In fact, the first 2 episodes had me laughing so hard, esp the part where she had to spit the saliva to try to put out the candle. It was hilarious. That wasnt the only funny bits but that had rather tickled me for good minutes!
Initially, I thought they could have chosen a cuter lead Hwang Tae Kyung for the band. At certain angles, I didnt think he was that good looking and thought he was really too "slim". He looked even skinner than me with that skiiny jeans! However, he quickly proved to become rather endearing as the plot deepens and his character evolves with less snarl and scowl. The part where he was insisting he paid 100000won was so funny too. So indignant! haaaa haaa. Plus, he actually doesnt look that bad after they got rid of the awlful fringe and minimise the dark eye liner. The only thing I think that can further improve is to rid that pouting lips thingie when he is annoyed...hmmm..I think that "look" doesnt quite suit him.
If I were to pick my fav eye candy, I definitely would go for Kang Shin Woo, though I think they make him out to be kinda wuss. I mean if he likes the girl, just go for it. Why does he have to be so "in the background" and acting all so pathetic. I suppose he is suppose to come off looking romantic and die hard nice guy but somehow, it doesnt do it for me. I mean in reality, if I have a guy friend like that, I will tell him he is acting like a loser since the girl isnt attached to anyone. Why did he hesitate so much esp since he guessed that Tae Kyung already knows the true gender of Mi Nam. The scene where he was secretly tailing Mi Nam and helping her out was little "stalker creepy" for me. I think his greatest flaw in this character is precisely lacking in character to date. He needs to be more of a man. Tae Kyung might appear an asshole at the date but people can associate with it because he displays his personality, fiesty yet warm hearted underneath.Shin woo thus pales in comparison...does a guy like him even exists?
I am sooo dying to watch epi 7 now. I cannot believe Tae Kyung kissed that blackmailer!!! And he even closed his eyes!! My god! I thought he was doing it for Minam but why on earth he looked as if he was sooo into it and enjoying the moment....ahhhhh!
At this point, I will leave you with my favourite OST track below. If you like some others, check out the playlist on the right panel.
This drama is insane. It's like an addiction:)Definitely one of my top fave k-dramas for 2009. Glad you love the drama. Dying for ep7.
Ohhh, you had a marathon session with You are beautiful(YAB),Crack :)
@shireenj,this might even become my all time top fave k-dramas :)
I know!!!! I know!!! It's killing me just thinking about the next episode or how the drama will unfold... both of u are right, it is def one of the top K-drama highlight!! Personally, this beats F4korean version hands down in terms of script...
@nimy, yeah..once I got started, i couldnt stop esp when I was laughing so hard by ep 2. The only unbelievable part for me was the truck part where she was caught on top. I thought she could have bang on the top of the van really loudly...and plus along the road, none of the other drivers saw her? It's a little far stretched for me there. Otherwise, everything else is great despite MiNam's hard to believe innocence.... :P
But most of all, I love the OST!! Couldnt stop playing the tracks over and over and over today:)
I hope it doesn't end up like Boys Over Flowers . . . BOF kinda went down after episode 9.
Anyway, have you watched the other episodes? They're all amazingly funny & cute! I just love Shin Hye & Geun Suk's chemistry - on & off screen! They're both great at acting.
Can't wait for tomorrow . . . :) BTW, yeah, the OST rockssss!
Oh yes..we all rem how BOF spiral so badly downwards.... At least u manage to hang on till ep 9 before thinking it was bad. I disliked it way much earlier....only preserve on for KHJ.
Have I watched other eps? Do u means YAB or BOF? ( I did finish BOF, eventually...)
So far I have love every episode to date with YAB up till ep 6, and they still have so much grounds (plot development) to cover so I think YAB prob will not head the same way as BOF did...at least I pray not!! I have seen some K drama which starts and end strong, hopefully this is one of them...
Cross fingers!
Glad that you finally pick it ^^
I must said that I'm addicted to this drama and the soundtrack is awesome.
Ha ha.. you don't like tae kyung's smirk..well from what I read, he was inspired by meryl streep on devil wear prada. I think that sometimes it works, but sometimes it just too much. Anyway, I like his character. Jang geun suk is very cute, yeah I know that his initial hairstyle makes him look weird ( I always remember snape from harry potter everytime I see him ^^). Kang shi woo for me is just like another 2nd guy, who is very nice and gentle, but can't get the girl at the end (typical korean drama isn't it?) Most people said that he just like another jihoo sunbae. I like him too of course, for a new comer he shows a good acting. I love jeremy too...since I like f.t.islands.
anyway, speaking about kim hyun joong, have you watched him in family outing? he showed us his 4th dimensional character again.
Yup!! Thanks cindy for the recommend!!
Really?! his smirk inspired by M.S? I barely see the resemblance!!! Like u said it, sometimes it works, but I think he overdid it in several scenes to the point that it isnt a smirk but more like a funny pig-snort kind of thingie.
HAAA HAAA! U are the first person I know to link the hairstyle with SNAPE in harry potter! Now that u mention it, I had a good laugh!! Yeah I like his puffy comb-over "makeover" hair better (I was so amused that he was so bothered by Niman's comments on his appearance)
yeah..its his niceness that makes me think he border being a wuss in love... Morale of the korean story - NICE GUY FINISHED LAST! bwhahaha.
Did anyone else notice Shinwoo looks funny too when he is playing guitar at those concert scene. Too smiley polite like he is so uninvolved... haaaa. he needs more acting experience but for a new comer, he is rather likeable (and eye candy!)
I think shinwoo is quite different from Jihoo sunbae. Shinwoo was able to express his "jealousy and anger" and he actually snubbed Niman during the sharing room, so i think he has more spunk than Jihoo. Jihoo is too impossibly nice at beck and call...
Jeremy is riot at times! He is so funny!! I didnt know about ft isl. So this is the first time I am seeing him on screen.
No i havent got time to explore more korean variety and drama... now that u mention it...I shall try to find time to pick up family-outing!! I missed KHY's 4th dimension personality!!! Any clues as to Where can i watch it (without downloading is possible)
well..that's what he said during one of the interview, that he got it by referencing MS. you can read it here:
jeremy (lee hong ki) is the vocalist of f.t island, he also sing in the ost, for the main theme and i'll promise you. while shin woo in reality also a vocalist of c.n blue.
here's the link if you want to watch family outing with sub:
Hi guys,
The funny thing is I have You are Beautiful ost on replay in my system and when i visit TVaddict ,I scramble to close the pay list LOL ^^
Jang Guen Seuk owns Hwan Taekyung . The Man is born for stage. I love that he is good at what he does and is genuinely passionate about it .I would have hated if he was just a pretty ,vacuous idol! His OCD ,his sneer/scowl when he is ruminating, his way of calling Go Minam, his dismissal of petulant/clingy Heyi,his hairstyles [he rocked Goth ,though we can see his eyes now ^^],his decisive and straightforward nature though his penchant for feminine couture (he rocks it too!)are very original.He considers himself to be a non trouble maker when he says he shouldnt get involved with Minam’s problems but Man ,he is bang in the middle of it .His double takes when he sees Go Minam dressed as a girl is cute ^^^^^.
• Park shin hye plays Go Minam just right , sugar and spice .I see a star
• Lee Hongki with Jolie, people think he is OTT but i dont care ,i love the way he tells his innermost feelings to jolie !!!...thats one lonely and confused idol:)
• to cut the boy some slack, this is Jung Yong-hwa ‘s first acting role unlike other acting veterans Jang Geun Suek and Park Shin Hyue .I would like to see how he does in a emotive role with proper coaching/sufficient experience .But damn ,the boy has perfect bones ^^
• Manager's protective attitude towards Go Minam is nice ,yes he has vested interest in her going along with this charade but I think he has genuinely come to care for her ,a rare thing
Still nagging me
• Is TK aware of his feelings for Minam? He is an intelligent guy and prone to self examination .His covering up for Minam,(he is not the same with others , but then again may be he is .The Heyi incident shows he is not oblivious to people/pains or like kdrama clichés go ,he is cheating self when in love ?
• Why doesn’t Minam ask the manager about her brother, her lack of curiosity i s a bit …odd..I respect Hong sisters too much to question this miss but ??
Usually when i watch a drama ,how much ever good it is ,there are some cringe worthy moments /scenes/dialogues ,here the script is so tight { it was the perfect twist to a cliché when she pukes into his mouth(thats because i am fastidious and am still shocked TK actually got over it }
Here i enjoy every second …Anticipation..that it hurts so much …Trolling for YAB related news, stalking soompi/YT for BTS /NGs
I think after many years from now when we look back and when JGS would have achieved mainstream and critical success as top star ,PSH will be Korea’s sweetheart ,Yong hwa keeps breaking girls’ hearts and Hongki is touring states with his band ,we would look back a and remember the joy,laughter it brought us and we were the privileged ones to see it live ( not exactly)!
and No ,I am yet to watch ep 7...
Yeah u did a good sum up.
To your nagging thots,
I think T.K doesnt realise that he has fallen for M.N yet because he kept viewing saving her as part of the plan to cover M.N's secret to protect the brother's secret return after his recovery. Plus if t.K has never fallen in love before, he prob cannot recognise the "signs"... Rem a scene in prev ep, where t.k was muttering to himself "She doesnt even think about her brother" (in terms of career), so he is nice to her because she is a girl. I think T.K is naturally sensitive guy due to his unfortunate B.G, so that makes him want to portray the cool distant image.
As for M.N's lack of care for the brother, I assume because earlier the manager ma had assured her that her brother will return in a month;s time and he is recovering well, hence she doesnt need to worry about him. So to me, I think that part is accounted for.
@tvaddict ....I cant take time off to watch eps 7 & 8 but am glad I got that off my chest ^^ and your clarifications does make sense ..thanks ....am literally shielding my eyes from taking a sneak peak at ur recaps^^
will be back with more "monster comments " on ep 7 & 8 ^^tomorrow
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