Watch Episode 07 here (raw)
Episode 7 Summary
At the hospital, the doctor told Jun that an unexplainable medical miracle has happened with Kyo's condition.However, due to the lack of use during the 3 years comatose, Kyo's brain function may be impaired or suffered side effects. However Jun happily replied that it is alright and he will help Kyoka to be healthy again.
Back at home, Kyo started to respond to the fresh lilies that Kano was replacing in the vase. Both Jun and Kano were happy when Kyo reached out for the lily, only to be shocked when she started to pluck the petals off one by one, and stare forlonely at it. Jun wheeled Kyo back to her room as Kano uneasily pondered back to the last scene.
Subaru told Jun the recovery from comatose was unbelieveable, while Jun happily replied that finally his persistence has paid off! Subaru asked if there will be any lingering side effects but an optimisstic Jun cheerfully said that from the books he read, brain is powerful and he is sure Kyo will speak in no time. From the fact she was able to recover from comatose,any thing can happen in the future. Subaru hesitantly agreed. Jun added that Subaru should hurry to visit Kyo which will pleased her immensely. As he stared into their trio campus shot, Subaru asked Jun if Kyo will still recognise him and Jun happily said of course she would!
To the horror of ugly girl, her nitemare was realised when Jun wheeled Kyo to the church for the session.Her grin disappeared...and she was rooted on the spot as the priest congratulate Jun and said God didnt abandon them. As Jun turned to smile at ugly girl, she relunctantly gave a weak smile before quickly reverting back to her ugly stony face.
Back at home, Kano tried to feed Kyo soup for lunch but Kyo swiped Kano's hand away angrily. Jun appeared askin what happen which Kano lied that Kyo doesnt seem to have an appetite, without adding what happened earlier. Jun volunteered and Kyo started to sip at the soup as a distraught Kano looked on. Lter when Jun was helping Kyo to wash her hair, Kano felt "abandoned" when Jun dedicated and devoted all his attention on Kyo.
At the church, a superbly unhappy ugly girl told the priest that an devil is staying in her heart, as she simply cannot feel happy for Jun. The priest replied Humans are fragile by nature which god knows. A pouting ugly girl looked at the christ cross.
Wanting to leave Jun alone with Kyo, Kano returned to her old rented flat, only horrifed to see all her furniture and belongings discarded out on the street. She bumped into the sheepish landlord who said she told Kano wasnt returning, and has rented her flat out. A shocked Kano said she would be troubled but the landlord apologised that Kano should go look for a new place to stay, and she would refund the deposit to Kano.
That night, a lonely Kano was spotted by Jun who was searching for her. A worried Jun asked what happened as he couldnt reach her thru the mobile, and been looking all over for her. Before she can reply, Jun kindly said to go home and to get some dinner ingredients together. As Jun reached to grab her arms, a surprised Kano flinged his off.
As she looked at Kyo, Kano explained that she should depart soon since Kyo has awaken. She would look for a new rented apartment and should be able to locate a new job soon. Jun said if Kano knew what she is sprouting and if she doesnt know she had been tremendous help to him. "Thanks to you, thanks to your prayer that Kyo has recovered. God heard your prayers! So let's go home." Jun told an undecided Kano. She finally followed him home after hearing what he said.
At home, Jun showed Kyo all the past photos in the album and she paused to look at the one they took together with Subaru...
While cleaning, Kano spotted a torn picture with Subaru missing. Later that night, Kyo whipped out the torn portion of Subaru and look at it tenderly, and smiled.
Kano spotted Subaru on the road. She asked if Subaru isnt going to visit Kyo soon. He replied that he is a little busy and alot of orders came in. Kano asked if he doesnt want to see Kyo soon? Kyo had recovered so quickly that she is almost a different person, but still unable to speak. Subaru said isnt it such a pity that Kyo recovered. Kano said he shouldnt say such things as she is happy just seeing Jun with a happy face. Subaru retorted that Kano shouldnt force herself, and that he could honestly not be happy at all.
As they both entered the piano bar, Subaru was shocked to see both Jun and Kyo there. Jun turn Kyo around and said that Subaru is here. An emotionally charged Kyoka actually called out Subaru's name and Jun was speechless! To everyone's shock,she stoodup to walk towards Subaru and hugged him tightly! Jun looked on unable to say a word while Subaru oddly stood there trying to disentangle Kyo from him. To blend in, Subaru forced himself to agree and said it was fantastic, kyoka.As he tried to loosen her grip, Kyo only hugged him tighter refusing to let go. Kano looked on suspiciously aware of what is happening.... Subaru quickly staggered to the wheel chair and sit Kyo down, much to her dismay.
That night, Jun tried to change Kyo's top saying it was dirty but Kyo cling on tightly refusing to let him do so. He tried to coax her but she just point blank refuse. Jun got frustrated! He told Kano he actually yelled at Kyo and he is starting to dislike himself. Kano assured that he shouldnt take it to heart since even parents would reprimand their own children even if they loved them dearly. So kano told over from Jun to change her clothes instead as they are both ladies, only to spot the torn section with Subaru with Kyo. Not wanting Jun to know, she secretly kept the picture in her apron.
That night Kyo went berserk not finding the pix and flip out all the rubbish in the kitchen. Jun awaken to find Kyo missing and panicked, only to find her sitting alone in kitchen with the mess. He took the picture that Kyo was staring at, realising with shock it was Subaru. Kyo snatch it back. Seeing Jun's distraught unhappy face, Kano said that the torn picture was done by her. Jun accepted Kano's explaination.
The next day, Kyo went missing! As both of them search for her, truth was, she had gone to Subaru's place knocking desperately at the door to see him. When Jun learnt the truth, he was upset but kano told him at least Kyoka is safe and sound which is what matters. "To think she is able to travel so far and even rem the route!" "Perhaps she is recalling things from the past slowly a little by little" Kano tried to console Jun who replied perhaps....
Jun tried to bring Kyo back but she adamantly refused. "Perhaps she is tired from travelling the long distance." Subaru tried to explained Kyo's negative reaction. No matter how they tried to get Kyo to leave, she refused. Finally Subaru suggested for everyone to stay the night instead. "Perhaps you should take a rest sometimes. You have been persistently getting her to excercise to recovery, perhaps which is why she wanted escape you." Subaru tried to comfort Jun. "Is that so? Perhaps a long time ago, Kyo has long started, wanting to escape from my side" "What are you talking about!" Subaru said. Jun said perhaps that is why she had committed sucide.... which Subaru fervently disagreed and said there is no such thing!
Jun stood up and faced him.
"Subaru, if you are my friend, please tell me the truth. Does Kyoka like you? The Kyoka now is as honest as a child, hence unable to conceal her true feelings towards you. If we go along this train of thought, then everything could naturally be explained.."
"You misunderstood. If she has someone she liked, why would she accept your proposal?" "Perhaps its to end that feeling.." Jun replied. While backfacing him, Subaru replied Jun is being stupid, and tried to laugh it off, saying it was too boring and wanted to change topic. "You guys have better go back. I'll go call the cab" Jun tried to get Kyo to leave but she refused. In the end, they all stayed the night.
That night, Kano asked Jun how did both him and Kyoka met.Jun explained they all went to uni together. "Kyo was originally Subaru's friend. She came along when he was meeting Subaru and that was when i first met her." Jun recalled seeing Subaru and Kyo bantering about the lost lunch bet over their results. "Perhaps it was love at first sight. That xmas eve, I suggested going out with her." Sitting together, they were discussing about Jun and Kyp being together, and Kyo said the relationship is under probation with a smile. Jun looked relieved...
To the shock of both guys, Kyo suddenly took off and jumped into the pool. As she stood up and threw her panty away, she added that her panty had dropped off and she couldnt get up, and who would help her retrieve it. She added whoever would pick it up for her, she would marry the guy. Without a word, Jun jumped into the pool, waded to retrieve the item and walked towards Kyo before hugging her tightly. Kyo looked lost and couldnt respond while Subaru simply looked at the pair...
While heading to grab another blanket, Jun chanced upon a letter that Kyo had written to Subaru. Jun started reading....
The next morning, Kyo reluntantly went home with Jun. Jun asked Subaru if he was attending the recovery party for Kyo tomorrow. Subaru said he would try but Jun insisted he must come. Subaru promised he will. Jun handed the ticket to the boat where the party will be held.
When Subaru arrived, he was surprised to see an empty boat. As he headed upstairs, he was met with Kyo all dressed up. As she hugged him holding on to a ballon, Subaru finally hugged her back.
Back at home, Jun explained to Kano about the letter he found that was addressed to Subaru the day before their wedding. "The first person who discovered Kyoka's sucide was Subaru. On the eve of the wedding, they had met. Kyo seemed to have told Subaru, for him to hug her as a last memory. You guess what did Subaru do? He hugged her, and ended it with a goodbye... what the hell is he thinking?! Why didnt he take her away and leave? Kyo is such a poor thing. Kyo... she is such a poor thing...." Jun started sobbing his heart out, while Kano slowly walked towards him and started to cry as she hugged him from the back.
Meanwhile, the reporter went back to the doctor who had evaluated Kano. Apparently Kano's mother was also a patient of the doctor! As she suffered from insomia, the doctor had prescribed pills for her. So the doctor should also be aware of her problems then. In fact, she had also gone to the school counsellor, where the conversation was recorded in a journal. The reporter added that the doctor didnt have to respond, his reaction alone will suffice. The reporter added "Kano's father had sexually abused her didnt he? I;m right isnt it?"
"Brother, why do one pray? Even though at times, we are clearly aware that god wouldnt hear us..."
I wanted to laugh so hard at the pool scene. The pool is sooo damn shallow and Jun made such a deep dive splash as if he was plunging into the deep ocean...and i burst out laughing when he was panting and heaving as if he swam 1 km to retrieve the underwear!!!!! Come on! It is hilarious when you see the 2 of them standing straight up with the pool water barely at waist. It's like what? 1m deep? haaaa haaaaa.
I really like Subaru's expression when Kyo hugged him sooo tightly and refuse to let go and he felt so lost. I never expected him to have such expression honestly. Then again, we all thought he was gay?! And now he is supposedly to like Kyoka? Strange. So what was the earlier scene in previous episode where he was talking to the gay guy in the bar? Hmmmm....
The best part was seeing a crushed ugly girl. That self-serving woman who realised Jun is lost to her.... yeah!!! but I cannot believe the priest would still "comfort" her words, when he should ask her to see a love counsellor to get rid of the evil thoughts, instead of encouraging her self indulgence saying all the bullshit that human is fragile... crap. She is problematic, go get a life out of church, meet more guys and maybe she will realise she is too ugly to get Jun and stand no chance....
So finally we all know what happen to Kano and her dad.... the mum should have just call the cops!!! And i find it amazin how after all the BIG incident, the school counsellor didnt even bother to tell the police about such impt factor that Kano was sexually abused by the dad?! Wait, isnt it a crime since she is only 12/13yrs then? There is no need for confidentiality isnt it? If the mum was too weak understandably, why didnt the school do anything? And the police is sooo useless, the reporter can find out such leads and the cops canx.... what the hell?! You would think for parental murders, they would try to explore all leads.... That school counsellor ought to be sack!!!!!
Hi there ^^
I've read your innocent love summary, nice summary, and i like the 'ugly girl' part, lol.
it help me a lot, since i really curious about this dorama and meanwhile the sub was a bit slow.
it is getting interesting, though at some point the audience will simply understand what has happened.
anyway, it's one of the doramas that I think i'll able to finish.
Just like you, I give up on oh my girl too, though I'm a fans of mokomichi, but the storyline can't get me continue to watch it.
once again, thanks for the summary.
and..wow you live in Tokyo, hope that someday I could go there too ^^ ( a fangirl dream XD)
LOL HAHA.ep 7 WAS funny. lol. about the diving, if u tried taht u would give urself a spinal injury, ull hit the bottom... HARD LOL
about subaru maybe hes a bi, and likes kiyoka AND jun but since they got toghter he cant do anything about it. LOL. so he's confused anyway LOL. and when kiyoka was in coma, she was like dead to him so it was just him and jun LOLLLL im making things up here LOL
ugly girl.. yeah i really hate the ugly girl too
Well everything about the crime is like... questionable. it duznt make sense, like in real life things might have been unraveled sooner. But about the actual murder, i guess once hte police find fingerprints on the knife, they basically just want to close the case, thats it, and explain it away, police are like that.. if its not a big case without much political threat, they dont wanna work on it. thats why innocent people are charged in the first place, but in this case the brother did kill them?
maybe the mom told the counsellor or w/e to not call the cops or something to protect the family's privacy. but nevertheleess that would b a bad decision anywya.. but hey maybe their culture is more like privacy and stuff.
so ur living in Tokyo? hahaha im going there in the summer i hope to have like a two month trip... and in the future i'm planning on moving to japan HAHA. that would b awesome. aw man... i ache to live in japan.. too much j-drama and j-music for me... but everythign in japan compared to Canada is sooo much better, so much more exciting, it just is, the way the cities are, every part of it, i love how they have historical things in the middle of a modern high rise city. i love those small suburb houses jam packed togehter, i love every kind of scene i would find in japan.. in Canada it is absolutely boring, everywhere is boring, everything u look at is quite boring. lol. u would know if u lived here
LOL!!! The pool part was definitely funny! It seemed as if he's been swimming against sea currents. Oh, and btw, Jun looked gay because of that struggle with the pool, which made it much more funnier.
Yeah, as far as I can remember, Subaru's supposed to be gay right? So what's with Kyo? Is that the reason why she committed suicide, or was it just because of the wedding?
The mystery about the fire and the crime Kano's brother committed is really confusing me. Its obvious that there were harrassments involved, but it seems that there is more to it. We all just need to wait and see then.
Oh, and I haven't thanked you yet for the episode summary. It would have been really frustrating watching the drama without subtitles (since its taking ages for the subbed ones to be available), but this is really a lot of help. (^_^)
Hi Cincan,
Thanks for your lovely compliment and leaving a note! For a while now, I was begining to think I was stupidly blogging to myself *lol*, and thankfully okonomiyaki started to discuss the drama, making it feel that I wasnt watching the drama alone...haa haaa.
yeah I like mokomichi too (love all those HUGE GIANORMOUS POSTERS of him in tokyo!!!) but OMG series is really a waste of time...sigh, and i hate all those smoking scenes where he puff away so silly...
Oh no! Sorry for the confusion! I do not live in Tokyo...I just moved from Australia to HK, and just came back from Tokyo from my hols :P I was too lazy, too busy (updating the drama) to switch the clock time back to the correct zone...hahahaha
well, glad to get your comment and hope to hear more later!
Hey Okonomiyaki
Wahahahahaha! Maybe he hit his head that is why he looked so stupid as he "pop" out of the water, looking so blank...maybe he is concuss and had a head bump, explaining all those silly grins..haaahaaa
Subaru a BI?!!! Haa haa U have some imagination! He must be some wuss if he did like Kyoka and never said anything. Come to think of it...The bastard had it easy man. Jun suffered for 3 years caring for Kyo waking every 3 hours, while Subaru slept like a PIG for 3 years, and now when the "princess" awaken and can even walk, he gets her without doing anything (not to mention trying to kill her!) !! If I am Jun, no wonder he is sobbing so hard... he must be thinkg what a big idiot he is!!! *LOL*
Privacy? If it is private, then ugly girl wouldnt have found Kano's past so easily on the internet right? So many fallacies that do not make sense this drama...sigh sigh..
I love Tokyo too..the food, the culture, the FASHION (I WOULD DIE TO BE RICH to buy all their lovely form fitting stylish clothes..). Been there so many times now that I was actually able to help tourists with buying metro tickets and giving directions since the locals doesnt speak much english! haaa haa. I felt like some subway volunteer....
My gf is working and living there and I dun think she is enjoying it all that much after 3-4years... it can get alittle depressing.....
You are from canada! I was in Vancouver few months ago and I thought it was a lovely place..not to mention all the fresh seafood..which HK so obviously pales in comparison...not to mention possibly contaminated from all the china factories liquid waste...... sigh. But yah..several of my colleagues from canada did mention it can get pretty "routine" day in day out... heh...
U are most welcome!
You are the second person today to bring cheer with your comments! I got tired of looking for proper synposis for some other foreign-dramas, so I decided to start one of my own to share my Tv addiction with fellow dramawatchers who simply cannot wait for the slow subbing:) (but then again..subbing do take alot of time and work.. :P)
I was laughing out loud again when i read the part about the pool. Guess I wasnt the only one laughing about the pool scene!! It is ridiculous isnt it! and yeah he looked as if he swam against some ocean current and totally drained..at least choose an olympic size pool to give it some credibility man! haaa
yeah its still not really clear why Kyo attempted to kill herself. I assume when Subaru hug her the last time and actually said "Goodbye", she thot she lost him for good if she married Jun. Maybe she agreed to marry Jun to spite Subaru into action, not expecting him to actually give up on her/ or that she knew he would never compete with Jun? They were friends first, and from this episode, it was clear she has already like subaru before she even met jun...who knows, a woman who will take off her underwear before 2 guysand say to marry the person who pick it up is bound to be weird ... :P
Well, brother set fire i think. who killed the parents is the mystery.... kano or brother is the question... seemed like kano is too young to kill anyone. So guess its brother. Why he set fire? No idea....
we shall wait and see (^_^)
hee heee
lol i meant privacy as in privacy of the sexual harrassment going on, like dont call the cops on the dad, i do believe thats not out on the internet.. at least i hope not lol
haha, yeah i was wondering why no one commented on ur stuff so i just started posting lolz
yeah subaru is really mysterious srta. like hes so confused LOL. if he likes kiyoka, he never made any moves.. haha maybe hes confused aobut his sexual orientation lol..
btw, u know wt i wish, i wish that they make a program with voice recognition for real time subbing. i believe they're actualyl developing a real-time translator program for mobile phones so when u go to japan, it give u english translation on the screen, or verbally real time. LOL. then u could use that for j-drama too!! DANG I WISH I HAD THAT!
lol instead of typing okonomiyaki all the time, im gonna change it to "mochi" LOL easier to type and its still a food that is oishi!
haa haa def a good thing u shorten ur calling to mochi...much easier! LOL
can the mum do that? I mean if its underage abuse, does privacy law still apply? I'm quite unclear about it honestly in real life.
If Subaru really is NOT gay and harbor secret love for Kyoka for these while, then he really is some major wuss and loser. I mean come on! Kyoka is HIS friend first before she met Jun, how can he even lose to Jun when Kyo likes Subaru?!! Can he be THAT dense and SLOW??? Its not some high level maths exams that he need to use his brain that much right???!!!
YAH MAN! Real time subbing would be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! but that will put this blog out of biz so to speak! haaaa haaaaa
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