watch ep 08 viikii
Oh no... I cannot believe T.K actually believed the person M.N like is Shinwoo!! No no No!!!!! T.K, you must rem N.M's odd look at the country side while watching the star right?!! She was staring at you!!!
I was right! Jeremy fell for for M.N!
Jeremy is sooooo sweet to take her out for a spin and cheering her up. I felt so sorry for him in the bus. Strange how I didnt feel sorry for Shinwoo but for Jeremy instead. I felt like petting his head now to console him. I wonder how will jeremy take it when the truth of M.N gender is revealed!
It's also good that this ep cleared up as to why Shinwoo was acting the way he did, so secretive. I like the part where he was telling M.N the story of the clumsy girl infiltrating the group and renactment of how shinwoo has been helping N.M secretly... I esp like the part M.N fell asleep and shinwoo act as her cushion support and covered her face. She is sooo cute there. However I still dont understand why did he think letting M.N know that he knows the truth will hurt the band? Did I misread the situation because I thought Shinwoo already guessed T.K knows the truth of M.N identity? So if he is the 2nd person to know, it wont matter does it? However the highlight for me was the fighting scene for Shinwoo. My god, he looked so suave coming off the bike. That hair style ABSOLUTELY suit him. That is one of the best look on him to date.
The whole love thingie is getting juicier! M.N likes T.K, Shinwoo and Jeremy likes M.N, best of all T.K hasnt realised he is slowly falling for M.N. He gets jealous without even realising! haaa
The expression where he had to save her each time is priceless!
I found it so funny the way T.K call "Go Mi Nam" each time like he was addressing some pet. And he even nickname her pig face rabbit. Sooo funny.
The part where T.K "forced" M.N to confess the truth to Shinwoo in the room, to the part where he stood at the stairs wondering where she went, did anyone notice how his hairstyle changes from the straight hair to a bit of wave? LoL.
Everything T.K did pertaining to M.N is hilarious, from hunting her down, to making fun of her as the future wife with her bro's best friend, and to the part where he knock her down and threw leaves at her. Did he realise that he only laugh when he is with M.N? No one else has done that to him I think.
I didnt like M.N's aunt but I cannot believe TK's mum is the worst and such a biatch!!!
She even forgot T.K's birthday and to say such cruel things to him on that day makes it unforgiveable! How can any mother tell a child he is unwanted because she is in love with someone else (M.N's dad)? OMG, I hope T.K wont hate M.N for it (because of her dad that he was abandoned by the mum...)
Now that M.N knows his deep dark secret...what will happen next? When M.N did the pig nose at T.K at the MV scene, will the manager know the truth then about who she actually likes?!
A long week of agony of waiting for next ep!!! *Weeeping*
Man! This drama just keep getting better and better!!
Oh no... I cannot believe T.K actually believed the person M.N like is Shinwoo!! No no No!!!!! T.K, you must rem N.M's odd look at the country side while watching the star right?!! She was staring at you!!!

I was right! Jeremy fell for for M.N!
Jeremy is sooooo sweet to take her out for a spin and cheering her up. I felt so sorry for him in the bus. Strange how I didnt feel sorry for Shinwoo but for Jeremy instead. I felt like petting his head now to console him. I wonder how will jeremy take it when the truth of M.N gender is revealed!
It's also good that this ep cleared up as to why Shinwoo was acting the way he did, so secretive. I like the part where he was telling M.N the story of the clumsy girl infiltrating the group and renactment of how shinwoo has been helping N.M secretly... I esp like the part M.N fell asleep and shinwoo act as her cushion support and covered her face. She is sooo cute there. However I still dont understand why did he think letting M.N know that he knows the truth will hurt the band? Did I misread the situation because I thought Shinwoo already guessed T.K knows the truth of M.N identity? So if he is the 2nd person to know, it wont matter does it? However the highlight for me was the fighting scene for Shinwoo. My god, he looked so suave coming off the bike. That hair style ABSOLUTELY suit him. That is one of the best look on him to date.
The whole love thingie is getting juicier! M.N likes T.K, Shinwoo and Jeremy likes M.N, best of all T.K hasnt realised he is slowly falling for M.N. He gets jealous without even realising! haaa
The expression where he had to save her each time is priceless!
I found it so funny the way T.K call "Go Mi Nam" each time like he was addressing some pet. And he even nickname her pig face rabbit. Sooo funny.
The part where T.K "forced" M.N to confess the truth to Shinwoo in the room, to the part where he stood at the stairs wondering where she went, did anyone notice how his hairstyle changes from the straight hair to a bit of wave? LoL.
Everything T.K did pertaining to M.N is hilarious, from hunting her down, to making fun of her as the future wife with her bro's best friend, and to the part where he knock her down and threw leaves at her. Did he realise that he only laugh when he is with M.N? No one else has done that to him I think.
I didnt like M.N's aunt but I cannot believe TK's mum is the worst and such a biatch!!!
She even forgot T.K's birthday and to say such cruel things to him on that day makes it unforgiveable! How can any mother tell a child he is unwanted because she is in love with someone else (M.N's dad)? OMG, I hope T.K wont hate M.N for it (because of her dad that he was abandoned by the mum...)
Now that M.N knows his deep dark secret...what will happen next? When M.N did the pig nose at T.K at the MV scene, will the manager know the truth then about who she actually likes?!
A long week of agony of waiting for next ep!!! *Weeeping*
Man! This drama just keep getting better and better!!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! kudos to the writers and director. i hate comparing but i finally found a kdrama different from the usual theme of "get drunk...get a free ride behind the leading actor...struggle a little and/or end up on top of each other" this drama is "get drunk and fall asleep under the piano." hehehe. so off the usual elements that make a hit romance kdrama. we have dense and unassuming characters as expected of someone who grew up with nuns... and abandoned by a mom. TK's snide remarks are hilarious since we can all see how he feels about MN. yup, yup, I agree Shinwoo, is awesome. what is it about guys on bikes? i feel bad for Jeremy, too, but enjoyed the bus scene a lot. which reminds me why you are my favorite blogger, the stuff you write, i can really, really relate to even with our age difference. that's why sometimes i wish i had a daughter...i love you boys!!! truly refreshing to watch and enjoyable especially after i read your review.
i was laughing a lot, OMGs flying left and right... that yes, my two innocent boys (9 and 11y/o, by the way, your imagination was right on...hahahahah) couldn't resist and wonder what was catching my attention again. what do they expect? i was deprived of drama, couldn't find you and needed your recommendations desperately. attempted on my own to watch whats in mysoju, and stopped after 2-3 episodes. so i was surviving on 24, NCIS and Burn Notice...Catching Fire by Suzaynne Collins... and their school read the past months.
i understand my children's frustrations since instead of helping them out with repacking the candies for the halloween tomorrow...i was "sorry kids, mom is indisposed, urgent matters to attend to" (giggle!) my 11 y/o ratted me out to my husband who is currently in Singapore, he called while i was watching...heard him say "Oh, Dad...Mom's at it again" so glad, my hubby is so understanding, because i heard my son answer him after a while with "how can you compare ultimate fighting with a drama, dad?" then, "okay..okay...a girl thing." i will have lucky daughters-in-law in the future.
back to the drama, do you have any idea how many episodes we will look forward to? crossing toes really helped a lot! will attempt to cross mine too but arthritis may be a wish, this drama will not dissappoint too.
p.s. next weeks is a long...long ...long time. ah, buzzer beat and tokyo dogs. thanks again.
Hi Tv addict ,have just finished watching ep 7 ...So the infamous kiss wasn’t a kiss afterall ,well the ep was just a confirmation of the spoilers that was flying around since that scene was aired ,(another cliché broken,now we know how most epic kiss scenes are filmed LOL ) and Ya,right!!! being a “fan”, is going to make everything all right! [side note:What have they done to my Jeremy’s hair ?He looks like the love child of a cult leader and his slave ! ]
I liked the piano scene where TK stamps on her foot to wake her up and later pulls her leg to bring her out...Dude, it is like u r back in kindergarden :) and how everybody “gets” the music when he plays it...I read somewhere that the piano scene is very much similar to “He ‘s a woman ,she’s a man “ (the original HK movie with cross dressing idol ,which I have seen and really liked but the piano scene in HK movie was a major turning point which is not the case here ...
The most original /epic scene in this episode is when JGS (a star !) playing TK(a idol star!!!) acting like- how a “movie star” is supposed to frolic around ,enjoying the timeless quality ,space and lightness of being in a countryside gets chased by the Pig LOL...the parody/enactment was too in ur face ..(may be I am seeing layers where none exist !)
and how our little/concerned Sherlock Holmes finds him...Rabbits are dangerous ,Go Minam is like a rabbit ,so Go Minam is dangerous:) , great going TK !Data Interpretation 101!
We all know the very perspective Taekyung did notice the welled up eyes of Go Minam but before he could wonder about the implications ,he is interrupted very conveniently...I feel that Go Minam’s suffering from separation was absolutely necessary to get her into that emotional state which made the rendition of the song just right when TK walks into the recording room....
Shinwoo ,another perspective but “I will not be proactive even if it kills me “ angel , gets smart and willfully creates the perfect misunderstanding ..TK ,you may self cheat but I have seen your eyes! and eyes dont lie ....
@Tvaddict, I think I love it when I am wrong about every little prediction/assumptions that I have made about this drama .......Am off to watch ep 8....see u in few hrs :)
nimy aka nimi1
yay...finally finished ep 8 ...@tvaddict, like I mentioned before I cant say where this drama is going....but I love where ever that is ,whatever it is !!!!
The nun in training was so not ready for this uncontrollable ,unexplainable tumult of emotions playing havoc with her heart !! for manager’s pressure points ,even I believed it and started doing it until he reveals it to be fake(thankfully nobody was around me:))I loved regardless of how much she loves him ,she is not in awe of Taekyung any more(she's comfortable with him except when is conscious of her love)like he says before she has no shame when he scolds her anymore because she thinks(1)she has seen his kindness which is the reason why she is still there (2) she’s happy to be at his side even if that means heart break....I don’t think she expects her love to be ever requited....I don’t think she has thought that far....I loved how she was praying and was hoping she would disappear into thin air at the park (sometimes don’t we all??) where Jeremy finds her...
This episode shows a suddenly mature Jeremy having come to terms with his liking Go Minam, to him a it breaks my heart when, on the bus, he says he may like Minam for an hour before everything goes back to normal...awww
I still cant figure out how manager came to the conclusion that it was Shinwoo that Minam liked ?....I was totally expecting a Jealous Taekyung after the hug but what I was not expecting was a jealous TK still in Denial of his annoyance at Minam for liking Shin woo..he believes that after all his sacrifices ,Minam likes Shinwoo....No,No....not because he likes her (God,forbid!) but more like how ungrateful of her,without thinking why she( a girl) cannot like Shinwoo and still be grateful to Taekyung but does a complete aboutturn when he realizes he is till No 1 in her book LOL.......TK’s chart is so game theory like with all computations/permutations/probabilities covered….and later when the old school friend of the brother shows up ,he doent like the possibility (he keeps harping on that!)that she could have ended up as a pharmacist ’s wife if not for this situation( there is still a chance of that occurring!)....he has his hands full trying to protect her from all the guys that like her !(4 guys and still counting:))
ok....I am not even going to attempt to understand the whole convoluted family relationships ...but one thing I know is that mentioning you lost your lover because of giving birth to your child to an already estranged/mad/hurt son(that too on his birthday which you don’t remember) may not be the ideal way to get him back!....that was stupid and unkind...and he is still the little boy looking for his mom’s love and acceptance like everybody else ,otherwise it wouldn’t hurt him so much that he breaks down!!(at the hotel,he was so hoping that she remembered his birthday) will she know that her sordid affair (??I am still not clear on that)may come back to haunt her son /his love ?
Shin woo, Dude, I thought you were going somewhere with that hug in ep 7....but no u have to take the back seat again !!...I loved the scenes with just Shin woo and Minam , how he slowly notices her....idol or no idol,nun or no nun, love can strike anyone ,anywhere
nimy with her 2 cents :0
Wow Nimy! I was reading your comment and it seemed u are doing a better review than I am! haaa. Let me get back to you later with my few pennies worth after I get back to Elisa first:)
I kinda see M.N more naturally gulible and clumsy than dense, which prob is why her mother superior wanted her to get out of the covent to increase her exposure and widen her exposure as she tread on her path. I think the nun is really good in wanting jemma/M.N to really see the world for what it is and M.N is lucky to have meet all the nice people who care for her.
OH I'm so glad u feel the same way for Jeremy. I love the bus scene too. Somehow even both guys liked her, Jeremy's way of caring for her was more acceptale to me because it reeks less of "manipulation" than shinwoo and he accomodate her, not hinting to her about his fondness of her to make her awkwards. I cannot explain it well..brain not finding the right words...arrrggghhh.
Haa haaa I think only cute guys look awesome on bike. I cannot say I felt any heart throbbing when nicholas cage or brad pitt on bikes... haaa haa
I was laughing sooo hard about your little biy ratting u out to daddy!!! Why that little "snitch" haaaahaa. I guess he hasnt learn that sucking up to mummy dearest tend to reap more beneifts than otherwise... :P Lucky daddy is smart and wise guy who knows the ways of the way - that is mummy is never wrong!! haaa *just kidding - U do have great husband I am sure*
Then again, I can so understand the 2 boys concern that their mummy is being "abducted" by some stranger on the internet and mummy is all so consumed that she is behaving "stangely" heeeeee...
I must say "Sorry my little soldiers, your mummy is MINE for a few hours a week! Go quietly play at one corner... Bwahahahaa *victorious laugh*" haaa
Oooo u watched the most shows as me, except I dont like NCIS and burn notice at all. Somehow I cannot get into them. I much prefer criminal minds, fringe. There are not showing flash forward yet in HK... I am itching to start on that...damn hk slow.
I am sure u will be blessed with great D-I-L! Guess its too late for me to sign up huh... haaa kiddin:)
PS: I have no idea how many episodes there are to YAB drama. wILL Check it out after I am done with the move and packing...nitemare!
Hey Nimy,
Finally found time at last!
Yeah I like the piano scene. I think its innocently funny. I personally think its a subtle point. The fact that he did what he did, i think it shows how comfortable TK is with NM to be able to grab her leg without hesitation. In asia, esp in korea where its a rather conservative country, one should go around grabbing someone or touching someone else so causally unless u are on really good term. So to me, the scene actually do convey a point that TK has unconcousiously treat NM closer than he care to admit, though he would do it in a bullying manner since at the back of his head he is only helping her.
As for the pig scene, to me, I think its just plain creating laughters. haaaa I mean I had a good laugh and how naive he is about the whole countryside thing. Who on earth would wave at you like that for so long, for a min I would think he is being silly. haa but I love how he ran and scream, totally losing his cool!
For the part where NM breaks into the perfect rendition when TK walks in was frankly a little cliche for me. I was expecting it even before it happen. So it didnt do much for me esp when there wasnt much expression on the actors face. If TK had looked more shocked at the power singing,or shinwoo staring at TK more knowingly or at NM with more concern or even jealousy, I think it would do it more for me.
Yeah, I think that is why I like jeremy affection towards NM more than SW. Jeremy is more selfless. He truly wants to cheer up NM without thinking ways of trying to gain her affection back or draw more attention to himself. At least that is for now. No hidden agenda. Its more genuine for me. Its the sort of "So long as u are happy I am happy thing" while Shinwoo is more like "I must try to get you to notice/like me" thing." Its like a barter trade kinda of liking to me which then again he is not wrong since love is selfish.
TK's chart is also hilarious because it shows the childlike side of him, kinda trying a tantrum kinda thing for not being "appreciated". Then again, he did do alot of things quietly for NM without expecting reciprocal acts. From designing NM signature secretly to being blackmail by fakefairy, TK has sacrifice so much frankly even when he didnt have to...
I dont think TK mum has any sordid affair with NM dad, or at least I hope not. I am hoping maybe she has the hots for NM dad but because she was pregnant with TK, she couldnt make a move/ or further pursue whatever budding love with NM dad and NM dad ended up in love/in disappointment with another singer instead? As such, TK mum begrudge TK for holding her back from her "true love". Well at least we know TK and NM cannot be silblings. phew!
I love discussing YAB with u:
haven't had so much fun since god knows when:).....I never noticed the subtle point of "comfortable touching" here,though am an asian myself...u r absolutely right about that ,of course!!!.....and TK's chart being an intelligent front for his tantrum is soooo true .:0.... btw have posted the another link to the video-Breathless by Shayne Ward-in cbox...and check out the sudden spike in comments section about YAB ;),am sure non watchers of the show are going 'what the hell'^^......nimy
Hey Nimy,
me too me too! Frankly I love discussing all the drama details. It's always so interesting to read about what other people think after the show. thanks for becoming and joining the small group of regular kind souls to "humour" me... ;p
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