Those keen to watch Mei Chan No Shitsuji Episode 08 (RAW), here is the link. I really enjoy this episode when the 2 brothers fight it out... Kento is a damn cool chap. YAHOO!!! Mei is returning to the school too!!! Somehow I got this weird feeling that the white butler will gradually root for Mei as well?
Thanks to all the feedbacks I got about liking to read my review. I am flattered. BIG Thanks! I also found the time today, so I had rewritten my synopsis into a detailed one. I skipped a little of the irrelevant side scenes. :)
(Again reminder to those new to Pandora TV, the first 15secs is advertisement, then the video will take a while to load depending on traffic load. Just wait.)
Me Chan Butler Ep08 Detailed Summary
As Mei strolled and past the same beach spot where she had cried earlier, she recalled the scene where after a moment's awareness, Kento quickly released Mei from his hug and apologised, but not before reaffirming that his feelings for Mei will never change. (Kento u are such a sweetie pie!!) Mei's heart felt heavy with this confession that she couldnt reciprocate.
Back at St Lucia school, Mei's classmates were visibly affected by her departure and were listless in all class activities and their daily life. During lunch, Rika asked her bulter if there wasnt any other varieties such as "Udon"..obviously missing Mei. When the class was just sighing, they suddenly heard Mei and Kento's voice. For a split second, they were overjoyed thinkin the two were back, but were quickly disappointed realising they had been deceived by yet another Miruku cute invention, that allows mimicking of voice.
At the meantime, obsessed Lucia was still patiently watching over a sick Rihito, "nursing" him back to health. She "forbade" him to move or think too much and once again grabbed his hands where the white butler look on from outside. Kento on the otherhand, seeing how listless Mei was during dinner at Natsumi's house. tried to keep Mei spirits up through his "usual" bantering and teasing by snatching her food.
After Rihito had recovered, the white butler took a swipe at Rihito, stating that it looks like even S grade butler are not impervious to illness. He added that he had received word from the Hongo family.
Meanwhile, Kento was trying to watch over Mei by pretending to bump into her along the street. Kento clumsily stammered as he tried to raise the topic of what had happened earlier between them. Mei fidget in discomfort at what was to come. Just as Kento was wondering how to offload his thoughts, he noticed that Mei's eyes lit up and was dazedly staring off to a distance. As Kento turned around, he saw an approaching Rihito. Mei remained rooted to the spot and remained speechless when Rihito greeted her stiffly.
"After all that had happened, so what are you still doing here?" Kento asked his brother. "I have come to relay a message from the Hongo family. If you do not return to St Lucia within a week, the Hongo family will ceased payment for your tuition fees and you can never reinstate yourself back to the school. Moreever, Hongo family will also terminate all ties with u, and you will also have to relinquish all rights as an heiress to succeed the Hongo family." Rihito revealed his purpose. "Is that all?" Mei looked away and asked. "Yes" Rihito replied. Mei forced a chuckle and replied she is now aware and thanked him for his hard work. "I have to go start work" and walked off without a second glance. Rihito without a word turned to stare longingly at Mei. Kento who had quiet during the whole conversation until then broke his trance seeing Mei departing and yelled at his Rihito "What on earth are you thinking?!!!!..."and stopped short when he saw the aching and yearning expression on Rihito's face. Kento soften his stance and queried "Brother...?" Rihito sucked in his breath and walked off without further explanation.
When Rihito reported back to Hongo, he was told by the grandfather to return to Lucia's side as he should not forget that Shibata family of butler should only serve the Hongo Sucessor. "Now that Mei is gone, guess you have to return to Shiori." The grandfather lamented. Rihito obliged and accepted his role without any trace of excitement nor objection.
The class girls appeared suddenly at Mei's living quarters and created a huge commotion to Mei's utter surprise!! When the excitement finally quieten down, Rika explained that they were unable to accept her sudden departure without a valid explaination. Seeing Mei's relunctance to explain herself, Kento jumped in to say "Isnt it all because of that woman? Lucia has been threatening her." Mei tried to stop Kento but he stood up and declared that Lucia had always been harrassing picking on Mei, stating if Mei had stayed on in the school, it would be a matter of time before the class got involved and be hurt as well. Some of the butlers and mistress expressed disbelief at Kento's revelation. Then a butler shared if it is a contest as the heriress for Hongo sucessor, then it would be entirely explainable. Izumi chipped in that it was entirely possible while Miruku expressed that was exactly the true face of that woman. Rika angrily scolded Mei for being so silly to quit school because of her worries for them. Mei then quickly added it was not all because of that reason....Kento stole a quick glance at Mei hearing that.
The class then shared the news of Rihito being back by Lucia's side since Mei's departure and asked if it was really alright like this. While everyone was showering concern for Mei, and predicting Rihito reaction if Mei return, may cut them off abruptly stating she has nothing to do with him. Mei then ushered everyone to return back to school. Rika spoke up stating that everyone had specially come to pick her up and Mei need not dispense such attitude towards them. Mei retorted "But it wasnt me who had told you guys to come pick me up!" She then went on to declare she is well back here. The class the continue to hassle her if she had a boyfriend which Rika said such an idiot like her is impossible. The class then went on convinced it was impossible for Mei to have one. Forced to desperation, Mei pointed to Kento as her boyfriend and they are going on a date the next day! The class was shocked!
Rihito meanwhile was told by the white butler that Rihito had only need to stay by Lucia's side while he (the white butker) would continue to perform the butler duties. Hearing that, Rihito turned round to face the white butler, and solemnly asked what exactly is his true intention? "Even if you know, what can the you now possibly do?" The white butler challenged him. Rihito looked away seemingly defeated.
Alone, Rihito was approached by Tami flashing a picture of Mei holding hands with Kento. Tami went on declaring Lucia is different from Mei, in that her heart is soley filled with Rihito and no one else. "Hence I hope you could served Lucia Sama wholeheartedly." Tami said.
Back in class, Mei's classmate greeted Lucia with disinterest and dispassion. The other butlers sacastically shared to Rihito that all had been demoted to ombra rank, since they had offended the "lady sole", fully well refering to Lucia. Kiba walked up to Rihito stating they wanted to speak to him.
Confronted by the bunch of butlers, Rihito was told by Nezu that he had been mistaken about Rihito. "Why didnt you go get Mei back? How could you still so calmly served as Lucia sama's butler?" the group bombarded Rihito with series of questions. "This is my role as a butler to serve the sucessor of the Hongo family." Rihito answered flatly. "So to continue as a butler and betray one's own heart?" Rin's butler questioned him. "if this is what it means to be an S rank butler, then i would rather remained as the me now." Rika butler added. Daimon pleaded with Rihito that wasnt he the one who had given Daimon strength (courage) when Miruku was in a dangerous situation? Nezu added "While I'm not sure if its right to do all that as a butler, but I think the you then is the real you right?" Kiba also chimed in saying that he would suffer anything if it was for Izumi mistress and it was Mei who had told him that it was this feeling that was the most important." "We cannot watch who you are now." Rika's butler threw his last thoughts and stormed off, followed by other butlers. Tami's butler gave an understanding pat on Rihito before he left. Rihito was resigned by the group's reactions.
The head mistress at Mei's place started to share her past with Mei's mother, stating that Mei's mum had been equally lively and well liked by her peers, though regretably, they had not been able to graduate together due to failed family financial and society status. While she may have lost everything then, yet she gained something else which was Mei's father. She had won him over through her relentless pursuit and he chosen to abandon his Hongo status to be with her."There are some words I like to state upfront. A person without the heart to fight, will not have any happiness so to speak." With that advice, the head mistress left Mei to her own thoughts.
At the library, the white butler passed a searching Rihito a book, stating that would be Lucia's preference. He then added that with Rihito by her side, Lucia is most contented now compared to all those years. Rihito asked what is he trying to say. "I just want to know your thoughts. After tomorrow, Mei sama can never return here again." the white butler said. "That is mei's sama choice." "That is what is termed as an excuse. You are the one who had chosen to escape, Rihito-kun . You are escaping from your own pain. " The white butler wisely pointed out the facts. Rihito told him to stop. "In the end, you have chosen to serve shioro sama because she accepted an empty shell. Staying by Mei sama side, you will be unable to suppress your own feelings towards her." The white butler continued mercilessly. "I told you to be quiet!" Rihito turned to him agitatedly. The white butler insulted him one last time before leaving. (sorry I have no idea the equivalent english word for the insult..i shall ask my jap friends and find out later the actual saying)
While walking with Mei, Kento was talking about their exclassmates and Mei was acknowledging with monosyllabus reply. Kento stopped in his tracks. When Mei finally realised and turned around, Kento asked sadly "Where are u now?" Mei went Eh? "Where are you? Who are you talking to? The one that is before you in your eyes now, isnt me right? " Kento asked profoudly. "Mabeshiba..." Mei uttered in surprise. "The person you are now, isnt the Mei that I knew, the May that I liked..." With that, Kento went on ahead leaving Mei alone to her thoughts and emotions.
While Rihito was wallowing in self agony, Kento was alone to his own thoughts by the beach recalling those moments with Mei. He yelled "What am I suppose to do?!!!" as he laid down in frustration. Mei on the other hand was also confused and struggling with her own set of emotions. Kento recalled his brother's anguished expression staring at Mei's departing figure at the last meeting and finally made his own decision. The next morning, Rihito was surprised to see his younger brother before him. The girls rushed to the class when they heard about it and asked what was happening.
Basically Kento wanted a duel with Rihito. "If we dont settle this properly, it would never go away... The you inside Mei, and the Mei inside you." The class went quiet. "Kento..." Rihito said. Kento cut Rihito off and yelled at him. "Be a man! Go for it!" (Ok, there isnt really an equivalent english word for "Haki"-覇気, I gather it is similar as have a drive/vigor. So I translated that kento was telling his brother to go all out in the duel and stop hesitating)
"Stop acting like nothing matters!" Kento lurged at Rihito and gave him a swift punch! (i thought Kento is sooo cooool here! Fighting for his love!) After being hit, Rihito still didnt stir from his passive mode. "Come here!" Kento yelled again and made a grab at Rihito's jacket and punch him again. Rika tried to stop the match but was told that, sometimes a duel is a method at how men resolve their differences. Nezu told his worried mistress to let them fight it out. "It is now that test his determination." Rin's butler added. Tami watch on with interest as Kento rained punches to his brother. Kento ranted at a defeated Rihito.
"Stop lying! Do you really not care about Mei anymore?" Staring at him, Kento passionately let lose his inner feelings.. "I have grown up with Mei. If I could just keep by Mei's side, I would do anything!" After an emotional pause, Kento declared "I would not lose to you. I am relunctant to give Mei up to you!!!"
Hearing that heartfelt confession from Kento, the determination and desire was fired up within Rihito!!! (COOOOOOOOl!) "Kento" Rihito looked at his brother in the eye with renewed strength. Kento headed to serve another punch but Rihito swiftly ducked the blow and punched Kento instead! Tami wanted to leave but her bulter firmly grabbed and told her to stay to finish watching Rihito feelings for Mei.
Mei arrived in the middle of the renewed fight. The butlers stopped her only to tell her the fight between the brothers was for her sake, before parting the scene before her. She witnessed kento declaring "I will not give Mei up to you!" and Rihito taking the challenge seriously! The brothers punch it out but Rihito beat the daylights out of Kento. Mei stunned back away but was stopped by the head mistress who asked her to view the fight carefully. Mei and the girls were overwhelmed by the relentless exchange of blows before them. Eventually both grew tired but refusing to back down.
Thanks to all the feedbacks I got about liking to read my review. I am flattered. BIG Thanks! I also found the time today, so I had rewritten my synopsis into a detailed one. I skipped a little of the irrelevant side scenes. :)
(Again reminder to those new to Pandora TV, the first 15secs is advertisement, then the video will take a while to load depending on traffic load. Just wait.)
Me Chan Butler Ep08 Detailed Summary
As Mei strolled and past the same beach spot where she had cried earlier, she recalled the scene where after a moment's awareness, Kento quickly released Mei from his hug and apologised, but not before reaffirming that his feelings for Mei will never change. (Kento u are such a sweetie pie!!) Mei's heart felt heavy with this confession that she couldnt reciprocate.
Back at St Lucia school, Mei's classmates were visibly affected by her departure and were listless in all class activities and their daily life. During lunch, Rika asked her bulter if there wasnt any other varieties such as "Udon"..obviously missing Mei. When the class was just sighing, they suddenly heard Mei and Kento's voice. For a split second, they were overjoyed thinkin the two were back, but were quickly disappointed realising they had been deceived by yet another Miruku cute invention, that allows mimicking of voice.
At the meantime, obsessed Lucia was still patiently watching over a sick Rihito, "nursing" him back to health. She "forbade" him to move or think too much and once again grabbed his hands where the white butler look on from outside. Kento on the otherhand, seeing how listless Mei was during dinner at Natsumi's house. tried to keep Mei spirits up through his "usual" bantering and teasing by snatching her food.
After Rihito had recovered, the white butler took a swipe at Rihito, stating that it looks like even S grade butler are not impervious to illness. He added that he had received word from the Hongo family.
Meanwhile, Kento was trying to watch over Mei by pretending to bump into her along the street. Kento clumsily stammered as he tried to raise the topic of what had happened earlier between them. Mei fidget in discomfort at what was to come. Just as Kento was wondering how to offload his thoughts, he noticed that Mei's eyes lit up and was dazedly staring off to a distance. As Kento turned around, he saw an approaching Rihito. Mei remained rooted to the spot and remained speechless when Rihito greeted her stiffly.
"After all that had happened, so what are you still doing here?" Kento asked his brother. "I have come to relay a message from the Hongo family. If you do not return to St Lucia within a week, the Hongo family will ceased payment for your tuition fees and you can never reinstate yourself back to the school. Moreever, Hongo family will also terminate all ties with u, and you will also have to relinquish all rights as an heiress to succeed the Hongo family." Rihito revealed his purpose. "Is that all?" Mei looked away and asked. "Yes" Rihito replied. Mei forced a chuckle and replied she is now aware and thanked him for his hard work. "I have to go start work" and walked off without a second glance. Rihito without a word turned to stare longingly at Mei. Kento who had quiet during the whole conversation until then broke his trance seeing Mei departing and yelled at his Rihito "What on earth are you thinking?!!!!..."and stopped short when he saw the aching and yearning expression on Rihito's face. Kento soften his stance and queried "Brother...?" Rihito sucked in his breath and walked off without further explanation.
When Rihito reported back to Hongo, he was told by the grandfather to return to Lucia's side as he should not forget that Shibata family of butler should only serve the Hongo Sucessor. "Now that Mei is gone, guess you have to return to Shiori." The grandfather lamented. Rihito obliged and accepted his role without any trace of excitement nor objection.

The class then shared the news of Rihito being back by Lucia's side since Mei's departure and asked if it was really alright like this. While everyone was showering concern for Mei, and predicting Rihito reaction if Mei return, may cut them off abruptly stating she has nothing to do with him. Mei then ushered everyone to return back to school. Rika spoke up stating that everyone had specially come to pick her up and Mei need not dispense such attitude towards them. Mei retorted "But it wasnt me who had told you guys to come pick me up!" She then went on to declare she is well back here. The class the continue to hassle her if she had a boyfriend which Rika said such an idiot like her is impossible. The class then went on convinced it was impossible for Mei to have one. Forced to desperation, Mei pointed to Kento as her boyfriend and they are going on a date the next day! The class was shocked!
Rihito meanwhile was told by the white butler that Rihito had only need to stay by Lucia's side while he (the white butker) would continue to perform the butler duties. Hearing that, Rihito turned round to face the white butler, and solemnly asked what exactly is his true intention? "Even if you know, what can the you now possibly do?" The white butler challenged him. Rihito looked away seemingly defeated.
Alone, Rihito was approached by Tami flashing a picture of Mei holding hands with Kento. Tami went on declaring Lucia is different from Mei, in that her heart is soley filled with Rihito and no one else. "Hence I hope you could served Lucia Sama wholeheartedly." Tami said.
Back in class, Mei's classmate greeted Lucia with disinterest and dispassion. The other butlers sacastically shared to Rihito that all had been demoted to ombra rank, since they had offended the "lady sole", fully well refering to Lucia. Kiba walked up to Rihito stating they wanted to speak to him.
Confronted by the bunch of butlers, Rihito was told by Nezu that he had been mistaken about Rihito. "Why didnt you go get Mei back? How could you still so calmly served as Lucia sama's butler?" the group bombarded Rihito with series of questions. "This is my role as a butler to serve the sucessor of the Hongo family." Rihito answered flatly. "So to continue as a butler and betray one's own heart?" Rin's butler questioned him. "if this is what it means to be an S rank butler, then i would rather remained as the me now." Rika butler added. Daimon pleaded with Rihito that wasnt he the one who had given Daimon strength (courage) when Miruku was in a dangerous situation? Nezu added "While I'm not sure if its right to do all that as a butler, but I think the you then is the real you right?" Kiba also chimed in saying that he would suffer anything if it was for Izumi mistress and it was Mei who had told him that it was this feeling that was the most important." "We cannot watch who you are now." Rika's butler threw his last thoughts and stormed off, followed by other butlers. Tami's butler gave an understanding pat on Rihito before he left. Rihito was resigned by the group's reactions.
The head mistress at Mei's place started to share her past with Mei's mother, stating that Mei's mum had been equally lively and well liked by her peers, though regretably, they had not been able to graduate together due to failed family financial and society status. While she may have lost everything then, yet she gained something else which was Mei's father. She had won him over through her relentless pursuit and he chosen to abandon his Hongo status to be with her."There are some words I like to state upfront. A person without the heart to fight, will not have any happiness so to speak." With that advice, the head mistress left Mei to her own thoughts.
At the library, the white butler passed a searching Rihito a book, stating that would be Lucia's preference. He then added that with Rihito by her side, Lucia is most contented now compared to all those years. Rihito asked what is he trying to say. "I just want to know your thoughts. After tomorrow, Mei sama can never return here again." the white butler said. "That is mei's sama choice." "That is what is termed as an excuse. You are the one who had chosen to escape, Rihito-kun . You are escaping from your own pain. " The white butler wisely pointed out the facts. Rihito told him to stop. "In the end, you have chosen to serve shioro sama because she accepted an empty shell. Staying by Mei sama side, you will be unable to suppress your own feelings towards her." The white butler continued mercilessly. "I told you to be quiet!" Rihito turned to him agitatedly. The white butler insulted him one last time before leaving. (sorry I have no idea the equivalent english word for the insult..i shall ask my jap friends and find out later the actual saying)
While walking with Mei, Kento was talking about their exclassmates and Mei was acknowledging with monosyllabus reply. Kento stopped in his tracks. When Mei finally realised and turned around, Kento asked sadly "Where are u now?" Mei went Eh? "Where are you? Who are you talking to? The one that is before you in your eyes now, isnt me right? " Kento asked profoudly. "Mabeshiba..." Mei uttered in surprise. "The person you are now, isnt the Mei that I knew, the May that I liked..." With that, Kento went on ahead leaving Mei alone to her thoughts and emotions.
While Rihito was wallowing in self agony, Kento was alone to his own thoughts by the beach recalling those moments with Mei. He yelled "What am I suppose to do?!!!" as he laid down in frustration. Mei on the other hand was also confused and struggling with her own set of emotions. Kento recalled his brother's anguished expression staring at Mei's departing figure at the last meeting and finally made his own decision. The next morning, Rihito was surprised to see his younger brother before him. The girls rushed to the class when they heard about it and asked what was happening.

Mei arrived in the middle of the renewed fight. The butlers stopped her only to tell her the fight between the brothers was for her sake, before parting the scene before her. She witnessed kento declaring "I will not give Mei up to you!" and Rihito taking the challenge seriously! The brothers punch it out but Rihito beat the daylights out of Kento. Mei stunned back away but was stopped by the head mistress who asked her to view the fight carefully. Mei and the girls were overwhelmed by the relentless exchange of blows before them. Eventually both grew tired but refusing to back down.

"I am asking for the last time. Will you return? Or will you quit?" The head mistress asked. Rihito walked towards Mei and apologised for appearing in a mess before her. It's also my slip for not bringing you back. However, I am finally clear headed and see clearly. I would never leave Mei's side even by a step."

Mei and Rihito reaffirmed their bond staring at each other with much emotions. (awww so sweet!)

I liked this episode and i really admired Kento at how he would really do everything to make Mei happy, even if it means he may lose out. He placed Mei's smile above himself and was not selfish to hold her to himself. I think somehow while Rihito is cooler and I certainly root for him and Mei together, yet i can deny Kento's spirit and character in these few episodes was more to my liking. Kento has shown himself to be more of a man, always defending and protecting Mei and never once waver to uncertainty. he didnt want to possess Mei, he only want her happiness which is why he was willing to fight it out. he only knew his brother's liking and he wanted a fair fight/ competition. How manly! Rihito because of his confusion of his growing affection for Mei, seemed to fall more easily to bouts of self doubt and despair- this is something I hoped not to see again!!
Next week ep 09 will be suspensful! Lucia went stark raving mad when she "lost" Rihito and hence ordered the white butler and Tami to destroy/hassle Mei and make her life hellish! The grandfather is going to pick his sucessor. However he is mad if he is going to pick a mad woman as his sucessor.
Episode 09 Preview
I always enjoy your summaries. With them, I can usually watch the raw version and understand most of what happens. This was just another good example.
Hi! the subtitle u were talking bout is on the viikii? I haven't watch them coz I watch mei-chan using soft sub (d-addicts) & hardsub by timeles sub. Your summary really helps me in understanding the scenerios, somehow I really enjoyed reading ur summary, it just nicely written and presented.
Thanks for always for the summary.
Thanks anonyomus:)
Hi Jan'ce,
Yeah its the viikii one. I make ot a policy not to download video nor subs, so I'm not sure if its the same. I assume its different since i see list of contributors on viiki version:)
Thank you for letting me know u have enjoyed my summaries and the compliments :)
Seeing its impossible for me to match the speed of those subbers... so I may have to wonder if I need to stop summaries for this drama now since prob no one will read my writeup if the eng sub videos are out so quickly now.... (^x^)
hi again me-no-mad...
It always give me an awe whenever subtitles are released fastly in viikii specially the BOF K-version (-: [I mean wow...]
Now you're contemplating whether to continue the write-up or not (-:
Oh well, there are lots of people who love to read reviews, am one of them (-: But it isn't obligatory should you find it redundant and if you having hard time to slip away from hectic sched.
Whatever decision...gambatte! and sincerely thanking you for making your drama comrades happy through reviews. God bless!
p.s. the scene where rihito and mei held each other's hand was so intense and rihito shone.[now I realised that hiro is charming, nee(sorry I'm a tube-light)
Kudos to Kento for awakening the St. Elmo's fire within Rihito.(-:
~jan'ce, you are right! I went wow too when i saw how quick the subs were for BBF!!! However its possible since different people contribute to different lines of the speech filling up whichever part they understand. So sometimes it accurate, sometimes abit off the mark. I canx say for korean but for the jap drama, sometimes, the english sub isnt exactly how I would interpret the lines but then again, but I must compliment all the free efforts in this drama community. Its astouding how everyone work together to make the drama understandable! if only adult world and countries in politics work with the same singlemindedness! There wont be this stupid downturn now...haaaa
I digress. Thanks again for letting me know how much u like to read the review. It's always nice to get some feedback and there is an audience outthere, even if a small handful, i am contented:)
I was laughing when u said Rihito shone! when i was watching the part when rihito got fired up, i was surprise there didnt add anime sparkle sparkle in his eyes to double the burning st elmo fire! haaaaaaa..
did u watch Prince of tennis anime? The rihito that got all inspired was like that senpai who go crazy when he hold the racquet and goes "BURNING!! BURNING!" and go on a rampade! Quite funny....
Detailed Summary is up! alot of thanks me-no-mad.(-: it feeds my enjoyment in reading.
Unfortunately, haven't seen the anime u have mentioned. But it would been so humorous if they included that effects LOL...I found it quite funny the Latin backgound whenever Rihito realises something or rejuvenated like torrero/bullfighter (-:
Yea you pointed it right, the two Shibata's are just so cool...Owing to Kento's age, he tends to be more youthful & X-pressive in contrary to the S-rank butler honed attitude of Rihito [even grown ups r really like that(-:].
Its seems nobody mentioned yet the special participation of hitsuji hehehe, I find them so kawaii whenever they are incorporated in some scenes. i.e. in ep08 when Rihito reported to Mei's grandpa the hitsuji is standing like a butler next to the one-of-the-twin, hehehe and three hitsuji rushing in the field with other real hitsuji when mei and kento feeding the real hitsuji during their date...
o' man! how those sheep can so cute? [well it lured me to buy tiny sheep stuffed toy though(-:]
Sorry for the lengthy comment...Thanks once again(-:
Oh yes!! The little sheeps!!!! They are sooo cute aint they!! When they first appeared in the manga, I was so amused! yes yes i rem the scene where they appeared with the twins! So adorable!!!
the sheep is for sale right? I am tempted to get it ... hahahaha.
Haaa aaaa! the latin music is quite funny but quite apt isnt it? I want to see his eyes sparkle and have some fairy dust effect too! Maybe instead of sheep, they should draw some bull appearing next to him to give him power!! *LOL*
Oh please dont apologise for lengthy comments! I enjoy them thoroughly..Trust me! (*~*)
Not a bad summary. Just so you know, he didn't say "Haki-覇気", he's saying "Hakkiri".
Thanks Kai for the correction. I guess I have to listen harder the next time:) the "hakkiri" you mentioned, it is as in はっきりしろよ right? But it's still the same translated meaning as in asking Rihito to "just do it" right?
I guess you don't watch it with English subs, but I am actually English subbing this drama right now. I came across your blog recently and I find it pretty interesting. Come check it out if you like.
Hi Kai
No, I don't watch the English subs for drama because I personally do not want to download the video for various reasons. So I mostly did the summaries watching the raw as some of the subs used to be be released much slower and its something I thought anxious viewers would like:) However the subs community is getting so fast now!! :)
Sure will definitely check out your link. Thanks again!
PS: ok to share how did u come across my blog?
Hey Kai,
You are right, I dont watch it with Eng subs unless its Korean:)
I went to your forum link and read this in your post "someone tried to be a hero and contributed crappy translations to online videos".
As you didnt say a group of people as that would refer to viiki. The remark was pretty ambiguous as to who your target was, (I really dont want to second guess.) How about sharing with us exactly who this "crappy person" you are refering is to avoid any speculations.
Not that I think U are refering to me, but I still want to state I never once used your subs as some of my readers can attest, because someone had once left a comment that my translation was out even before the subs download.
Anycase, to me, it's ultimately a viewers choice and I figure people who has always supported us will continue to do so right?
Well just my personal thoughts anycase.. Like you said, no offence intended :)
Hi there,
First of all, I came across your page when I was "Mei-chan" surfing on the net. Second of all, I was referring to the person (or persons) who contributed those translations on those viikii videos. I think you are doing a fine job writing your summaries / afterthoughts and I enjoyed reading them. Anyway, long story short, I wasn't talking about you. Keep up the good works!
Thanks Kai. No worries there, there was no misunderstanding. I just wanted to know who/ which site u are refering to so that I will not make the mistake of linking them from here.
Were those Viiki people ripping off your translation effort?
u were talking about substandard translation, I have to agree I have seen quite some of those floating ard...not to mention some are asking to be paid! that really piss me off! Partially why i started this! haaa haaa!
BTW Kudos to u too! I think u are doing a great job too for the Mei chan community!! I'm impressed!! Keep up the good work to u and your team too!
Hi me-no-mad,
Thank you for your kind comments. Me and my team are definitely trying our best to bring every Mei-chan fans the best Eng subs possible, but me and my team are absolutely not doing this for the money but for the love of Mei-chan. As for your question, I don't know about viikii, but if you go to different stream sites (they shall remain nameless, but you probably know them anyway), you can see they used my subs, even though I asked them not to, then again, every other subbers asked them not to but they did it anyway. Oh well, I will be looking forward to your ep 9 summary.
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