Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tokyo Dogs Episode 2

Tokyo Dogs ep 2 is up. I havent found time to watch it in full yet to do the summary. Their bickering is funny :) The part Hiro was teasing the girl (after she learnt they had to share the same room) by sticking out his tongue was soooo funny!! her horror... haaaa

Watch raw video sources:
- Veoh video - ep 2
- Pandora video -

- Mega video - ep1

PS: Summary is up (read summary new post)


lydia said...

I love it too! They're both so cute. Haha :) Especially the way Mizushima says "Americans!"

Tvadddict said...

haaa..yeah, that part was funny. And not to forget the part where he tried to ""flee" from the scene...he is soooo adoringly "haphazard" here!! However, I just cannot get over his beard. I wonder what his wife thinks of it:)

stacey said...

I just watched the first episode of Tokyo Dogs! I love the chemistry between Shun and Hiro! They're so funny together. I was laughing so much when they were arguing in the car and Hiro kept telling Shun to stop preaching.

Oh, and Hiro's goatee weirds me out too. But oddly by the end of the episode it wasn't as distracting anymore.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm looking forward to the second episode!

Anonymous said...

Hi ...Am I the party pooper here??Can I say the only original thing I found about Tokyo Dogs is the name "tokyo dogs " which should be renamed "The Quiet and the Funny Hair"?."Note to myself" never trust the name too much!........ The cop buddy movie being an overused cliché(atleast in west), the show must have a really fresh spin to it ,to be really engaging but TD fails to rise and this saddens me coz I was really looking forward to it :(....Did the quiet Sano grow up to be a brooding police officer? and Hiro ,why why why ,you are a born entertainer ,u could have done better than this !!!!( am annoyed because I heart u ).The only funny moments for me were the 3 guys + the girl shopping scene and Hiro spluttering about “Americans “ though they were other mildly amusing scenes (mom's phone calls , Oguri & Hiro arguing during gun fights ) .Sure ,I will watch the next few episodes ,am nothing but about second chances ,so please prove me wrong!

my last cop buddy drama was black & white tw dr but totally lost me with the whole "who is my real dad ?do I love my sister? "angst!! .I am just one tiny person who can only handle so much nonsense( though I have seen worse before ,but I was naive newbie back then ^^) and I wisely dropped it But as far as tw production and star cast goes, it was top notch and I am glad its a blockbuster^^

Hope ep 2 is better ..nimy

Tvadddict said...

Haa its ok, everyone likes different thing.

While I agree cop partners is an overuse theme, I think the highlight of the show is the chemistry between shun and hiro's characters and the draw is their bantering conversations, rather than some real cop action.

I dont actually see Shun's character as brooding. I dont think he is at all actually, otherwise he wont be able to make all those funny quirky remarks or deal with his mum;s call or even Hiro's stupid moments. I think his charcter is more like someone trapped with a stony/ rigid by the book person but he is a nice dude underneath. I dont think he is gloomy at all.

Hiro's character is more the clown of course who is reckless and chaotic, a deliberate stark contrast where he is everything against what shun's character represent. I am hoping his charcter will improve because I dont like Hiro being so much of an idiot here. However I still like it alot because the humor is pretty good though i must admit, for once, the korean drama YAB has a bigger draw for me. i would rather watch YAB than T.Dogs given any day...

I watched Black and white too. i thought it was ok and infact, one of the pretty good drama series of good quality. Yeah the sister bit was more like a curve ball, totally unnecessary but well, chinese drama always see a need to have some woman love relationship thing to make them (actress) useful but of no contribution to the overall plot.

Some taiwan dramas are good, some are not. So i typically watch the romantic comedy drama based on actors that I like only.

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