Innocent Love Episode 5 is out. Dont have time to paste alot of pictures today... but u can watch the video clip anycase! (stupid Veoh doesnt allow me to embed, so here is the URL link instead)
Innocent Love 05 Review
After Kano ran away, Ugly girl happily approached a still dazed Jun. She grabbed him by the elbow asking him to go help the church pastor to carry some stuff. Jun recovered from the initial surprise and fling ugly girl's hand away. (Way to go Jun -chan!)
Innocent Love 05 Review

Ugly girl was shocked by the sudden reaction. Jun asked ugly girl to convey to the pastor he would return shortly to help and was about to dash after Kano, before a sister came out to the front and also told Jun to hurry as the pastor really needed Jun's help to carry some stuff. Jun hesitated for a split second before saying ok and followed the sister back into the church. A slightly bewildered (and stunned) ugly girl who was still reeling from the aftershock of jun's "rejection", looked out to the empty streets before following Jun back into the church.
Back in the reporter's office, Kano's brother managed to delete all the files before the security guard on patrol discovered the unconscious reporter lying on the ground. The brother dashed off without being caught, only to realise belatedly and with dismay that a blood stain caught on his shirt....the next day, Kano wondered why hasnt he returned, and why didnt he turn up for work.
Meanwhile, Kano's brother had followed the reporter's lead and headed to the psychiatric center where Kano was treated after the fire incident. He snuck into the office, retrieved and burnt Kano's evaluation record. The police at the same time, was at Kano's place recovering evidence for his assault on the reporter.
At the hospital, the reporter cheerfully took out his laptop, while joking with his editor that such a small incident will not kill him, and his nickname in high school was "Rock head". With a more serious note, he believed he was on the right track since Kano's brother target was the articles he had written. The editor asked : "Wasnt he jailed for 6 years for murder, is there anything else to know?", to which the reporter replied "Family secret".
Kano's brother on the other hand, went to his nosey colleague's place who agreed to let him stay there to evade the police for a while. To his question, the brother showed him the newspaper assault article.
Next morning, Kano back from grocery shopping, was dismayed to see the hoard of reporters besieging her apartment, asking for her brother's whereabouts. To add to her problems, her landlord called inquiring when she could vacate the rented apartment. Kano apologised and asked for more time to look for a new apartment, only to hear an abrupt ringing tone. When Kano answered the next ring, she hung up immediately upon a reporter's greeting. To her despair, the phone started ringing off the hook.....
Back at Jun's place, ugly girl was happily tailoring the costume wear for Jun. Discovering him spacing off at the little piano, she asked if he was still concerned about Kano. Jun acknowledged so, and Ugly girl sprouted rubbish that Kano prob found the work too boring and hence departed. Her smile vanished when Jun defended Kano saying she isnt this sort of girl. Jun wistfully wondered that it may be better to contact the police. Ugly girl asked if he was serious. Jun nodded, saying that doing so may probably reveal some truth. Ugly girl got up and said "One can know her stuff even without contacting the police", before proceeding to state "Her brother is a criminal" To a surprised Jun, she added that news is reported on papers. When alone, Jun read thru the newspaper article, while recalling the conversations he had with Kano.
Kano desperately was pleading the lawyer to aid her brother. She believed he is not the sort who would resort to violence without a cause. "It's a fact he hurt someone, so it depends on the victim if he is willing to drop the case." the lawyer replied. Alone and feeling lost, Kano continued to be harassed by reporters at home.
Jun approached Subaru asking for Kano's address. His friend evaded the question and told him that he would look for another cleaning lady. Jun told Subaru abt Kano celebrating Kyo's birthday. His friend said "So its for Kyo again." Kano's brother on the hand remained silent when his colleague asked why did he kill his parents.
That night, Jun visited a stun Kano at her place. He explained he read about her brother's case on papers and asked if she was afraid she would be dismissed if she had told him.
"It has always been so...always. Everyone would distanced themselves after learning the truth" "But I wont. Because I understand. The sort of increasing loneliness while bearing the cross of someone else's life. When I told you about Kyo, you said u would pray for me. So I would also pray for you. " Jun replied kindly. Hearing that and seeing Jun's smile, Kano finally started to sob.

At Jun's place, she confided her upcoming trip in the hope of seeking his brother, as well as recall events from the fire once again. She explained she could rem everything about her childhood except that fateful night and her parents faces. Jun comprehended but said he tried not to think about his parents death, and Kyo's incident. Why dig up memories which one tries to forget. "Perhaps u are right. But I need to rem to sort out my emotions or I would remain at the same spot indefinitely." Kano explained to an understanding Jun.

Under hypnosis treatment, Kano is back to being 12yrs old. She could only recall up to being nervous while waiting for santa, someone coming up the stairs, and someone removing her quilt patting her head. The doctor stop the session seeing a distress and hyperventilating Kano. The reporter was frustrated but was told by doc that such things takes years, while some may never rem such things and walked away. On way home, the reporter was curious as to why Kano would rem incident a year prior to the fire and not when she was 13. When he showed Kano her family picture, she panicked and ran into the woods.
When she fell, the reporter tried to help her up, triggering her past memories. Sensing her fear and panic, the reporter start to have an inkling that someone had done something to her. He reassured he wont do anything to her and said to go home.
That night, Jun headed to Kano's apartment again when she didnt turn up for work at Piano bar. He entered the apartment to find Kano sitting alone in the dark. Kano explained the family picture and said she rem everything. At that precise moment, Kano brother was also back but standing outside the door. He overheard Kano telling Jun she rem that her brother really was holding the knife and killed her parents, yet all these while she had believed his innocence and worked soooooo hard for him...... she finally broke down. Feeling sorry, Jun held a sobbing Kano in his arms.
Belatedly, Kano realised her brother was in the same room. Her brother replied stoically that's right, he did kill their parents plus burning the house, and that she shouldnt bother to rem any more things. With that he turn to leave and Kano and Jun decide to chase after him, only to be divided by a passing train. While Jun brought Kano back home with him, Kano's brother decided to turn himself in.
At home, Jun greeted Kyo and said he had brought Kano home. He then turned to inform Kano to sleep on the sofa, before reaching out to comfort her. "It's alright, I wont let u be alone and frightened anymore.". Kano silently nodded her head. When Jun left the room, Kano looked on at Kyo before saying goodnight. When she received the towel from Jun, they both stared silently at each other.
After Kano left, Kyo's breathing indicator started to go do to zero. Tears slowly well, and fell from Kyo's eye before she closed her eyes, as if she was finally able to let go...
Ok...now we all know Kano's father is a possible hentai pervert who prob had..... Now the curious question is why did the mother die? Did the mother know and allow the husband to..... or did the mother found out and kill the father, and the father killed the mum instead.. and the bro took the knife out of his mum to save her? Or...gasps! The sister killed the father?! But why did kill the mum? Hmmm...Just second guessing since his brother had said he didnt kill anyone before he was jailed in epi 1...
Kano said the family became strange after the brother stayed home... so the brother wasnt really sickly, just trying to stay home to protect the sister. So why would he kill his dad? Hmmm.... And the Kano is so dumb.... if the reporter can even sense "someone had did something to her", why couldnt she even realise that sort of inhibited fear of some man towering over her???? Wah pianz, she didnt even question why would someone uncover her quilt... isnt that an unanswered recollection??? Also why didnt she question why did the brother would say "Stop swelling and trying to recall anymore about the past." Poooooorrrr Onisan!!!!
I think the drama should be renamed as "Tough Love" rather than Innocent love.... its so tough to love someone for the brother (silbling love) and Jun (comatose love) and Subaru (gay love)....sigh.... but i guess it has to known as Innocent love for maybe the brother really didnt love anyone and is innocent....but his brotherly love to protect kano from recalling the hideous abuse made him "confessed".... otherwise, I wont know why it is titled innocent.....
I just dislike Ugly girl so much... so indignant and self righteous piece of work, whose motive is only to save Jun for herself... she expect Jun to like her just because they grow up together? Someone should tell her, "Dude, if he grew up with u all this time and didnt cast his eyes on u, it prob mean u are a goner on his list...kill that fancy thot..."
hahahah, my guess would be that the mom knows but duznt do anything... or couldn't because the father was overruling her... and i believe the brother killed them.., cuz in general hes a psycho hahaha, even tho hes cool, he has a tendency to kill people without hesitation lmao.i doubt kanon-chan killed anyone, i dont think she can/could at that age.
and somethings i find can be explained away, like why the brother turns himself in... to be put into jail again? and like why kanon can't guess what happened to her, and stuffl ike that, when u recall these memories its usually a blur, really fast u can't even catch everything, but all u know is u feel frightened or w/e, so thats all u feel, u still arent sure what happened to u, and if u try to think about it, u only are bombarded by feelings, panic attacks, so u just gotta stop thinkin about it.
but "the ugly girl" hahahah, is really annoying.. but im happy kanon and jun finally get something going.. haha
Yah, i hope it isnt the brother who is the murderer.....
If the brother killed the parents, also wondered why he would burn the house down as if to cover tracks when obviously he isnt going to get away... plus he could say what the father did to the sister and use it as self defence since he has no way of knowing his sister would suffer from memory loss at that time right?
And the knife to only have his prints seem very fishy to me because wont the knife have mum's print if its a kitchen cooking knife?
yes yes!!!! FINALLY Jun is seeing Kano as a girl and not a cleaner...
well, kyo is not dead yet, she will be hospitalised next episode from official site summary...so we shall see how it develops....
haha u know wt doesnt make sense most of all?
there is absolutely no way they can have prints on the knifes handle in the first place. The fire will have completely dsetroyed the handle. if it was wood, it would've burned, if it was plastic grip, it would've melted. lmao. only thing that could possibly left is the metal blade shaft inside it. there is no way they will have prints. even if hte handle wasnt destroyed hte prints will have been vaporized through the fire.-
and kiyoka isnt dead yet? i saw like the episode trailer but i couldnt recognize whether i saw a fully alive and moving kiyoka in black talking...i wasnt sure who she was
Now that you mention it! U would think the first piece of evidence he would destroy would be the knife in the fire! Maybe he dumped it somewhere which the fire didnt get to it? The fireman salvage the knife? Maybe its those high end samurai whole stainless steel sort? We gotta ask those swiss and german folks who specialise in knives if their handles would melt ;p
I think the scene of Kyo alive might be some memories of Jun or Subaru i think. Because the website synopsis said she was hospitalised and in bad condition and Kano and Jun were worried etc etc, didnt say anything about her dying (yet).
well, I will know tomorrow when I get to Tokyo and watch it on TV... :P
XD im watching it right now as we speak haha, junyas on the roof LOL i like his daze haha
holy crap she still is alive... die already! lol. omg.. is she dead or alive cuz she keeps moving lmao. either stay dead and actually die or get up lmao. stop like being in between lol
EHHHHHHHHHH NANI!!!!?? she wakes up? OMG... no... that just complicates things omg...noo....
but i didnt get half the things they were saying so i gotta wait for ur summary haha
YAH man! for someone who nearly died a few times, she actually awaken!!! this is getting interesting since I think Jun aleady start to feel for Kano...
darn i missed the roof part coz I came back late from dinner. my frien said he looked pathetic...I only got started when Kano received a call from the police about her bro and she asking if he was alright.
Dont you think the scene when Jun went to look for Kano is "cute"...he actually looked worried...he is like flooding with emotions man this dude.. such sensitive new age chap....
well, summary coming up but prob slightly later than usual :)
haha i was rooting for kanon and jun to finally get together... now she wakes up... and she looks like shes treating kanon really mean or something in the next episode.. but trailers are fast so i couldnt really catch what was going on but kanon looked upset and frustrated, poor girl. when kiyoka woke up she was like horrified hahahah, she wasnt expecting it and she probably would b like.. oh shoot now what? now jun's back with her..
but as for kiyoka being mean she was a mean person generally right? but how come she wasl ike tearing when kanon is around and whatever... i hope kiyoka also "knows" about how kind kanon was to her during her coma... lol..
but yeah jun looked like he was starting to feel for kanon but now stupid kiyoka wakes up.. if shes been in coma for like 3 years STAY DEAD! LOL
I cannot wait for Kano and Jun to be together and leave Kyo with the gay guy. They both so deserve each other... harboring love for a party that will not reciprocate their affection..
Am going to watch episode 07 later tonight *cross fingers* and finish the summary hopefully *cross toes* .... Hoo hoo... hopefully i can finish my work first
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