yeah!!!! I finally found one hi-resolution video link that works! So for Mei Chan no Shitsuji fans, here is the Episode 09 RAW version for your viewing. Big screen and clear video, so much so that I can see the lip gloss shining on Rihito lips! haaaa haa. I am NOT kidding!
I just watch the first few mins and I am already so amused! I think I will like this episode. Rihito is like a shining angel to Mei. I was already laughing my socks off when Mei who was cleaning Rihito's wounds became so absorbed staring at Rihito.... ( he had glowing light like some shining angel and that was when I saw his lip gloss!) They got interrupted by the classmates and bulters and so funny when mei and Rihito panicked! Hiro aka Rihito had such a funny expression that I kept laughing! And when Rin's butler announced he can sense some "sweet aura", teasing the couple, I have no idea where from Rihito whipped out the perfume and started spraying, with a guilty expression! Oh sooo Funnnnnny!!
I am dying to see how this story will developed. It seems from the synopsis that the grandfather named Shiori as the sucessor and Rihito to accompany her to some ceremony. I am dying to find out if its really true or he is just baiting Mei to be determined to fight as a successor!! So much excitment and the drama is drawing to an end soon... Episode 10 next week will be the last episode ...awwwww...and i get to watch it in Japan on TV! heeeee heeee!
Ok enough of my babbling. Watch Mei chan's Butler episode 9 video here!

Mei chan no shitsuji Ep 09 Detailed Summary
The scene starts with conversation that is deliberately to mislead one's mind....
"Nnno....it shouldnt be done Mei Sama" Rihito said in a quivering voice
"It's alrrrrite..so don't move!" Mei said gently.
"But....this sort of thing...." Rihito replied hesitatingly as the video zoom right at Mei's dorm room door.
Inside, Mei was apparently telling Rihito to listen to her as she applied medication to his wounds. Rihito squirmed in pain each time she daped on his face. "I'll do it myself" Rihito said as he tried to stop her, before adding apologetically that as a butler, he is even making his mistress do such a thing for him. Mei on the otherhand firmly told him otherwise as she had felt it was her fault (that he got into such a plight). "No it's not your fault! It's all my responsibility." Rihito convinced himself. "I have already said it's not your fault!" Meo retorted with much indignance. "No no.. I am being worthless" Rihito said sounding fully disappointed with himself. Mei told him to stop going on about it and sneaked another dab on his face. Seeing Rihito's expression and squirmming away, Mei immediately apologise while Rihito shyly tried to cover his face assuring her he was alright. As Rihito looked up at Mei and bestowed her with his "million watts" brightly lit smile, a bright aura started to glow around him (LIP GLOSS! haaa haa).

Trying to change topic, Mei asked them on the purpose of their visit. Daimon explained that everyone was thinking of having dinner together tonight. "To celebrate you return!" Miruku happily announced. Fuji added that it was now easier to gather together since they were all living in the same dorm presently.
"Oh I rem now. Everyone's been demoted to Ombora rank" Mei said wistfully. "It's Ombra" Rihito quickly corrected her. Mei clapped her hands together and sincerely apologised to the group, stating that it's all because of her. Rin assured her that it wasnt her fault and Rika who strolled in through the door at the exact moment "haughtily" chimed in agreement, adding that it would only be hurting her pride if Mei should even feel responsible. Rika suddenly remembered to ask for first aid kit for Kento. Hearing that, Mei got worried and asked if Kento was that seriously wounded. Suddenly, they heard a scream!
Rihito and the rest rushed out, seeing Izumi frightful look. Turning to see what had frightened Izumi, the group were confronted by an advancing mummifed person! The group freaked out and rushed straight back into the room, with the mummy ambling closely behind! (see the little sheep!! so cute!). The mummy started to yell "It's me! It's me!" and started to upwrap the bandage. The group sighed a huge relief "MAMBESHIBA" when they saw Kento being unmasked and panting away.

That night, Tami asked the white butler what are his plans from now on, and she should have tied up the loose ends the last time. "What are you thinking" Tami asked a silent Shinobu. Sudeenly the silence was interrupted by smashing plates and glasses. Lucia had gone stark raving mad when she didnt see Rihito. Tami tried to appease her but was shoved to the ground and cutting her hands in the process. Lucia then demanded Shinobu to push Mei into the deep abyss of agony at all cost via any unscrupulous means. Shinobu replied in obedience while Tami looked at her bloodied hand and her saviour Lucia sama. "I want her to know what is regret for angering me!!" Lucia agitatedly stated.
Next day in school, Mei asked Kento out for a private talk. "I have yet to thank you." Mei said to a questioning Kento. "I didnt do anything that has a reason for your thanks." kento coolly replied. "But, it's all thanks to you, that I am back, and I...." Mei suddenly paused mid sentence. Seeing her lost in her thoughts, Kento reached out and flicked her hard on her forehead. "Aww! It hurts! What's that for!" a startled Mei yelped. Kento calling her the specky udon gir, replied she was spacing out before adding solemnly "Dont misunderstand, I have yet to give up on you. It is only meaningful after I can determine win/lose outcome with my brother. And also, it only works if you are the one who decide to choose me.So please stop looking like that in future. An ugly girl will only turn uglier." With that last statement, Kento started to chuckle and laugh. Mei's mood also change for the better hearing that, smiled and replied "Well I'm sorry I am ugly!", and then shoved him. Both of them started to banter and laughed. Just then, the relaxed happy mood was again interrupted by Rika and girls about a series of bad news. Mei's classmates were being individually targeted, attacked and hassled by unknown sources!
"It's too strange. To have so many things happening at the same time." Rika stated. "And its all marked against people in this class." Miruku added. The class started to speculate that the person who can summon such a large scale attack has to be someone with huge authority, and it can only be one person who can do it. Kento rightly guessed it has to be Lucia. "because Mei is back to school, so the bullying has begun." Kento shared. Miruku added that while there is lack of evidence, but basically it can probably be affirmed. Mei looked at Rihito with concern and Rihito shook his head to assure her not to.
Back in her own room, Mei sigh and confided in Rihito that she still brought much troubles for everyone else. "it's not Mei sama's fault" Rihito consoled her. "but from now on, Lucia sama will still..." Mei begun but was cut off by Rihito, who reminded her "Right now, you only have to think about how to become the lady that Kintaro Oji sama will be satisfied with." Mei picked up her bell and lamented that she had only collected one stellar to date. Rihito consoled her that she had 3 more years to graduation. Just then, someone knocked at Mei's door and it was the twins!
They announced that they were here to retrieve mei at Hongo sama's invite. Mei and Rihito were surprise and shocked!
At her granfather's place, he told her Mei had eyes like her father and for her not to be nervous. "Do u hate me?" he asked candidly. Mei replied she doesnt. "So.. you are such a kind girl." Hearing footsteps, grandpa turned around and said he had been waiting. Entered Lucia and Shinobu and she said Mei coldly as to why she was here. "I had asked her here" Grandpa replied instead. Before the girls, grandpa announced he had asked them here to decide on the next Hongo successor. The twins started to pronounce the individual background of the two girls.
"Actually, I have already thought about it. That is you. Shiori" Not expecting it, Shiori went "eh?!" in utter surprise. "The successor of Hongo org, is Shiori." grandpa announced firmly to everyone's shock. Rihito's eyes widen in disbelief. The twins followed up saying they would begin to announce the decision to all the international organisation about the choice of sucession. After that, Shiori is to head to America for the sucession ceremony. "Rihito, you also have to go to America for 3 weeks with Shiori." Mei was stunned that her "battle" was all over.
"Mei you can choose to stay in school or abandon the Hongo name, you can decide for yourself." grandpa said to her. An overwhelmed Rihito objected "Please wait a minute!! This is too......"
Grandpa coldly cut Rihito off and stated he had finished what he wanted to say. An overjoyed Lucia happily told Mei that they finally had an outcome. Gloatingly, Lucia told Mei "You dont have to worry, I will still keep that promise I had made to you." (refering to burying her parents together). Mei was too stunned to utter a word.
Back in dorm, Rihito told her not to feel dejected. "How could I not be? This news is even more earth shattering than everything before this. Kintaro san had clearly said it before me." Mei ranted. "There's no way left..." Mei muttered,. "Right..there's no other ways left." Mei turned around to see Tami repeating what Mei had said. Both were shocked to see her and Tami laughed stating that the two do not have to be on the defence since there was no more reason for her to attack Mei. "I have only come to see you as a joke, as a failure to the sucession battle." Tami mocked Mei. "You must hate me too. I permit you to throw me a punch." Tami cheerfully offered.
"Is there a meaning to that?" Mei asked. "I have heard from Mameshiba, that Lucia is your benefactor. With her old wounds revealed, Tami demanded so what, would that excuse her? "So please, you should not hate Lucia sama either! Lucia sama is actually very gentle and kind, it's all because of you..." Tami suddenly stopped herself in mid sentence when Mei said nothing. Tami soften her edge and added that Mei should cherish her remaining time with everyone else. As she was leaving, Mei spotted and asked what happened to her hand and Tami brushed her off saying it has nothing to do with her.
Tami butler waiting outside, revealed Tami's inner thought "You must be wondering, why Mei is a person that one couldnt hate at all. Otherwise, you wont be harboring all the sense of guilt." Tami tried to convince him and herself, repeating that she would not feel any guilt so long as it is for Lucia sama. If she doesnt exists, then there wont be her now. Her butler tried to remind her of what the orphange head mistress had once said to them. "Causing hurt to others will eventually cause hurt to yourself." Tami kept quiet.
In school, the class were bewildered by the news that Lucia is the new sucessor. Rika whispered to Fuji that no wonder all the attacks had ceased, while Fuji replied even Rihito was snatched away. While Miruku said she just dont get it, Rin was more worried as to what Mei would do now.
While alone to the group of them, Rika announced to a depressed Mei that there is a firm 7 votes casted for Mei to elope. Fuji happily announced that Mei and Rihito should eloped. (She is soooo cute here!! I wanted to pinch her sexy butt! haaaa). The rest assured her that they would provide the cash, hiding place, food for her. (the roly poly munchie girl is sooo cute too!!!)
On the other hand, the butler were also holding their own prep talk session with Rihito asking if he felt it was really alright with things being this. The butlers lamented that under Hongo, it would be impossible for them to fled to anywhere without being caught. "but Rihito san doesnt want to part with Mei sama right?" Kiba anxiously piped in. "That will depends on Mei sama" Rihito replied calmly. "However from the way I see it, her aura is of that who has surrendered." Rin's butler shared. "I will wait till Mei sama renewed her faith and stand on her feet again." Rihito shared his belief.
Back to the girls, Izumi stopped the chattering girls from their unconstructive suggestions, and asked Mei what does she think herself? "I dont know." Mei said in resignation.

As for loony Lucia, she was still rejoicing at being chosen, with Shinobu congratulating her, Lucia turned to ask Shinobu what is his wish and she would try to fulfill it within her powers as Hongo successor. Shinobu thought and said there is nothing he wanted, he is contented just being by her side. Loony Lucia thanked him first, before turning away and declaring insensitively that it has to come to the time for them to part. Shinobu face was crestfallen hearing that.
Mei went to look for head mistress but she wasnt around. As Mei was leaving, she saw Lucia who said it was such a pity. "You must have been wanting to look for head mistress, to discuss ways of removing me from my succession right?" Mei rejected Lucia's accusation and tried to explain she never had such thought but Lucia interjected and ranted "You must be dissatisfied that Rihito got snatched away from you. So just let your grudges explode. Regardless if its hating others or being hated, I am used to it, because I have always been alone all along" Lucia spit out her venom at Mei.
"I have never thought of hating you nor hurting you." Mei said. Lucia then cruelly shared that she would not bury her parents together. "Your father's ashes, your mother's ashes, I would scatter them all over in different places, seperatelly!" "Wait, but you had promised before..." Mei stuttered. "Of course that was a lie. I hate you the most!" Lucia sneered. Rihito who had been evaesdropping had enough, dashed in to drag Mei away from the vengeful loony.
"I have one more thing to share. The headmistress would not stand on your side, perhaps she hates you to the core inside, Didnt Rihito know? The head mistress was previously engaged to Mei's father, it was her mother who stole him away. Your parents are too much." Lucia spitefully revealed to Mei. Rihito tried to stop the crazy bag but Lucia snapped "I too have become a sacrifice!" as she glared at them both. Mei and Rihito went speechless.

Meanwhile, Kento and Izumi went back to Natsumi's place and realise Mei wasnt there. Again the search extended. Kento went to the beach where Mei's house was burnt down but she wasnt there either. Kento was at his wits.
Rihito on the other hand approach Lucia in her greenhouse dorm. She happily asked Rihito why he was there since Mei is missing and its chaotic, and asked if he had wanted to discuss about the America trip? Rihito solemnly told Lucia that he felt compelled to tell her his thoughts. "My heart, for now, from now onwards, it will always be linked together with mei sama." Hearing that, Lucia angrily demanded if Rihito thinks he can disobey Kintaro's wishes? "if that is what Mei sama wishes for." Rihito replied. "Stupid! That woman has fled!" Lucia tried to convince Rihito. "The person who had fled is you Lucia sama. Hurting others in order to escape from your own pain, a heart wishing to trample on others. Mei sama is different from you." With that Rihito bowed and walked out leaving Lucia to steam in her own resentment.
Rihito found the headmistress and shared the day's events. "So she has found out. I would not be so anal to hate their daughter because of of a stolen fiance, but I did despise Yu chan" Her butler and her continued to share her past, of how she become fiancee of Mei's dad, and how she become friends with Mei's mum. "When I know their relationship, I had continuously come between them creating obstacles, just like Shiori now. However, when Shoutaro decided to leave Hongo, that was when I woke, the bond between them is not something that allows me to break up. Losing that person had taken the weight off me." Rose mistress shared. "Mei now is undergoing the test" She turned to share with Rihito. Then she remembered and pass something to Rihito.
Looking through Mei's family album, Rihito has an inkling of where she might be. Kento on the otherhand was stopped by the twins, delivering a message from Kintaro. Kintaro asked Kento to go overseas to become an S rank butler. Kento questioned that purpose. It was revealed that Kento's strength and ability to awaken Rihito has caught Kintaro's eyes. Kento rejected saying that he was actually not at all happy about being chosen and questioned Kintaro instead as to why Lucia was chosen as the sucessor instead of Mei, critising that something must be wrong with his eyes!" (Kento is talking to fast i couldnt catch the exact word but I second gues the gist.) Kintaro laughed and commented "mighty spirit for a youngster", and it would have been great if Mei had shown the same spunk as he did. Kinataro further revealed that while Shiori is indeed not healthy, but Mei was lacking something. Kento curiously asked what was it.
"Resolution" Kintaro replied. "The resolve to even snatch to get something one desires. What about you? To capture Mei's heart, to surpass your brother, do you have that resolve?" Kento was quiet when probed by Kintaro.
Alone at a snowy lookout, Mei turned around hearing footsteps. She saw Rihito advanced towards her. "You even know I am here." Mei said. "because I am Mei sama's shitsuji." Rihito smiled and curtsy. "Last year's winter, I came here with mum and dad. This is the place where the 3 of us had fun together for the last time." Mei confided. "Yes, I had heard of it before." Rihito replied. Mei said she didnt know why she suddenly wanted to visit here.
Alone at a snowy lookout, Mei turned around hearing footsteps. She saw Rihito advanced towards her. "You even know I am here." Mei said. "because I am Mei sama's shitsuji." Rihito smiled and curtsy. "Last year's winter, I came here with mum and dad. This is the place where the 3 of us had fun together for the last time." Mei confided. "Yes, I had heard of it before." Rihito replied. Mei said she didnt know why she suddenly wanted to visit here.
"Is it only painful for you, to bear the bloodline as a Hongo descendent? However, for me, I am glad that Mei sama bears the Hongo bloodlnes, Only because then, I could have met with Mei sama, to become and serve as your Shitsuji." Rihito shared in return. Hearing that heartfelt speech, Mei was filled with emotions. Seeing Mei's expression, Rihito said gently "I'm heading back now. I have to prepare for the trip tomorrow." Before parting, Rihito took out an envelope, "The head mistress ask me to hand this to you." It was a letter from Mei's parents (name written at the back). Mei watched Rihito slowly walking away and finally read the letter addressed to her. She then started to cry as she read the content.
Finishing it, Mei ran with all her might, chasing after Rihito. The letter reads:
" (DAD) Mei, are you well? In event that something happens to mum and dad, this letter is written to the you now, who knows about Hongo family. After knowing about Hongo, Mei will have to make a decision yourself one day. No matter what is your choice, you must have the resolve to gain and lose something in return. Your father me, has made the resolution to leave home in order to protect the people that are important to me. To me, what is important? If your heart understands, then you will know what sort of resolve to have. And when the time comes where you know the answer, then you are to pick up your courage and fight for it!
(MUM) Mei, it will be fine for a kind and strong person like you. For yourself, if you have someone around you who is important to you, and could fight along with you, then for that person, you must give it all your best!"
Mei caught up to Rihito and yelled for him to wait. He turned around and smiled. "I will fight. To realise my dreams, I will fight with all my might!" Mei declared to Rihito. He slowly advanced towards her and gently took mei's hand, folding it into fist while saying "As such, I will then become Mei sama's battle sword." Then he continued to gently place her hand on his chest/ heart and stare passionately into her eyes, Rihito added "And I would be Mei sama 's protective shield." Mei smiled in return and nodded.
The two returned to school filled with renewed fighting spirit! Rihito opened the door and the class were surprised to see Mei return.
"You are back? What happened?" Lucia asked.
"Lucia sama, Hongo Shiroi san, I want to duel with you." Mei declared to the shock of everyone. The sole girls berated Mei for her insolent request but Lucia waved them off.
"So I see. It is St Lucia;s tradition to duel to decide a win/ lose. No one can overthrow that, even grandfather. Is this to fight for your Inheritance?" Lucia asked,
"It has nothing to do with inheritance. This is a duel for Butler Rihito" Mei said.
"How can I accept such a duel?" Lucia asked.
"If I lose, I will leave this school." Mei declared.
"Stop joking, this is of no benefit to me." Lucia said. As she looked at Rihito, she rem Rihito's earlier confession about his heart being with Mei from now on. With that, vengeful Shiori stopped Shinobu in his tracks from wheeling her off.
"Rihito sama, if I win, can you gurantee that you will forget about this woman? To serve me for the rest of your life?" Lucia asked Rihito seriously.
" If that is the condition of the duel." Rihito forced a reply.
"So? In that case let's bet everything. If I lose, I will give up on Rihito, step down from inheritance, and leave this school." Lucia announced.
"And if I lose?" Mei queried.
"You and everyone in this class will leave this school. How about that?" Lucia asked and added, "Such a kind person like you would not want your classmate to suffer right? You have to accept all conditions, if not, then there will be no duel."
Mei hesitated thinking of her friends but Izumi stepped up stating the conditions doesnt bother her. Everyone else chipped in saying its right and asked Mei to do it! Everyone is your comrade! Izumi said. Lucia was pissed! "What a bunch of idiot! Shinobu!!" Lucia said. Shinobu acknowledged and declared "As such, I will represent Lucia sama being her butler in the duel" Rhito stared at Shinobu head on.
"Finally, he is revealing himself!" the butlers started discussing. Kento asked if Shinobu is really that incredible. Daimon said Shinobu has mastered every martial arts in the world, even 100 Russian army cannot defeat him, and a huge battle aura was detected!
"There is no turning back, Mei" Lucia smiled with evilness. "no matter what happen." With that she left.
As lucia left, Mei and Rihito smiled at each other.
"Mei sama, then.." before he can finished, Rihito was hit by an arrow shot through the window! Mei was Stunned! Rihito grabbed the arrow in shock and slowly collapsed. Outside, Tami who fired the shot muttered to herself"It's all for Lucia sama!"

The class was shock as Rihito struggled in pain. Mei screamed at the sight before her!!
Finishing it, Mei ran with all her might, chasing after Rihito. The letter reads:

The two returned to school filled with renewed fighting spirit! Rihito opened the door and the class were surprised to see Mei return.
"You are back? What happened?" Lucia asked.
"Lucia sama, Hongo Shiroi san, I want to duel with you." Mei declared to the shock of everyone. The sole girls berated Mei for her insolent request but Lucia waved them off.
"So I see. It is St Lucia;s tradition to duel to decide a win/ lose. No one can overthrow that, even grandfather. Is this to fight for your Inheritance?" Lucia asked,
"It has nothing to do with inheritance. This is a duel for Butler Rihito" Mei said.
"How can I accept such a duel?" Lucia asked.
"If I lose, I will leave this school." Mei declared.
"Stop joking, this is of no benefit to me." Lucia said. As she looked at Rihito, she rem Rihito's earlier confession about his heart being with Mei from now on. With that, vengeful Shiori stopped Shinobu in his tracks from wheeling her off.
"Rihito sama, if I win, can you gurantee that you will forget about this woman? To serve me for the rest of your life?" Lucia asked Rihito seriously.
" If that is the condition of the duel." Rihito forced a reply.
"So? In that case let's bet everything. If I lose, I will give up on Rihito, step down from inheritance, and leave this school." Lucia announced.
"And if I lose?" Mei queried.
"You and everyone in this class will leave this school. How about that?" Lucia asked and added, "Such a kind person like you would not want your classmate to suffer right? You have to accept all conditions, if not, then there will be no duel."
Mei hesitated thinking of her friends but Izumi stepped up stating the conditions doesnt bother her. Everyone else chipped in saying its right and asked Mei to do it! Everyone is your comrade! Izumi said. Lucia was pissed! "What a bunch of idiot! Shinobu!!" Lucia said. Shinobu acknowledged and declared "As such, I will represent Lucia sama being her butler in the duel" Rhito stared at Shinobu head on.
"Finally, he is revealing himself!" the butlers started discussing. Kento asked if Shinobu is really that incredible. Daimon said Shinobu has mastered every martial arts in the world, even 100 Russian army cannot defeat him, and a huge battle aura was detected!
"There is no turning back, Mei" Lucia smiled with evilness. "no matter what happen." With that she left.
As lucia left, Mei and Rihito smiled at each other.
"Mei sama, then.." before he can finished, Rihito was hit by an arrow shot through the window! Mei was Stunned! Rihito grabbed the arrow in shock and slowly collapsed. Outside, Tami who fired the shot muttered to herself"It's all for Lucia sama!"

Last Episode 10 Preview
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Ep 10: Brief synopsis
Basically the duel was on and because of his injuries, Rihito reflexes were slowed and forced to be on defence. Mei staring on the fight, however believed with absolute conviction and faith in Rihito to win the duel. Lucia encouraged Mei to admit defeat. However, Mei said that Shinobu was unable to maximise his potential (since Lucia's heart is not with him) as Mei had learnt in the past during the duel between Rihito and Ayoyama. Mei's conviction seal the deal....Lucia went amok and crazy!
I really really like this epi! It's so funny at much light hearted moments! The roly poly girl really made me laugh when she said she was hungry and realised she shouldnt have! I think everyone including the non primary cast was really amusing!
I am keen to see Shinobu's skill as a super butler. If he isnt S rank butler, can Rihito seriously lose to him? Hmmmm... then what the hell isnt Shinobu an S rank then?!!!
The part when Rihito was walking by himself after he handed the letter to Mei, I was laughing because he was walking the model walk in a straight line with his legs crossing..its irrelvant I know but somehow it stick out so clearly to me! I was like WOOOW! Model Butler!!! And considering Mei should only take 5 mins to read the letter, she was running with all her might for so long (like as if 10mins) and Rihito was only just WALKING! Can he walk fast or what?!!! Oh well. Still, I think no matter what his lip gloss takes the cake. Can you imagine your boyfriend walking in tow with you with shiny shiny lips?.
Does anyone else think Tami is also getting loony like her mistress? She is obsessed man. Does she think Lucia will appreciate her killing Rihito? No way right? So we know Rihito wont die for sure. Prob just injured so that he would lose. Still...how can Rihito sense all attack on Mei in first few episodes not sense such a huge woman outside aiming an arrow at him? Wake up Tami!
I wonder if Kento is going to be S rank? Does this mean there is potentially season 2? I want!!!!!!
I am so dying to watch next week last episode!
On a note here, I will be travelling to Osaka next week and so I probably wont be able to blog the review till I return on Sat. If I can find a internet station, I may try to write a quick snyopsis on the ending. We shall see! Meanwhile... Rihito.....FIGHTING! (^0^)v
Additional thoughts:
Oh oh oh! I forgot to add this thought earlier. I wanted to say I luuuurve how the drama flow so well drawing my emotions! The part when Mei was wallowing in negative thoughts blah blah and Rihito was standing there taking it all in silently, I was really thinking to myself at that exact moment "Bloody hell, Rihito should slap her man to wake her senses!" And next split second, Rihito went "Slap!". I was stunned when what i was feeling was being acted out before me!
While I dont normally tolerate physical violence in real life, but this one is acceptable for me because it wasnt those violent abuse (like last friends) but more like out of concern and love. I think what I admire was how the plot was able to draw such emotions out of me and logically have it in place. Even though Mei was giving up, I never once felt annoyed with her, because I can empathised with how she felt being all lost and all. It is easy to understand and accept her behaviour (unlike *ahem* Jandi *ahem*).
i've always been visiting your blog to read your awesome review on Mei-chan. I'm waiting for the upcoming review from you. =)
btw, the funniest scene for me is Kento's appearance in a walking mummy. i was thinking for a slight moment that i was probably watching a horror movie here. lol.
for me, this week episode is so amusing. i wanna give a big clap to the production team.
wow, you are right the video is clear!
It's a bit weird seeing such shiny lip gloss on a male.
You comment about lip gloss made me laugh so hard at work that some of co-workers thought I was crazy. It pretty weird to see guy with lip gloss but he's not the first one, I've seen others. Wonder why they would do that.
Anon@6am, it's weird isnt it, even on a cute guy! I hate to rewind to make sure I wasnt seeing things! haaa
Haaa haaa Meadove, I was laughing when I read your comment because I get that all the time! haa haaa.Really u have seen guys in real life with lip gloss?!! OMG! I have only seen it on actors but Rihito one was a bit tooo obvious! If he pucker his lips then, it would be classic and I would roar in laughter i tell u! I think the cast may might not realise the "shining" is so vivid!!
Thanks Jazztonish! It's very gratifying to read your comment. Thank you for always supporting my summaries!
I agree when I first saw Kento in the mummy gear, I was so amused too! It's his expression when he got dragged out that tickled me the most! I agree! I wanna give a huge applause to the pdtn team! This week is really funny! I love the girl who likes to eat the most this week!
i wish they would turn this into an anime
and havin a second season, wont be too bad, would it?
i mean more crazy lucia-sama and more lovely mei-chan, kento and Rihito!
not forgetting the beautiful ladies and butlers(especially the BUTLERS)of
St. Lucia Girls' Academy...lol
Yay! I am anticipating for the in-depth summary to come. Thank you for contributing your valuable time!
After reading your review, I finally understand more about Grandpa. He's also a reasonable person. And I feel like what he has been trying to do from the beginning is for Mei's sake.
(In Japanese version, it should be "Mei-chan no Tameni" , isn't it? Haha. I heard Shinobu and Tami kept saying "Lucia-sama no Tameni" almost every episode. Now I've learned one more Japanese phrase.)
I mean there's no way that the family bond would be cut so easily, even though Mei and Grandpa haven't met each other for almost 20 years. He may not know that Mei actually exists. However, Mei must be tested by him first. The word "test" might not be the exact word I'm trying to convey. But I feel like Grandpa wants to teach Mei to be well-prepared and able to survive in Hongo family. He must have his strange own way to do that for Mei. It's like doing something that sounds unreasonable to teach your childs without saying it out directly. Oh my...grandpa, you should tell Mei in the first place!!
His real intention was always uncleared but now it is revealed in the most part. Except one thing that I'm not quite sure is that his opinion about the relationship between Rihito and Mei. Or maybe Grandpa is expecting both of them to take time and recognize their feelings for each other more. They're both still young (Mei is only 17 and Rihito is 21). There will be many things in their life that can happen and change their mind later. Grandpa must observe them closely in his place with the full of joy and amusement again.
For Tami, I think she is about to come to her sense that who is the one she should really support. Her worried face when she shot Rihito is also a clue.
It's true that Shiori is her angel who saved her from the tough childhood, but Tami needs to realize that continuing to comfort psycho Shiori is not the right thing. Tami will find out about that in no time.
And Rihito will be alright. I think he just got injured. It isn't a serious case at all.
The serious matter is that Mei-chan has screamed right next to his ear. LoL. He must be in pain.
But Nana-chan, you got so lucky to have Hiro fell into your lap. He must be too big and heavy for you to carry.
But hey... it's the Hiro I've been admiring so I wouldn't mind if he falls into my lap too. haha.
Oh. . . Okay. I have to admit that I wrote too much here. Gomen ne.
Anyway, thanks again!
Next week is the final episode. I'm wondering now what I'm gonna do after that.
Maybe I should pick up F4 Korean version and start to watch it. Omg, how many times do I watch F4?
Taiwanese ver. (since junior year in highschool) > Japanese (during undergrad years) > Korean (after graduation)
How many versions F4 are gonna be made?? lol.
And enjoy your trip in Osaka! I wish I have a chance to try the original curry rice there!
hi! such a great greeting for my mornin', waking up and seeing the synopsis...A bunch of thanks.
This episode is highly favoured!(-:
Indeed,the 1st scene is captivating,as u have said. Do you remember that find it funny when I commented that 'rihito shone...'? Tada! Now it's been materialised LOL, with all the sunburst effect on his face revealing obviously the LIP gloss hehehe (but actually this Lip gloss matter made me wonder before in previous episodes 'coz it too visible).Well it adds up to the shining effectz! (-:
Hilariously, I am laughing when Me& Rihito pretended before their comrades. A major detour from a Well-reserved Rihito to loose and funny one. (so kawaii nee?)(sheep took part again(-:)
While other's disapproved Kintaro Oji-san's dexterity, I appreciated it owing that it is logical to severely test a person who will be the inherit of hongo's plutocracy. His annoucement of Loony Lucia being the successor was only to draw the ardent resolve from Mei-san as she has been inclined to giving up.
Count me in! he was catwalk-ing on the snowy snowy ground and right with his pacing, I bet Mei who is running can catch up model-butler Rihito @ lesser amount of time. (But Mei seemed enervated).I must have been contemplating by now whether butler follow a stringent dress code for real considering Rihito merely wear glossy coat @ such place in such time.
Btw, in the final scene, why is it only Tami's bulter (what his name? yaay my memory isnt serving me right..) looked outside the window of where attack came from but why others didn't even bat an eye? maybe they were too shocked or blame it to the neurons (-:
Eveytime, I always comment that 'I like this episode' but I did it quite alot, isn't it? it coudn'nt be helped since this dorama kept on surprising everyone and never fail to entertain their viewers. Kudos to the production team & all the casts. Wowow now I declare that I'm a certified fan of Hiro...(his acting is quite decent). Nana-chan is naturally cute.
Now this dorama come into an end, am saddened )-: but with a high hopes of second season, there is so much plot to develop, maybe related when she is graduating and already become a hongo heiress and major dilemma in the relationship between mei and rihito...what else?(-:
Best of Luck on travel to Osaka.Enjoy your time! Wow ul be able to see Me-chan's butler n Tv...btw the daiwahouse advert is funny,isnt it?(-:
Thanks to you for the mangnanimous effort of proving wonderful recaps each episode, we were able to enjoy the dorama because of these. God bless.
My aplogy for a almost-a-page comment.(-:
Thanks so much!!!! It was a good episode and your review helps tide me over till the subs come out. :p
Thanks for the review!
The episode sounds like a lot of fun. Mummy Kento! hehehehe
I have to agree with you about Mei not being annoying. Here she's kind of wishy washy, but it's understandable, unlike Jandi who's constantly wishy washy.
I know you felt like Mei needed a wake up slap, but I cringed a bit when I read it. I always feel uncomfortable when a guy lays his hand on a girl (esp. now in the wake of the whole Chris Brown and Rhianna thing). I was kind of disappointed that was included. I just don't think it's ever justified even if she was being super stupid.
hey jazztonish and jan~ce, thanks so much for writing such a long comment! I love reading it (for a change for someone else to write and me doing the reading:P) And yeah, I learn alot of jap phrases here myself too! Haa haa
Yeah I agree that it made sense for Kintaro grandpa to do the test but its a little cryptic .. I guess he always wanted to "push" mei to the limit because at the start, rem how he said if mei doesnt accept the school, he would only bury his father ashes seperate from Mei's mum? His actions make me wonder what sort of life Shoutaro mei's father had to go thru since he was the proper heir then! No wonder he was in a hurry to ditch his Hongo name! :P Lucky Mei didnt have to go up that way! but i have to agree with both of u that he had to do it to pick the right sucessor. At least we cannot say Lucia wasnt a "go getter" :P
I wonder what sort of torture Lucia sama had to endure to go so mad? I mean if she was kind enuff to save Tami, she must have been a decent kid then right? Plus having the power to save someone else, that sort of "power", and yet seeing herself as sacrifice... kinda twisted.
Actually I too was wondering what is grandpa intentions about rihito and Mei. I presume he is sendin rihito to the states to "provoke" mei into action? Which is why he gave her an option to continue at st lucia or abandon her name. Afterall he is still alive, he can change his successor anytime isnt it? I'm just surprise he made his decision so suddenly? In the manga, grandpa want rihito to marry mei, but there is no hint of it here.... hmmmm...I suppose once mei grad, she and rihito can be together coz the school ban no longer applies right?
I was laughing so hard at the part when u talk about Mei screaming into Rihito's ear! Haaa haaa. recovered but deaf on one ear! that would be funny!!!
And was he wearing shiny penguin tailcoat?!!! I didnt notice!! Must replay! I only notice his shiny lips and model walk!! ha haha!
i agree that there is soooooo much potential for 2nd season! So many ways to develop! It will have to be a story on her and rihito, and maybe other rich girls as new transfers who wants to harm her from other big competiting corporations? Then we can have mad lucia alike season 2?! But i rather much see how Kento comes back from his training and compete with Rihito! Hoo hoo! Kento is really cute here! He's a funny character!!! However but i really want and dying to know is what exactly is Shinobu thinking? Is he planted there by Kintaro as well to monitor Lucia and see the development of Mei? Also why he keep provoking rihito? Hmmmm...
As for Tami shooting arrow scene, I think the rest still do not know Tami is working for Lucia sama right? Because Kento never reveal it. Whereas Tami's butler knows the only one equip to use arrow and knives is prob his mistress. Plus rihito is suppose to be all mighty, so to see him fall is prob too much of a shock for the girls who worship him :P
Actually me too, I always say i like this epsiode each week! But it gets better and better! I pray hard next week last epi will not be anticlimax!
OMG! Have i written so much as well! This is like synopsis spin off:! haaaa
I too should thank you guys, for not only just reading and leave the page, but taking the time to "interact" with me:) I really enjoy these moments, talking the drama making it more fun!!
And thanks again for wishing me a good trip! I will try to take more pixs to share with u guys when i return! Meanwhile, sit tight for the next final epi!!!! I will feel so empty after this.... not to mention havent found a new drama to blog about! haa
Yes its a fun epi stacey! They really did it well here.
I know what u mean about the slapping thing. Normally scenes like this draw alot of flak esp from western countries. However in asia, a well meaning slap from parents and loved ones at moments of exasperation is not uncommon though its getting lesser and lesser. If i have a brother or sister, I would give a wake up slap as well.
I think the scene has an added layer of meaning. Slapping someone is something one wont do to a friend. You have to really love and care about someone that much for u to even do it at one's end. I think the scene prob was to project Rihito's feelings of Mei is no longer just butler and mistress, but has escalate to a loved one, which is why he is so deeply affected by her. I could be wrong of course but that would be how i interpret it.
I understand the angle about chris and Rihanna, I was peeved and thought he was a complete Arse to lay his hand on a woman, and she is stupid to return to him after that. But that isnt a slap, that is physical abuse seeing the pixs. So i would tend to see it differently. C and R would be another Tina Turner and Ike, or whitney houston and Brown...a destuctive relationship. I wish her luck if she really goes back to someone who violate her dignity. If he did it once, he is bound to do it again. At least what past cases has shown...
Anyway I'm back with another comment, I normally do not do that but the thing about the lip gloss stuck in my head so bad that when I watch the beginning of ep09 again with sub, I cracked up so bad. About the slap thing, there's a fine line between slapping someone because you care and actually hit someone. In Rihito case, it because he cannot accept the fact that she was being so negative and wanting to give, it's not the Mei he knows.
You know what meadove? Me too! I watched this episode more than 3 times!!! :P
hi there. from an open thread in dramabeans since i was so bored with the korean BOF, some people recommended this drama. since am so new in the asianovela scene, ventured to try it and was not disappointed. unfortunately, i am not japanese, i need hard subs to understand but even without the subs one can't help but like mei-chan...oh yes, hiro is such an eye candy. anyway, had to look for summaries and reviews and found your blog...enjoyed your thoughts alot. its a pity that i just discovered your site when the series is about to end. would have really enjoyed butting heads with you while watching it every week.
i love osaka, was there for a conference 3 years ago. the food is great and at a certain time at night sold cheaply. i save my money to go around and buy souvenirs. i only know a few japanese words but the people there are so accomodating so i managed to see 3 castles, the universal studios and parks by myself with enough pics done by innocent bystanders. hehehe, so sorry to bother them then. hope you have fun too.
can't wait to see your views about episode 10.
thanks again and more power
Thanks elisa! No worries, I am sure there are other dramas we can "butt head" with:) haaa haaa. Afterall, this blog is all about all the dramas I am addicted to:P hoo hoooo.
On a different track,I agree Osaka is great, and food is great too!! I have never seen so many streets lined up with food in Tokyo until here! It's like a daily food festival here in Dotonburi! And staying smack right in the center namba area so its really literally food nextdoor!
I am also right now suffering from shrines and castle overdose now:) Too bad most of the sakura blossoms aint ready yet or it will be magnificent!I know what u mean about getting innocent by standers to take a picture for me while being alone and they are so accomodating... not to mention they are very considerate to not block my shot too!
Alright, hope to get more inputs from u in future!
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