The new manga continuation series of "The New Prince of Tennis" is out. I was reading the first chapter and hmmm... I wonder who did the translation because its so vulgar. Its very "americanised" with all the "F" swearing in it, where the word is non existent in asian content. I dont understand why the person doing the translation couldnt use a more civilised language. Sigh... I stray from my main point.
I have watched Prince of Tennis animation about hmmm...about 7 years ago when my excolleague recommended it. It's quite funny because the group of us will be taking turn to download it and talking about it during lunch, or sometimes when I am too lazy to head out, lunch time would be anime watching time in my cubicle. My boss used to quite amused at me, laughing away madly by myself at the far corner of the corridor...tucked away at my little corner.... (^o^)V
P.O.T then was not fanciful artwork but I just found it entertaining. I didnt read the manga and so this new series will be my first time reading it. I am sure the next series of animation will be more poised than the old school artwork from before.
Looking forward to seeing how this 2nd installation will build up!
Read chapter one.
do you recommend reading the first series of P.O.T. manga?
sorry a late reply!
I only watched the Tv anime for P.O.T and didnt read the manga, so i cannot say for certainty that it is highly recommended. However if they had based the anime closely to the manga, then I say it should be quite interesting to read still with all the different tennis super "techniques". I myself had enjoyed P.O.T Tv anime and recently still rewatching the series for the hell of it:)
The first season basically focus on the "coming about" of Ryoma in seigaku and the introduction of all the competitors he had faced, and how he overcome his father shadows. So it would be good to give it a go so you wont be too lost if you read this 2nd installment...
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