Got this sometime back after watching the drama (Hiro...Hiro!!!) but didnt find the time to load it up.
All the tracks in this 2disc OST are instrumental pieces. Most are pretty soothing and relaxing, good as background music, calm u down or trying to go to sleep.
For some of my fav tracks, you can find them here. (download)
OMG... dling these tracks... make me so nostalgic... its like.. i enjoyed hana kimi so much i was like part of it, it feels like im missing the good old days i experienced LOL. I MISS HANA KIMI SOO MUCH my heart aches for it LOL... omg.... it like reminds me of the enjoyable days of life, the happiness, a hideaway from the troubles of life.. the love and fun.
and maki-chan in hana kimi...i miss you...
Missing good ole days?! *ROFL*
Yeah I miss HanaKimi too!!! When I first read the manga, I loved it so much that I kept rereading it (so many times...) and hoping it will be in animation and next thing i know, the drama was out in Taiwanese and Japanese version!! *CHEER*!
I miss Hiro as -Namba Senpai... I thought he is so cute in there!! haa haaa.Maki is cute but Hiro rules for me! :P
guess wt? i'm re-watching hana kimi HAHAHAHAHA! revisiting those good old days... it makes me so happy watching it... iuno it makes me happy seeing maki so happy/hyper/cute too lol
Haa haa. if u ever do get into the cast, U simply have to TELL US!!! Perhaps if we ever see a starry eye extra in maki's movie/ drama, it has to be u eh :P haaa haaa
U are rewatching hana kimi again?! haaa haaaa. I take it it is for the actress and not the plot :P
I am just busy rereading all my SKIP BEAT manga after watahing the anime. The series simply crack me up so badly.
I am hoping Skip beat will garner enuff attention and they make it into a drama series. Maki would be the perfect lead girl i think....
hahah im done rewatching hana kimi... its just THE best.. makes me happy every time.. its like summery, happy.. especially watching the episode specials like the off stage live specials. my fave vid of all: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v1262769gDbqEjRz?rank=1&jsonParams={%22numResults%22%3A20%2C%22rlmin%22%3A0%2C%22query%22%3A%22hana+kimi+special%22%2C%22rlmax%22%3Anull%2C%22veohOnly%22%3Atrue%2C%22order%22%3A%22default%22%2C%22range%22%3A%22a%22%2C%22sId%22%3A%22173598073932663645%22}&searchId=173598073932663645&rank=2
the final live special.. makes me so happy. but honestly i keep thinking to myslef, if only i was a japanese idol LOL. cuz that group is just SOO ME!! lol i act like that with my friends hahaha i would fit in so well.. well i love japanese entertainment biz people in generally, they're just all so funny and cool people, when they're not on set they're all really cool people..
but hana kimi has an amazing chemistry within all the actors. omg.. how did they pick such awesome people? hahah i wanna be friends with them all LOLOLOLOL
and maki-chan is soo natural in hana kimi cuz she duznt have to hold back and be girly or w/e haha, she just enjoys herself and they all just be hyper haha. (well i guess since apparently "she was boyish during her childhood") it really makes me happy watching all of them be so happy and real. awesome. i love hana kimi. the best ever. it just feels like a huge group of good friends having fun!
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