however i simply have no time to do a summary but i was screaming my head off towards the ending... i soooooo wanna die..i mean the picture below..need i say more. haaaaaa haaaaa.
watch veoh

well, i have been complaining that naoki lack of expression is killing the mood, well, he sure made a come back this week..super HOT YUMMY adrenaline rush for me...and anyone else who thought the previous kiss was way too short.... haaa the producer must have heard us because this time round, its a full blown mouth to mouth smoochie in all angles. haaaaaa
if i have the time, will try to summarise it asap. for a quick update,
the part when riko was shouting out of the window was really touching towards the end. when she realised that naoki was at the basketball court, she open the window and started to tell naoki that '' i wont kiss u anymore. i wont use my fingers to touch u anymore. i wont come too close to u anymore. i wont slap u anymore. so just let me stay from a distance of 5m and not to say let's not see each other anymore''. naoki was sooo touched that he finally abandoned all his inhibition and ran up to riko's flat to smooch her passionately.
with such lingering kiss......what more can i ask for before i board the plane. ;p
Please... do the summary asap... I want to know what is rika saying to Naoki... (sorry for my english)
Thank you
good thing ive watched it already.. wah they pulled out the vidz already..
WAY TO GO Naoki!!!...>.<
That wasn't just any kiss......
Anybody else hot here after that?
How can he not feel for Riko. I wanted to cry along with her when she was in the park by herself when her mom called. She does such an excellent job expression every single feeling in this series.....I guess that slap did help LOL...Now I'm all jumpy for the next episode...Monday please come soon.
Thanks as always.
Oh wanted to know what people thought about this kiss just now compared to other series that Yamapi did? I think this is the best I've seen. Wished he kissed me like that >.<
i just watch the subs at all and i actually don't understand what are they talking about..haha the scene make me smile even i am working late last night... so tired but still i am satisfied with it.
i was screaming when i watched the end too! tat was some kiss!
Hibari... yes i wish it's me too! ^^ thk it's yamapi's best kiss soo far... can't thk of any other drama where it's better (he seldom haf kiss scenes rite?)
i watched it with subs so I noe what they r tokin about... e part where riko speak through the window was soo touchin... tat's y naoki rushed up immediately... :)
i'm excite about mai and shuji too... they're such a cute pair!
today is tue... hope the subs for ep8 will b up tonite... can't wait! =p
i screamed even louder in episode 08... i cannot believe they pulled out the video so quickly like within the day after i found it...
well hibari.
this was a solid heart thumping, sucking my soul kiss i tell u... the kind that make me feeling faint and breathless. haaaa
yeah mai and shuji are cute but just kinda less interesting compared to naoki and riko due to all the twists and sabotage and multiple triangle... haaaa
i cannot wait for epi 09 now... a week is such a long wait...sigh
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