[ 赤い糸 11話(最終回): それでもいいと思える恋]

Note from me:
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The scene opens with Nishino's mum calling out to Mei.
"Mei chan, you are Mei chan?" She asked and Mei nodded with a yes.
"You look so much like Machino san. I..... I have killed your mother." Nishino 's mum confessed as she experienced flashback of the past. " I'm sorry!! It's my fault, I have done her wrong. Machiko san, I have ruined your life!!" An agitated Nishino's mum started to breakdown, crying and profusingly apologising yet confusing Mei for her birth mother Machiko. An unease Nishino hurried to stop his mum from saying anymore seeing her disturbed state of mind.
The drug peddler guy on the other hand coolly stated "So this is the daughter of Machiko and Haru, and she is even friends with Nishino. This is such a small world eh, Nishino." "What do u mean?" Nishino turn to ask but the shrine guy interrupted, telling the drug guy that it has nothing to do with the kids and not to drag them into the picture.
Meanwhile, the shrine guy instructed Nishino to send his mum to the doctor and he will walk the girls home. Halfway through, a dazed Mei reeling from the earlier incident, split from the shrine guy and the group saying she is ok. A concerned Mia called out to her but Mei just silently nod her head to indicate she was fine. Miyabi said that Mei had always been the happy laughing sort who didnt look like she had troubles, yet today Mei looked like she was in pain. Mia agreed.
Back at home, Mei's mum was waiting for her worriedly and asked what happened when she saw her face. Mei shared she had seen Nishino's mum and that the latter had confessed about killing her birth mum. Mei added that Nishino's mum looked like she was in so much pain and had to be sent to the hospital. Mei asked her mum to tell her the truth of how her biological mum had really died. Nishino's mum on the other hand was sent for emergency treatment of drugs reaction resulting from her unstable mind conditions but the doctor assured Nishino she should be fine. Nishino worriedly nodded.
At Mei's home, her mum finally revealed the past to Mei.
"From the day I had adopted Mei, Natsumi san had been suffering in pain from her drug addictions. I have heard from Nishino that she had constantly been in and out of the hosiptal until now. I have always been in 2 minds as to whether I should hand this to you. Perhaps what is written within the letter might hurt you. However, the answer that Mei is looking for may also be contained inside. Mei, your father died from an illness. When you were 16, your father wrote this last letter." Mei stared at the letter in shock and gingerly took the envelope.
Alone, Mei opened and read her dad's letter.
" Mei, I guess you must be shocked to suddenly receive this letter. I am Haruto, your birth father. I had originally intended to never reveal my name to you, but the doctor had informed me I have very little time left. I have much things to tell you and hence I pen this letter. I had once gone astray in my lifetime, and hence I had lost Machiko and also abandoned Mei. However please do believe in this. After falling in love with machino and giving birth to you, it is the greatest happiness in my life."
At the meantime, the shrine guy approach Nishino and apologised, stating that he should have told him the whole naked truth about the past. "Haruto san is Mei's birth father. As the guy (drug peddler) had said, Haruto and I had done alot of wrong things when we were young. However, we were both subsequently ashamed of our own behaviour, and hence chosen to live our remaining lives as such. Unfortunately when Nishino and Mei were 1 yrs old, Haruto and the drug guy crossed path again."
The scene went back to the past when the drug guy accompanying Natsumi carrying Nishino, bumped into Mei's parent. Natsumi expressed surprised the guys knew each other and the drug guy said they had work together before. Mei's birth mum had looked on worriedly. One night, Natsumi had requested Mei's father to "safekeep" two packages for her. She explained if those packages were found, "that person" will definitely be arrested again. Haruto expressed hesitation but Nishino's mum pleaded with him to just help her just this once. With that Mei's father relunctantly agreed but warning her that it would be better if she did not associate with THAT person (the drug peddler) anymore. Also he reminded her not to mention this favor to Machino as he didnt want his wife to worry.
Mei's father's story was carried on from Mei's father's letter.
"As a parent myself, I could understand the feelings of a mother raising a child which was why I had gotten involved in this matter. Yet unfortunately, this very incident had brought great suffering to my closest family. "
Back to Mei at 1yr old, her mum received a call that her husband had trafficked drugs. She replied its not possible and stopped halfway. In daze, she picked up Mei.
"Deep hopelessness struck Machiko's fragile heart hence she had chosen to end her life. Howver Mei, dont blame her, it was me who had forced her on that path. After my jail term, I met u by chance on the road. I recognise you at first glance. However just when i had wanted to call out to you, you had looked at your stepfather and called him 「father」. I can still clearly recall the scene, the view of the happy family of four. Mei, cherish your family and you must always be happy. I wish from the bottom of my heart, you will always be happy. Happy 16th birthday. "
In the hospital, Nishino who had also learnt the truth visited and look on at his sleeping (drugged?) mum.
At her therapy session, the doctor asked Mami what was her feelings today.
Mami replied that she was extremely worried about Nishino. The doctor asked what matter was she concerned about? "Tthe Nishino now is very troubled. Even though I am by his side, yet he will not say anything to me. " Mami replied honestly. The doctor further probed into Mami's heart, asking what sort of weightage does Nishino hold in her heart? "Hhe is the most important person." Mami answered without a second's hesitation. "So what does Mami think. what is the most important thing you should do for the person you deemed as most important?" The doctor queried. Mami paused and couldnt answer.
Yuri and Natsu paused outside the hospital and he asked her if it was really ok like this? Yuri replied yes since it was a decision both of them made together.
Alone with Nishino, Mami repeated her doctor consultation session content to him. "The doctor had asked me how important is Nishino to me. After that, I ended up wanting to know, what sort of weightage do I hold in Nishino's heart. " Nishino paused in surprise not knowing what to say. Mami looked at Nishino without a word....
Days after at the cafe, Mei was surprised to see Nishino joining them. She sat down awkwardly. Yuri and Natsu joined in later and announced they had decided to become parents. Even though it would not be easy, but if they gave up halfway, it would be unfortunate for the child. Natsu then turned to look at Nishino, adding that he too felt it was true that a child cannot chose its own parents. (indicating he had given some thought to what Nishino had said to him at the gas station back then) "Hence after a thorough careful consideration , Yuri and I made a decision."
Mei asked Yuri if its true? Yuri nodded. Natsu informed that he is giving up soccer as well as quitting school. He will start to work instead. Yuri added that she gave much thought about what Mei had said the other day about why would it be unfortunate to give birth to the child. "What would I do if this child is born? Thinking abit more, what will happen in 10years time? Just like that, we kept thinking about things in the future. We will prob love this child. This is a decision after we gave long and hard thoughts about it. In the future, we would still need help from everyone. is it ok?" The girls chirped in of course! Meanwhile Natsu jokingly shared that he had seen Yuri's parents and he was soooo afriad of the dad and wondered if he will get bashed.... and he really did get bashed! Everyone laughed aloud. Mei said that Natsu and Yuri will soon become a family and Yuri nodded. Before the group split, they looked on at the departing couple and commented Yuri will be mum in half year...
Mei went to find his dad. Mei asked him if he rem the day he got home early and the rest of the family were waiting for his return at the train station. Mei shared she had at that time, eagerly waited for his dad to exit from the train station. "I loved walking home and holding on to dad's hands the most. Dad's hand was big and warm. I felt very safe just holding on to it. Dad, I still feel the same." Mei confided in him. "Really?" Dad asked. Mei nodded and walked ahead. Her dad muttered "Thank you Mei." Mei then turned around and suggested for the family to have a meal together this saturday, and Haruna and her will make the meal. Her dad nodded.
Miyabi on the other hand said she had changed her thoughts and she cannot hang around and go on like that with them (the drug gang) anymore, and being made use by the drug peddler. The guy called her stupid and he was the one using the drug peddler. As Miyabi left, her ex drug groupie was arrested by the hidden cops. The drug peddler witness the scene and coldly drove off without a word. The boy realised he had been duped and being made a scapegoat.
Next day, the shrine guy passed a package to Nishino and asked him to go have his meal while he take over the shift. Mei on the otherhand went back to middle school to meet Sara.
"Are you well? is your body ok?" Mei asked Sara with much concern and Sara said she is well.
"I must have scared you to suddenly called you out like this?" Sara said.
"No. I have done something terrible to you. I wonder if u will ever forgive me." Mei said.
"At the Middle school Bunka festival, Mei is the leader of the props right?" Sara asked. She went on to describe the events of the day. Mei asked if she rem everthing but Sara said no but she had read many of the "emails to the me tomorrow" describing everything.
"When I read each mail, I really wanted to meet Mei. Yet after I had sent the birthday greeting message, my mum then told me the cause of the incident. What had happened between us? Why had things turned out this way?" Sara shared.
"Sara, after you had switched school. I had felt very guilty all these while. I had always wanted to apologise to you. Really, I am really sorry!" Mei rushed out her words to Sara.
"When I was in year one, all my emails had always been about a lonely me, and incidents of being bullied. However from year two onwards, all my emails had been about Mei. How I love coming to school after meeting Mei. I am very happy now in high school and had made many friends in now. Even though I had lost my memory, but I still rem how to hang out with friends, it must have been because of Mei. " Sara shared. Mei was so touched.
Nishino opened the mobile phone out of the package given to him. It was Sara's old mobile with all the past emails she had sent to herself. Nishino started reading.
"After that, I wrote many things about Mei and Nishino. In the heart of a Nishino as a a boy, his first love has always been Mei. It was prob mutal affection. It's already hard to be able to like someone who like you, dont you think this is a miracle? Reading your story, both of you are like those portrayed in the Akai Ito legend. Is it really true you have split with Nishino? Why?" Sara asked. Mei went on to explain she accepted his request. Nishino knew he would hurt someone else if he was with Mei (refering to his mum), by the time Mei knew it, its already too late.
"Too late? Is it possible? " Sara asked.
Back to Nishino and the mobile. "It is a chanced encounter for one to meet another. However, to meet a second time, it is destiny. Mei and Nishino are definitely two fated people." Nishino read what Sara wrote in her mobile and rem the last time he asked Mei if she believed in destiny. Mei had said yes. Nishino closed the phone.
Mei visited Nishino mum. the mum was surprised. Mami who also was visiting saw the scene from teh door. The mum said Nishino isnt back but Mei said no, presenting the flowers to her. The mum received it in shock.
The two went out to chat. Mami tagged behind and eavesdropped on the conversation. Mei shared she had received a letter from her dad and learnt the whole truth. Nishino mum said she had brought suffering to Mei while protecting her own happiness. "Really Sorry!!" Nishino mum bowed and apologised.
"Please dont say that. My mum indeed has passed away, so has my dad. But now I know I was born out of love, and I also have a very impt family now. I have someone I liked. He had once told me, when I was crying and unable to accept the truth, that the gods are always changing. Hence a person who can have his wish fulfilled is no different from the one who doesnt. He is a kind hearted person. More than he cared about himself, he cared more if the people around him are happy. You have given birth to him and raised him. You are his only mum. Hence to me, you are also someone very important to me. I do not hate anyone. Please look foward and live well. " Mei said kindly to Nishino mum who started to cry as she heard those words. (This is the scene that touched me so much yesterday...)
Nishino went back to the ward and spotted the flowers. He asked his mum who had returned after her meeting with Mei, as to who the visitor was. "It was Mei chan." Nishino was shocked.
"She said to me, I am someone very impt to her. She asked me to look forward and live on well. She is indeed a very marvellous girl. She looked at me ernestly and shared her inner thoughts. At-kun has always been a very patient boy since a child, always suppressing your own thoughts and supporting me. At-kun, thank you for letting me have a child like you." The tearing mum held his hands and expressed her gratitude. With understanding gained, Nishino left the room.
"Sensei I want to return to the rehab. I still have to trouble you. " Nishino mum told the visiting doctor whom expressed utmost support, and that he will help her all over again as she wished to quit seriously.
Simultaneouly, Nishino approached Mami sitting by herself. He told her candidly they had shared a similar fate as children, hence some words he can tell only her. " I think we are both very resilent. You are someone very important to me. However, I can never be the sort of important person you hope for in your heart. I'm sorry. " With that he turned to leave.
"Finally, You finally said the words in your heart. I am ok now. " Mami said. Nishino looked relieved at her understanding. With that he ran with all his might to chase after Mei, yelling for her. Mei turned around in surprise. "At Kun? What's wrong?" Nishino rushed to her and hugged her tightly.
"I... I have been lying to myself all these time. I keep telling myself, that it is for the best to split with you even if it means hurting you. Yet when you came to the cake shop on the 16th birthday, I was so overjoyed and happy at that time. I wanted to see a smiling Mei before me. Actually I... I have always liked you!!! "
To that heartfelt confession, Mei looked at him "Atkun, I believe in destiny." Mei smiled and said to him....
[ Ending scene:
Mei's family met up for meal that sat. The family seem to be on the mend."
Yuri and Natsu and baby girl happily took a family shot.
Sara went to uni and looked happy.
Mia joined as hair stylist apprentice.
Mami worked as a florist.
Nishino and Mei remained together. With a message fro 2012, Mei sent the sms asking after everyone. A picture of her holding Nishino's hand was sent. ]
End of series
Akai ito Afterthoughts
wow. just wow. Thank you thank you thank YOU! For summarizing the episode, I hope you had a GREAT birthday!!!!
I have to admit that there was a point while watching Akai Ito where I thought to myself that maybe I don't want to keep watching this... but after this final ep I'm glad that I stuck with it, because I duno i guess for me the endings for dramas have a very big impact on whether or not I will ever watch a particular drama again.
I'm glad that things worked out for Mei and At-kun, and sara and yuri. I guess i like how they wrapped up everything, and left you with a feeling of being content. so that you don't feel that there is something left unknown.
Thank you for diligently summarizing each episode every week, it definitely made watching a lot easier (kinda hard to like something when you have no idea what the characters are saying right? lol). Especially when the dialogue between the characters are the 'important' parts (if you know what i mean) in order to grasp the whole significance of the scene, and this was particularly true in the last ep, like the contents of the letter from Mei's birth father, Sara's conversation with Mei etc.
Anyways thank you!!!!
yeah.! thanks for the awesome summary. the ending definitely left a warm fuzzy feeling. I think this is def one of the best japanese dramas I've watched. Thankfully, it ended on a light note.Oh yeah. I also hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!
can someone help me?
ive been lookin got that backround song in akai ito for so long:(
its kinda rock and only plays during happy parts lol
Welcome and Thanks people again for birthday wishes again:)
yeah I am really glad everything worked out for Nishino and Mei!!! I love the ending when they were holding hands with the phone camera shot, it really brought a smile to my face, enveloping me with a warm fuzzy feeling!!! I agree that it's good that they use the still pictures to account for everyone and everything so you do not wonder, and it doeesnt even affect the flow of the story!!!
Haahaaa, if only I had been equally diligent in my tutorials and assignment...haaaaa haaaaa
Also to the Akai Ito insert song query, I have put up the track for sharing now, look for it under Music share Japanese songs link/ or under Akai Ito label. hope this will make your day since u have look for it for so long:)
i juz discovered tis blog... it's great! 39 soo much!!
had akai ito too... like it soo much tat i went to search for e translated online novel :p
soo sad tat taka died in e drama coz in e novel he did not die...
i especially like e parts of mei n atkun together... but these r soo little!
lookin forward 2 e movie in singapore... :p tis will b parts bet ep3 n 4 rite :)
thanks for the detailed summary!
I was searching for a summary for Akai Ito and I'm glad that I found yours..
Thanks once again~
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