Akai Ito Episode 05 Summary
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The story begins with a time rewind back to 6 years ago.
Young Nishino declined to play softball with his friends so that he can head home early as his mum has promised to make hamburger for him. However when he arrived home, only a quiet messy apartment awaits him. As he look around, he found his mum in a room, digging into a pillow looking for something.He rushed to his mum asking what happened but his mum replied nothing was wrong. Just then the door bell rang and his mum rushed to open it. Young Nishino witness the "drug peddler" guy passing his mum some drugs. As the mum looked around desperately for "aid device", she told a surprised Nishino to go out and play. Meanwhile, Nishino saw a young girl who had been trailing her father to his house. She ran away after spotting Nishino.
(Typed words: You cannot express your real feeling with words. I cannot convey my important thoughts. Supposing, both people can feel the inner feelings of the other side...)
The scene goes back to the rooftop where Mei was trying to stop Sara from jumping but failed.
Back to Nishino, his mum apologised for having him called back halfway from his excursion. Nishino ignored his mum's question if he wanted a drink and straight to the point demanding to know "How did you end up in an accident at the bus stop when you should be staying in the hospital at the time? Don't tell me you are trying to slip away again?" Sensing no reply from her, Nishino agitatedly asked "What exactly are you thinking?! Didnt you come here to rid your drug addiction?!!" At that moment, he was interrupted by the doctor in care.
Speaking to Nishino alone, the doctor asked if Nishino felt his mum had a weak will? Adding on, the doctor shared that addiction to drugs is a disease, inhibiting one from doing what one wishes to do, and that before drugs, there is no strong person.
Saying that, the doctor whipped out a brochere, sharing that the new rehab facility location may do Nishino's mum some good even though it may be abit far.
As Nishino made his way home, he encountered Mei's mum at the shrine by chance. She enquired wasnt Nishino supposed to be on excursion trip? Nishino explained his mother had an accident and so he returned early. After assuring her it was nothing serious, Nishino prepared to part ways. Just as he started to leave, Mei's mum called and stop him, asking to have a quick word with him.
Mei's mum outright asked Nishino if he could stop seeing (being friends with) Mei. A surprised Nishino asked why and she explained she actually do know his mum. She explained that her childhood friend was actually also Nishino's mum's friend. Even though her childhood friend had died,but the deceased used to mention (stories of) Nishino's mum alot to Mei's mum. To Nishino's shock, Mei's mum stated that even though Nishino's mum is in hospital now, but she has yet to rid her drug addiction right? A stunned Nishino could only agree. "I'm definitely not saying that you are no good, but as a mother, I am naturally worried for Mei. If you truly care about Mei, please leave Mei." At that, she left Nishino standing alone in shock.
At the hospital, after Sara's parent arrived, Mei's parents also arrive shortly. Mei kept apologising to her parents. Her father told her apologies is useless and impatiently kept asking what exactly had happened resulting in such an event before his wife told him off that it wasnt the time to press Mei.
Back in school, some student asked Sensei (the teacher) what had happened to Sara? Sensei explained that Sara met an accident and is in hospital and unable to come to school for some time. Another girl asked if it was true that Sara had jumped off from the hotel, ripples of shock went round the classroom. Mei's friend kept quiet. Sensei did not elaborate but told the class to quieten down and said to wait for Sara to recover. At that, the bell rang and class dismissed.
Alone to themselves in the classroom, one of the guys asked the 2 girls if they had contacted Mei. Both replied they had sent sms to Mei but... (no reply). The guy said "I wonder why had things turn out this way." The other guy approached Taka and asked him why did he follow Mei that day, adding that if Taka had not done such unnecessary things, such an incident would not have happened! Taka kept quiet to the accusation. The guy friend continued his ranting and moved on to critising Mei, saying that why did she had to insist on completing the plan she made with Nishino... Hearing that, an enraged Taka got up and bashed his friend for what he said about Mei. Both guys started fighting with Taka demanding that guy to repeat what he say again, while the friend insisted there was nothign wrong with what he had said!
Seeing the ridiculous fight, Mia stormed up to the guy friend and slapped him across the face! She yelled at the guy asking whom do he think is suffering the most now? "Mei must be reproaching herself extremely now! No one would wish for a thing as such to happen around oneself. Mei is the one who is hurting the most right now!! Can't you even understand this point?" Hearing that, everyone in the class looked even more depressed.
Back at Mei's home, Mei continued not to eat. To the worried parents, mei's sister consoled them saying that Mei will be fine. After the sister had retired to her room, Mei's father self reproach that he is heartless, saying that upon reaching home, even Haruna would ask if Mei was alright, while he on the hand only was concerned at finding out how such a thing could happen. Mei's mum was quick to say that things were too unexpected and that he shouldnt think too much. Mei's father emotionally retorted "No its not! It's not a problem of thinking too much! if it wasnt Mei but had been Haruna instead......" "Please STOP!" Mei's mum interrupted her husband. "Mei and Haruna are the same. They are BOTH our Children and no difference..." In her room alone, Mei looked at the pictures taken with Sara and wept silent tears.
In the hospital, Nishino asked his mum pointblank if he knew Mei's mum, whom he explained was the mother of his classmate, adding that Mei's mum had said she knew his mum. Nishino's mum smilingly thought for a min and wondered who it was before getting back to her artwork. "A friend of yours is her childhood friend" Nishino shared. His mum froze at hearing that, before pretending that she has no idea and tried to change topic. Nishino refused to relent and told her that he had been told not to go near her daughter, and normally,people would not say such a thing. Nishino grabbed his mum and tried to shake her into telling the truth. She stopped him at not raising his voice before smashing the vase by the side.
At the shrine, Mami visited the shrine guy and cooked dinner. the shrine guy said he rem Nishino bringing an unknown girl back for the first time and he had mistook her to be Nishino's girlfriend. The girl muttered "she wished it was true" before explaining how she met Nishino for the first time when she trailed her father who skipped work to head to Nishino's house 6 years ago. She shared he had passed away and she wished she could understand how could one person be so addicted to drugs. a returning Nishino overheard the conversation but greeted the two pretending he did not hear a thing.
At home, Mei wanted to sms Nishino asking about his mum and if he had heard about Sara's incident but stopped herself from sending. Her sister informed her a guy had come to see her. Thinking it was Nishino, Mei discovered it was only Taka-chan.
Taka brought news that Sara had regained consciousness and is continuing her recovery at the hospital for a while before she can return to school. Mei waa relieved. Taka apologised to Mei for his actions, and that things would not have reach this stage if he had not done what he did. Mei silently shook her head to disgree. Taka continued "That.... I know it takes alot of courage, but taking leave from school will not change anything. At this rate, it will be even harder for you to return to school. And if Also, when Sara return to school and found Mei not around, perhaps, it will be equally difficult for Sara to go back to school. So please, return to school wont you? Go to school and wait for Sara there." Mei agreed and thanked him.
Before heading home, the girl asked Nishino about his mum's condition and if he will moved away to send his mum to the other rehab. She asked if Nishino has a girl he like as it is written all over his face. She went on blabbling that she had lied to her own classmates about teh cause of her father;s death as she thinks no one can understand as everyone else has important family, and people like them would not understand the thoughts of people like us. Learning the truth for people like them would only trouble them. Nishino did not agree or disagree but said he will send her home.
While walking on the streets with Taka, Taka told Mei she must and can confide any troubles to him, and not to shoulder it alone. At that point, she spotted Nishino sending the girl back. Taka asked shouldnt they call out to him but Mei declined, stating that the girl is Nishino childhood friend and that she had seen her before during the cultural festival back then. Taka wondered aloud why Nishino hasnt been to school of late either. Mei expressed surprise at the new information. Taka added that Nishino has not gone back to school ever since the trip.The next day, Mei mustered courage and decided to go to school. She spotted Taka waiting for her at the school entrance to add courage to her. Mei smiled at his gesture. As they walked further, they were spotted by the rest of the group who delightfully welcomed her back. Yet they were spotted by another 2 classmate who looked on in disdain thinking the group are idiots as they felt people like Mei are the worst kind. At the corridor, the friend who had criticised Taka before bowed to apologize for his previous behavior and Taka accepted. At the same time, the 2 girls were spreading rumours about Mei in the classroom, sharing that Sara had jumped because Mei had betrayed her trust and lied to Sara, going out with Taka even though she knew Sara's liking for him.
Before entering the classroom, Mei asked Mia about Nishino but gained no further information. Mia wondered aloud what had happened?
At the hospital, the doctor asked Nishino and his mum about their views on relocating. The mum declined as she is adapted to the current hospital and the doctor. As the doctor went on, the mum excused herself that she was tired and took leave. The doctor went on to reprimand her and finally yelled at her "Being pampered by Nishino, being spoilt by people around you,is the main reason why you are escaping the very problem before you!!!" Nishino looked on in surprise. The doctor went on "No matter how many years you have refused to change your lifestyle, and not associating with the drug peddler, I am a doctor, a doctor with responsibility to cure a patient, But I do not view a person who does not want to cure herself as a patient!! If one does not attemp to change one's lifestyle, it will be the same end result no matter where one goes.This will be ALL your own decision." Nishino's mum's angry tears fell as she listened to those words but she turned away and walked off without a word. Nishino looked on helplessly.
Nishino went to the club to approach the drug peddler, bumping into his classmate. Nishino said he is moving with his mum and want him not to look for her. The drug peddler told Nishino that he got it all wrong. "All wrong?" Nishino asked incredulously. The drug peddler asked if Nishino know why his mum could never tear herself away from the drugs? "Everything has a reason, even so for his mum's start of drug consumption." The man said. "What do you mean by that?" Nishino asked.
"For example if you had caused the death of someone because of own reasons, it is not the person who died that will experience any change, it is the people who lived on who will be unable to resume life back to normal. That is what your mother said. That is when back in the past, when her best friend committed sucide. That wreaking feeling of guilt, that prevents one to live on, she wanted to depend on the drugs to forget the guilt. Somethings are better when forgotten, someone who had experience such immense pain would not be able to overcome their drug addiction easily, so considering your mother's case, it may already have been very good." the drug guy told nishino. After leaving the night club, Nishino mind was bombarded by everything that he had learnt so far.That night, Nishino called Mei. Mei asked if he was alright and he said he was fine. Mei said it has been a while and continued to talk about the trip being fun etc... Nishino basically repeated yes to everything Mei said. At one junction, Nishino spotted Mei and called out to her "Koko" (Meaning: Here!!). They started chatting and mei said she would like to spend some time in the holidays together. A distracted Nishino agreed. Mei went on to ask after Nishino's mum. Nishino told Mei his mum is in hospital.... he wanted to tell her the truth but at the last minute, change his mind and refrained from spilling the drug addiction bit, adding the mum was fine. Just as Mei was about to bring up the topic of Sara, Nishino interrupted and finally he said that he would need to spend time with his mum during the summer holidays and so he would not be able to contact Mei much. Mei was disappointed but said ok. As he was leaving, Mei turned and called him, asking if she can believe, whether she can believe in him. Nishino replied with a nod affirmatively. Mei smiled.
(Typed words: (previously)You cannot express your real feeling with words. I cannot convey my important thoughts. Supposing, both people can feel the inner feelings of the other side... (last line) will fate stand on our side?)
-End of Episode 05-
Episode 6 (24th Jan)
Akai Ito 06 Summary:
After thoughts
Ok... something is fishy about Mei's birth... please please please dont' tell me she is Nishino's twin sister or something.... I found it strange that Mei's classmate can know so much about Sara'a incident. How would they know that Sara like Taka and she confided in Mei? No one would know that since Sara's confession was done in the room between the 2 of them and Mei doesnt look like the sort to blab.... If Mei doesnt even know Sara like Taka until she was told, so how does the rest know the details so well considering Sara is in hospital? Plus back then, it was only Mei who extend a hand of friendship to Sara, the rest just ignore her....All those gossipmongers....
Also found Nishino childhood friend annoying. She is such a pessimist trying to sway Nishino into thinking negatively as she does. Maybe she is just jealous and wants to cling on to Nishino for herself since she is now all alone.... In the trailer, we see Sara goes back to school! But she doesnt seem to recognise Mei?! Oh dear...
I wont be able to do a summary update for Episode 6 after its screening as I will be away to Niseko on a skii trip for a week. If the video english sub is not out by the time I get back, I will do both episode 6 and 7 updates together in first week of Feb.
hey there thanks for the summary so i was able to watch the episode and understand! i was rewatching the episodes that are out so far and i predict that the close friend of nishino's mum that die is probably mei's biological mum.. what do u think?
You are welcome!
yeah probably u are right! I just hope Mei and Nishino will be together in the end and not some sad ending....
You are amazing!!! So glad to read the review!!! It's so hard to try to guess at what they are saying and to sum up what things the story is telling you if you don't understand what they are actually saying!! Thanks!
Thank you:) *blush*
sweet. ^^
thanks for the translations..
i had a little problem understanding the atsushi and mei's mother conversation part and the one with the drug peddler. thanks a heap!!
your going skiing!! yeah!
really fun. went skiin at minakami at gunma-ken. last tueasday. have fun!! next episode's this night at fuji TV!! tanoshimi..\m/n
Thanks anon@November 10, 2009 8:43 PM
No comment is ever off topic:) Thanks for taking the effort to leave such a nice comment!! :) Hope you have really enjoyed the write up :P
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