Monday, November 24, 2008
Innocent Love Episode 06 quick summary
Dont have time to write a detailed write up (will do that next week when i return home) but in short, here's the spoiler for those are dying to know what happened!!
In a very quick few words for time being....
Kyo was hospitalised but didnt die...a relieved Jun brought her home and housed kano in his place. She had nightmare of being "molested in bed" and Jun asked her to tell him about it.
When Kano went to meet his brother in jail, Jun got restless when she didnt return by nightfall.
So he went out and started to search around for her as he was worried. Finally, he saw a returning Kano with a bunch of Lilies which are Kyo's fav. A relieved Jun causally held Kano by her arm and she had a flashback and fainted....At home when she awoke and Jun passed her a drink, their hands touched and they stared into each other, stirring some budding emotions.... Jun went into Kyo's room and didnt come out. Kano walked into the room out of curiosity and was stunned. Kyo was sitting upright on her own on the bed. She turned around and called Jun by his name. tears welled up Jun eyes as he slowly cross over the room and held Kyo to him, while Kano looked on.....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Off to Tokyo for a week
I'm off to Tokyo for a week's holiday!!!!
For those who has been following the Japanese drama summaries, there may or may not be any updates on Innocent Love 06 Synopsis this week. It all depends if I have spare time and if i can lay my hands on the laptop...and how much the hotel is gonna charge me for Internet....Then again, do i really wanna spend my holidays blogging drama instead of out gallivanting in the streets, munching on yummy sushi?....Hmmmmm..
Anycase, check back on Thursday. If its not there, its gonna be out together with epi 07.
Well, I still would be faster than those English Sub episodes anycase:)
Meanwhile, Happy Holidays to me :P
Saturday, November 22, 2008
C-Music: 不良笑花 - 同一个遗憾

Oh I love this closing theme in the Taiwan Drama - Miss No Good. (不良笑花)
The drama itself is ok with humorous parts (Watch Eng Sub episodes here).
I thought Will Pan did a pretty good job portraying the poison mouth style guru. I wish the lead actress though......didnt have to talk in that silly Taiwanese act-cute accent and anime actions. What's with the stupid limp half raised arms anyway? !??
However discarding that aside, its a pretty enjoyable drama that had me chuckling at few bits. Good thing is it's not really draggy, the plot is going somewhere even if predictable and the guys are rather cute, except for the thick Japanese accent mandarin spoken by Dean. Haaa haa.
Well, for those who enjoyed the drama, am sure u will enjoyed this song treat.
同一个遗憾 - Same Regrets (Download)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bloody Monday Episode 4 Summary
Bloody Monday 04 Review
Just as Hosho wanted to open fire, Maya stepped into the line of fire and walked towards Fuji instead. She turned to face him while taunting him to shoot her. As she approached him, she started to turn her back towards him while his gun remained pointed at her. While chatting, she informed Fuji that TV scene where the gun is pointed directly at the back is meant to deceived little children. In reality, it would not be possible to shoot at victim and at the same time, it only serves to reveal where the gun nozzle is. With that, her hand reached for the gun and she disarmed Fuji instead.
Meanwhile, Hosho threaten Fuji with his sis's life, and for him to report to HQ that Kano is the spy instead. When it was done, Maya shot Hosho's arm, while saying that is to protect her cover before departing the scene. Hosho in turn shot Fuji before leaving the scene and reporting back to HQ, falsely reporting that she will continue pursuit of Maya. In reality, using a duplicate pass of another employee, she had snuck back to HQ and planted the virus countdown to the air ventilation system. While Kirishima was pondering about another colleague's statement about having seen Hosho in the HQ, the HQ received a call from one of the female staff that there appears to be a bomb in a box inside the ventilation control room! With video footage, they realised it was the virus bomb! Kirishima told the female staff to cut off all ventilation and get out of the room!
When she turned it off, the bomb went off and the virus was release into the air in the room. Instead of leaving, the staff hit the emergency button to release the shutter and warning other staff to vacate. She knew she was contaminated. Meanwhile while talking to Kiri, she told him to cancel their wedding venue but Kiri said it is not for sure she is infected. Meanwhile, Fuji's classmate had called Hosho on Fuji's sister request, to find out where Fuji is and if he is alright. Hosho asked which hospital the sister is in.
The scene changed to years back. Hosho brother died in suicide while he was accused of a crime which she refused to believe he was involved. While she told her superiors that the death would not affect her determination to protect the country, she was actually harboring revenge against the force. Her boss believing her, send her to Third-i....
Meanwhile, Hosho went to the hospital. She killed the police officer who discovered her before entering into Fuji's sister ward. Fuji's classmate left the room and chanced upon the commotion on the discovery of the death cop. She overheard the walktalkie asking about Hosho and safety of Fuji's sister, hence realising about the danger. Hosho at the same time, passed Fuji's USB to Fuji's sister into her care before leaving. Just then Fuji's classmate charged into the room wanting to knock out by Hosho but was turned into a hostage instead as Hosho made her escape.
At the terrorist hideout, the group was exclaiming that indeed Hosho would be the next to be terminated. Someone commented that it was time to clear the mess, while another said to hold as "03 is leading the police force to go after Hosho".
At the rooftop, Hosho was surrounded. Kiri told her her plot has failed. Hosho demanded for a heli or the girl will die. The girl in turn asked how could Hosho do this when Fuji's sister trusted her so much. Hosho replied this country must be exterminated.
The heli arrived and Kano and Fuji stepped out. Kano said that Hosho had deliberately used his gun to shoot at him, knowing that he would only be injured & lose consciousness but not killed as he only used rubber bullets in his gun. At that, Hosho replied its useless for them to do anything as this country is too corrupted, and how should this country be saved? "And so the solution is to destroy this country?" Kano shouted at her. "Yes. This country must faced death for once.
Fuji agiatedly exclaimed he doesnt understand her logic. Hosho said that doesnt he understd that when everything ends, they would also abandon him, no matter how effort he contributed. Fuji replied he doesnt mind because of the people he care, cherish and want to protect. he asked if she doesnt have any?
Hosho released the girl and asked her to go to Fuji and not look back. Kano asked her to drop her gun and there is chance for her to turn back. She replied she is left with no path and shot herself infront of everyone.
In the ward, Fuji told his sister that Hosho had intended to use her as hostage. The sister said it wasnt so and showed him the USB. As the sister load the computer with the panda game stored in the USB, she asked Fuji if he wasnt the one who had created all the games for her all along. She told him that Hosho had said that she had such a kind brother. At that, she questioned if Hosho is really that bad? "yes, she treated life as a child's play and also a fanatic terrorist." Fuji replied her
At debrief, the head explained that Hosho had carried the act of terrorism as revenge for her brothers death, who had committed bribery. Kano muttered" so they carried out their terriorist act from one's personal weakness" The chief continued to add that a single loophole can destroy the whole network...
At the hospital, Fuji friend told him he was so worried for him when he received the call. When he saw the female classmate, she slapped him saying how could he not have told them the sort of danger he was involved in, and always acting alone, and if he considered people will be sad if he disappeared. At HQ, it was also confirmed Kiri's fiancee was infected.
Fuji was told that Kiri has lost his judgement ever since his fiance was infected. Kiri and Kano on the otherhand was hatching a plot to lure the terrorists. On the streets, Fuji bumped into Maya, was offered him a chance to see his dad, but only if he meet her leader. As she turned off his phone, he was kidnapped into a van. Kiri meanwhile knew Fuji as a bait has worked. In the van, Maya turned off his laptop to prevent all tracking from Third -i. Kiri was shocked his plan was discovered.
At the restaurant, Fuji finally met J- the mastermind.
Bloody Monday Episode 3 Summary
The terrorist leader, appears
Bloody Monday 03 Review
Sensei Maya who was shot was attempting to retrieve the fallen handgun but Fuji kicked it away, while asking her angrily why did she do such things. Kano who went to arrest her at scene explained that Fuji had actually called Third-i while pretending to ring his friend. Hence the whole station had overheard their conversation and gathered Fuji was in danger.
When Fuji headed downstairs, his worried friend asked him what happened and Fuji explained Maya as part of a terrorist group who had wanted to spread the virus.
At Third-i, Fuji's father made contact with the scientist Shikimura, asking him for a copy of the DNA analysis of the Bloody X virus which the previous assassinated chief had passed to him. When they met, Shikimura told Fuji's father to let him know how he can help in anyway. When Fuji's father left, Shikumura was captured by the butterfly hand killer. When Third-i retrieved the camera footage, they only say Fuji's father as the person to let the terrorist killer/ kidnapper into the office! The whole dept hence confrmed he is indeed the traitor!
At interrogation, Maya was being electrocuted continuously but refuse to spill the beans on the terrorist group. Kano knowing about the Shikimura and minabe capture by the bad guys, went to the interrogation room and insisted on maximising the electrocution to force a confession despite the danger that it would kill her. Finally Maya said she would bring them (Kano and Hosho) to the hideout, on condition that Fuji tag along since he was the one who had uncovered her.
In the van, Maya smiled and told Fuji that his father was one of them. Kano told her to shut up. Maya continue to add that between the 2 cops, one of them is actually her accomplice. Fuji started to wonder about the situation at hand. At the same time, they discovered they had been followed! While Fuji was using the computer, he told an questioning Kano to be quiet and stop disturbing his train of thoughts. When he was done, Hosho received an sms. The message read that Fuji knew who the traitor was and that it was Kano, and he would not be able to explain the reason for now.
At the site while walking to the hideout, Kano had wanted to go forward alone to check out the place. Maya smiled and said what if he returned with terrorists? At that Hosho and Fuji stared on questioningly. Maya continued that if Hosho went, perhaps she too might be the one to return with enemies. Kano stated Maya is just playing mind games, sowing distrust in their head. To which, Hosho said she would handcuff Maya to the rails and they would proceed together.
Kano started walking first. While staring at his back, Hosho started to go for her revolver. At the same moment, Kano turned round and pointed the gun at her instead!
Hosho threw the gun to Fuji, asking him to point it to the male inspector. To her surprise, Fuji pointed it at her instead, saying he is pointing the gun at the traitor. He discovered this when they were in the van and she had asked if the blue car was the one following the van. At that time when Fuji looked back, he realised it would have been impossible to know the shade under the tunnel reflective lightning. Hence, only an accomplice would have known in advance about the car colour.
Kano also said he should have realised when Hosho was shot in earlier incident at the hospital, stating that any professional killer would have known they would be wearing bullet proof vest. So how could she have escape death when the killer should have shot her in the head if he had any real intention to kill her.
At that, Kano was knocked from the back, thus losing his gun to Hosho. While Fuji was hesitating when Kano asked him to open fire, a gun shot was fired and Kano fell to the ground.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Overview Bloody Monday

If you are tired of all the love or sad tragic Japanese drama, you should also tune in to [Bloody Monday] currently at episode 6 to date. The drama is again adapted from another Manga suspense series.
I just started on this series. First 2 episodes are already sub with English, so I wont bother with the synopsis for the earlier 2. After the third episode, think its pretty watchable with the suspense. Much much better than [Oh My girl] - which I couldnt even bear to sit thru episode 5.
Watch [Bloody Monday] episodes here.
Story Plot
On Christmas Eve, an exchange of a virus took place in Russia. Maya, whose goal is to cause a bio-attack in Japan, obtains a “lethal virus” from a man belonging to a secret organization. “Bloody Monday” is the keyword in this terrorist plot. A Russian agent comes chasing after her but she kills him and goes into hiding.
“THIRD-i”, the National Police Agency’s secret unit starts its investigation. The Police ask Fujimaru Takagi (Haruma Miura), a high school student at Mishiro Gakuin to help them decipher the secret code that the Russian agent left. Fujimaru looks like an ordinary high school student, but he is in fact a genius hacker nicknamed “Falcon” who has uncovered many cases of corruption through highly advanced hacking techniques. After some effort, he manages to download a file. Meanwhile at school, he comes face to face with Maya, who has just joined his school as a new teacher. Maya also happens to be part of the terrorist why is she infiltrating into the school....?
Episode 3 summary
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
J-Music: The Generous (Skip Beat Opening Theme)

Quite like the opening intro to Skip Beat J-Anime, by The Generous 「Dream Star 」(Download), which incidentally also released a pretty good album.
My fav track from the whole mini album is actually 「Melody」 (Download).
Melody - the generous
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Innocent Love Episode 5 Summary

Innocent Love 05 Review

Ugly girl was shocked by the sudden reaction. Jun asked ugly girl to convey to the pastor he would return shortly to help and was about to dash after Kano, before a sister came out to the front and also told Jun to hurry as the pastor really needed Jun's help to carry some stuff. Jun hesitated for a split second before saying ok and followed the sister back into the church. A slightly bewildered (and stunned) ugly girl who was still reeling from the aftershock of jun's "rejection", looked out to the empty streets before following Jun back into the church.
Back in the reporter's office, Kano's brother managed to delete all the files before the security guard on patrol discovered the unconscious reporter lying on the ground. The brother dashed off without being caught, only to realise belatedly and with dismay that a blood stain caught on his shirt....the next day, Kano wondered why hasnt he returned, and why didnt he turn up for work.
Meanwhile, Kano's brother had followed the reporter's lead and headed to the psychiatric center where Kano was treated after the fire incident. He snuck into the office, retrieved and burnt Kano's evaluation record. The police at the same time, was at Kano's place recovering evidence for his assault on the reporter.
At the hospital, the reporter cheerfully took out his laptop, while joking with his editor that such a small incident will not kill him, and his nickname in high school was "Rock head". With a more serious note, he believed he was on the right track since Kano's brother target was the articles he had written. The editor asked : "Wasnt he jailed for 6 years for murder, is there anything else to know?", to which the reporter replied "Family secret".
Kano's brother on the other hand, went to his nosey colleague's place who agreed to let him stay there to evade the police for a while. To his question, the brother showed him the newspaper assault article.
Next morning, Kano back from grocery shopping, was dismayed to see the hoard of reporters besieging her apartment, asking for her brother's whereabouts. To add to her problems, her landlord called inquiring when she could vacate the rented apartment. Kano apologised and asked for more time to look for a new apartment, only to hear an abrupt ringing tone. When Kano answered the next ring, she hung up immediately upon a reporter's greeting. To her despair, the phone started ringing off the hook.....
Back at Jun's place, ugly girl was happily tailoring the costume wear for Jun. Discovering him spacing off at the little piano, she asked if he was still concerned about Kano. Jun acknowledged so, and Ugly girl sprouted rubbish that Kano prob found the work too boring and hence departed. Her smile vanished when Jun defended Kano saying she isnt this sort of girl. Jun wistfully wondered that it may be better to contact the police. Ugly girl asked if he was serious. Jun nodded, saying that doing so may probably reveal some truth. Ugly girl got up and said "One can know her stuff even without contacting the police", before proceeding to state "Her brother is a criminal" To a surprised Jun, she added that news is reported on papers. When alone, Jun read thru the newspaper article, while recalling the conversations he had with Kano.
Kano desperately was pleading the lawyer to aid her brother. She believed he is not the sort who would resort to violence without a cause. "It's a fact he hurt someone, so it depends on the victim if he is willing to drop the case." the lawyer replied. Alone and feeling lost, Kano continued to be harassed by reporters at home.
Jun approached Subaru asking for Kano's address. His friend evaded the question and told him that he would look for another cleaning lady. Jun told Subaru abt Kano celebrating Kyo's birthday. His friend said "So its for Kyo again." Kano's brother on the hand remained silent when his colleague asked why did he kill his parents.
That night, Jun visited a stun Kano at her place. He explained he read about her brother's case on papers and asked if she was afraid she would be dismissed if she had told him.
"It has always been so...always. Everyone would distanced themselves after learning the truth" "But I wont. Because I understand. The sort of increasing loneliness while bearing the cross of someone else's life. When I told you about Kyo, you said u would pray for me. So I would also pray for you. " Jun replied kindly. Hearing that and seeing Jun's smile, Kano finally started to sob.

At Jun's place, she confided her upcoming trip in the hope of seeking his brother, as well as recall events from the fire once again. She explained she could rem everything about her childhood except that fateful night and her parents faces. Jun comprehended but said he tried not to think about his parents death, and Kyo's incident. Why dig up memories which one tries to forget. "Perhaps u are right. But I need to rem to sort out my emotions or I would remain at the same spot indefinitely." Kano explained to an understanding Jun.

Under hypnosis treatment, Kano is back to being 12yrs old. She could only recall up to being nervous while waiting for santa, someone coming up the stairs, and someone removing her quilt patting her head. The doctor stop the session seeing a distress and hyperventilating Kano. The reporter was frustrated but was told by doc that such things takes years, while some may never rem such things and walked away. On way home, the reporter was curious as to why Kano would rem incident a year prior to the fire and not when she was 13. When he showed Kano her family picture, she panicked and ran into the woods.
When she fell, the reporter tried to help her up, triggering her past memories. Sensing her fear and panic, the reporter start to have an inkling that someone had done something to her. He reassured he wont do anything to her and said to go home.
That night, Jun headed to Kano's apartment again when she didnt turn up for work at Piano bar. He entered the apartment to find Kano sitting alone in the dark. Kano explained the family picture and said she rem everything. At that precise moment, Kano brother was also back but standing outside the door. He overheard Kano telling Jun she rem that her brother really was holding the knife and killed her parents, yet all these while she had believed his innocence and worked soooooo hard for him...... she finally broke down. Feeling sorry, Jun held a sobbing Kano in his arms.
Belatedly, Kano realised her brother was in the same room. Her brother replied stoically that's right, he did kill their parents plus burning the house, and that she shouldnt bother to rem any more things. With that he turn to leave and Kano and Jun decide to chase after him, only to be divided by a passing train. While Jun brought Kano back home with him, Kano's brother decided to turn himself in.
At home, Jun greeted Kyo and said he had brought Kano home. He then turned to inform Kano to sleep on the sofa, before reaching out to comfort her. "It's alright, I wont let u be alone and frightened anymore.". Kano silently nodded her head. When Jun left the room, Kano looked on at Kyo before saying goodnight. When she received the towel from Jun, they both stared silently at each other.
After Kano left, Kyo's breathing indicator started to go do to zero. Tears slowly well, and fell from Kyo's eye before she closed her eyes, as if she was finally able to let go...
Kano said the family became strange after the brother stayed home... so the brother wasnt really sickly, just trying to stay home to protect the sister. So why would he kill his dad? Hmmm.... And the Kano is so dumb.... if the reporter can even sense "someone had did something to her", why couldnt she even realise that sort of inhibited fear of some man towering over her???? Wah pianz, she didnt even question why would someone uncover her quilt... isnt that an unanswered recollection??? Also why didnt she question why did the brother would say "Stop swelling and trying to recall anymore about the past." Poooooorrrr Onisan!!!!
I think the drama should be renamed as "Tough Love" rather than Innocent love.... its so tough to love someone for the brother (silbling love) and Jun (comatose love) and Subaru (gay love)....sigh.... but i guess it has to known as Innocent love for maybe the brother really didnt love anyone and is innocent....but his brotherly love to protect kano from recalling the hideous abuse made him "confessed".... otherwise, I wont know why it is titled innocent.....
I just dislike Ugly girl so much... so indignant and self righteous piece of work, whose motive is only to save Jun for herself... she expect Jun to like her just because they grow up together? Someone should tell her, "Dude, if he grew up with u all this time and didnt cast his eyes on u, it prob mean u are a goner on his list...kill that fancy thot..."
Monday, November 17, 2008
Will Pan: Transit (转机)

Honestly, I have never heard any of his songs previously. Then again, I havent listen to chinese songs for many good years...So this came as a pleasant surprise to me
"没想到陌生机场 写下结局 各自的转机"
转机 (download)
没想到陌生機場 寫下结局 各自的轉機
我抱著你 我們的愛情 還未完待續
我抱著你 我們的愛情 還未完待續
讓我們一起回憶 我們的愛情
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒 我們的 我們的 我們的愛愛愛愛
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒 讓我們一起回憶 我們的愛情
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒 我們的 我們的 我們的愛愛愛愛愛
Overview: Love or Bread (T)

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Movie Review: James Bond- Quantum of Solace

Thought the 2nd installment of James Bond Movie: Quantum of Solace was pretty good actually, despite all the "average" reviews I have read online.
I have no idea what these people are expecting from a Bond movie. For me, it dished every bit of the exhilarating REAL combat actions, a few explosive scenes, intriguing and unbelievable moments. Hell! I totally enjoyed every bit of the flick and felt good after the lights came on. Its good, entertaining and gripping enough for me. Maybe I am partial, I prefer watching action flicks that isnt overly GCI. In this case, i think 90% are action stunts that are of worthy praise. I am eagerly anticipating for the 3rd installment!
Well, I wont dwell too much into the plot since its a no brainer...
Bond is out on a mission to discover the "secret" from Mr White whom he captured in first flick. Partially out of duty, and partially out to seek the truth about Vesper's connection to this group. He is like a self avenger, based on his feelings of betrayal by the woman he loved.
So the show starts with some high speed car chasing in that beautiful Aston Martin, getting bashed to bits. I laughed to myself at the first 5 mins because the scene made Jame's Bond's car a JOKE, because if anyone noticed, the beat-up police Jeep going after the high speed chase, actually was doing VERY WELL in CATCHING UP and TAILING SO CLOSELY to Bond and the bad guys, putting those high horse power cars to shame man! The police could even afford to come close enough to fire shots! It was hilarious scene! Not to mention ridiculous! So how pay so many $$ for sports car when this lousy jeep can give u the same speed high?! haaa haaa!
Anycase, the story progress to White escaping, and Bond more determined to find out more about this mysterious group. So he ended up rescuing the new HOTbond babe, only get himself into more trouble with the leader of this environment Greene group. With luck, he uncovered the secret plot of this baddie and landed himself into a tight spot, being bashed here and there.
I wont say more but if you are expecting alot from this new Bond babe, forget it. There isnt much to see and for once, i didnt even get to see Bond sleep with Bond's babe!! How could he pass her up... hmmmm...
Honestly, I think Daniel did a fantastic job as Bond this season. I was quite unaccepting initially when I first heard he was assigned to do the first flick (i didnt think he was suave enough), though i grudging gave him credit after i had seen his moves. In this 2nd movie, I take back every disgruntle and initial reservations. I was completely sucked into the scene because he really emit this intense raw masculine prowess. My fav scene? When he was "walking" to the hotel bathroom, stripping off his shirt, before grinning and cheekily asking the lady to "search for stationary".... He was sooo HOT!!!!
One thing I have to mention, big bravo to the people who fashion the new wardrobe for Daniel in this 2nd flick. I love all his outfits, from the black causals to the jackets, to the suit wear. Damn! He looked yummy-licious in them. They were so well tailored cut, that its hard to miss those fashion wear unless u are completely clueless about good clothes.
I didnt think about about the female fashion, nothign stood out. However I think they should get "Spare actress" with prettier bare back. In the scene where he was at the opera night, and there were alot of women in formal dress, watch for this woman in silver dress, with black cross back strap that walked past him. She has the MOST pimpled scarred back ever! Magnified on a big movie screen, I was shocked to see someone with such bad skin cast on screen. Dont; ask me why I spot such things, I just did and it was hard to miss......
New Movie: Antique Bakery 2008 Movie (K)

The movie is based on a Japanese Manga (西洋骨董洋菓子店), with a kinda gay theme. The Japanese drama version is lame, but the Korean seem to have made a lively upbeat version of it based on the trailer. I dont understand a word of korean but hell i wanna see the sub version! Wonder how long it will be before it hit the shores of Hong Kong....
Oh! My Girl! Episode 3 and 4 Summary
Oh My Girl 03 Summary

Oh My Girl 04 Summary

Meanwhile, Ann made all sort of demands to Kotoro such as manicure, rushing to buy DVD, buy pasta so that she can disrupt his time with the boy. Finally at one point, Ann threw the boy's bento the floor and angered Kotoro. When the little boy went missing, Kotoro rushed out to search for him despite Ann's request not to. In fit of anger/ tantrum, Ann hit the table lamp off table and it set of a fire in the house due to the scattered feathers from the pillow that Ann was flinging ard to vent her frustrations.
Kotoro rushed home, relieved Ann was fine. However he lectured Ann to apologised for her mistake as he really cared for her and wanted to ensure she grow up with the right guidance, without indulging her bad habits/ tantrums. Knowing Kotoro care for her, Ann made up with him and everyone went on a happy picnic together. (And the colleague didnt quit her job in the end).
[1 Dec Note]: Sorry folks....I am dropping this drama from my detailed summary list from here on, because the drama is too damn G rating and boring. Honestly, the drama appear to only target at idol fans only.... with not much plot or excitement..... :P So I am going to focus on other drama like Bloody monday and Innocent love instead....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Innocent Love Episode 4 Summary

Innocent Love 04 Review:

Jun went to visit Subaru his friend at his work place. Subaru tried to return Jun's housekey but Jun declined saying that it's ok now, because without Subara's support, Jun felt he would not have been able to hold on till now.
Meanwhile, Kano started her new job at the Piano bar as a waitress. The owner asked for Kano's parent's signature approval as she is underaged. Kano explained her parents have passed away to the surprise of Jun.
Jun asked how long ago was the parent's death and Kano replied 6 years ago when she was 13yrs. Jun asked if she had any siblings and Kano kept quiet as she struggled with the truth. Sensing her silence, Jun asked if she was always alone all these while and Kano nodded her head. Jun offered his sympathy and that he was impressed by her overcoming determination to handle everything by herself, and explained that his father had worked in the church and hence he was supported by familiar people who even sent him to music school.

During dinner that night, the bro tried to ask Kano about "the guy she liked, but whom couldnt be with her because of him" but Kano brushed it off saying that was a thing of the past. That night, Kano had a nitemare that someone was trying to attack her in a forest but her brother came to her rescue and bashed the attacker up. Kano woke up in shock, and only to be told by her landlord that she had to think for lodging for her brother as the neighbors are fearful and uneasy with his presence.
While cleaning at Jun's place, Kano discovered it was Kyo's birthday the next day. Jun invited her to the party and also invited her to sing a song which would pleased Kyo. Just as they were happily saying Amazing grace, Ugly girl came into the house quietly and saw them with raging jealousy. As she backed off, she smacked into the door and alerted her presence to Jun and Kano. Ugly girl explained to Jun she was there to take measurement of the costume. Sensing Ugly girl's stare, Kano quickly excused herself and left.
Ugly girl asked Jun who was the girl, to which Jun explained Kano was cleaning his place for her. Just when ugly girl was relieved that kano was just a "housemaid", she was disturbed when Jun explained Kano is also an orphan and he wanted to help Kano as much as possible as Kano has been struggling on her on.
At workplace, the reported appeared to ask Kano's bro more questions and that he suspect the brother was protecting the truth from Kano. The brother refused to answer and told the reporter to leave. A nosey colleague approached, saying he knew his past. He proceed to ask Kano's brother how it felt like to kill someone and without a word, Kano's bro pushed and pinned the colleague down and started to threaten to drill his skull with a driller.
Subaru called Jun to say he would not appear for the Kyo's birthday party. He explained while he will continue to support Jun, yet he still maintain his position that Kyo will not stand nor laugh ever again, unworthy of Jun's love. Hence he will not attend the birthday party, to which Jun replied "he understand". Meanwhile, Ugly girl was googling out Kano's past on Internet. She also did not turn up for Kyo birthday party despite asking to attend the day before.
Kano was getting home bake cake ready for Kyo, only to receive call from bro's workplace. She rushed down and was told he got into a fight. The nosey colleague kept saying it was his own fault for saying stupid things. Kano kept apologising profusely to her brother's shock. When they got home, kano tried to hide the cake from her brother. She excused herself and ran all the way to Jun's place with the cake thinking she was the only late one. However Jun told her, in fact no one came and he was glad she made it and thanked her.
They sang the birthday song and happily cut the cake for Kyo, not knowing that Kano's brother was standing outside witnessing the "happy scene" of Kano and Jun from the curtain gap.
The next morning, Kano's bought a hammer with intention to harm Jun. When he stepped into the house, he was shocked to see Kyo's "lifeless" body and eye staring back at him as Jun washes her hair. At the same time, Ugly girl confronted Kano at her place.

That night, Kano did not go to Jun's place as usual. Jun called her but received a no reception/ hand phone off message. The reporter meanwhile told his boss that something is fishy as Kano was treated for psychiatric treatment after the fire. That nite while working alone, Kano brother entered the dark office and slammed the hammer at the reporter, before deleting the article on the computer.
Kano meanwhile was outside the church, and surprised by Jun who came out with the kids. As she stood there crying, she remembered conversation with Ugly girl. Jun almost wanted to call her, only to see her tears.
At that moment as she looked at Jun before running away. Kano thought to herself:
"My dear brother, at that moment, I made the gravest mistake. I thought to myself how nice it would be if you did not exist. You were clearly fighting for me. Everything which you did were clearly me...."
Episode thoughts
I dont get it. Japan doesnt have privacy protection for underage victims like Kano?
How come her name and even picture can be plastered all over internet, making life for her so hard? What is more ridiculous is that if you remember the little girl in episode one (and all subsequent recollection.), she looked so different from the current Kano, and yet the picture on internet that Ugly girl found was a very recent picture of Kano..
And Kano is so dumb. If Ugly girl can find her information on internet, what makes her think that Jun cannot find the info himself. So conceding to the blackmail by ugly girl is so stupid....
And lastly, how come Jun never lock his main door? People can enter his house so freely without ever needing to ring the bell.
Well, at least now we know Subaru indeed harbor love for Jun, and maybe Kano's father was the one who wanted to kill them all that xmas night. Who knows, maybe the family is in debt or whatever and the brother wanted to protect the sister's image of the parents.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Innocent Love Episode 3 Summary

Yeah...Innocent Love Episode 3 is out and here's my summary! I finally found some time to watch it after finishing off my work at hand. Not bad episode though some parts was a little illogical.
Innocent Love 03 Review
The story start off at Jun's house, with Kano accidentally knocking off the photo album while cleaning. She discovered the couple shots of Jun and his fiance, and realised that she was the sole reason that Jun was able to smile so radiantly despite having lost his immediate family.
As Jun had saw his fiance smiled the last time, he asked the doctor over for evaluation. The doctor informed Jun and his friend that there is no change in Kyo's condition and any facial expression change is common in comatose patient, but has no conscious attachment to it. Jun was disappointed...
During dinner with the priest and Mizuki -the "ugly girl", the priest tried to hint to Jun that he should move on with his life and stop shuttling between church activities and his home, neglecting his song creation work (not to waste his uni education made possible by the ugly girls father and the community). Jun diplomatically stopped the priest in his track about his offer to repair the church organ in another province. While walking home together with ugly girl, Jun confided in her about the doctors diagnosis and his different opinion, stating that it is not Kyo's character to just smile for nothing. The ugly girl stopped in her tracks and looked pissed at his words, showing an ugly face that wants to kill someone. Jun turned around and saw the ugly girl has disappeared.

Back at Jun's place, Kano heard a sound from the "forbidden" room and went to the door, reaching out for the handle. She rem Jun's specific instruction not to enter the room and hesitated and Jun called out to her from behind, not realising her intentions. She declined the overtime pay and guiltly ran off. Just as Jun walked off, he heard the "alarm" and rushed into teh room, only to discover the oxygen tube had been disconnected.

Jun discussed the incident to his best friend. His friend asked if Jun thought Kano had done it. Jun replied he didnt know, and is it a strange thought if he think that his fiance might have pulled it off herself, and that maybe she actually was aware of her surrounding unlike the doctor's diagnosis. Jun continuned to wonder why she would overdose on sleeping pills on their wedding day eve. His friend rejected Jun's theory, and showed him the unmoving sleeping fiance in the room via Jun's mobile remote cam

Kano worked hard to look for a technician job for his brother. She pleaded with the owner that her brother would not be released on parole if he doesnt have a job. The owner conceded and Kano happily wrote the good news to her brother. However, very soon, she received a call from the owner to reject her brother as his wife was uneasy about his criminal record. Down to no hope, she proposed to sell the land of her old burnt down home to subsidise for the brother living expenses as required by law during parole. She was horrified and sadden by all the abusive posters asking them to leave town at the burnt down site.
When Kano returned to Jun's place, Jun stop her from cleaning and passed her the envelope for her pay. Jun couldnt explain his reason, and Kano thought of all her prior job rejections due to his brother. Sadden, she rejected the pay and said she understood, ran out of the house sobbing.

That night, the reporter is back to ask Kano more details about her brother and family. Tried as she did, she couldnt rem details on that fateful night except lighting of candles. She started to get a headache and suddenly recalled someone went into her room into the middle of the night, and took off her quilt cover. Kano started hyperventilating and went into shock. She told the reporter she cannot rem and was too tired and he left, with more questions in his head.
Kano visited her brother to tell him the bad news of the job but he already knew from the jail officer. She shared with him that she couldnt rem details of the night and of her parents. The bro asked if the reporter has talked to her and asked her to ignore him as all reporters only write articles that are beneficial to themselves. He yelled at Kano that he doesnt care if the rest of the world finds him guilty, so long as Kano believes in his innocence. Seeing his sister in shock, he talked about Jun. She said she didnt stand a chance and her bro said its Jun's fault. Kano blanked out, before unconsciously but cruelly blurted out that actually, everything was her brother's fault: that she couldnt have a successful job or love life. Both of them were shocked at her outburst.

That night, Kano ended up outside Jun's place, with the thoughts of only wanting to see him from afar. Instead, she saw the doc leaving Jun's place and Jun's friend. Jun was setting off on a trip to repair the church organ with ugly girl. Ugly girl confess to Jun that she would go to hell as she harbour evil thoughts about wanting Jun's fiance to die, to stop holding him back, so that Jun can live his own life and be free. She scooted off to the bus to wait for him before he could answer. Jun dropped his mobile on his way to the coach and discovered the video connection to his fiance is dead. He panicked and told ugly girl in the coach that he needed to leave for home, leaving ugly girl in surprise.

Back home, Kano saw Jun's friend leaving his home. She went inside (i didnt expect her to still have the keys! Stalker!) and heard the alarm. She saw Kyo, knowing she is someone impt to Jun, she tried to connect back the tube but Jun's friend stopped her. They struggled and Jun came home in time to reactivate the tube. Seeing the accusation on Jun's face, Kano fled the house. Jun wanted to run after her but his friend confess the culprit was him, as he also wanted Jun to be free to live his own life and not be destroyed by Kyo.
Jun found Kano sobbing and before she could run away, he apologised profusely for ever doubting her. He explained Kyo identity and that despite medical negative diagonsis, he still hold out hope that Kyo will awake one day and cannot shake off that thought and so he talks to Kyo everyday and pray for her recovery. Even though he may also think he is an idiot at times, but yet, he cannot imagine his life without her, for he would no longer have any happiness if she dies. Seeing his tears, Kano held his hand and said "If it is so, I would also pray for you, because I want you to be happy and be blissed, and so I will also pray for her to awake one day."

Hearing such comforting words from Kano which vastly differed from others around him, Jun finally teared a sigh of relief from Kano's understanding. Kano looked at him compassionately (or lovingly).

The next day, Kano went to Jun's place as per normal and surprised to see Jun unlocked the door to the forbidden room. When Kano saw the genuine smile on his face as he happily chat to Kyo while holding her fav flower, Kano also smiled. Later Jun offered to recommend a restuarant cleaning job to Kano and she was happily overwhelmed
Meanwhile, Kano's bro is released from jail. While waiting at the train station, her bro excused himself to toilet but actually went to make a public call, threatening the reporter to stay away from Kano or he will kill him.
At home, her brother saw the couple shot of Jun and Kano. He chanced upon the church address and on pretext for going for a stroll, hewent to "stalk" Jun at the church instead. (What a silbing pair of stalkers!!!). Meanwhile, his sister was praying to god not to take away her little happiness she has now
Episode Review
I thought it was strange Jun would doubt Kano for the "incident" since she has no keys to the room, and even more, if Kano was cleaning the house that whole day, how can the friend manage to sneak into the locked room to unplug the tube the first time, since the alarm will sound very quickly upon disconnection. I thought that scene was a little unaccounted for.
Now I am wondering if Kano's brother has some silbing crush and in love with Kano? He is suppose to have weak body when he was young, hence spending alot of time with kano. But he sure look strong and mean and violent streak in him man. Any bets if he was really the one who killed the parents? Hmmm...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
J-Music: Innocent Love Theme Song
If you have already jumped on the wagon, in following the new Japanese Drama "Innocent Love", then you would recognise this theme song : Eternally-Drama Mix.
As suggested by the title is not a brand new song, but rather a remix of Hikaru older song from her 2001 album "Distance". Some find it blah, but I thought its ok.
Anycase, here it is, the digital release for Hikku's fan and followers...
Eternally-Drama Mix :
Saturday, November 1, 2008
C-Music: 說好的幸福呢
Went to HMV tonight and saw the latest release 魔杰座 by Jay Chou (周杰倫 ) . I think its a pretty mediocre album though I do like the fancy theme cover shot. Some tracks are alright and some are just there for me to hit the skip button. As far this is one of the 3 favs songs I prefer from the album. I'm not sure if its really worth buying the whole album vs per song purchase... u head out to CD store and decide for yourself. I will only share one track here.
說好的幸福呢 (dwnload)
作詞 : 方文山 作曲 : 周杰倫 監製 : 周杰倫
妳的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了
情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢
而妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了
時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇 妳冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 妳用卡片手寫著 有些愛只給到這 真的痛了
怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得
妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢
妳的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了
情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢
而妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了
時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇 妳冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 妳用卡片手寫著 有些愛只給到這 真的痛了
怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得
妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢
怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了我都還記得
妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢