Sorry I didnt have time to do episode 7 for BB coz I am busier than expected in Seoul. Been eating, walking, and shopping till I drop dead. Imagine... shopping till wee morning 4.30am... only in Korea does this happen.
I have been watching My Fair Lady on Tv. Like me, my friend Hyun didnt like the ghastly red hair on her either and she just look soooo tired. I think the eyeliner makeup is alittle too harsh for her and made her look kinda..well...slutty / bitchy? Well that's just me... in general, I think the hair stylist did a super bad job for most of the characters in this drama. By the way last nite, I cannot believe the butler kissed her! I went ewwwwweeeeee.....Grosss... sorry, he is too ugly by my standard...i sooo much prefer the lawyer guy... Pretty good watching Tv with real time translator next to me for a change rather than reading the subs, not to mention have someone making comments with me as we watch it together.. Ha!
I went to do the local sauna and hot bath thingie at Yongsan today. Oh its soo fun! Unfortunately i couldnt take pictures inside so I wont be able to show u guys. However, it was kinda shocking for me when the elevator door open and my eyes are greeted by dozens of fully naked fair korean women walking all over. I was laughing and told hyun that i felt as if I step into the world of a porn set, without the act of course. Shocker! I was quite lost for the initial minutes....since there wasnt any english signs and i had to wander around, figuring my way and watch how the locals did it... Its a completely different experience from visiting the public baths and hotspring in Japan. Just uniquely different but I had fun. There was open area where everyone can just lie down, watch some TV [big screen], and buy snack from teh store there. After trying out the various sand, kiln room, traditional korean hot charcoal sauna and steam, plus the ice room, I was all ready for the body scrub, kinda like the turkey baths if u know what i mean... my skin never felt cleaner and smoother.... :P By the way, I did the funny towel head wrap with the 2 buns on each side thingie too. Very few koreans did it in real life, unlike what i saw in the drama.
This little korean baby girl was soo cute, i was picking out my icecream and she started to follow me all over, and ever stealing mouthful of icecream from mine! I had to carry her all over hunting for her was quite funny since i dont speak korean and she doesnt seem to care. She didnt seem to mind strangers at all. I think it was the icecream lure.... haaa
Food wise, I am loving it. My korean friend was kinda surprised at how I took in all the food with gusto and actually enjoying it. Strange it may sound but some of the flavor actually tasted like my mum's like the aged old kimchee spicy soup, it actually tasted like my mum's sezchuan spicy soup!!! I love the spicy hot pot too. Yummy!!!
Ok... i digress. I couldnt help but wanna talk about my current seoul trip alittle. The pictures will come later when i get back...meanwhile....No drama updates still... till next week!
wow...i actually found the youtube video before i board the plane to seoul.
however i simply have no time to do a summary but i was screaming my head off towards the ending... i soooooo wanna die..i mean the picture below..need i say more. haaaaaa haaaaa.
well, i have been complaining that naoki lack of expression is killing the mood, well, he sure made a come back this week..super HOT YUMMY adrenaline rush for me...and anyone else who thought the previous kiss was way too short.... haaa the producer must have heard us because this time round, its a full blown mouth to mouth smoochie in all angles. haaaaaa
if i have the time, will try to summarise it asap. for a quick update,
the part when riko was shouting out of the window was really touching towards the end. when she realised that naoki was at the basketball court, she open the window and started to tell naoki that '' i wont kiss u anymore. i wont use my fingers to touch u anymore. i wont come too close to u anymore. i wont slap u anymore. so just let me stay from a distance of 5m and not to say let's not see each other anymore''. naoki was sooo touched that he finally abandoned all his inhibition and ran up to riko's flat to smooch her passionately.
with such lingering kiss......what more can i ask for before i board the plane. ;p
For the long awaiting fans of Buzzer BEAT'S violin piece played by riko... here it is. There are 2 version in the OST, same tune but played differently.... enjoy.
Just a quick note to say that I prob may not be able to do a timely update on next's week episode summary for Buzzer Beat because I am heading to Seoul for holiday and the video prob wont be out by the time i board the plane.
My korean friend has extended his invitation to be my local guide on his return trip and i figured why not with free accomodation thrown in. Ha....
If anyone has any great ideas or must not missed places for me to explore in Seoul since it will be my first trip there, will be great to hear from u since i may have some slots to be by myself....i am soo excited now... i can hardly sleep.... ;]
If you like the Buzzer Beat theme song, you can now click on the track in the playlist to download by clicking the download button. IF it doesnt work, u can also download from here. This album is released on 6th august 2009.
主題歌:B'z イチブトゼンブ [ichibu to zenbu]
meanwhile i am still waiting for the other buzzer beat OST cd compilation to be out, because i want the violin piece often played by Riko - 彼女の夏 which is recorded within. This other album will have 21 tracks within and i have sampled the tracks, and i like it.
I should be excited about this episode, afterall they finally kissed but somehow I am not feeling it and wasnt overly gushing in hysterical. I wasnt sure if it was the awkward falling over, combined with lack of expression on Naoki when kissed that kinda taken the climax away. not too good acting skills can do that for me, dulling my senses.... however, the actress playing riko is perfect. she did every expression and mood really well. come on naoki... what on earth are u waiting for..
The episode started with Riko and Naoki hugging following from last week. Then for some reason, RiKO kinda lost balance and fell ontop in an awkward position on top of Naoki. They gazed into each other and i suppose lost in the moment but i didnt feel it. maybe this scene would have been better for me if it was included last week because i felt the momentum was lost somehow but its just me.
anyway, riko's mobile alarm went off and broke the spell and the two split themselves apart. naoki asked if riko want to go see the coach but she declined saying that she didnt have makeup on etc and said she has to leave for her job anycase. riko asked naoki again what happened and he explained it was just a case of hurt pride and nothing else. riko then told naoki that they are just friends, and she is just his fan. why she have to say that outloud is kinda beyond me but then that's the script.
at the bustop, naoki told riko that while he dunno much about music but he said her music really touched him that nite when she played for him, so she must work hard. the coach saw them from afar and finally understood that part of riko resistance towards him stems from her affection towards naoki.
at the training, the coach decided to form 2 teams to play off each other and he pitched himself against naoki- and won of coz. meanwhile, naoki also discovered he has somesort of foot injury [ loose bone or something, sorry not sure] that will incur pain from time to time, and he possibly need a surgery to rectify the problem.
in the room, the coach asked naoki if he had something to tell him - refering to the morning buststop incident he witness. naoki paused and finally revealed that he and natsuki had split, much to the shock of the coach. however naoki added on that he has no intention to date again for a while and left the room.
at home, riko told mami what happened. she described that while hugging naoki, she could hear his heartbeat and the more she craves for it and closer she wants to be, she lost her balance and yet, instead of feeling embarrased, all she wanted to do then was wanting to kiss naoki except the alarm killed the moment. she also confessed finally outloud that she likes naoki. mami asked if she really wants to turn away from her smooth road of love to a tumbulous one... which riko was pretty firm and decided that she will tell the coach before he leaves for boston, about the truth she has someone else she liked and she cannot return his feelings.
at home, naoki also told his mum he has broken up with natsuki. his mum said she hoped one day, he will finally find a girl of his true heart's desire [ i hope i translated this line correctly but its along this meaning somewhat.]
natsuki is hooked up with yoyogi. however his treatment towards her is completely different from naoki. while naoki will pamper her with all teh cooking, yoyogi arrived at her place and asked her to whip up something for him instead. meanwhile, natsuki also came clean with naoki's teamate about the truth of the cause of breakup [ i assume so because the senior kinda told her off about her bring the one who broke naoki's heart when she was complaining that it has become such a nasty habit for her that after breaking up, she still habitually want to text naoki about every little thing after doing that for 2 years]
meanwhile, riko met up with the coach for a drink. just when she was about to tell him her feelings, the coach said he has something to give her and its at his place. so before she said anything, he wants her to follow him home first. along the way, riko couldnt hold on anymore and blurted out her true feelings, that she has fallen for someone else and that she apologised formally to the coach about for all these time. the coach turned to ask who the guy was. riko was stun and didnt know how to answer. just then, the coach parents on way to vist him drove by and the coach still introduce riko to his parents , as 'the girl' that he is currently dating with marriage in mind regardless. they went for lunch together and the parents were telling riko to take good care of the coach, which really put riko in a spot as she couldnt say anything or reject them.
after the parents left, the coach told riko that regardless if its naoki or any other guy, as he had told her before, so long she is still single, he would work doubly hard to compete with his rivals, and he will wait till she decide to like him.
at the basketball court near riko home, naoki was practising and he saw riko heading home. he called out to her and she spotted his injured foot. they started chatting and she spotted another scab injury on his elbow. she said she loved pulling off the dried scab as she loved feeling the raw smooth new skin underneath. that said, naoki peeled his off despite riko protest that it wasnt ready to come off. however when its off, naoki felt the area and exclaimed riko was rite and it was really smooth. he offered his elbow to riko and she started giggling while touching his healed wound.
suddenly she caught herself and quickly got up and walked off, excusing her impoliteness for doing what she did. naoki then told her he really appreciated her and talking to her as it always makes him want to work harder. then he said something along he hoped he hasnt crossed the line but riko turned ard and spilled ''the line has already been crossed''. riko also kissed naoki before running off, leaving a bewildered naoki in the court. riko went home and as she laid on the bed, she asked herself what on earth is she doing... [ did anyone else see how she takes such great care of the sunflower...yippeeeeeee..heeee]
as riko went off to work, mami learned by chance that naoki has broken off with his gf... meanwhile that nite while working, a guy heard riko playing and listened to her while looking at her intently.
natsuki on the otherhand was playing her console game by herself, something which she and naoki used to do together. the scene showed her crying to herself....
at the changing room, naoki told yoyogi if they can team up together, they will be dynamic duo. yoyogi brushed him off as if it was somesort of joke.. naoki said even the coach said so and left, leaving yoyogi to think about it.
meanwhile, while naoki was training alone, the coach went up to naoki and told him that actually he had seen naoki and riko together at the training camp's busstop.naoki was alittle speechless. the coach then added ''i trust you. i trust u.'' and then he turn and left, not before saying '' i will be back'' [bastard, what is that suppose to do, to stop naoki was making his move on riko...such slimy underhand tactic from the coach, i so wanna clobber the coach for that...]
been following DREAMS starring kim bum for the last month now but i still cannot get into it. pretty soon i will indeed start falling asleep and start to dream while the show is running... its droning, and unexciting. decent maybe, thrilling and punchy in script and pace, definitely nono... the drama is certainly going all out to be a winner if u ask me...script is halfhearted and relying too much on pretty face kim bum for the rating. somehow its moving too slow for me...and i am just waitin for some action to begin. ep 5 and 6 is out but still no sizzling excitement...
if it wasnt for kim bum, i prob wouldnt still be hoping for something good in this drama since its borderin on boring for me...perhaps i am demanding but hey, if i am to sit so long watching the drama, i expect to reap some entertainment value right.... so can't blame me for having some expectations..
now i am hoping ''my fair lady'' that is upcoming will be more promising than ''dreams''.
i watched otomen...quite crappy [ personal view] for the first 2 episodes...
it was so lame that i didnt even feel like sitting thru every minute of it. quite disappointing really since i liked the manga somewhat. if they have picked a better cast, i'm sure it would have been better but.... apart from the lead male actor, the actress was frankly quite average looking. plus they threw in alot of horizontally challenged folks in to try to gain humour and laughs, which in my opinion is pretty weak, unnecessary, insulting and discriminating. why do lousy producers always try to make non slim people as object of laughters i beyond me. so its prob another pass for me....
[ story plot ; basically revolves this very cute, eligible, popular highschool guy who is all rounder in sports and academic. however he has a deep dark secret, he is an otomen, meaning he like girly stuff like sewing, cooking, baking, dolls, cutesy pink stuff and stuffies etc. however his dad had left home to become a woman so the mum absolutely forbid any remoteness or contact to girly stuff for the son and the son obliged the mum. so the drama goes how he survives in school with his secret, and later on the girl appears as a new transfer, and she is complete opposite from him, hopeless in all girls stuff but good in fighting.
in the manga, there will be anotehr guy in their class who is a shoujo manga writer and he used the lead guy and girl as material for his manga thru their relationship development...i am assuming the drama will follow suit... that's about it. no depth to it. ]
After a long hot day, it was certainly most self deserving and satisfying to indulge myself in buzzer beat episode 5 today. I WAS positively going OMG OMG OMG when Riko walked through that basketball court door. Can u imagine her all up in anxiety because Naoki cried and ran all the freaking way just to see him.... bloody hell how can he be possibly remain stoic. SO WHEN HE HUGGED HER....i was screaming YES YES YES...I wished Naoki looked abit more emotional than a passive blank face though. I cannot really tell if he was touched, conflicted, tormented or didnt looked like he was going through all emotions either... so maybe the actor didnt do a good enough job for me in expressing that precise moment.
Riko on the other hand was utterly loveable, adorable and totally rootable from her innocent phone call, to her anxiety to hearing naoki crying, and to the exhausted expression but relieved seeing naoki ok in the court, to the surprised at being hugged and the didnt want to let go look, just savouring that moment look. SHE WAS SO CONVINCING from the start to the end, with her whole emotional display. sHE nailed it girl.
I am sooon glad that after much consideration, Naoki decided to call things off with his cheating gf after thanking her for all the years and expressing that he had really loved her. However during their chat, it goes to show that she still didnt quite get the depth of his love and the rationale of his promise and asking her to wait. when Naoki asked yoyogi to take good care of his exbf if he really truly care for her...i CAN UNDERSTAND why naoki did that. He really truly loved natsuki...but like naoki told yoyogi, natsuki has never smoked in front of him. so that implies that natsuki has never been quite herself infront of naoki...
I cannot wait for next episode when the coach starts to realise that he is sooooo not the man for Riko.. will he pull all stops to win riko or will face reality and back off peacefully. next week preview seemed like he mentioned something about marriage with riko before his parents i that will get interesting but look at riko's face. then again i never quite trust preview coz it is never what it seems at times for those trailer shots haaa.. in this epsiode, during the hot bath, the coach already expressed to his friend that he thinks riko doesnt love him. So it s matter of how thick skin and persistent he is before he gives up. i thought it was really bold of him to ask riko to spend the nite with him [hinting in bed i think] but riko was soooo cute, in suggesting drinking thru the nite instead. i dont know if she was innocent in that sense or deliberately avoiding the option of being more physical.
now all i care is how naoki and riko will get together. i wanna see them be a couple proper, all smiles and grins. they will be such a cute couple.
well that's my thoughts for this week for now. another superb epi that keeps me warm and fuzzy with that hugging scene...awwww....sweet.
ps; the video sites i have linked to previously have had the episode taken down so i removed the linkage. 19th aug 2009
generally its a pretty good episode. i simply love riko, she is so adorable here esp the part when she went ''oh i forgot my bra'' her expression was hilarious. Not to mention when she tried to convince herself that she doesnt like Naoki, and went muttering ''Í DONT LIKE HIM'' continously.
The best part of this episode was of course my gratifying satisfaction of naoki catching his gf cheating on him in the changing room, kissing yoyogi. I was so annoyed when naoki was so happy at her message, saying that she wants to see him too. i was like thinking she is such a fraud...Good thing is that naoki had already suspected something was amiss when he saw the wrist band under her bed and her reaction on seeing yoyogi getting hurt on tv.
the other best part was how naoki is showing more and more concern to riko. now i want the coach to get out of the way. haaaaa
ok, gonna have my breakkie and come back to the summary in a short while. watch this space. meanwhile here is the video.
the scene starts at the beach, where riko excitedly shared with mami her discovery, that naoki is the guy whose mobile they had returned and he was the guy they had seen running after the bus. riko started to say it was destiny, and mami agreed it was indeed destiny, but that naoki is the cupid that brought riko and the coach together. that said, it dampened riko's mood as that obviously was not what she had in mind. mami noticed the visible change in her expression, expressed in shock that riko wasnt thinking that naoki is the ''destined man '' did she? riko of course immediately denied thinking so [ though her downcast expression states otherwise].
riko commented that naoki already has a girlfriend anycase. riko stated that naoki is just the destined friend. mami started to describe naoki's gf as a fraud, someone who wears a mask etc. more importantly, mami encouraged riko state í do not like naoki. riko repeatedly stated that and then finally broke into a smile, stating that indeed naoki and her are just fated friends. at that moment, mami encouraged her to say 'i like tomoya'' which riko did. embarrassingly, the coach overheard the part when riko was repeating the i like tomoya phrase....
when alone, the coach asked riko out as he would like to introduce her to his uni friends. riko was a little taken back [ i dont see her looking too happy about the idea] but agreed. then she hesitatingly allowed the coach to hold her hands. when they are heading back, the caoch asked naoki if he wanted a lift back, but naoki received a message from his gf stating she wants to see him too, and sorry for ysterday. with that mesage, naoki was visibly happier and said he would take the train and went off. the coach and another teammate discussed that he looked much happier and that naoki must have had a fight with his gf. riko who was present, longingly look at the departed naoki much to dismay of mami who saw her expression.
at nanami natsuki house, she mercilessly told yoyogi to leave before naoki arrived. yoyogi remarked that so nanami had no intention of splitting up with naoki which she confirmed indeed so. 'plus u are not serious about me anyway' nanami commented to yoyogi. he paused and then replied yeah before staking claim on nanami and kissed her again.
naoki arrived at nanami's house and helped her got rid of a bug. nanami apologised to naoki for the harsh words she had said yesterday and naoki confided that her words had shattered him, as he had thought those were heartfelt. nanami kept quiet on that part. nanami expressed that naoki is gentle and kind but naoki said he is not but nanami said he is. She got up to make some coffee, at that moment, naoki commented that he is too safe to the shock of Nanami. Nanami added that she like the gentle naoki but she love the naoki on the court even better. Naoki then said that he is sorry to have made her feel upset etc, and that now he is feeling better. Just as he was doing his pushups, he accidentally saw the wrist band that Yoyogi left behind and started to have his suspicions and ponder to himself.
At home, with the elder sister grumbling about her husband and his exwife, Naoki got out of the house to clear his head. As he approached the court, he heard riko playing violin and he stopped at the entrance to listen to her play without interrupting her. When she was done, they greeted each other and Naoki commented that it was a different tune. Riko shared about her upcoming performance at a shopping mall. Naoki asked if the coach is invited but Riko said she wont tell him as its not a proper concert like mami but just some mall performance to entertain tired shoppers. its much smaller and not as grand as mami;s concert. Naoki wished her well for her performance. as she was leaving, she heard Naoki 's footwork and decided to stay for a while. she told Naoki that she liked listening to naoki playing ball as it relax her somehow. Naoki was surprised and asked 'listen?''.
Riko explained about listening to his balls entering the loop and his footwork. Naoki said he also like hearing the squeeking sound of the shoes as that would differentiate between the opposing team vs his team mate, it makes him excited. Excited, riko asked, then she proceed to query if she would be able to do that. Naoki tapped her shoulder and then solemnly sai'd in jest, ít is not possible for an outsider. Riko retorted playfully too that she would be able to do so one day.
As naoki continue to practice, Riko closed her eyes and listen to him. as she open her eyes, she convinced herself one more time that she does not like him, and they are just friends....
At the court practice, Naoki learnt that Yoyogi had made the cut to the national squad. the coach revealed that he has intention to groom naoki further as the main key player in the team due to his good form
At the bar, nanami was obviously annoyed when the bar guy asked if Naoki has been selected for the national team. she frowned and said with his recent performance, how would it be possible for him to make the cut. As Nanami continued to reveal the two who had made it, she paused as she mentioned yoyogi's name. The bar guy commented that in studentdays, Yoyogi performance was worse than his and Naoki, Nanami said nothing.
Shuji officially moved to Riko and Mami's flat. Mami was giving him instructions, and specifically told him ''no bringing of woman back home.'' Shuji laughed and replied it is impossible to squeeze 2 people in that narrow storeroom -his room. Mami gave him a stern look and shuji quickly stop grining and said seriously he understood. At that, Riko woke and walked out of her room. seeing shuji, she commented absentmindedly ''oh, u are here. goodmorning...ah...forgot my bra'' as she pat and scratch her chest and walked back to her room. Shuji was rooted on the spot and went muttering to himself 'bra...bra...' Seeing Mami's stern face, he quickly stop. mami told him not to corrupt the ambience here, and he immediately replied understood.
At the fair, mami and riko turned up in their yuta. Riko saw the keychain [that is the most unpopular in sales] with Naoki name and player number and look at it with conflicting emotions as she turned to look at coach tomoya. she muttered to herself ''he sure is popular.'' before turning to look at the keychain again.
As the coach was walking RIKo off, they bumped into one of his friend Masato. the coach was telling the friend that Riko was a musician. the obnoxious guy masato then asked if they are officially together, and to Riko's surprise, Masato started sprouting private things like how the coach had met them in spring and had placed a bet with them that he would definitely find a serious gf by summer and show her to the rest. Riko expressed surprised and the friend continue to blurt that indeed the coach had all along dated many different girls, but suddenly, he mentioned his parents are getting old, and its about time to find a steady gf, so he placed a bet of 10,000yen with the friends that by this coming gathering, he will bring someone. Masato looked to a displeased and awkward tomoya for confirmation. Tomoya silently nodded while Riko was reeling from this new info.
Riko turned to Tomoya and asked ''ís this the uni friend u mentioned earlier that u wanted me to meet.'' the coach nodded. Riko blurted 'u are the worst' and tearfully storm off.
Tomaya turned to his friend and asked what kind of joke is this. Masato gleefully retored that this is a small revenge for having his gf stolen away by tomoya 10years ago.. tomoya angrily scolded his friend as childish as it has already been 10years since the incident. he ran off chasing after riko.
He tried to explain but riko asked him if he chased after her because he wanted to win. tomoya replied truthfully its not true, not he cannot completely deny it..
''U had thot that way from the start, which is why u have been so relentless in your pursuit...' Riko told him off.
''No its not true, i truly am...'' the coach started to reply but Riko had enough and shook his hands off, stating she would never believe him anymore. Naoki and Shuji witness the whole scene from a distance....
Back at home, mami was comforting a sad riko in her room. mami said everyone has a past. ''He's a mature man. so wont it be more strange for someone who looked so good, and play basketball so well to not have a past. '' Mami consoled her. ''Yeah but still, he had dated so many women in the past..'' Riko complained. ''Well it cannot be helped if woman throw themselves at him.'' mami added.
Riko stated maybe he just wanted to win the bet? Mami confessed that she wont know. ''Forget it, now is not the time to get depressed over such matters. ah, i should practice now.'' Riko thought aloud. Just then, Shuji entered her room , passing his phone to her saying its naoki to a shocked Riko. Mami dragged Shuji out.
Naoki told Riko that hasnt he told her that he had respected the coach alot previously. He added that indeed the coach is popular with woman but Tomoya isnt the sort that cannot be trusted and Naoki just wanted to share that as her friend.
Riko smiled and asked ''So u called me just to tell me this?'' Naoki paused for a second and replied yes, but that she already know that fact that the coach isnt a bad person. Riko said perhaps she understand, perhaps a little not but that is her problem since she has a distrust for guys. Naoki gave a chuckle. ''no matter, its better to clear the air in person'' Naoki advised Riko and she said yeah but after she has cooled down. Before she hung up, she told Naoki that his voice sounded a little strange over the phone. naoki expressed surprised but riko said its nothing and thanked him before hanging up.
At the bar, nanami joined naoki to view the basketball match. in the telecast, it was shown that Yoyogi was suffering from some ankle injury. Naoki noticed with unease that Nanami was unusually interested and showing worried expression. Naoki also spotted a smiliar looking wrist band on yoyogi. He asked Nanami about it and said it shouldnt be his. Nanami lied that its yoyogi but he had forgotten it and she brought it home from company and pretended TO ADD, that now that naoki knew, he can pass it to yoyogi instead. Riko left for her mall performance and mami called the coach to let him know secretly. at the same time, naoki was at the same mall with sisters. By chance, he saw riko name playing at the mini music performance. He went to check it out and saw riko playing in full concentration. Suddenly it occurred to him and he went off to purchase flower for riko.
When the performance ended, Naoki wanted to go forward to riko but stopoped when he saw Riko looking at someone else. the coach appeared with a huge bouquet and he thank her for a wonderful performance. riko apprenhensively received the flower and said she was surprised.
Naoki said to himself its great and pass the stalk of sunflower to a kid nearby and went off with his sister.
meanwhile, riko learnt that the coach used to flirt alot and was a chick magnet. However, he said she misunderstood everything else. The bet was a joke, it wasnt a real bet and he truly wanted to find a gooD partner, His dad has been hoiSpitalised in spring and he realise he wanted to settle down. so when he met riko, he felt it was destiny and went to bookstore buying a novel as a pretence. he asked if she would believe it now. she said she was happy about today and thanked him.
At home, Nanami called Naoki. She said Naoki didnt sms her today and she felt strange. Naoki nothing much except its his mum birthday and he went to get stuff for her. nanami exclaimed she had forgotten and apologised and spoke to his mum. Naoki listened on from the side without any joyful expression. nanami hung up and look annoyed and sigh in frustration to herself. Naoki went to his room and looked at the ring and place it back on the table, telling himself to buck up. At home, riko looked at the huge bouquet happily and also took out the stalk of sunflower naoki had bought..
Yoyogi was told he had to rest for a week and he was pissed. naoki asked if he was alright. yoyogi replied you are too nice to others, in the end you will be the one to suffer. Naoki took in his words.
On the street, riko and naoki met by chance. Riko said thanks for the call and that by talking with the coach, she felt they are one step closer. She also shared about the huge bouquet she received, and that it was the first time. she went on to add that she also received a stalk of very cute sunflower from a boy and Naoki looked up in surprised. he smiled on the side. Riko said she is now inspired to work harder in her violin.
Naoki asked if Riko is going on a date. Riko laughed and said how DID he know. He said she looked different with makeup compared to other times and she exclaimed she didnt realise she had so much on. Naoki said no, just that she looks pretty. Riko was a little taken back with his compliment.
Riding halfway, Naoki stopped and turned ard calling out to riko. He told her to let''s work hard together to fulfill our dream. he shared to her that he will become stronger, about his dream to make the cut to join nba as a professional etc and he believed that she would be a successful violinist and will go on to perform in concert etc. Naoki continue with encouragement to work hard together and while it seemed impossible like a distance dream now, but it will materialise one day, and until the last min, never give up. riko smiled and said she will work hard, even when she is an old lady, she will not give up on her dream. naoki nodded and wave bye. riko turned ard watching his departing figure and asked herself ''i couldnt have fallen for him right.'' on the way, she kept muttering ''i dont like him''.... At the end and as she stopped, she paused and said to herself''i like him.'' at that moment, tomoya called out to her. she looked up in surprised and then force a smile and head towards the coach. meanwhile in the practice court, nanami was in the changing room and told him what happen to his confidence. yoyogi said he doesnt have much now, so she should give him some. nanami hearing that and looking a a desponded yoyogi grabbed his face and kissed him. she paused, looked at yoyogi and kissed him again with much passion this time.
naoki entered the room and witness the scene. nanami turned ard and saw naoki in shock. naoki glared at them holding back his tears....
ps..such anguished betrayed sad look... dont worry naoki, u have riko. hang in there....
Dwelling from place to place, restlessly ambling from point to point. A nomadic soul. A wandering mind. Honoring the past. Living the present. Anticipating the future.