) while Sara shared that she had always been alone. So she spent all he time after school to play the machines by herself. It was only after she met Mei that she had friends for the first time and she enjoyed herself. Mei on the otherhand shared that she too had learnt something from Sara, on sending sms of today's event to own mobile for the her tomorrow. The two got interrupted by the other girls.
Back in the room, Nishino received a call that his mum had injured herself in the hospital but the shrine guy would not say more till Nishino return. So Nishino went to look for Mei, and apologised that he had to cancel their free day trip plans as he need to return back to see his mum. Instead, Nishino brought forward some of plans to that night and both snucked out of the hostel to spend some time alone.
That night, while strolling in the park, Nishino asked mei if he could share the story of "his first love." , before adding it was during his childhood times. Mei excitedly said that she wanted to hear about it.
"I met her on the day of my birthday. My mum hardly celebrate mt birthday and she suddenly propose to have one, so I was extremely happy. Even though I had fever that morning, I was still out and about cycling. On the streets, I knocked over a girl who had a big box with her. The cake box had dropped to the floor. It was also herbirthday. I told her - It was my birthday too! And she said to me - It's fantastic!This is the first time I met someone with the same birthday as me! Such a miracle! And she went on to add - Because this is a birthday that only occurs once every 4 years. Then the girl proceed to wrap a piece of the chocolate from the cake, and handed it to me in a ribboned bag as a present, and said Happy Birthday to me. At that moment, I had felt that she was such a kind girl, and my heart started to warm. Come to think of it, I prob started to like chocs from that moment on. " As Nishino turned and looked at a quiet Mei, he added smilingly" I too am born on 1992, 29th Feb."

As they group advanced to the corridor, Nishino once again tried to ask Mei.... " Mei, If it is possible...." before he was once again interrupted by Mia coming to join them, and dragged Mei away. Nishino was left standing and scratching his head in frustration at the constant interruptions, where his friend concluded that Nishino would washed his head first, stating how strange... Nishino went "huh?!" (he is soooo cute!!)
In class, the drug peddler girl Miyabi came in late and was asked to have a short talk by the teacher. Hence the class had some free time to freely discuss about the trip. The ususal group started chatting non stop about the trip as Nishino looked at Mei forlornly with his long suppressed question. Finally unable to contain himself, Nishino surprised the whole group when he stood up suddenly and said "Mei! If its possible, shall we be alone together (for the trip during the free day)" A surprised Mei went "Huh!?" Nishino continued bashfully " On this matter, please consider about it." before excusing himself out of the class leaving Mei completely stunned! Outside the class, Nishino heaved a huge sigh of relief from his "confession" before walking away with a smile....
After class, Mia was still teasing Mei and asking her for her decision, also stating that Nishino is not a bad choice. The other girl chiped in saying that Nishino is quite manly as well, and they went on to say isnt it great to be "asked out" so directly and openly. Mia re-enact the scene of Nishino asking Mei out and they laughingly called it a "If you like" (dating) tactic.
As the girls left, they spotted Nishino waiting alone. The girls smiled and Mia pushed Mei towards Nishino before the group ran off happily....
On the other hand, the guys were also discussing about Nishino's brave and open move, saying how unexpected it was. Apparently, one of the guys had wanted to ask Yuri out as well but was too shy, and instead decided to conceal it saying something else. The girls arrived to join the guys and Mia excitedly shared that Nishino is launching his "surprise attack" on Mei outside the locker entrance. While the rest of the guys exclaimed over the news, Riku had a forced smile and didnt say a word. Someone teased Riku that Nishino had "striked" first but the girls started to taunt the guys instead.

On way home, they bumped into Miyabi and the man which is Nishino's mum's friend. He asked Nishino about his mum, to which Nishino replied stonily that "It's none of your business."
At home, Mei bumped into her mum returning. After he introduced himself, Mei's mum paused and asked Nishino where he is living. He explained his mum is hospitalised and he is living with the shrine guy. Mei's mum continued to ask for Nishino's mum's name and lied that she had thought it was her friend but turned out not to be. However, mei's mum had a strange look. During dinner, Mei's sister was teasing Mei about having a boyfriend to their dad, but her mum interrupted the conversation to start dinner.
During the trip, Sara and Mei had a heart to heart talk. Mei said she was impressed by Sara's skill in the UFO's machine (catching toys) while Sara shared that she had always been alone. So she spent all he time after school to play the machines by herself. It was only after she met Mei that she had friends for the first time and she enjoyed herself. Mei on the otherhand shared that she too had learnt something from Sara, on sending sms of today's event to own mobile for the her tomorrow. The two got interrupted by the other girls.
Back in the room, Nishino received a call that his mum had injured herself in the hospital but the shrine guy would not say more till Nishino return. So Nishino went to look for Mei, and apologised that he had to cancel their free day trip plans as he need to return back to see his mum. Instead, Nishino brought forward some of plans to that night and both snucked out of the hostel to spend some time alone.
That night, while strolling in the park, Nishino asked mei if he could share the story of "his first love." , before adding it was during his childhood times. Mei excitedly said that she wanted to hear about it.
"I met her on the day of my birthday. My mum hardly celebrate mt birthday and she suddenly propose to have one, so I was extremely happy. Even though I had fever that morning, I was still out and about cycling. On the streets, I knocked over a girl who had a big box with her. The cake box had dropped to the floor. It was also herbirthday. I told her - It was my birthday too! And she said to me - It's fantastic!This is the first time I met someone with the same birthday as me! Such a miracle! And she went on to add - Because this is a birthday that only occurs once every 4 years. Then the girl proceed to wrap a piece of the chocolate from the cake, and handed it to me in a ribboned bag as a present, and said Happy Birthday to me. At that moment, I had felt that she was such a kind girl, and my heart started to warm. Come to think of it, I prob started to like chocs from that moment on. " As Nishino turned and looked at a quiet Mei, he added smilingly" I too am born on 1992, 29th Feb."
Mei finally understood. "So we had met way before." She said to Nishino.
"The next birthday after the first meeting was my 12th birthday. In my heart, I was wishing for the both of us, strongly believing that we will meet again. Till this present moment, I still like the girl alot, and hoped that we could spend our 16th birthday together. Mei, do you believe in destiny?" Nishino asked Mei gently. "I believe" Mei replied unhesitantly. At that, Nishino bent over and shyly kissed Mei on her lips! After the peck, Mei stretched out her arm to hold his hand...
Back in the room, Mei shared what happened to Sara. At the same time, she learned about Sara's crush in Riku. Sara said it has to be a secret as she might get rejected. mei smiled and encouraged her, cheering her on.
The next day which is free activities day, Mei decided to continue ahead with what she had originally planned with Nishino, to the glass place where she can paint on the glass pieces. On the train, she was shocked to see Riku suddenly boarding the train the last min to join her. Riku said he wanted to spend the day with Mei, as he was worried for her to be alone. Unfortunately the 2 of them were spotted by Sara who saw them through the glass display. Sara called Mei to ask what she was doing. Knowing that Sara liked Riku, Mei uncomfortably said she was at the glass place not volunteering anymore info. However, Sara pressed on, asking if she was alone. Not wanting Sara to misunderstand, Mei lied that she was alone, not knowing she had been spotted.
Before returning, Mei told Riku that it is better that they do not return together. Riku finally expressed the truth that he liked her but he is willing to give up now since he know Mei already like Nishino, and that he get to spend a day with her.
Back at the lobby, Sara confronted Mei about her "lie" and that she is prob laughing at Sara in her heart and she must be happy now. Mei tried to explain it was a misunderstanding, but Sara cut her off. Rather than lying, Sara told Mei she would have prefer the truth which would be less hurting. At this moment, Riku walked in wondering what happened. Sara unable to look at Riku took off running, with Mei chasing after her wanting to explain.
Sara ran to the rooftop and Mei continued to run after her. "Mei, I had liked you. However Mei u have completely wiped me off from your heart." Mei tried to explain that it isnt so but Agitated Sara refused to listen. "Let me erase myself before your sight instead." With that, Sara leaped off from the roof. Mei screamed!
Next: Episode 5 Review

Back in the room, Mei shared what happened to Sara. At the same time, she learned about Sara's crush in Riku. Sara said it has to be a secret as she might get rejected. mei smiled and encouraged her, cheering her on.
The next day which is free activities day, Mei decided to continue ahead with what she had originally planned with Nishino, to the glass place where she can paint on the glass pieces. On the train, she was shocked to see Riku suddenly boarding the train the last min to join her. Riku said he wanted to spend the day with Mei, as he was worried for her to be alone. Unfortunately the 2 of them were spotted by Sara who saw them through the glass display. Sara called Mei to ask what she was doing. Knowing that Sara liked Riku, Mei uncomfortably said she was at the glass place not volunteering anymore info. However, Sara pressed on, asking if she was alone. Not wanting Sara to misunderstand, Mei lied that she was alone, not knowing she had been spotted.
Before returning, Mei told Riku that it is better that they do not return together. Riku finally expressed the truth that he liked her but he is willing to give up now since he know Mei already like Nishino, and that he get to spend a day with her.
Back at the lobby, Sara confronted Mei about her "lie" and that she is prob laughing at Sara in her heart and she must be happy now. Mei tried to explain it was a misunderstanding, but Sara cut her off. Rather than lying, Sara told Mei she would have prefer the truth which would be less hurting. At this moment, Riku walked in wondering what happened. Sara unable to look at Riku took off running, with Mei chasing after her wanting to explain.
Sara ran to the rooftop and Mei continued to run after her. "Mei, I had liked you. However Mei u have completely wiped me off from your heart." Mei tried to explain that it isnt so but Agitated Sara refused to listen. "Let me erase myself before your sight instead." With that, Sara leaped off from the roof. Mei screamed!
Next: Episode 5 Review
I thought Nishino is so adorable and he got his wish come true! He finally met Mei again! I wonder what secrets Mei's mum have in store since she obviously know Nishino's mum but choose to pretend twice now. MAybe she will stop Mei from being with Nishino later due to his mum's drug use.
I wish Sara didnt have to jump! It's so sad... death isnt a solution. Then again, I guess it must have been tough for her too to think she got betrayed by Mei. This is the time where honesty is the best policy. Mei should have been honest that Riku was with her and pass the phone to him or something. By hiding his presence, it was definitely more suspicious. Then again, I suppose most people in Mei's shoes would have "tried to conceal" Riku's presence huh....
(Pictures credits goes to Fuji Tv website)
Already watched it on Fuji TV last Saturday and its the best episode so far.. do you know when's the next??
The next episode 5 is airing on 17Jan in 2 days time:)
Hey !
Is it true that to understand this episode you need to have saw the movie? if yes can you tell me when the movie will be airing? Thanks you Bye
I'm not too sure but I think the movie plot is similar to the drama with a few original scenes, and same casts.
From what I heard, the TV drama from episode 3 to 8 depicts events that happened in the MOVIE in more detailed manner.. and so the drama still flows and understood if we had not watch the movie. From episode 9 onwards, what happened in the movie will probably be incorporated into the drama.
I do not have all the details but this is what I gather.
The actual movie will prob only available in other countries months later i presume. I have no idea of the screening since its not up to me but selective countries:) However once it is available on internet, will definitely let you guys know in my blog.
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