I should be excited about this episode, afterall they finally kissed but somehow I am not feeling it and wasnt overly gushing in hysterical. I wasnt sure if it was the awkward falling over, combined with lack of expression on Naoki when kissed that kinda taken the climax away. not too good acting skills can do that for me, dulling my senses.... however, the actress playing riko is perfect. she did every expression and mood really well. come on naoki... what on earth are u waiting for..
watch veoh video
The episode started with Riko and Naoki hugging following from last week. Then for some reason, RiKO kinda lost balance and fell ontop in an awkward position on top of Naoki. They gazed into each other and i suppose lost in the moment but i didnt feel it. maybe this scene would have been better for me if it was included last week because i felt the momentum was lost somehow but its just me.
anyway, riko's mobile alarm went off and broke the spell and the two split themselves apart. naoki asked if riko want to go see the coach but she declined saying that she didnt have makeup on etc and said she has to leave for her job anycase. riko asked naoki again what happened and he explained it was just a case of hurt pride and nothing else. riko then told naoki that they are just friends, and she is just his fan. why she have to say that outloud is kinda beyond me but then that's the script.
at the bustop, naoki told riko that while he dunno much about music but he said her music really touched him that nite when she played for him, so she must work hard. the coach saw them from afar and finally understood that part of riko resistance towards him stems from her affection towards naoki.
at the training, the coach decided to form 2 teams to play off each other and he pitched himself against naoki- and won of coz. meanwhile, naoki also discovered he has somesort of foot injury [ loose bone or something, sorry not sure] that will incur pain from time to time, and he possibly need a surgery to rectify the problem.
in the room, the coach asked naoki if he had something to tell him - refering to the morning buststop incident he witness. naoki paused and finally revealed that he and natsuki had split, much to the shock of the coach. however naoki added on that he has no intention to date again for a while and left the room.
at home, riko told mami what happened. she described that while hugging naoki, she could hear his heartbeat and the more she craves for it and closer she wants to be, she lost her balance and yet, instead of feeling embarrased, all she wanted to do then was wanting to kiss naoki except the alarm killed the moment. she also confessed finally outloud that she likes naoki. mami asked if she really wants to turn away from her smooth road of love to a tumbulous one... which riko was pretty firm and decided that she will tell the coach before he leaves for boston, about the truth she has someone else she liked and she cannot return his feelings.
at home, naoki also told his mum he has broken up with natsuki. his mum said she hoped one day, he will finally find a girl of his true heart's desire [ i hope i translated this line correctly but its along this meaning somewhat.]
natsuki is hooked up with yoyogi. however his treatment towards her is completely different from naoki. while naoki will pamper her with all teh cooking, yoyogi arrived at her place and asked her to whip up something for him instead. meanwhile, natsuki also came clean with naoki's teamate about the truth of the cause of breakup [ i assume so because the senior kinda told her off about her bring the one who broke naoki's heart when she was complaining that it has become such a nasty habit for her that after breaking up, she still habitually want to text naoki about every little thing after doing that for 2 years]
meanwhile, riko met up with the coach for a drink. just when she was about to tell him her feelings, the coach said he has something to give her and its at his place. so before she said anything, he wants her to follow him home first. along the way, riko couldnt hold on anymore and blurted out her true feelings, that she has fallen for someone else and that she apologised formally to the coach about for all these time. the coach turned to ask who the guy was. riko was stun and didnt know how to answer. just then, the coach parents on way to vist him drove by and the coach still introduce riko to his parents , as 'the girl' that he is currently dating with marriage in mind regardless. they went for lunch together and the parents were telling riko to take good care of the coach, which really put riko in a spot as she couldnt say anything or reject them.
after the parents left, the coach told riko that regardless if its naoki or any other guy, as he had told her before, so long she is still single, he would work doubly hard to compete with his rivals, and he will wait till she decide to like him.
at the basketball court near riko home, naoki was practising and he saw riko heading home. he called out to her and she spotted his injured foot. they started chatting and she spotted another scab injury on his elbow. she said she loved pulling off the dried scab as she loved feeling the raw smooth new skin underneath. that said, naoki peeled his off despite riko protest that it wasnt ready to come off. however when its off, naoki felt the area and exclaimed riko was rite and it was really smooth. he offered his elbow to riko and she started giggling while touching his healed wound. The episode started with Riko and Naoki hugging following from last week. Then for some reason, RiKO kinda lost balance and fell ontop in an awkward position on top of Naoki. They gazed into each other and i suppose lost in the moment but i didnt feel it. maybe this scene would have been better for me if it was included last week because i felt the momentum was lost somehow but its just me.
anyway, riko's mobile alarm went off and broke the spell and the two split themselves apart. naoki asked if riko want to go see the coach but she declined saying that she didnt have makeup on etc and said she has to leave for her job anycase. riko asked naoki again what happened and he explained it was just a case of hurt pride and nothing else. riko then told naoki that they are just friends, and she is just his fan. why she have to say that outloud is kinda beyond me but then that's the script.
at the bustop, naoki told riko that while he dunno much about music but he said her music really touched him that nite when she played for him, so she must work hard. the coach saw them from afar and finally understood that part of riko resistance towards him stems from her affection towards naoki.
at the training, the coach decided to form 2 teams to play off each other and he pitched himself against naoki- and won of coz. meanwhile, naoki also discovered he has somesort of foot injury [ loose bone or something, sorry not sure] that will incur pain from time to time, and he possibly need a surgery to rectify the problem.
in the room, the coach asked naoki if he had something to tell him - refering to the morning buststop incident he witness. naoki paused and finally revealed that he and natsuki had split, much to the shock of the coach. however naoki added on that he has no intention to date again for a while and left the room.
at home, riko told mami what happened. she described that while hugging naoki, she could hear his heartbeat and the more she craves for it and closer she wants to be, she lost her balance and yet, instead of feeling embarrased, all she wanted to do then was wanting to kiss naoki except the alarm killed the moment. she also confessed finally outloud that she likes naoki. mami asked if she really wants to turn away from her smooth road of love to a tumbulous one... which riko was pretty firm and decided that she will tell the coach before he leaves for boston, about the truth she has someone else she liked and she cannot return his feelings.
at home, naoki also told his mum he has broken up with natsuki. his mum said she hoped one day, he will finally find a girl of his true heart's desire [ i hope i translated this line correctly but its along this meaning somewhat.]
natsuki is hooked up with yoyogi. however his treatment towards her is completely different from naoki. while naoki will pamper her with all teh cooking, yoyogi arrived at her place and asked her to whip up something for him instead. meanwhile, natsuki also came clean with naoki's teamate about the truth of the cause of breakup [ i assume so because the senior kinda told her off about her bring the one who broke naoki's heart when she was complaining that it has become such a nasty habit for her that after breaking up, she still habitually want to text naoki about every little thing after doing that for 2 years]
meanwhile, riko met up with the coach for a drink. just when she was about to tell him her feelings, the coach said he has something to give her and its at his place. so before she said anything, he wants her to follow him home first. along the way, riko couldnt hold on anymore and blurted out her true feelings, that she has fallen for someone else and that she apologised formally to the coach about for all these time. the coach turned to ask who the guy was. riko was stun and didnt know how to answer. just then, the coach parents on way to vist him drove by and the coach still introduce riko to his parents , as 'the girl' that he is currently dating with marriage in mind regardless. they went for lunch together and the parents were telling riko to take good care of the coach, which really put riko in a spot as she couldnt say anything or reject them.
after the parents left, the coach told riko that regardless if its naoki or any other guy, as he had told her before, so long she is still single, he would work doubly hard to compete with his rivals, and he will wait till she decide to like him.

suddenly she caught herself and quickly got up and walked off, excusing her impoliteness for doing what she did. naoki then told her he really appreciated her and talking to her as it always makes him want to work harder. then he said something along he hoped he hasnt crossed the line but riko turned ard and spilled ''the line has already been crossed''. riko also kissed naoki before running off, leaving a bewildered naoki in the court. riko went home and as she laid on the bed, she asked herself what on earth is she doing... [ did anyone else see how she takes such great care of the sunflower...yippeeeeeee..heeee]
as riko went off to work, mami learned by chance that naoki has broken off with his gf...
meanwhile that nite while working, a guy heard riko playing and listened to her while looking at her intently.
natsuki on the otherhand was playing her console game by herself, something which she and naoki used to do together. the scene showed her crying to herself....
meanwhile that nite while working, a guy heard riko playing and listened to her while looking at her intently.
natsuki on the otherhand was playing her console game by herself, something which she and naoki used to do together. the scene showed her crying to herself....
at the changing room, naoki told yoyogi if they can team up together, they will be dynamic duo. yoyogi brushed him off as if it was somesort of joke.. naoki said even the coach said so and left, leaving yoyogi to think about it.
meanwhile, while naoki was training alone, the coach went up to naoki and told him that actually he had seen naoki and riko together at the training camp's busstop.naoki was alittle speechless. the coach then added ''i trust you. i trust u.'' and then he turn and left, not before saying '' i will be back'' [ bastard, what is that suppose to do, to stop naoki was making his move on riko...such slimy underhand tactic from the coach, i so wanna clobber the coach for that...]
The falling over scene was cute. But kiss what kiss? It was so fast I hardly saw anything. And again Naoki lack of expression isn't helping any. Well next episode looks like Riko gives him a smack...maybe that will wake him up. lol
Ya....I saw the sunflower >.<
I for one would like to knock the coach out for saying that to Naoki. Really underhanded.
haaa haa your comment is funny, but u are rite, the cahste kiss is soooo quick that it's more like a peck than anything else. yeah, u felt so too huh, that naoki lack of expression doesnt help to fan or flame any sparks....sigh.. naoki naoki.... [shake head]
yeah i saw the trailer on the smacking part too.... i think naoki needs a kick to his arse than a slap to wake him and get him going... he is like floundering along....
bwahaha...i think ALL THE GIRLS watching will want to smack the coach for saying that to naoki. suddenly the fair fight essence is gone, so much for him being a sportsman. now he is acting like some desperate middleage man..who is afriad to lose a woman to his junior... no matter, we all know who riko will choose..so for the fact that the coach will lose, i shall forgive his sneaky tactic... ha
yeah...i wish it was a longer kiss between Naoki and Riko too...sigh
I hope there another kiss.....maybe with more feeling from naoki......
watch episode #7
you'll love it :p
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