Basically this episode focus on Satoru's relunctance to step out to the real world and Masaru's origin of the fear for woman.
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Atashinchi no Danshi Episode 03 Summary
The story starts with Chisato receiving a call from the police station regarding Masaru's arrrest! When she arrived at the station and replied awkwardly she was the mum, the police at the counter looked at her appreciating while she squirm at the attention. Shortly, Masaru appeared. the staff apologise for the misunderstanding and Masaru's innocence. Apparently there had been some robbery and so happened that Masaru was carrying the exact amount, hence the apprehension. However upon negative identification by the victim, Masaru's guilt was cleared. However due to incident, Chisato shared with the rest of the siblings that Masaru had actually thought of using the money to pay for some expensive treatment to cure his fear for woman!
While the discussion about Masaru was onging, Chisato was trying to sneak around to gather Satoru's palm print but to no avail. Shou happily volunteered to do his print but Takeru questioned what secret plot does this couple (shou and Chisato) has to hide? Shou and Chisato denied. As the helper announced Masaru's return, the rest of the silbings were saying best not to say anything but Takeru disagreed saying shouldnt they help one another being brothers? However the little kid stated it has nothing to do with him, and what Masaru becomes has is of no concern of his. Shou exclaimed he agreed with the kiddo and declared he had somewhere else to go and left. Satoru started to make his move but Takeru dragged him right back. Chisato shared her concern that it may be better not to pry and interfere too much into Masaru's affair but Takeru laughed at her being silly and "Where else can we find such interesting matter?" Satoru rolled his eyes saying so that was the reason for Takeru's passion.
When Masaru entered the room, Takeru declared he will help to cure his phobia for woman, as he is the man to perform miracles. The event was being spied by the keeper and informed to the lawyer. The secretary and the lawyer both agreed that Chisato had indeed caused a rippling change in the brothers and their dynamics. However The secretary hinted that the lawyer was overly involved and even not knowing her true intent, but if the lawyer should interfere with Chisato, he would not forgive her.
Meanwhile in the dining room, Takeru came up with a plan and Masaru was sitted with an eye cover. Satoru and Chisato was "forced" to change into the cute french maid and sailor moon school girl outfit respectively. Before the "test" can be tested out on Masaru, Satoru's homeroom teacher was on home visit to discuss about Satoru! Apparently, the sensei had come to find out why Satoru had been skipping school. Satoru tried to hide but no avail...meanwhile, Takeru developed a crush on Satoru's sensei! Masaru saw her and ran off in fright! To TAkeru and Chisato's surprise, Masaru revealed that the sensei was the MAIN cause of Masaru's phobia for woman!

During the meeting, Satoru was bounded by cuff because Chisato didnt want him to escape. Chisato then cheerful apologised to the sensei for their dressing and that Satoru was indeed a boy. The sensei asked tentatively if Satoru know anything about her but he said of course not since he hadnt been to school since year one. The sensei then apologised for asking such a weird question. Chisato then interrupted if her name was Yoshida Maosa which the sensei acknowledged.
Takeru approached Masaru and asked the origins of his phobia. Apparently when he was a young boy, he had developed a crush on his senior Yoshida and confessed his love, asking her to be his gf. She agreed. However he accidentally overheard Yoshida telling her friend that she was just toying with him, and that Masaru was disgusting. Hence Masaru was crushed ever since and developed that phobia for woman.
While passing money allowance to his son's mum, she passed him some money to buy something for the son. Shou commented it was even christmas and she said he really doesnt know anything.
Back at home, Satoru's attitude remain defiant. "Since I had already been retained for a year, I might as well dropped out and quit school totally." The sensei sounded surprised but Chisato calmly chirped in it is fine since it's his life. Sensei said the rest of class was worried but Satoru said it has nothing to do with him anymore and at time, release the handcuff. Chisato was impressed! She then told sensei happily that Satoru was a magician and she turned to a departing Satoru, saying he should focus and earn tons of money from this profession. Satoru yelled at her to stop and told her off. Chisato was puzzled and the sensei meanwhile asked directions to the toilet. Before the sensei left, she asked if she can come back again. Takeru happily welcomed her back. Meanwhile, the lawyer appeared out of nowhere and stated there are boxes for Chisato. That was when Chisato said she didnt have a room, and the guys suggested gleefully that the clock room will be her room. That night Chisato couldnt sleep at all with the ruckus!
The lawyer visited Shou at his workplace and revealed there was a treasure in room 96. Shou had assumed it was the inheritance and was overjoyed! Shou then asked it was strange that she would only tell him and not the rest. The lawyer acted shy and asked coyly"Canx you tell by now?" Shou mumbled "hmm.. what is this sweet atmosphere."
At her friend's shop, Chisato discovered the truth about Satoru's past. Satoru was a genius magician and at a time popular. However, his birth parents being his managers had been arrested for escaping tax payment. In consequence, Satoru was ousted out and also despised upon the world even though it had nothing to do with him but had to bear the brunt of the malice... Chisato groaned in despair that she had earlier said inapproperiate things to Satoru about him going into professional magician line.
Meanwhile, Masaru was still grappling with his own phobia. He told Chisato it must be stupid to have a model having Phobia for woman but Chisato assured him otherwise. "But that is obviously how u felt." Masaru muttered as he was hammering the voodo doll.
"Everyone just pity me on the surface, but it cannot be helped. Afterall, no one can understand my feelings. Why me? Why does it have to be me surffering such a plight Why? Why? Why! Why! Why!" Masaru yelled in frustrations while Chisato looked on.
Masaru approached the secretary. "It must be difficult" the secretary said to Masaru. Meanwhile, Chisato was asking the lawyer why were these 6 chosen as the potential heir? It was explained concurently and seperately to Msaru and Chisato, they were chosen for the look in their eyes. Apparently Shinzo had recognised the strong desire and determination in their eyes, from all of them who had grown up in a turbulent or tough childhood. The lawyer added that Shinzo had an eye for spotting exceptional talented people. On the otherhand, Masaru rejected the idea and said that Shinzo had always looked on dispassionately at the heir throne fight. While Masaru expressed Shinzo must not have a choice to accept Masaru's granny's last wish (Granny was Shinzo sensei in the past) to adopt him, the secretary said that Shinzo does not run a charity and he would not accept the request if Masaru was not worthy. Masaru was surprised. The secretary continued "The president had always expressed this about u, if only that child had more self confidence." Masaru took it in thoughtfully. At the sauna, the lawyer told Chisato that Shou and Fuu are her target and she wasnt joking this time.
In the room, Chisato discovered another voice change invention. Shinzo had thought of leaving the voice device for his sons to hear his voice. Suddenly Chisato had an idea and recorded her voice "I love most that sort of person u are." She paused recalling that it would come out sounding like Shinzo but she decided to go ahead anycase. She gave the device to Masaru, lying that it is a high power voice where it will reveal the true feelings of the person it was pointed at but it can only be used once per person. Hence she encouraged Masaru to point it at Yoshida and hear what her heart says..."perhaps she doesnt dislike you anymore and may feel differently now..." but Masaru got angry and ask her to stop treating him like a fool.
Nothing will change, Masaru said. Then just live as you are, Chisato said. Masaru asked her not to say just irresponsible words but Chisato said she only said it after much considerations. "Moreever, what I had said before had hurt Satoru." Chisato confided. Satoru overheard from outside the door.
"Truth is, I think no one is at fault. It's not wrong to be bogged down by past hurt. It is also nothing wrong to struggle while in search of a new self. Hence, it is alright to love oneself alittle more now, to the self now. Even though the past cannot be altered, but the future remains a blank canvass. One can surely create a way out by his own means isnt it?" Both guys seemed to be affected by Chisato's words. "Have more confidence in yourself. Tell yourself that you looked great." Chisato told Masaru and left the room. She saw Satoru and encoraged him too.
Meanwhile, Shou was still figuring out room 96 and realised it meant the clock room. In his hurry for his treasure hunt, his son called out to him but stopped short of revealing what he really wanted to say. Instead, he wished his dad a great day at work. Focus on the treasure in clock room, Shou didnt rush off not noticing much.
Meanwhile, the sensei returned. Satoru suddenly appeared and shared that he will return to school one day. Not now or immediate but he will return one day. The sensei said she will wait and Satoru excused himself. Chisato was plesantly surprised.
Shou returned and headed to the clock room. Takeru and Masaru were plotting on a trick to "torture" Yoshida fall into the traps in the bathroom. Shou shared that as he had seen a photo of the girl before, he advice Masaru should double check sensei identity since the woman now doesnt look anything similar to the girl that had broken Masaru's heart unless she had undergone some plastic surgery. Yet Masaru insisted that they had the same name and power stone bracelet. Shou told Masaru to recheck anycase and that she may not necessarily fall for the trap buTakeru stupidly said he had put a sign that said "Dedicated use for Yoshida".However, it was the helper who appeared in the trap instead.
While waiting, Chisato answered the door and was confronted by a woman who claimed to be the home room tutor. Chisato received a call from the kid who was at the station that the woman is a fake! She was the thief that has been robbing house! Shou who went to the clockroom discovered Yoshida in the act of stealing and rushed after her due to the box she was trying to sneak out. The house house went chaotic and run after her!
Takeru was punched and fainted. Masaru said Takeru was weak but Chisato said she was strong. Chisato reprimanded her for lying and for hurting Satoru and she will never forgive her for that! The silbings looked at her in surprise. Satoru jumped out of his room to the shock of everyone as he had finally step out of the room! Meanwhile, Masaru also took his first step, teling himself to have more confidence and pointed the voice device at Yoshida but threw it away at the last min, saying he can do it! Msaru charged at the thief but evaded her at the last min, stating that "i still cannot do it!" Shou on the other hand ran forward and grabbed hold of her, stopping her escape even as she rained punches at him.
Chisato told Shou and Satoru not to move and execute a flying kick at Yoshida, effectively knocking her out! Chisato continued to jump and Shou looked on asking "Why do you have to jump so many times?!" (Soo funny!)
Takeru recovered from the punch and sat up. As he looked around, he was shocked to see Masaru holding on to Chisato! Masaru himself looked dumbfounded as he let Chisato down. Takeru grinned and said he had created another miracle! The rest looked on and laughed.

In the house, they fight to open the chest and discovered it was a birthday present. As they went round wondering since it wasnt anyone's birthday, Shou belatedly realised it was his son's birthday! "Why would old man know your son's birthday?" Takeru asked. "How would I know" Shou replied. "Perhaps Shinzo san has always kept a tab on your son Riki kun" Chisato said.
"What kind of joke is this?" Shou asked as he looked at the present. He took the chest and excused himself to go back. When he received the call, he was shocked to learn that his son had gone missing!
At the same moment, Fuu is back! "it has been a long time." He said to the surprised secretary.
In the dining room, Satoru had imprinted his hand print and hung it up! As chisato stood and admired the piece, Masaru from behind took the device and pointed at her. He heard the recording that Chisato had made early but in Shinzo's voice. Masaru was surprised. As Masaru processed the mesage, he went into shock just as Chisato turned around and look at him. Just then, a relaxed Chisato received a phone call from the secretaryand asked if she could repay the 1 million debt immediately! Chisato stood up in shock!