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- Veoh video - ep 2
- Pandora video - ep2Tokyo Dogs Ep2 Summary 
The episode starts with recap from last episode where the kidnapper rather shot himself to death.
The new scene opens with So (Shun Oguri) and Maruo (M. Hiro) staking out and "bickering" at a roof top. Maruo was about to head off with the "compulsory search" at the opposite hotel room, but So complained Maruo is so disorganised without any proper planning. So questioned if they should just barged into the room, what should they do if the people in the hotel room possess firearms? So went on with his argument that the girls will be trapped as hostages and a possible shootout may occur with an (unseasoned) bad guy... Maruo couldnt take it anymore. He grumbled outloud that So should stop with his unceasing preaching as they are "killing" him. Maruo further explained that the "dating" scene differs from the "prostitution" scene in states. So retorted Maruo is so naive and the only reason they are here to investigate was due to sources linking the hotel with the secret organisation, so anything could happen.
Maruo then questioned what has So prepared, in which So whipped out a "can bomb" for the door entrance destroy any burglar alarm! Maruo was horrified at the mention of "bomb". "Are you an idiot?! This is Tokyo here!" and he tried to returned the can back to So. So explained the can is to assure the safety of the girls in the room and take control while everyone is caught by surprise. So started to head off but Maruo ended up dragging him to stop him, declaring he (M) cannot do it. So told Maruo that his indecisiveness and lack of action proves Maruo is not suited
to be a cop.
"Just like earlier when choosing a bento, you had to take sooooo long!" So stated flatly.
"Hey the sweet and sour pork may be good but the gyozai bento also looked good! It is perfectly normal for one to be undecided in such moment!" Maruo quickly retorted back.
"Yeah but you kept on endlessly whining
'It's awlful! It's awlful!' about the gyozai! Hadnt the store auntie recommended the sweet and sour pork right from the start?! The SIGNATURE DISH is the sweet and sour pork afterall!!!" So instantly fired back at Maruo.
"But my stomach exists for gyozai!!" Maruo pleaded in defence.
"There is no such thing as a stomach existing only for gyozai. If u had wished to eat the gyozai sooo much, you could have just ordered a SINGLE SEPARATE ITEM in the set!" So told Maruo off and walked off.
"SOOO.. was the sweet and sour pork good then?" Maruo asked in defeat.
So turned around and after a paused replied flatly "It's only average"
"Ahhhh if its only average, then stop yakking on as if its so damn great!" Maruo yelled in frustration. So in panic hushed Maruo not to be sooo loud. Maruo gave another yell instead!
[side note: sooo funny! this scene had me laughing so hard!]As they approach the room, So tell Maruo to be quiet and muttered "so annoying/ noisy". Just when So was going to use the can bomb, Maruo stopped him and whispered "Just use this will do" refering to a key. "you are such an idiot" Maruo said as he shoved So to one side while opening the door. It ended the room had some weapons and So told maruo to take the girls away into custody, but Maruo was already "floating in air" after the girls complimented he is soo cool.
Next scene, Yuki and the guys were packing apartment.
"Say, are we going to move each time when the hideout is exposed?" Yuki asked. "Yeah I suppose so." Maruo replied. Yuki complained its such a hassle but Maruo replied isnt it good (a luxury) to move to different apartments? So entered the scene and rigidly interrupted "This is for your safety" and walked off with a box. Maruo's ex partner said seeing familiar things will aid her memory recovery but Yuki said its all maruo's stuff. Then, Yuki was shock to learn that she will be staying with the guys! So replied yup as it is for foolproof safety.
"how can it be safe?! There is nothing safe about living in the same apartment with 2 men!!" yuki protested.
"Huh? Dangerous?" So was puzzled.
At that point, Yuki turned to see Hiro in a pose stance and turned to stick out his tongue, before wagging it quickly. Yuki screamed as she was horrified! Hiro laughed and assured her he was just kidding around. The other girl said it didnt look like a teasing expression at all. At that, maruo continued with a new scenario in the bathroom. "Imagine the bathroom door opens, and yuki was in the middle of the shower, and while I want to peek, yuki will scream 'ahhhhhh, dont look!!!' and I will want to peek but yuki will spray the shower at me." Yuki laughed at the joke and utter a name. At which So rushed out and said "Doraemon! You remembered?" Yuki said she knew. So started questioning her all the characters and common lines (while maruo was poking fun at his excessive serious expression at the side) but she couldnt rem the last. So was disappointed as he revealed the answer. Maruo commented "Who on earth will know..."
Back in office. Their boss informed them of a new case.
A lawyer was fired with 3 shots at his home entrance but a failed attempt on his life. So commented that it is common for lawyers to invite grudges and hence a death attempt. The female colleague agreed and said this lawyer indeed has been "enemies" due to wrongful cases. One of the male colleagues expressed his unhappiness for the divorced lawyer to leave his young son late at nite alone at home, saying its unforgivable. the boss interrupted and said investigation should commence before the lawyer gets murdered and become too late.

At the lawyer's place, maruo was trying to sweettalk and placate the little boy to a safehouse, but So was hurrying him on without care. Maruo pulled So to one side, telling him "Dont you understand, I am trying to make the boy feel good." So reprimand him instead saying his style will hinder the safety of the transfer. maruo retorted that was just a boy! So turned to the boy and told him to listen up. "You may be a child but also a family member. Your father was being shot at, and its reasonable that u will be targeted at. So u should evaluate your current situation and make a decision.." Maruo tried to interrupt his speech being too adult but So brushed Maruo off and said firmly to the shocked boy "Do u want to die by staying here to play game?" The older cop came over to defuse the tension and tried to cheer the boy up, much to the annoyance of So. Before departing, So said he had to go somewhere else and wont join them. the old cop advised it is better So shouldnt go anywhere dangerous alone. So replied he will be fine.
So ended up in a bar to "return the photos and the badge" and won a fight. After he left, the bad guys commented he is strong.
Maruo brought the little boy back home to the safehouse. Yuki promised to care for him
On way home from office, Maruo was complaining about the lawyer being a bad father, he might as well be shot to death. So stopped in his track and seriously told Maruo never to repeat that sentence. maruo said he was only joking and split off for dating meeting, leaving So to care for the boy.

At home, So noticed the bruise marks on the boy and asked if he was being bullied..and thus hate going to school The little boy asked if he could stay there but So said impossible. The boy said he can change school and if he can change his name. So asked why does he need to change his name and if he detest his father. The boy replied "If papa is not papa, I will not be treated as the child of a bad lawyer." "You cannot run. No matter, papa will always be your papa. Always will be." As So walked away, the boy wondered aloud what should he do then. So replied "Fight them. Fight to win." With that, So went into combat instruction mode and got so engrossed that he forgot he was coaching the little boy. As he simulate the bashing the pot, the boy looked at him in schock..(so farnee how So goes overboard!) With that, he changed his approach...
back in laywer office, Maruo started hitting on the secretary (Mauo flirting is hilarious!) So noticed something is amissed and discovered the lawyer made a secret escape. So spotted the assassin and foil the attempt. Halfway chasing the assasin, So received another call from his mum asking what fish should she buy! So suggested Nemo! (I cannot believe he can still entertain his mum! haaa)

The assassin grabbed a pedestrian as hostage. So complained about Maruo being lousy and preaching at him if he has never learn from his past assignments. Maruo said rather than learning, he based it on his his instinct/intuition. So retorted "So you lost your instincts just Like the case of the bento?!!!" "Alright I get it!!! Next time I will buy the sweet and sour pork and the gyozai separately yah!!!!SO WHICH ONE IS BETTER?!" Maruo retorted back. The assassin was thrown off guard by the bickering and yelled at them to shut up, and hand over the gun. As he stepped backwards, he tripped. Both cops made a jump kick at the bad guy, each yelling out the bento to buy next time! As So was hitting the bad guy, he voiced out "Idiot! A shop that make such bad gyozai cannot have chinese food!" Maruo informed that the old grandpa was originally a chinese restaurant owner...So was stunned and another bad guy appeared. Both got away...
At safehome, Yuki found out the little boy had won the gold award for his art work which will be showcase in the school's Bunka (cultural)festival the next day.
back at his mum's place, So ended up fixing the fish tank. The sister and mum gleefully informed him that it will be his responsibility to come change the water since they had stench. So muttered "hence I am the expert in fixing bad smell huh..." Just then, the sister's bf appeared and said "I'm back home!" So perked up at that greeting and muttered to himself "Did that guy just said he's back home???!!!" As he continue to observe the 2, he said to himself "They are not even married!" With that, So yelled "Wei!!" startling them...(I nearly died from laughing. So is sooo adoringly traditional! haaa)
So went back to safehome and Maruo happily leaked that Yuki will be getting a parttime job. Yuki tried convincing So and grabbed his back as she continue to plea with him. Instinctively, So threw Yuki onto the ground!!! Yuki started to "cry" saying she is only a girl!! maruo grabbed her hands wanting to comfort her but Yuki instantly stopped her whining and warned Maruo not to take advantage of her (molest her hands)
Another attempt was made on the lawyer's life. So revealed the suspected mastermind is the lawyer longterm client but the lawyer disbelieved it. Maruo received a call saying the boy has gone missing. So said he could be in danger since the bad guys will now changed target after several failed attempt at the father. With that, they all rushed to the school to save the boy!
After the ordeal, both father and son was saved. The lawyer decided to put his work aside for a while and take his son travellin. As father and son was boarding the ambulance, the boy ran back to So and told him that he will not run away anymore. "Papa will always be papa. And I will also protect papa." When they left, Yuki then revealed she had a flashback that she had a gun pointed at her. That was the only thing she remembered.
At the rooftop, So's boss asked if So was a little envious of the little boy and father. So replied yes. "if possible, i can always give u a hug" His boss joked with So and So politely declined.
Yuki started her parttime job as a waitress. So and Maruo passed off as her brothers.
However, unknown to them Yuki's new colleague Yoshimu is also part of the secret society! While maruo was more concerned that Yuki might end up dating her new colleague but So seemed more concerned about something else as he stared at the new stranger.
AfterthoughtsMy goodness, this episode is also pretty hilarious. I love the chemistry between So and Maruo! Esp the part where they are constantly bickering about non essential things!! Sorry if the humor is lost in my translation. if u dont find it amusing, its prob more of my fault because It's really funny if u understand japanese, you will burst out laughing instantly as you see their reactions and expression during their banter.
I like Yuki. Apart from being pretty, she is very very cute. The last time I saw her was in the Love change drama but her character there was darker. Here She is bright and cheery and very likeable!
Again sorry I took so long to summarise as I juggle with my time allocation... not to mention being caught up with YAB ep 7...So for those who read till here. Thanks again for your support and patience! Hope u enjoyed Tokyo Dogs Ep02 as much as I did!