Akai Ito 02 Review
After the doctor discovered the high level of controlled susbtance in Nishino, sensing something is amiss they called the police while the mum is on the way. When the mum arrived, she was relieved to find her son was aright. Interviewed by the police if something was unusual in the morning, she told the police that she fed Nishino some medicine as he had a cold and fever. They informed her that he had shown reaction to the medicine given. As she brushed it off, the police told her that the drugs in him are not those that can be bought in pharmacy. The mum was in shocked while her bf quietly sneaked away.
Back to present, Nishino was sweeping the shrine and Mei greeted him. "You are early" Nishino said. "yeah some reasons." Mei replied sweetly. "Do you sweep everyday?" Mei changed the topic. "Errr..yes, I too have some reasons." Nishino used Mei's earlier reply and avoided discussion. Just then, Yuya called out to Mei, much to her dismay. Nishino observed the scene before him and recalled the earlier incident in shrine. After Mei introduced the 2 guys, Nishino excused himself with the sweeping while Yuya asked Mei as to why didnt she wait for him as he had something to discuss with her.

"I have something on." Mei lied. Yuya looked at her suspiciously but Nishino came to the rescue, lying for her that he had requested for Mei to show him some school homework. Mei was relieved and went along with the fib. Not suspecting a thing, Yuya left for school and said to contact Mei via email later.
"I must have been nosy.." Nishino said shyly."No such thing." Mei assured a relieved Nishino. Mei paused, turned and asked. "Nishino Kin, can i stay here for a little while longer?" "Yes go ahead" Nishino told her.
Back in school. Mei broke the "news" to her 2 gfs that her crush on Yuya was unsucessful as he had some else that he like. In class, Mei received email from Yuya, asking what birthday present to buy for Haruna as he was unsure what to get, and Mei offered to go shopping with him instead, asking herself what on earth is she doing...just as Nishino sat down in his seat. Meanwhile, Nishino got "tricked" and dragged away by Yuya's friend and ended up confronted the group of school deliquents. They ended up fighting instead but Nishino won and Yuya friends dragged him away, laughing "I didnt choose wrongly afterall!" Both grinned.

AT the drug rehab, Nishino and the priest went to visit his drug addict mum. The doctor informed she is 80% receovered but some addict at this junction would lie and do anything to get some drugs, even to their closest family member. When they met, the mum said she thought Nishino would not come. They started chatting and she kept lamenting she wants to head home sooner, and rather go to work than stay in the rehab. She said that she wont even want to touch those stuff anymore (drugs) and Nishino cheerfully asked "Really?" The mum retorted "Of course that's true! If you dont even believe me anymore..." "Can i REALLY believe you?" Nishino cut her off and his mum assured him positively.
While waiting for the priest, Nishino saw his mum's male friend and demanded what is he doing here since visitation is restricted to family members only."What's the issue? Just a little visit. I am like family afterall." The man said but Nishino immediately told him off that he is not family at all, only an outsider. The man was amused and gave his name card to Nishino asking him to visit the (sleazy) night club joint since Nishino is "grown up" now. Hearing the priest, the man retreated off.
While helping to choose Haruna's present with Yuya in the mall, Mei and Nishino spotted each other at a distance. Meanwhile, Yuya's friend picked up a mobile phone and the girl owner asked to retrieve it from him at the shop he work and to look for Taka-chan. A girl dressed all girly frills and ribbons (like those cosplay dressers in Harajuku Japan)and in fake blonde hair appeared at the shop to everyone's surprise, asking shyly for the return of her phone.
A group female deliquent from 3rd year, led by a bad hair dyed girl demanded to look for Mei's friend but she wasnt around..
At the school stairs, Nishino spotted and overheard Mei and Yuya's conversation, as she wished him luck with her sister and present. When Mei saw Nishino, she was a little embarrased.
"Why are u forcing yourself. Even bystanders doesnt feel good watching the earlier scene." Nishino told Mei. "The matter has nothing to do with Nishino" Mei retorted while avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, I'm being a busy body.." Mei wanted to ask him to stop but Nishino continued seriously"Doing things that one doesnt want to do, Saying things that one doesnt want to say, Idon't understand why you have to pretend to be a good kid" Face with the truth, Mei said "Leave me a lone" , and walked off.
Meanwhile, Yuya's friend Taka chan discover the cosplay girl is actually his schoolmate from first year.
While walking home, Nishino's word repeatedly went thru Mei's head again until Haruna called out to her. At the playground, Haruna confirmed indeed Mei had helped to pick the present as she knew Yuya would not be so "smart." Haruna also told Mei that Yuya had confessed his liking and she was surprised. Mei faked happiness and ignorance. Haruna added she rem when Mei was young, she once said she wanted to be Yuya's bride but Mei lied and said she couldnt rem such an incident anymore since it was so long ago. "I was thinking if Mei like Yuya now..." Haruna said but was cut off my Mei who "assured" her sister that her liking is limited to liking him as a brother only. As Mei turned to ask Haruna's feeling for yuya, her sister admitted to liking Yuya as well. Despite much sadness, Mei continue to force a smile and said that is great. With that said, they both went home.

Back in class, Mei finally told her 2 gfs that it was her sister that Yuya like and the feelings are mutual. As Mei stared at the 2 baby photo, she lamented "And i had thought it was destiny." Mei also revealed it was Yuya who had taught her to collect 3 sakura petals to fulfill a wish but he forgotten it himself. However, she smiled and felt touched as her sister rem all these while about Mei's dream to marry Yuya when she was very young. Hence Mei felt she could now be alright about her sis being with Yuya. "I like walking behind them when I was young. While it no longer is so now, but the thought of sister being Yuya's gf, it does feel good." Mei shared. With that, her touched friends dragged Mei out of school and asked the guys along. When they bumped into Nishino, Mei smiled and invited Nishino along. So the group of 6 ran and ran happily against the flow and ended up in a cafe. Yuya's 2 friend meanwhile werer discussing why didnt Mei replied to the guy's email and they spotted her and followed them.
At the cafe, as the 6 of them happily sat down, and the guys asking what they are doing here. Mei announced cheerfully that she has been rejected in love, much to everyone's surprise, especially Nishino. One of the guy told her "Mei, the best way to get over lost love is to start a new one". Another guy poke fun at him that he hasnt have a gf for 13yrs should not give any advice and they both agree Mei should forget what he said. Meanwhile the 3rd yr female deliquent at one corner stood up and told them to shut up. Mei's friend retorted back and got pushed and splashed with the softdrink instead.

Seeing the scene, Mei stood up against the blonde dyed girl and told her off, using Nishino's words that he had used on her at the stairs previously. Nishino looked on surprised. Mei continued " Throwing Juice and getting angry will not make you feel better!It will only hurt yourself!" The 3rd year girl got more agitated at being lectured, and just as Nishino wanted to protect Mei, the 3rd year guy appeared to defuse the situation. The rest of them all sneaked away quietly as the 3rd yr guy kept talking to himself.
Back in school, the 6 was spotted by a teacher who learnt about the fight incident at the cafe. They ran to escape. Near the stairs, Mei fell down! The group stopped and almost wanted to go and help her, but hesitated when they spotted the teacher. Nishino however continued to launch forward to "rescue" Mei and got her up running up the stairs instead, splitting from the rest.
At the rooftop, Mei and Nishino started chatting. As Mei stared at the photo, she said she had been too naive about "destiny". I thought destiny sounded good but I was wrong, Mei said.
Thank you for the last time. Mei said to a surprised Nishino.When he rem the staircase incident, he went a little shy and apologised for his harsh words, which Mei said not at all since she felt saved and much better now, thanks to him. Nishino grinned brightly and "I think we had too much fun today." Mei smiled and said "Its finally over. I have decided I would not wait for wish to materialise, since god is so erratic, he wont be playin with me." Nishino looked relief at Mei's new attitude.
Following Nishino's suit, Mei too laid down on the floor and they both closed their eyes to enjoy the moment.
Typed words
Where is the line that divide between friends and lovers? Perhaps one could only understand after crossing the line. My romance, had probably started from that day onwards.
The first 2 episode of the drama is to lay the plot and foundation of the story. Looks like the next chapter will be screened in movies instead (from 20th dec) . Then the drama will finished off the story.
Huwat?!? The next chapters will be shown in the movie? Awww. How am I supposed to watch that.. I only depend on online streaming.. Awww. This really sucks.
Thanks again for the summary. This is another great drama if I may add. So far it is. (^_^)
I think the movie is kinda incorporating the drama elements with some original parts. I am not sure how the movie interact with the drama but I will still continue to watch because its pretty good. I am hoping they will include some summary of the movie into the drama episodes....
Yeah agreed! its a good drama and a good soundtrack :) I think Nishino is pretty good looking too! haaa haaa.
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