Sorry have dropped off surface of the earth for a short while being too busy. I know I was suppose to get this up yesterday but I ran out of time. Arrrggghhh! For summary of individual characters, you can read here in Soompi.

BOSS Episode 01 Video Watch (w/o subs)
主題歌 (Theme song) : Superfly My Best Of My Life
The story starts with the return of beautiful Eriko from the states and is appointed as the "BOSS" of the newly created special investigation unit. While the police PR campaign to the media claimed the unit was created to target at the increase in hideous crime, yet in truth, none of the management actually expect anything out of the new unit as it was supposed to be a "white elephant" where only the "rejects" from other divisions are consolidated. The idea of the drama is about how Eriko whom no one held any expectation because she was a woman and her demotion to the states, came out smelling like a rose with her ability to crack all the crimes with her team.
The first 10mins or so of the drama was a little slow for me because it was an introduction of all the cast/ members of the newly put together special unit geared to solve the increase in atrocious crimes. They had the "odd" team "unusually" enter the scene one by one to depict and enhance their pecularity but that didnt impress me at all. It's a ruse over used and I had expected a seasoned drama producer to avoid such pithole. Hence, I found the opening a little cliche, bordering on amatuerish and lacking. It was also a complete getting use to seeing Junpei so full of zest and also childlike fumbling here after his role in Akai Ito. :)
Just when I thought I was going to get bored, I was quickly proven wrong. That is when the pace of the episode picked up and got interesting. At the peak of my anxiety, the twist in the plot really gets to me and I went "wow! I didnt see that coming..." A slow warm feeling of satisfaction spreads all over.
The thing about detective drama is that, it really is hard to blog and do summaries for it because of all the technical jargon I am not familiar with but I will try or skip over. haaa! To get on with the summary....
Boss Episode 01 Summary
The scene open with a guy walking into the room walking a sound asleep Eriko. As groggy Eriko waking up alone naked in an apartment bed, she was suddenly aware of her environment and saw the guy, in shock, Eriko asked aloud where on earth she was and who she was. Shinjiro sat down at the edge of the bed and replied "This is my place and you are Osawa Eriko. You are 40yrs and a bachlerotte!" Eriko finally was awake. Shinjiro went on to add "For heaven sake, it's your first day of work" and handed her a cup of coffee. Eriko enquired about the night before and Shinjiro listed down her whole list of alcohol consumption, adding on good naturedly for her not to be puking especially when she is already 40! Apparently she had puked all over the new computer Shirjiro had bought. "Sorry....... It has been 5 years since I last return to japan so unknowingly....." Eriko sheepishly apologise. As she asked Shinjiro about her current state (of undress), Shinjiro replied he had taken them off and nothing for her to worry as he had seen everything, even the scary bits... Eriko went "EEEEEEEE" in shock! As Shinjiro continued with his tie, he causually added there was nothing to take to heart as he didnt really care, but more likely wanting to forget.. Eriko sternly asked "What do you mean by that..." Shinjiro cheekily turned round and revealed he was only joking and that she had peeled off all her clothes herself, before jumping and monopolising his bed. " really havent changed, your drinking.." Shinjiro stated...Eriko sheepishly apologise again.
"I will try to cover your indiscretion, and in that workplace, I will try to aid your success no matter what. You no longer have any fall back route." Shinjiro said firmly. "I understand" Eriko nodded in agreement. "You are already by the cliff." Eriko nodded her head again. "Want to die?" Shinjiro pressed. "Yeah.."Eriko showed sighs of thought. "It's starting to decompose" Shinjiro added gloomly. "It's enough!" Eriko replied. "And also, your performance will affect my future career." Shinkiro said as he shifted closer to Eriko. "Sigh. you still put yourself as first place as in the past." but assuring him and herself, that she will definitely show him results.
At the media press release, targeting at the issue of falling solved crime rate and the increased variety of crimes this year, it was announced that a special division "Special crime strategy unit" is form to assist the investigation team. When asked for details and who was to lead the team, Shinjiro stepped in and shared the details and annoucement the Boss as Eriko.
Back in their own office, the 2 guys started to discuss her unfortunate past, of how she was unable to continue in Japan and had to flee to the states. They went on to discuss how Eriko's failure will be attributed to Shinjiro. It was gleefully shared that the new team will consist only of "rejected eiltes" from other units.
As Eriko arrived at a nearly empty office, she spotted a very young boy under the table and asked him who he was and if he was stealing something. The guy cheefully introduced himself as Ippei her new staff and Eriko got a shock that he was even a police! Slowly, other staff starts to arrive and Eriko stares at their file profile and them depicting their own traits...
"How do you expect me to continue?" Eriko started to lament and grumble to Shinjiro at the rooftop. "Sorry" Shinjiro replied. He had planned to "steal" some people from each department but was all rejected. in desperate plea, he had said it was ok for ANY one to come over. It was truly unexpected that they would throw all the rejects over. Eriko exclaimed in shock but Shinjiro calmly replied that if its her, things will be fine, no rather, exactly due to her capabilities hence it would be fine. Yeah right..Eriko was not bought over.
"How many years have I known you?" Shinjiro asked her. 18years Eriko replied. Exactly what he meant, Shinjiro said, going on to assure her that he would back her up and jokingly added he would care for her remains and pray for her. He went on the add that the department is deemed as a "media cover" hence no one would be holding any expectations from her. He then reminded her that even as a watch door, one should retaliate and bite back hard at any offender. As Eriko walk off and mumbling to herself at being conned by him (for coming back), she did buy what Shinjiro say anyway:)
As Eriko stepped into her office, she coolly announced to her scattered team the arrival of a new case. An unknown combusted corpse has been found.
(It's too complicated to detail the crime scene. In short, a body been found to have jump off the tower. Only upper body was combusted and burnt and didnt like like a normal sort of fire combustion. Eriko told Ippei to film the scene but Ippei fumbled around and walk all over the crime scene being reprimanded by other investigation team. Mami meanwhile declare her disinterest in human being and wasn going to get to join the team. As Eriko apologise for Ippei, she was told off that crime scene are reserved for men and no place for a woman like her to play around. At the crime lab from Reiko the medical examiner, Eriko learned it was no ordinary charred corpse but that there were traces of chemical RDX - used in explosive .)
Back in office, Takuma approached Shinjiro again about his resignation but was told that it would be kept in view for the time being. Takuma had lost faith in team units and Shinjiro replied "hence, it is precisely why I place u under Eriko."
Eriko was summoned and told that she need not work so hard as her department is just a media cover. Furthermore they hold no hope for a person without experience to work on a case. "If I do catch the criminal, it would be an embarassement for the rest isnt it, as from your rival camp Shinjiro?" Eriko politely enquired. She went on to profile the chief accurately on the spot to his shock and left.
(The team got to work on the remaining tape recording left by the victim. Eriko deduced the 3 crime will strike very soon to perfect the method of murder. Mami did the profile on the ciminal and Eriko went on to investigate how it was possible to combust someone only on the upper torso in a flash without any sign of resistance. Again, I shall skip the details of whole investigation groundwork.)
While having break with Shinjiro, Eriko was shock to witness another victim being combusted to death on the spot. He was wearing a vest with the chemical bomb attached. As he tried to rip the vest off in panic, the chemical mixed and hence he blow up instanteously. In office based on a lighter lead from the homeless, Eriko and Takuma arrived at the suspect's workplace only to be beaten by other investigation unit.
At interrogation, the suspect refused to reveal anything despite all the grilling. Eriko who was viewing from the other room revealed they are running out of time, and such an egoist criminal who prides himself on his skills will only open up to those who reconisge his talent and skillsets. It would be easy to get the truth from him after completely thrashing his pride and confidence. The other investigation teamlead mocked her asking if Eriko thinks she can pull it off. Eriko faced him off and replied "Yes. So watch and learn." and walked off pissing the guy off big time.
As Eriko entered the room, the criminal mistook her as a typical clerk and started asking for a drink. Eriko handed him back his watch and started to question him. She started off with flattering his skills and ask him questions about his concortion. Mami revealed Eriko was using a technique to establish the interviewee trust with the current conversation track. Eriko went on to reveal she knew how to disarm the vest bomb as the criminal ex colleague had told her how. Meanwhile reports came back that the lead to the next victim was false.
Back to the interrogation, Eriko revealed the previous victim did not die but was saved. The criminal stood up in shock. Mami showed that is a gamble as one should never lie in an interrogation as that risk throwing everything she has built up. As Eriko revealed how to disarm the bomb, a note came in stating about the false lead and Eriko accidentally let slip. Everyone was shock as the criminal grinned seeing the note. In return, the criminal started to question about the victim who was supposedly alive. Eriko let slip he was in ward level 7 but the criminal told her the hospital only has up to level 5! Eriko's lie was exposed and everyone creased into disappointment.
As the watch strike 12pm, the criminal went "Bomb!" and started gloating! Takuma walked into the room to announce the death of the victim. Eriko agitatedly demanded to know the reason for her death. He then went on saying he can now die in peace and that he would have give himself up anyway after her death without their arrest.
He told Eriko she is as shallow and commercialised as the victim. "Let me teach you how to disarm the vest." He revealed the steps that should correctly disarm the bomb and laughed!
As he went on gloating, Eriko took out the mobile from her pocket and asked her staff if they heard everything. She told him "the reporter press event has not started. I forget to tell you my watch is 15mins faster, including the watch i returned you." The bomb was sucessfully disarmed. Meanwhile Eriko explained how to concluded wh the victim was by the date of the expected victim (linked to the press conference date). Apparently Shinjiro, Takuma and Eriko was in it all along and planned this strategy to track the confession as they truly had no idea how to disarm the bomb.. so everything was an act to deceive everyone. "Its'a all an act, because I am a woman" Eriko mocked the inspector who was incensed at being tricked.
While everyone was shocked by the deceit, only Shinjiro grinned at his own brillance for bringing her back. The criminal while being deported "insulted" eriko calling her flat chested. But Eriko had the last laugh by showing off her boobs, proving him wrong again.
The chief asked how did she manage to do the profiling on him, she replied with a smiled. "Because I am an elite." and left.
In the office, Shinjiro told Ippei that no one will teach him the ropes here. Ippei ask how will he learn then. Shinjiro told him to look at her back, to watch and learn.
Meanwhile, the chief was still asking why was Eriko who was on a fast track 5 years agi abandon her post and went to states suddenly. It was all because of a man but no one knew the exact reasons. The ep ended with Eriko on a date with a guy and Takuma watched from a distance.
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