I just finished reading Part 1 of 2 for the Japanese Mobile novel - Akai Ito. I was stunned to bits when I realise how different the characters are from those in the TV drama.
Nishino (A-Kun) and Mei are so radically different in the drama that it took me a while to adjust. While the Mei in Tv is sweet, compassionate and understanding...the girl portrayed in the book is..well...different. Not to mention the experiences she had endured in the book is way way way much more "violent" than the Tv version. In the book, Mei couldnt let go of the her childhood crush. Nishino is a "flirt" who has no qualm of one night stand, and to date has brag of 50 girlfriends. While avoiding their teacher, they ran up to hide at the roof top and Nishino thought Mei was cute and kissed her. Mei who experienced her first kiss with Nishino decided to forget Yuya her crush by geeting involved with Nishino. As the story progress, they went beyond friendship and got intimate physically.
In the novel, Nishino initially had causal dabbling in party drugs but stopped after he fell in love with Mei. However one day, after a misunderstanding with Mei, an extremely upset Nishino went to his mum's friends for drug and ended up sleeping together. Mei on the other hand was devasted by the sms she received from Nishino to break up. In a fit, she seek solace from her senior another guy and slept with him... (Later on she found out belately Nishino never sent that sms)
Unfortunately that marked her demise...because the guy's exgf was jealous and hence ordered a bunch of gangs to gang rape Mei and Mia. They went through a terrible ordeal and by chance discovered it was not random rape but a hatched revenge scheme.... The senior in rage went to bash up the instigators and the rapists and was later sent to some probation...
Mei also found out she was adopted and tried to kill herself via road accident. Of course she didnt die. Her parents divorced and her sister moved with her dad.
Meanwhile during the month they had broken up, Nishino got addicted to drugs. Mei went to visit him to try hopefully to tlk him out of it. In the end, they resumed their physical relationship. Meanwhile, Yuya told Mei things are not working out between him and her sister.
This is the end of part one. Shockingly different eh! I am going to read Part 2 tonight...I honestly wonder how different it is going to be!
wow!! i really liked the drama, but wow the book version sounds crazy but also very interesting!!lol
WOW~ different much?!?
ummm.... where can i get it from?
Yeah the book's very very very different from the drama..rape, sucide, drugs etc....even the ending differs and I wont say the book has a sweet ending unlike the drama....though not depressing luckily.
You can check your local bookstore for the book? Else...u may have to wait for someone else to post a book translation online:)
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