The story starts with recap with Kanon returning to Nagono (her childhood place i think) and rented a place.
She went to prison and her bro asked what was she doing there since he had written to her to sever all ties. Kanon asked why is he lying all these while? "Lie?" The brother asked. Kanon said "That incident was not done by brother right?" Both the brother and the police looked at her.
"I rem everything. After reading the reporter's article, I now rem everything. It was me who killed father." Kanon said firmly. Her brother kept denying it and said it was not so. Kanon turned to the police and told him to listen to her and everything has been a mistake! From the time her brother was prosecuted to imprisonment, they are all wrong as the person should have been her. The brother tried to deny what Kanon said but she insisted its truly so, and she meant what she had said. "Its not! Your memory is confused and jumbled!!" her brother angrily retorted. "Yes! Indeed it is confused! To the degree that I actually forgotten I did that to father." Kano yelled back. As she slumped into her chair, she continued "It is unbearable to rem, so I have forgotten it. What I could rem was only things from younger days. I'm too much, isnt it? That I have pushed everything I did to brother you, leaving only myself to be saved." "No it isnt so. It isnt so!" the brother pleaded with Kano. Seeming not to hear him, Kano continued to add tearfully"Only brother. Only brother had remained very gentle and kind, always watching over me. Isnt it?" Kano brother was speechless.
In his prison cell, Kano's brother read the magazine article before angrily threwing it against the wall and screamed. The reporter meanwhile asked his editor how did the article went to press without his knowledge and the editor only said "Well sales of the magazine has been going down..." The reporter felt angry and helpless.
Back at Jun's place, shameless ugly cow appeared. She lied about being "worried" about Jun's absence in the service. Pretending to be all kind and sweet to deliver the cabbage roll the PRIEST had made (not her. mind u.) for Jun to eat, FAKINGLY adding " Oh I have some reading materials to show you. Is it alright?" (
She had the magazine tucked inside the food paper bag. This cow is soooooo nosy!!!)She then spotted Jun packing his bag hurriedly, and asked if he is going on a trip. Jun replied he is going to Nagano. " see THAT girl?" Ugly cow asked testingly. Ignoring her, Jun did not reply.(
yeah yeah Jun!). Sensing no reply, ugly cow added "WHY?! Chasing all the way to Nagano, are you alright? (crazy). Too lazy and too smart to argue with a extremely stupid cow, Jun politely replied "I'm sorry. I need to hurry or I wont make it for the train" (
You can see from Jun's expression he doesnt give a shit about what ugly cow thinks or says.. in fact as he moved, you can see he looked ANNOYED! haa haaa)
The unwanted and rejected ugly bitch went berserk and pyschotic!!! While Jun didnt suspect her evil jealous motives and was looking for stuff in the guest room, ugly cow quietly close the door and lock Jun inside the room! Jun of course tried to open the door but failed and he called out for ugly cow, asking her to open the door! "What are you doing! Mitsuki! What are you doing?!! Open up! Mitsuki!" Jun kep rattling at the door's handle and shouted while ugly cow just stood outside without a word, and then walk off.
At night, we see a relative smug and pleased ugly cow (for having sucessfully stopped Jun from boarding that train) pouring tea, with the cabbage roll set out before her in the kitchen table (She is Like a crazy pyscho bitch). Just before she started to eat, an idea seemed to strike her evil mind. Meanwhile, a resigned Jun sat alone in the room and got up when he saw the silhoutte of ugly cow at the door.
"Now, I just made tea and preparing to eat the delicious looking cabbage roll. You must be hungry, my poor little one. "the ugly cow sprouted. Holding back his annoyance, Jun demanded for her to open the door, saying that they are not children anymore and to stop fooling around!
"I am not a child and I am not playing pranks. Jun-chan, you really haaave suuuuch pooor imagination. Did it not occur to you that some people will have evil intentions? Which is why you are betrayed by Kiyoka san. I have heard everything from Subaru san. Oh.. poor Jun. However I am glad, because I have a evil heart." The ugly cow revealed her true nature to a stunned Jun.
Ugly cow continued to add "Hey Jun-chan, have you seen that article? About what that girl had encountered in the past. Do you know?" Sensing silence, ugly witch slid the magazine under the door to Jun.
Meanwhile, while making dinner, Kano experienced flashback of the incident and released the kitchen knife she was using in shock.
After reading the article, Jun was even more agitated! He pleaded and yelled for ugly cow to open to door. " Mitsuki! She is all alone without any companions! I have to go! Mitsuki!!!"
Standing outside the door, the ugly witch retorted: "Havent you had enough hardships? If I do not give you any food or water for 10 days Jun-chan, I could kill you, and then to imitate your handwriting, leave a letter (will), saying [ I am completely disillusioned with my life. Hence I decide to die.] Now is a good timing."
"You will not do such a thing" Jun replied calmly. "You have no reason to do so."
"I have plenty of reasons to do so." Ugly witch replied. At that, Jun jerked his head up. "Jun had devoted 3 years of his life to Kiyoka. Do you think I am not in pain at all? The time when you suddenly wanting to marry, did you think I was not in tears? And just because I said [congratulations], you didnt spare an extra thought on it. Only staring at Kiyoka who is like a puppet who doesnt/cannot say a word, and NEVER once looked at me! I so wanted to kill Kiyoka! I have always wanted to be by your side! I............. I wished you had noticed I was suffering in pain too."
Hearing all that selfish confession from ugly cow, Jun retreated away from the door to the bed, looking quite depressed. Just then, the door unlocked. Ugly cow opened the door, asking Jun to look at her, had stripped off her outer cardigan, revealing only her inner camisole. Jun furtively cast a quick but very very relunctant glance and ugly cow insisted he look at her carefully. When Jun finally looked up, the ugly cow walked towards Jun and hug him, expecting him to hug her back (or do whatever is in her dirty twisted mind). Instead, Jun covered her back with her cardigan and apologised, before leaving without a second look.
The reporter meanwhile deleted all his articles on Kano. He received a call from Kano, and he quickly apologised for the article publication which he truly had no intention of publishing it, and he knows it prob sounds fake at this junction. However Kano was more intent to reveal that she was the killer, not her brother and she beg a surprised reporter to publish that truth in his article and clear her brother's name, and hung up.
Meanwhile, Jun located Kano thru the real estate realtor. As he reached out to carry the grocery bag, Kano backed off and yelled "Dont touch me. Dont get close to me. Please go back. I am dirty!"
"Dirty? Because of the incident that was written in that article? I do not think that way. NOT at all. " Kano turned around and said that is not all. "I have done more horrible stuff. I cannot say it. I am unable to say it. My brother will be released from prison soon. I have decided to live for my brother from now on. Please go home." A sad kano told Jun and walked off.
"I will wait. I will always keep on waiting." Jun told Kano with much determination. Kano paused and then kept on walking back to her apartment without looking back.

In the park, ugly cow saw Kiyoka alone (subaru wnt off to get drinks) and with evilness, ugly cow went to whisper things of Jun to Kiyoka, telling her how Jun caress Kiyo's hair as he gently shampoo her, changing her clothes everyday, changing the bedsheets, always talking to you while by your side, even praying for you while not at your side, rubbing you down everyday, even changing your diapers everyday. With that EVIL ugly cow who had gently reach for Kiyo's hand, cruelly dug her nails into kiyo's hand while adding "You have betrayed this person, did you understand? as ugly cow angrily glared at Kiyoka.
Kiyoka looked like she was about to cry and trying to rem. Ugly witch sneered and said "So... you really do not know afterall. How nice.... to be able to be so carefreee" She released Kiyo hands and walked off after her evil deed. Meanwhile, Subaru returned to a emotionally overwhelmed kiyoka.
At prison, the reporter visited Kano brother. They got into an arguement
Reporter : " It was your sister who told me she killed your father.
Bro : "That's a lie! Sister is feeling unease that is why she said that. Isnt that normal! It's YOUR article that had portrayed my sister to be as such.." Reporter then added: "So you are saying your sister is spinning a lie just to protect your reputation? The Bro retorted"What she said is NOT the truth!"
The Reporter passionately said: "If that is not the truth, So what is the REAL truth? Concealing the truth will not bring happiness. Can you say the way you are obstinately protecting your sister now is the best way? You are actually denying her a chance of starting her life afresh! To be able to face the truth, I hope u can meet with your sister and have a proper talk. I hope not to have somethign similar happening again!"
Bro pleaded in anguish "can u please not interfere in our affairs anymore?! I will think of a way to handle it" Meanwhile kano went to prison only to learn the brother had been released in the morning. On her way back, Jun was still waiting patiently for her but she ignored him.
That night, Jun played the musical box he had given to Kano earlier and asked if Kano hd ever properly listened to the lyrics of the song, about God is also a friend and so to let go of her burden, and whatever one think what great sin one has comitted, to god, its a small matter.
"Does God really exist?" Kano asked. "I'm not so sure myself." Jun replied.
"However, no matter what the person I liked had done, I would understand and accept it. if this world is in complete darkness, even without redeemption, I still want to protect that person." That said, Kano was touched by Jun's word and she finally relented and opened the door for him.
That night, Kano decided to share her past with Jun. He assured her lovingly, no matter wat he hears, he will not be surprised.
"It started on xmas day, the year when I was 12yrs old. After that, it happened several times. Brother found out and rebelled against Father. Mum knew but pretended nothing is amiss/ wrong. In the day, I would be fine, smiling and laughing normally but when night arrives, I would be terrified of "that moment" to arrive. If only father had stopped, inside me I was wishing if I didnt have such a father, so I took a knife and waited for him to come. And then.......with this hands, killed my father. I do not know what happen to mum. When I regain awareness, there was fire and my brother grabbed and dumped the knife from me and we escaped together. It was me. The murderer is me. I should not expect happiness!" Kano started to cry.

Jun tenderly held Kano's clasped hands and told her "No such thing. it is normal and alright for you to crave for happiness. Its alright. I will not release this pair of hands. Not Until you feel warm, until you feel immense happiness. I will always be by your side. Let me give you comfort/ warmth."
Facing a sobbing Kano, Jun reached out to gently hug her. Kano slowly come round and return his hug, sobbing her heart out (in relief perhaps). That night, they fell asleep together, hugging each other...

Kano brother slowly advanced to Kano flat and entered the flat (door not lock?). Seeing Kano and Jun asleep together, he flew into rage and screamed and attacked Jun with a small knife. Kano pleaded the brother to stop. As bro and Jun get into tussle, Kano got into flashback and rem the TRUTH. She recalled that she had wanted to stab her father but her brother entered the room instead and took the knife from her. The mother wanting to protect the father got stabbed instead by bro accidentally and later, the bro stabbed the father.
Meanwhile, Jun appeared to be STAB by brother! With Kano final scream to stop, the brother released his grip on Jun. He had deliberately missed stabbing Jun. He had only wanted the reenact the attack scene to trigger Kano recollection of thge true incident that xmas night. It was indeed the brother who killed the parents.
"So u rem? Do you rem kano? That's right, It was me. Both father and mother. So now its alright. It's alright now." With that, kano brother decide to end his life with the knife instead! However Jun rush forward to stop him!
"Why?! Why do u want to do such a thing?!" Jun yelled after managing to disarm the brother, who half collapsed to the floor. Kano was shocked by her brother's confession.
"Because Kano is my everything! I was not able to forgive father. Although it pained me to kill mum, but i told myself such things cannot be helped! It's all for Kano. However I do not regret including the 7 years in prison. Regardless if its during or before prison, Kano has always been my everything."
Then live, Jun told the brother. What do I have to live for except death? the brother yelled.
"Please do not die. Please live on for Kano. If you die, she will never gain happiness, all u have to do is live and its enough. Its the most impt things just only to be alive." Jun explained. Kano walked to her brother and he cried and howled in sadness.
That night, kano and Jun sat at the bustop, holding hands tightly. Kano leaned her head onto Jun's shoulder and he leaned on her head, not letting go of her hands. They reached back at Jun's place and in darkness, Jun walking before kano, turned around, wanting to hold Kano, She retreated. Jun took one step forward and gently held her again by her arms. With that, they lovingly stared into each other eyes (in the dark) and finally kissed....(after so much drama..but drama not over.)
In Oct, Jun went to Subaru place to pass him the album of the times he had with Kiyoka. he also told Subaru he would be together wth Kano chan. He told subaru about what Kano had once told him about wanting to look at those pictures one day when he get old, so he wanted subaru to safeguard those photos for the time being. Subaru asked if Jun want to see Kiyoka but Jun declined. While subaru told the wedding news to Kiyoka, saying she must have heard everything, on the outside, Jun turned round said "Goodbye, Kiyoka."
Next scene shows Subaru told Kiyoka that they would both leave this place after he attend Jun and Kano's wedding ceremony. While Subaru was away, Kiyoka chanced upon the wedding invite, as well as the album that Jun had left behind. Ugly cow's words back in the park came flooding back to her. Her old memories of her times with Jun started flooding back as well. She rem Jun now, back to the moment he rescued her "panty" in the shallow pool and hugged her. With that, she started crying, stood up and walked to the church where Jun and Kano's wedding was held. Ugly evil cow meanwhile stood at some rooftop watching the view before walking off
At the wedding service, Kanon was talking to herself "Brother, this is the happiest moment in my life. No matter how fragile love is, even if everything including memories of love, will disppear like froth bubbles, yet I believe in that moment (as they exchanged rings) , love truly exists.
After the wedding ceremony concluded, the couple were taking happy shots with the kids while Subaru looked on. Kiyoka appeared shocked seeing Jun married to someone else. She slowly ambled forward.
(We see shots of next week, LAST episode, with Jun catching a falling Kiyoka from the roof. She landed on him and he was unconscious with blood pooling at his head....)
AfterthoughtsThis episode is good!!!!! I was like screaming and screaming (wanting to stab and stab ugly cow) the first few minutes of the show. And of course I was going through this wave of wanting to applaud and roll my eyes at Jun withing a span of few mins as well. Next week will be exciting!! Did Jun die??!!! Sigh that Kiyoka.... Subaru is right.... she is really a bad bad person... why must she ruin Jun's wedding after breaking his heart... All that stupid ugly cow's fault for planting stupid words in Kiyoka head in the park.
AT the scene where ugly cow took off her cardigan, I bet it's suppose to imply she is naked if u read enough Japanese manga to know, but of course this is PG 13 program, they cannot show that. Please... my heart will stop if i see a body of such ugly woman, ugly and rotting from outside to inside... I was laughing how disaapointed and ashame she must feel when Jun has no bodily response to her.
However I was thinking, is Jun that weak? First how come he cannot unlock the door from inside, and how he couldnt have smashed the window to try to climb out the door? Or just keep rushing at the door to bring it down? So passive, just sit there and let ugly bitch manipulate him.
The min she locked Jun in, she should know she is completely written off. And to pass the article to him, it would only stir up more sympathy he had for Kanon. STUPID... what a really truly stupid brainless cow. When ugly cow confessed her love, I want to gag and ask her to shut up already. What? Am i suppose to be touch by her pain? I was more annoyed and pissed. Who cares about her insignificant pain, her pain only deriving from NOT possessing the man she wants that is it. And she blamed him for devoting his time on kiyoka, and not sparing a thought about her. HELLO STUPID. Jun is someone else boyfriend, of course he only care aout his gf and not you. Something is wrong if he should care what u think, and why should he read more into it when u said congrats? STUPID!!!!!!
And oh i hate to see this but I didnt like the way they did Kanon styling for the wedding. It made her face looked fat... sigh.
Enjoy reading! I wonder who will be the lucky first to read this... haaaa