Friday, October 23, 2009

Am back!

Hey folks!

Sorry for the long silence. Apart from busy with the shift, I went off to Maldive for a long holiday. Yep...a holiday to die for... :P

It was fabulous without doubt, a piece of paradise on earth. I spent so much time out in the sea that I actually got a mild burnt on my arms despite slapping on tons of sunblock. It only took 2 hrs to do the damage.... I forgot to wear a cap and so my scalp had to pay for it being dull lobster red now... However, it was a lovely experience and the night snorkelling was marvellous. Some fishes were amazingly bold and keep coming right at me. I didnt want them too close as I wasnt sure if my sunblock in the sea would do them anygood at close distance...Maybe I worry too much....

I havent offload my pixs as yet since I just returned, give me some time to settle and I shall try to share my picture perfect hols with u guys.

Meanwhile, I watched Tokyo Dogs episode one and I really liked it. Some parts had me laughing quite a bit when Oguri had to deal with his mum calling him each time in the middle of a case. His expression was quite funny. I am not sure if I will ever get use to Hiro with that "nasty" vagabond beard... Somehow it looks kinda weird on his boyish face (in my opinion at least). However, I see a potentially comical pair and the chemistry should work well if the script is good. I am looking forward to episode 2 already!


stacey said...

Glad you're back and Maldive sounds lovely! Can't wait for your pretty pictures!

Omigosh, I haven't left a comment in such a long time (maybe you've forgotten me). Life has gotten the best of me and I've taken a hiatus of dramas in general. But I did visit once in a while, and now have more time to watch more dramas and spazz! So yay!

Tvadddict said...

hey stacey!! Heaven forbid I should forget who u are! *chuckles* Of course not! never!! *gasps of horror at the thought*

Well, now that you have got time, u can start with the korean drama [You are beautiful.] The climax is getting high and so far been pretty entertaining. I am so glad I listened to all the recommendations to watch it!! As for Jap drama, Toyo dogs!!!!

stacey said...

Omigosh, I have been watching You are Beautiful, too! I'm really enjoying it, much much more than Boys Over Flowers. I think it's because I like every character in here. Mi-Nam is adorable! Park Shin Hye plays her with an innocence and naivety that Goo HyeSung could not (contorting your face and overacting do not make you young).

I read your other post about it. I noticed you don't like Shinwoo. Shinwoo is actually one my favorite characters(I have a soft spot for the second fiddle in dramas). They're usually so nice but we know they'll never get the girl. Shinwoo, I think, was initially intrigued and wanted to protect her. This slowly turned into affection. I don't think he's confessed yet becuase he probably doesn't think it's the right time or place. It helps that the actor is easy on the eyes! Too bad his acting is lacking.

I haven't seen Tokyo dogs yet but will definitely give it a try now after your recommendation. I love Shun and Hiro :]

Tvadddict said...

Heh heh heh..."YAB" is great isnt it?!! It's really up there in the charts for me. We are of the same mind, I enjoyed this WAY WAY WAY (infintely) more than Flowers over Boys too!

U nailed it, all the characters here are totally likeable, and has reasonable development. Their behaviour is almost believeable not to mention hilarious! Esp the way Tae Kyung, he is sooo cool, yet charming and yet boyishly adorable. There are so many dimension to his personality that I cannot get sick of watching him.

Oh, dont get me wrong. I DO like Shin woo. Agre, he is soo easy on the eye except when he has that funny hair moments. Shinwoo was the first one who caught my eyes amongst the 3 when I started watching. He is kind and gentle but I fail to understand how he can fall for Mi-NAM so quickly and yet so lacking in making a move...

I liked him all the way until the part when they showed him trailing after Mi-nam. That was the only part I didnt like. However, I appreciate the fact that the producers make him manly again by injecting some "anger and jealousy" part into him when he saw mi-nam with T.K. I guess in short while I like Shin woo, i just dont like how the producers are making him approach his love interest.

I guess they need to contrast shinwoo gentle quiet "love" with T.K more outwardly behaviour.

Have u seen the epi where T.K got lost yet? I was laughing so hard when he insisted he wasnt lost and there are alot of icecream store, until MiNam said she recognised the staff. I just laughed so hard.

And by end of ep6 when he got serious asking Mi-Nam about her desire to stay, i was thinking "OMG, he is so sauve there"..... *dreamy*

Oh my, I am babbling so much again... thankfully I have this blog that i can chat about this with u girls!! haa

TVadddict said...

Oh I agree with u on acting "adorable with childlike innocence" here without putting people off, unlike jandi in BOF.

Oh, is it just me or do anyone else also feel that at some angles, park shin hye looks like Yoon Eun Hye (her role in coffeee prince) here in YAB? For a min there, sometimes I could almost mistaken her for YEH.

Anonymous said...

Hi,she does!!!PSH does look like YEH from certain angles ...So ,I am not the only one^^but their roles/acting styles are different.

tvadddict said...

glad to know I am not the only one who feels the resemblance! the acting is pretty different prob coz the characters reuqire a different approach...however if the actresses were changed, i honestly cannot imagine YEH looking clueless and "dazed" as PSH did.. :P

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