Thought the 2nd installment of James Bond Movie: Quantum of Solace was pretty good actually, despite all the "average" reviews I have read online.
I have no idea what these people are expecting from a Bond movie. For me, it dished every bit of the exhilarating REAL combat actions, a few explosive scenes, intriguing and unbelievable moments. Hell! I totally enjoyed every bit of the flick and felt good after the lights came on. Its good, entertaining and gripping enough for me. Maybe I am partial, I prefer watching action flicks that isnt overly GCI. In this case, i think 90% are action stunts that are of worthy praise. I am eagerly anticipating for the 3rd installment!
Well, I wont dwell too much into the plot since its a no brainer...
Bond is out on a mission to discover the "secret" from Mr White whom he captured in first flick. Partially out of duty, and partially out to seek the truth about Vesper's connection to this group. He is like a self avenger, based on his feelings of betrayal by the woman he loved.
So the show starts with some high speed car chasing in that beautiful Aston Martin, getting bashed to bits. I laughed to myself at the first 5 mins because the scene made Jame's Bond's car a JOKE, because if anyone noticed, the beat-up police Jeep going after the high speed chase, actually was doing VERY WELL in CATCHING UP and TAILING SO CLOSELY to Bond and the bad guys, putting those high horse power cars to shame man! The police could even afford to come close enough to fire shots! It was hilarious scene! Not to mention ridiculous! So how pay so many $$ for sports car when this lousy jeep can give u the same speed high?! haaa haaa!
Anycase, the story progress to White escaping, and Bond more determined to find out more about this mysterious group. So he ended up rescuing the new HOTbond babe, only get himself into more trouble with the leader of this environment Greene group. With luck, he uncovered the secret plot of this baddie and landed himself into a tight spot, being bashed here and there.
I wont say more but if you are expecting alot from this new Bond babe, forget it. There isnt much to see and for once, i didnt even get to see Bond sleep with Bond's babe!! How could he pass her up... hmmmm...
Honestly, I think Daniel did a fantastic job as Bond this season. I was quite unaccepting initially when I first heard he was assigned to do the first flick (i didnt think he was suave enough), though i grudging gave him credit after i had seen his moves. In this 2nd movie, I take back every disgruntle and initial reservations. I was completely sucked into the scene because he really emit this intense raw masculine prowess. My fav scene? When he was "walking" to the hotel bathroom, stripping off his shirt, before grinning and cheekily asking the lady to "search for stationary".... He was sooo HOT!!!!
One thing I have to mention, big bravo to the people who fashion the new wardrobe for Daniel in this 2nd flick. I love all his outfits, from the black causals to the jackets, to the suit wear. Damn! He looked yummy-licious in them. They were so well tailored cut, that its hard to miss those fashion wear unless u are completely clueless about good clothes.
I didnt think about about the female fashion, nothign stood out. However I think they should get "Spare actress" with prettier bare back. In the scene where he was at the opera night, and there were alot of women in formal dress, watch for this woman in silver dress, with black cross back strap that walked past him. She has the MOST pimpled scarred back ever! Magnified on a big movie screen, I was shocked to see someone with such bad skin cast on screen. Dont; ask me why I spot such things, I just did and it was hard to miss......
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