Innocent Love 04 Review:

Jun went to visit Subaru his friend at his work place. Subaru tried to return Jun's housekey but Jun declined saying that it's ok now, because without Subara's support, Jun felt he would not have been able to hold on till now.
Meanwhile, Kano started her new job at the Piano bar as a waitress. The owner asked for Kano's parent's signature approval as she is underaged. Kano explained her parents have passed away to the surprise of Jun.
Jun asked how long ago was the parent's death and Kano replied 6 years ago when she was 13yrs. Jun asked if she had any siblings and Kano kept quiet as she struggled with the truth. Sensing her silence, Jun asked if she was always alone all these while and Kano nodded her head. Jun offered his sympathy and that he was impressed by her overcoming determination to handle everything by herself, and explained that his father had worked in the church and hence he was supported by familiar people who even sent him to music school.

During dinner that night, the bro tried to ask Kano about "the guy she liked, but whom couldnt be with her because of him" but Kano brushed it off saying that was a thing of the past. That night, Kano had a nitemare that someone was trying to attack her in a forest but her brother came to her rescue and bashed the attacker up. Kano woke up in shock, and only to be told by her landlord that she had to think for lodging for her brother as the neighbors are fearful and uneasy with his presence.
While cleaning at Jun's place, Kano discovered it was Kyo's birthday the next day. Jun invited her to the party and also invited her to sing a song which would pleased Kyo. Just as they were happily saying Amazing grace, Ugly girl came into the house quietly and saw them with raging jealousy. As she backed off, she smacked into the door and alerted her presence to Jun and Kano. Ugly girl explained to Jun she was there to take measurement of the costume. Sensing Ugly girl's stare, Kano quickly excused herself and left.
Ugly girl asked Jun who was the girl, to which Jun explained Kano was cleaning his place for her. Just when ugly girl was relieved that kano was just a "housemaid", she was disturbed when Jun explained Kano is also an orphan and he wanted to help Kano as much as possible as Kano has been struggling on her on.
At workplace, the reported appeared to ask Kano's bro more questions and that he suspect the brother was protecting the truth from Kano. The brother refused to answer and told the reporter to leave. A nosey colleague approached, saying he knew his past. He proceed to ask Kano's brother how it felt like to kill someone and without a word, Kano's bro pushed and pinned the colleague down and started to threaten to drill his skull with a driller.
Subaru called Jun to say he would not appear for the Kyo's birthday party. He explained while he will continue to support Jun, yet he still maintain his position that Kyo will not stand nor laugh ever again, unworthy of Jun's love. Hence he will not attend the birthday party, to which Jun replied "he understand". Meanwhile, Ugly girl was googling out Kano's past on Internet. She also did not turn up for Kyo birthday party despite asking to attend the day before.
Kano was getting home bake cake ready for Kyo, only to receive call from bro's workplace. She rushed down and was told he got into a fight. The nosey colleague kept saying it was his own fault for saying stupid things. Kano kept apologising profusely to her brother's shock. When they got home, kano tried to hide the cake from her brother. She excused herself and ran all the way to Jun's place with the cake thinking she was the only late one. However Jun told her, in fact no one came and he was glad she made it and thanked her.
They sang the birthday song and happily cut the cake for Kyo, not knowing that Kano's brother was standing outside witnessing the "happy scene" of Kano and Jun from the curtain gap.
The next morning, Kano's bought a hammer with intention to harm Jun. When he stepped into the house, he was shocked to see Kyo's "lifeless" body and eye staring back at him as Jun washes her hair. At the same time, Ugly girl confronted Kano at her place.

That night, Kano did not go to Jun's place as usual. Jun called her but received a no reception/ hand phone off message. The reporter meanwhile told his boss that something is fishy as Kano was treated for psychiatric treatment after the fire. That nite while working alone, Kano brother entered the dark office and slammed the hammer at the reporter, before deleting the article on the computer.
Kano meanwhile was outside the church, and surprised by Jun who came out with the kids. As she stood there crying, she remembered conversation with Ugly girl. Jun almost wanted to call her, only to see her tears.
At that moment as she looked at Jun before running away. Kano thought to herself:
"My dear brother, at that moment, I made the gravest mistake. I thought to myself how nice it would be if you did not exist. You were clearly fighting for me. Everything which you did were clearly me...."
Episode thoughts
I dont get it. Japan doesnt have privacy protection for underage victims like Kano?
How come her name and even picture can be plastered all over internet, making life for her so hard? What is more ridiculous is that if you remember the little girl in episode one (and all subsequent recollection.), she looked so different from the current Kano, and yet the picture on internet that Ugly girl found was a very recent picture of Kano..
And Kano is so dumb. If Ugly girl can find her information on internet, what makes her think that Jun cannot find the info himself. So conceding to the blackmail by ugly girl is so stupid....
And lastly, how come Jun never lock his main door? People can enter his house so freely without ever needing to ring the bell.
Well, at least now we know Subaru indeed harbor love for Jun, and maybe Kano's father was the one who wanted to kill them all that xmas night. Who knows, maybe the family is in debt or whatever and the brother wanted to protect the sister's image of the parents.
hahaha, lmao, what also makes even less sense is how many door keys did Jun give away? Doesnt the ugly girl also have keys? lmao.
with ep 5, we can probably guess what happened to kanon that night... probably her father..and then the brother takes revenge/protection and ends up killing both parents = = which is a pretty messed up storyline. she would b scarred for life
Ya man... his house is like some open reception that everyone has keys to....
I was thinking...if ugly girl love jun sooo much, she should get off her high horse and volunteer to clean his house for him...instead of getting all so high and mighty and jealous of kano.
u reckon the brother really kill the parents? Somehow i think the story wants us to believe he did it but in the end to draw sympathy for his innocence because he didnt. Otherwise, I will not understand why the title is called "innocent love...."
yeah i want to believe he didn't actually, but for now i must only say i believe he did, cuz of what we see, what all the episodes give us, that he has a tendency to kill lmao.. but i hope it turns out he didnt oO
haha lamo!! thats so true---i dont know why the heroine of dramas always listen to blackmail---ahhh in real life, to protray kano's character i think it wud have been better if they had made her more stronger--i suspect that kanon might have killed her parents---or something realated 2 her. also the jun guy is soooo gay--i mean how could he not notice his friend's (guy's) feelings, the way he looks at him or acts like is totally sooooooo obvious--the first time i saw that guy i knew he was gay (lol) i only like kano's character so far--jun guy tooooo smiliey (its almost creepy)
Yeah.. the show is suppose to make kano a strong character at first i thot, the way she persisted to prove her bro innocence, and kept working despite all rejections... then suddenly she become some wimp who couldnt stand up to ugly girl...
HAAA HAAA...and I thought I was the only one who thought Jun smiled too widely and tooo much.... maybe he watched too much Joker scences from batman :P
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