This episode is kinda too far fetching for me. How can it be POSSIBLE that she is totally uninjured when she is FIRST in LINE facing the explosion? No burns? No broken bones? Just some soot smearing on the face? After all that she can talk so much on the phone? COME ON? Too incredible to be believable. Imagine her colleague who was way way much further would suffer from broken neck and bones...and yet she look as if she just fallen into a pit hole rather than a HUGE explosion which had other burnt victims sent to the hospital. At least she should suffer from some degree of burns and not completely well just because she landed on some mattress. Even more ridiculous she got out of lorry and in the hospital, Wushuang was sooo clean and flawless without bruise, without a single scratch or broken bone and Romeo looks worse off!!!
Sure I was hoping she wont die but the fact they whitewash the severity of her injuries spoilt the whole thing for me...also, they overdid the sob story portion where Lucas called the station to share his whole long love story. I dont believe a radio station would hold the line soooo long for one person.
Anycase, its a happy ending. Lucas went to overseas for his 2 years stint since his gf now has the confidence in herself and him. He completed his studies and came back. Wushuang's mum married her magazine boss. After the wedding ceremony, Lucas proposed to Wushuang with the diamond ring, telling her he is finally able to purchase the ring (she wanted) and support a family. Wushuang told him she will accept the ring but she will think about his proposal as she is having a good time now and too busy with her schedule. He "complain" she has rejected his proposal over 10 times already...
This is the thing about romantic comedy Taiwanese drama...they almost always fail to convince me. While I loved this drama ALL THE WAY...i think the last episode while a happy note, was somewhat midly unsatisfactory for me...
Vic Zhou told his mates his origins when he was asked why did he appear on the bo,mbing scene
San Lian Hui's president is arrested on "evidence" his corporation is strading drugs
Vic Zhou was told he was San Lian Hui's real son!
Vic Zhao and Mark started to investigate the death of the accountant that was bombed to death. They discovered the accountant's family have all died, and even the accountant's secretary has resigned. They spotted their former team lead at the building.
Vic Zhao was told that his body had traces of "Dreamers" drug as he was injected with it during his facial reconstruction, to help relieve him of the pain from the complicated surgery
Am pretty sleepy so dont have time to correct the spelling nor sentence structure for now. Enjoy the summary! [watch alt Pandora] Atashinchi no Danshi 07 Summary [アタシんちの男子 7話:急接近にドキッ!] 千里は、大蔵家の長男・風が養子ではなく、新造の実の息子だったことを知る。新造は、6兄弟に、それぞれの秘密が記された巻物を残していた。風の巻物には彼が新造の実の息子であると書かれていた。
Chisato made Daikon Miso soup as usual but when she cherrfully headed to the dining room, she was disappointed with an empty room. "Guess everyone really left.."
Just then Takeru came in through the door and helped himself to the soup! A surprised Chisato asked didnt he already leave? Takeru told her no, he has just gone to do delivery work. to the politician house. Shou walked in through the door next and started complaining about the last client he had who was pissed drunk and vomitted all over him, and then he spotted the soup and happily head straight for the bowl.
"What is this all about? I thought everyone has left!" Chisato commented. "How can it be? We are the same people who disowned our dad (shinzo) but refused to leave you know. So how can we leave here so easily?" Shou honestly shared. "hey! Aint you insulting me?" Takeru asked. "It's not a little. It's a HUGE insult, you leeching parasite." Shou retorted. At that, Takeru rise to the "insult" and both started bickering as usual while Chisato started to smile and laugh at them. Both guys turned around and snapped concurrently "What are you laughing at!"
Chisato replied happily that it was nothing, just that she thinks nothing has changed it seems and Takeru affirmed of course.
While arm wrestling with Inoue, Dakeru let on that its still unbelievable that Fuu is not adopted son and Chisato listening on got a shock and asked wasnt everyone adopted? Dakeru said that was what everyone thought. "Afterall even that fellow had said so himself" Takeru added.
"Why would he lie about something like that?" Chisato pondered aloud. "prob coz his father didnt acknowledge him as his own flesh and blood" Shou said as he struggle to beat Inoue. As he lost, Shou added that Fuu had shared that his own existence had been totally negated. Dakeru said that was the reason for Fuu's hatred towards his father.
When Sato walked in with Akira, Chisato beat Inoue (to her shock) easily w/o any effort and warmly welcomed them back home. Sato said he had fallen asleep while eating out. He asked for Masaru and Takeru said prob at work.
Truth was, Masaru was on his own "mission". As he reread his scroll on the bus, it said "Let's dicuss your life before u came to Okura household. You were 7 yrs old then. Both your parents perish in a fire at home. Perhaps your memory of that has already turned cloudy but your younger sister knows it all. It's abt time you know the truth of your parents death. Your sis is living at a place nearby your old place."
(meanwhile Inoue left a message she has left on a trip, shou said because she lost to chisato. Also, Chisato friend was roped in as part time help by her while Inue was gone)
Akira walked in with an envelop for (good looking) dance competition. He told chisato friend to send it by tomorrow as it was the dateline.
At the bowling alley, Chisato was with the lawyer to ask about Fuu's matter. and if he was really the real son and why he was treated as adopted. Apparently Fuu was son of Shinzo son with a hostess and hence Fuu felt that Shinzo despise him. Chisato asked if it was true but she did not reply. Meanwhile the secretary showed up and explained the reason why Shinzo wanted the sons to face their past and cross that "obstacle", hence request them to leave the castle.
Meanwhile, the brothers are dressing Akira up preparin for the contest. Takeru saw the scroll hanging on Akira neck and wanted to find out its content.
Masaru arrived at his own place and rem the fire incident. He met a stranger who said actually all could have been saved as stranger had heard from his daughter.
AT home, Akira fell asleep habitually as predicted at 9pm sharp. The brothers "stole" the scroll. Akira muttered "Mum" in his sleep. Akira's scroll read "When you are 5, your mum suddenly disappeared right? W/o a father, you didnt know what happen and kept waiting for her return and almost starved to death. But your mum must have her reason, so please forgive her." The brothers then pondered that it has nothing to do with the competition, and that Akira prob want to find out why he was abandoned...etc However Chisato held a different view that perhaps Akira just purely only wanted to see his mum. "How can it be?" Takeru said but Chisato shared what she overheard Akira said in his sleep. Sato commented Akira is only 12yrs old.... Shou asked Takeru the man of miracles what to do next.
The next day, they decided for Akira that Sato will teach Akira magic!! Sato appeared coolly displaying his tricks and Masaru will take care of Akira's image. So Masaru started to train Akira in modelling walks as well. Chisato tasked her friends to look for Akira's mum but no news.
In the garden with Shou, he asked what was in the paper bag. Fuu appeared and said its prob not a chanced meeting. Chisato happily took out a pink gun from the paper bag and asked for a favor. She said it was an incomplete product by Shinzo and hoped Fuu could finished it. Fuu asked why should it had the necessary qualifications and she believed it. After Fuu's probing, Chisato finally confessed actually that was an excuse and she just wanted him to return home.
"It's because if I am not back, you cannot fulfil your mother's 10 commandment?" Fuu said. Chisato shook her head and replied it has nothing to do with that. "One can say that if u come home, I would rather destroy that contract." she added. Shou listened on in shock!
"I'm sorry but can u just go back." Fuu said when rejecting her favor to finished the "rubbish" product. Chisato tried to convince him again but he flung the thing off. Fuu angrily said she knew about his birth right, but that person does not accept him. If other people know Shinzo had a son with hostess, his image(shinzo's) will be tarnished. Chisato tried to interject that Shinzo san never had that idea but Fuu cut her off.
"Dont u get it? In order to protect one self,other people's life are insignificant. This IS THE TRUE face of Okura Shinzo" Fuu said in anger. Chisato angrily retorted that he should not jump to conclusion without firming the facts. "You are the one who feared the truth and hence escape isnt it?" She shot back at him and left. Shou jokingly said to fuu she is such busybody but then said seriously that she is right, dad is not a bad person, from his (shou's) personal experience. After Shou left, "Why didnt you take it back?" Fuu said.
At home, Chisato friend realise he had washed the contest application form and didnt send it, missing the dateline. Dakeru was upset because if Akira could have seen his mum thru the contest, it would have change a little bit. Sato meanhile asked masaru about his trip as he had seen masaru left with the scroll, but Masaru continued to lie and Sato let him be, saying its meaningless to force a happy front in his own home.
While the rest fret about Akira's lost hope, Masaru appeared and Sato had an idea! (Masaru used his connection to join Akira in another contest) Chisato rem something and left.
At bowling alley, Fuu asked the lawyer for the truth as to why he was adopted by shinzo. "When you were 10yr, that was the first time Shinzo heard about your existence from your mum?" she said. However Fuu said he was already 15 when he went to Shinzo;s house.
"Initially, your mum only wanted financial assistance, but when u were 15, your mum suddenly wanted to transfer your custody to shinzo san. at that time, your mum said her bf hated kids and she was hesitant as it affect her marriage." the lawyer said. Fuu decided that so he was no liked by both sides after all...
"Shinzo san loved u from the bottom of his heart" the lawyer said. "THEN WHY DID HE TREAT ME AS ADOPTED?" Fuu shouted. "the one who wanted that was your mum" she said to his shock. "If it was found out that he has a 15yrold illegitimate son, it would cause an uproar with the exe board and media. However Shinzo was prepared to host a media reception to announce this matter but your mum had no intention to get swept into this troublesome mess and hence ask u to be adopted instead. Shinzo was emotionally distress about the fact he couldnt acknowledge you. This is the truth." The laywer said to a surprised Fuu. He looked at the pink product and formed a thought.
That night, Chisato told Shou what he did and he asked why she go thru so much effort for someone that is not blood related. Chisato said she had once asked the same question to shinzo amd if shou rem the pink gun. Shinzo replied that was his happiness. "At that time, I didnt understd a word but since my mum passed on and I was alone, and came to the castle, seeing Sato and masaru overcome their fear, i slowly becaome happy. To be able to cry and laugh like that, it has nothing to do with blood relations." Then she prayed for Akira and Shou looked at her and laughed along.
The next day, the rest of the brothers "asked" Akira to prepare for the contest show. They saw the balloon with the message for Akira;s mum, who happen to see the message as intended for. As Akira froze on stage, Takeru suddenly appeared with the band playing music supporting him. With that Akira got into the magic act, and bubbles appeared! Shou was creating an atmosphere with the pink gun and Chisato happily realised Fuu had completed the product!!! Fuu was walking alone and smiling to himself.
At the end of show, Akira's act showed a banner that wishes his mum Happy Birthday. Sato showed a victory sign to Akira as the crowd cheered on. Masaru clapped bu looked mildly troubled. Akira's mum appeared at a distant at the back of the crowd watching Akira without his knowledge.
After the act, the group walked happily together. Masaru suddenly blurt that he had recently seen his younger sister and explained about the fire incident. As he cannot rem so he went to ask his sister. Apparently, the whole family could have been saved, but Masaru had returned back to the fire scene to retrieve his fav toy. His parents rushed in to save him and hence he felt he had killed his parents for they would have been saved otherwise. He then apologised for saying all that, even though he didnt know why he did, but as he saw all of them then, his heart was feeling gradually heavier and hence everything came out.
Chisato looked at him and thanked him for sharing. "you are wrong. U didnt kill your parents. Its because you HAVE parents and hence you were saved" Shou corrected him. The rest of the brothers cheered him on in their own way and words. "We have completely understand and felt your pain." Chisato said to him, and everyone move forward to playfully punch him. Just then, Chisato got a call that Akira;s mum called!
At home, chisato's friend relay the message that mum said she had seen the message and about setting up a meeting. However, Akira shouted that he didnt want to see her. Takeru then said they all understand why, everyone present that is. Then the lawyer gave carnation bouquet to Akira as a gift for his mum';s birthday.
Fuu told the secretary that he had decided, as Shinzo's son, he is declaring war. He will no longer do the secretary'sbidding. when he left, the sec call and said "that matter, its about time to start action." In the living room, the phone rang and they sat it to loud speaker mode. Akira mum said she saw his act but she is leaving Japan soon. Akira was shock. She said real sorry and goodbye.
Takeru took over and yelled "what do u mean sorry, what do u mean goodbye? Akira had really wanted to see you, cant you let him see you? Please, please, just see him, this guy tried so hard! Please, if you dont have time, he can go over to see you! So please, cant you just see him? "
"Akira, please take care of him." Then the mum hung up. Akira hung up the phone and said he has homework to do.
"You dont have to pretend to be strong. If you feel like crying, just cry! If you are angry, then just vent it out. Because this is YOUR house!" Chisato sadly told Akira. At that, Takeru slam on the phone and cried. Akira turned around.
Why are you angry? Shou asked. Takeru was not happy because Akira had tried his best and doesnt that deserve a reward? Everyone started to cry and feel the "injustice". Shou stormed out saying it was plain stupid.
Just then, Akira gave the flowers to Chisato., She said it wasnt her birthday but Akira said it was for mother;s day. "its a bit late" he said. Chisato hugged him and tearfully said he was "cunning"... At that moment, Fuu happily barged into the room declaring he is home. He took in the scene and asked why was everyone crying. Dakeru asked him to shut up and some sand got into his eyes.
Shou reentered and welcome Fuu and Fuu asked even he was cryng?!! Shou denied and said it was yawning.... Akira fell asleep at 9pm and dakeru said who are they cryng for! They all started to laugh!!!
" You people sure are busy to be both crying and laughing!" Fuu said. "You will be the same in futuyre!" Shou said and Fuu laughed. Akira moved and almost fell. Shou and Chisato rushed fwd to catch him!
Chisato and Shou were facing each other almost touching. Just then, chisato friend who was cleaning bumped Shou forward. Shou ended up kissing Chisato to the shock of everyone present!!!
Didnt think much of it initially but the catchy beat kinda grow on me. So for those who like the theme [Infinity] from Atashinchi no Danshi, here it is from either link [4S DL] / [MF DL]
Next to paranomal series "FRINGE", I really like the past seasons of this Uk production to date- Primeval. So imagine my excitement when the latest season 3 just started on my side of the world and I'm certainly still glued to it despite having to wait for a while for it! Not sure how I feel about Sarah Page who is suppose to be an Egyptologist. Hope she will add more interesting dynamic to the team
Anycase, this is way way way way much better than Torchwood, and prob even better than Dr Who, though Dr Who is more like a cult classic than anything else.
Story background Primeval follows a team of five scientists tasked with investigating the appearance of temporal anomalies across Great Britain and containing prehistoric and futuristic creatures which enter the present. So yeah, if u are a sucker for creatures and dinos, u might like this series. I thought the CGI effects aint that bad really.
PS: If u happen to have finished watching this season, let me know if its worthwhile for me to follow thru this season as I have heard mixed reviews about it.
My Queen episode 20 summary Wushuang finally find out the truth that Lucas would have actually gone to the prestigous overseas medical program, if it wasnt for the fact that he gave it up for her.
The story starts after the dad left. As Lucas had understood her insecurity and fear of seperation for 2 years, he kept denying any interest in the medical program to Wushuang.. Initially she halfheartedly believed Lucas's sincere pledge that he never thought about leaving the country. However the next day, when she attended the talk, and accidentally overheard Lucas heartfelt speech about all the pros and advantages of the program, she finally confirmed her fear that she was an obstacle to Lucas future.
That night when Lucas returned home, the couple finally fought! Lucas couldnt make her understand about how hard he is trying to allay her fear, to assure her of his unwavering feelings. He told her that he thought she had understood and thrown all concerns away when she decided to cross that 8 years gap that divides them but now she is showing lack of confidence to the point that she cares about what a staff at the store who is a stranger said. Yet she was frustrated. She told Lucas that no matter how hard she tried, she cannot bring herself to ignore the 8 years gap, she couldnt denied she cares about how other people viewed them as a couple (her being much older), or wonder when she grows older will he would ever fall in love with another girl like he had fallen for her. She finally made a horrible outburst that his love has become a emotional baggage/liability and she should have chosen her senior (the photographer).
Lucas was mad and said she had finally said the truth in her heart and left. The two broke up!
Their seperation however offers a chance for them to reevaluate their relationship. They realise how much they missed each other. Wushuang told her best friend that she truly regretted her outburst to Lucas. Her friend was first shock in that admission since Wushuang has never regretted anything in her life, and even more shock when she heard what Wushuang had said to Lucas.... On the other hand, Lucas was seeking solace at JJ's bar, and JiaJia appeared, giving some advice to him. She told him that every woman lacks courage/ confidence in love relatonship, and even more so when it comes to a guy that matters very very much to them. Lucas seemed to gain some insight from that. JJ told Lucas to just call Wushuang but Lucas said it wasnt time yet as he has not done anything to allay her fears. So instead, Lucas worked hard for a oral interview to gain acceptance to join a special medical project which is usually reserved for more medical students of more senior grade than him. This local program would be an alternative to the overseas program that can give him added breathe and knowledge he needed to advance. It was his way in action (not just words) to try to show to Wushuang that he can be a man that she can entrust her future with, for him to care for her. During the interview, he set a deep impression on the lecturers as well as his father, who also decided to himself that his son's performance has shown another side of him, and thus his view on Lucas's ability to be responsible (for someone's else future).
Wushuang and Lucas accidentally bump into each other and kinda made peace. They agreed to have dinner together after Wishuang's interview that night.....
Afterthought This epi is good! The part when the two were fighting was well scripted. What Wushuang said is very true and one can easily understand her dilema and concerns. What Lucas said may sound very sweet and romantic about wanting to care for her, and her to trust him. However, its understandable that love isnt forever, and she is rightly concern that he can fall in love with anyone else. Yet my view is, I think she forgot that even if she had chosen any man that is older or near her age, the same thing can happen. An older man can also stray emotionally and ditch her. Love transcends all ages, so does infidelity. No one can vouch for the future, one can only cherish the present and make the best of whatever they know and have.
I cannot wait for the last episode 21! Will Lucas's happiness be shortlived? I hope the blast wont kill her. I think it wont. I am rooting for the 2 to get married!!!!! I think it will be a happy ending. I cannot imagine it ending with one dead. It will be tooo much for me to handle!!!
Basically the team is being sent to a private girls school to investigate the death of a male PE teacher. He was bashed to death in his home. Evidence such as his mobile and diary was missing. The BOSS team was tasked to investigate as the school prefer it to be handled in low profile and the police department felt it would be better for female investigators to question the students. At the male victim's place, Eriko was puzzled as to why another mineral bottle was in the room when a half drunk bottle remained in the fridge.
The team that went to gather info at the school found out the teacher was dating the students randomly. So the death was suspected to be a love-hate tradegy. One of the top student volunteered info that she had dated the victim. Her apparent intelligence , knowledge in the law and verbal rampage threw BOSS's team off guard. It would appear that the top student was trying to dovert attention away from her best friend who was the actual killer because she was angry about what (mockery) he had written about the fling they had.. However ERiko was able to take the top girl's mockery coolly and set a trap for her. She asked the top girl and her best friend to take a lie detector test. However, it seem the real target was to gather facial, emotional and stress values from hidden camera from top student. Top student discovered the ploy and left angrily with her best friend
Evidence was found near another female teacher's house. However ErIko felt a killer who would bleached and remove all traces of her prescene, would not be so careless to leave evidence near her own home. So she set a trap pretending to confide at the lack of progress to the top student, and letting on how both she and the sensei goes to the same gym.
Finally top student was arrested because of the evidence that was placed in the gym locker. Apparently, Eriko had faked a locker under the demale teacher's name. Top student mistook that as the real locker and planted the victim's diary into the locker wanting to frame the teacher. Yet the teacher's locker was actually elsewhere in another location and the only person who knew the investigator enrollment at the gym was th top girl (it was a ploy to trick the student to share the gym info). Eriko also added that when the top student threw bleach powder over the blood, the 2nd bash on the head resulted in fresh blood pattern spilled over the patch. So when she threw more bleach powder again, the patch layer descrepancy at the bleach powder gave her away that the victim had died at the 2nd assault.
Also, the top student was the real murderer and not her friend because the male teacher was not dead after her friend left. The top student bashed and dealt the final blow when she read the diary and realise he didnt say anything about her. She was like non existence even though she had dated him. She wanted to make the final impression when she bashed his head.
TBS has a new Japanese comedy-mystery drama that has just aired recently, with a high average Kanto viewership of 24.8%!
主題歌 : ヴァン・ヘイレン JUMP
出演 : 木村拓哉 綾瀬はるか 水嶋ヒロ 平泉成 木下優樹菜 香川照之
Drama Introduction Mr Brain (Official website), with SMAP - Takuya Kimura as the lead actor, is about neuroscientist Tsukumo Ryusuke who works for the National Research Institute of Police Science (part of the National Police Agency). He was initially a male hostess who met with a freak accident (a whole wall structure collapses down on him along a walkway) and his life was changed ever since. While he is generally incapable of reading the atmosphere of a situation, but when it comes to science, he is well respected. Whenever something catches his interest, he thoroughly sticks to it and never gives up, chasing down the criminals with certainty.
Not only that, Mizushima Hiro is also acting as Hayashida Toranosuke one of the police investigation detective. From the first 20mins, he appeared to be innocent and cutesy sort of police. His expression when he was absorbed by Kimura's logic was so farnee! Haaa !!!! This is potentially interesting!
Episode 2 will be on 30th May, next Sat. So dont miss it! This drama has potential, apart from the fact it has Kimura and Hiro in it!!!! However because it is a detective sort of drama, it may be rather hard to do detailed summaries week by week due to all the jargon. We shall see how it goes.
Those who may like to watch the RAW Japanese version of 100mins - Episode one
PS: I LOVE the first 20mins of the drama. I thought Kimura's expression was quite hilarious! I dont normally like his drama where he is brooding or intense, so this comical side is very adorable and rare (for me) in a drama since I typical only see more of his serious side. On side note, he really portray the role of the male hostess damn well, he was sooo convincing that I can believe seeing him as one though blonde hair looks really odd on him! *chuckles* Yet I think he has successfully model his looks exactly like those male escorts that I had seen in Japan! Too bad that Hiro is playing a role that is the newbie rookie kinda cop instead of a suave charming kill-u-with-my-smile cop... :)
I just knew I "missed" one drama and couldnt remember what it was until 2 nights ago. It is the "new" (well not so new since it near ending) Taiwanese drama "Black and White" [痞子英雄], action -cop drama.
Synopsis The story is based on 2 vastly different personality cops being put together to work as a team. They are prob the most ill fated team to always be caught in the middle of the action. Yet one of the cop (Vic Zhou) has his own secret past and mystery, to an extent that he himself has no apparent knowledge of. Their relationship has an added complexity when the mafia boss's daughter fell in love with Vic Chou but his partner fell in love with her.... They have an unknown professional hired hands as their enemy. What is this mission and target of these ruthless mercenaries? Why is Vic Zhou's character being protected by the mafia boss?
Review I have caught up to episode 14 and definitely getting more exciting as it is reaching the climax ending. I think I have an inkling of what the ending and mystery is esp after watching the promo clip below but I better not let on else it will kill the fun and joy.
This drama is shot is a very atypical taiwan drama way. Meaning, gone are days of slapstick scene, or intermix of sloppy mandarin speeches with dialect. Instead, it is given a rather professional slick movie style touch, bordering on emulating touches of the production style of CSI series mixed in with Will smith's Bad boys movie.
Honestly, I think the pace is alittle slow esp the first 4 episodes, but the interest is piqued from episode 5 onwards. That was when I stopped clicking on fast fwd to get to the point:) That said, I have to applaud that this is definitely one of the better high quality production from Taiwan to date that should not be missed. It's not just the suspense, but I think the casting is pretty solid, and script relatively well written. The story is not very tight, and unfortunately still full of loop holes which is too balantly sloppy. Yet on the whole, it's a very watchable series and I love the combination between Vic Zhou and Mark Chao.
Mark Chao is a complete manic and a stud in here. His role is an obsessive, impulsive and complusive cop who often charges ahead without much care. Vic Zhou on the other hand acts as an aloof chap who rather hide behind the scene and minimal involvement in dangerous situation, but always rise to the occasion and challenges when the times call for it. I like the chemistry portrayed between the 2. While Mark Chao has been very convincing in his role, always torn between his moral principle of "right and wrong" vs his illogical emotion, Vic Zhou's acting still need room in improvement though he is rather entertaining. Personally, I felt somehow Vic is still trapped in his very sterotype interpretation of an aloof and cassanova character. His (dangling) hands, his facial expression doesnt vary much from his last drama (I cannot rem the title off hand. Was it Mars?)
Below is an over 8mins video clip of the drama series, but it is shot as if it is a movie clip trailer. It's rather long in my view...and gave quite a bit away i think. Then again, maybe I had already watch the drama before i saw this clip thus that biased feel. It is currently airing still in Taiwan, with 4 more epsiodes to end. Hongkong and China audience should be able to view it on TV from 23Jun onwards. Other region not sure.
If u have time, it's a rather interesting drama to tune in to. However, if u are ardent fan of CSI, Num3ers and Criminal Minds, hold your thoughts and try not to compare this Taiwan production with the american production as they will not be on par. Yet, if you watch it objectively just as a Taiwan production, I believe you will grow to be quite fond of it eventually.
All I hope is after all the climax built up, it will not end in anti climax note.
Last night, I started on this recently completed and short TBS Japanese drama titled - Godhand Teru. (watch Eng sub episodes)
The story revolves around a young (training) surgeon named Mahigashi Teru (Hiraoka Yuta, same actor who played the detective role in Kiina).
Apparently on his way back to Japan from USA with his lengendary father, a brilliant surgeon, thire plane crashed. With his father relentless and strong desire, Teru who had suffered from cardiac arrest was revived miraculously by his father. However, his father died at the scene after saving him, not before leaving a deep red palm print on Teru's chest. After he was saved, Teru heard a crying boy and witness him dying before him. Ever since, Teru became a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die before him.
The begining of the drama shows Teru to "unknowingly" have saved many people from a factory blast. Yet at the hospital where he was recruited in the "elite team of Valhara, Teru was viewed as clumsy and amateur suregon not befitting to join the elite team. However upon a chanced accident, Teru miraculous displayed his godlike hand with speed and accuracy and saved the little girl's life. Everytime a critical situation arise, Teru could feel his heartbeat change and some sort of transformation effect seemed to take place where he can hear the "screams of desire to live" by the patient.
The hospital director told Teru's mentor Kitame that he suspected Teru's father had transferred himself into Teru while desperately trying to save his son;s life. Hence under Teru, there has not been a single death under his watch and he like to see how Teru the miracle boy unfold and map his future.
Meanwhile at the hospital, there was another outstanding female surgeon Shinomiya Kozue, who desperately wants to prove her worth to her father. Initially, she thought little of Teru and viewed his success as "luck" and had disdain towards Teru's instinct. She believed a good suregon should only aim to possess great skills. In the process, her mentors and the director paired her with Teru hoping he would rub off his passion and belief onto her and change her.
While some parts like the CGI part are unnecessary, its still a relatively interesting drama to watch. Kaname Jun (who is acting as Fuu in Atashinchi) is playing the role as Shinomiya Ren, Kozue's brother who seem to have secret agenda or was he trying to protect his sister?
As I have only watched up to episode 5. I have 1 more epi to catch go. It dosnt have a heavy nor sad content, I think it will be relatively enjoyable if one watch it with no expectations, and not comparing it with other medical series out there like ER or G.A or even Medical Team Dragon. When it reached ep5 i was quite excited to know the ending..just surprised they kept it so short though.
Atanshinchi no Danshi Ep 06 Review (アタシんちの男子 6話:) トリックハート城を追い出された千里は、ホームレス生活に戻る。大蔵家の長男・風が、これまでの千里の行動はすべてお金のためだ、と次男の猛や四男の優たちにばらしてしまったからだった
Atashinchi no danshi ep 06 Summary Review
The story followed from Fuu kissing Chisato and declaring her as his new girlfriend before the rest of his siblings! Chisato pushed him off and Fuu jokingly teased Chisato "No? U want me to be back right? So it will be nothing to help me with this small favor isnt it?" Masaru and Sato chimed in their protest and objections. Takeru mumbled something with his mouth full and Shou pointed at him, saying that it was totally impossible to understand what he is mumbling about! (so funny!)
"What is your motive? You are not truly asking me to be your girlfriend afterall" Chisato asked. Fuu grinned saying Chisato is rather sharp afterall. "It's true. I only want you to pretend to be my girlfriend. The rest of my girlfriends have caused me too much problems, hence I want you to pretend to be the destined one so that the rest of the girls will stop harboring any hopes. " Masaru and Sato chimed in their objections but Fuu retorted that he is asking Chisato herself.
Chisato thought for a second and asked "If i pretend to be your girlfriend, you will return home right?" All the guys looked up as they heard that and looked at Fuu. "Of course!" Fuu replied. Chisato made a deal with Fuu to pretend to be his girlfriend on the condition that he would move back.
( will skip the Takeru and suitcase scene. Basically he hasnt revealed he had use the dynamite and the boss whispered Takeru's life will be in danger if Dakeru had lost the content)
After Chisato had apologised to the "first" girlfriend and getting "hit" on the face. When the boys came down to check on her, Chisato demanded to know why does she have to take the rap (hit) for Fuu, and he replied nonchalently that of course he doesnt want to be detested by those girls! Chisato wanted to bash Fuu but Shou hold her back and reminded her of the "Mother's commandment contract". Fuu then belatedly informed her and Shou, that she had another 26 girlfriends more to apologise to! Shou looked at the book that Fuu gave him and declared there is a girlfriend at every station! Chisato was shocked to learn she will have to endure 26 more apologies and declare it was impossible. Fuu causally added "Then let's pretend this never happen. I was just thinking after the 26 apologies, all my debts will be cleared." Before Chisato can reply, the maid work in with the signboard indicating the "number of girlfriends" left to apologise! Chisato went "Huh?" and Fuu told her the rest are waiting in line outside!
While getting in position, the maid slipped on a sash on Chisato, with "fiancee" sew on! Chisation questioned the "relationship" but Fuu explained that it would be more convincing to stage a "parental betrothed, arranged marriage isnt it? As the maid slipped on a protection helmet on, Chisato asked "And this?" Fuu replied "it would hurt getting bashed would you?" Chisato mockingly and sacastically replied "Thank you....How kind of you..." The maid left not before wishing Chisato good luck! Meanwhile, Shou got a call and he mentioned he would resolve the money issue. As he hung up, he saw Fuu leaving and decided to follow him.
"What are you doing?" Shou confronted Fuu who was rammaging around in Chisato's room. "Breaking up with the women is only acting as a shield/ cover. Your main intention is to enter this room isnt it?" Shou stated. Fuu replied it was indeed impossible to hide anything from him. Fuu pretend to whisper to Shou "Shinzo's inheritance is hidden somewhere inside here." Shou didnt reply but interest showed in his eyes.
(Worried for her, Chisato friends decide to go to the castle to find out how she is doing. But he got all the questions wrong, and the maid appeared with a samurai sword to chase after the "suspicious characters")
Back at home, Sato was alone in the sauna room, flicking at the mag cover he was holding while muttering away (something about trans-model refering to Masaru). At that, Masaru entered asking what Sato was doing. He took the mag from Sato and discovered the vandalised cover page and asked innocently if Sato truly dislike him that much. Sato had a flashblack on previous scene chisato hugging thanks to Masaru and disgruntingly replied Not particularly before grabbing the mag back from masaru. As Masaru sat down and read the mag cover, it stated "100% ways to succeed in confessions". Masaru understood and asked if Sato wanted to confess to Chisato?! Sato flat down denied but Masaru didnt believe. Sato replied his denial but Masaru said "It's good..." Masaru then proposed a simulation where he will act as the girl that Sato liked.
"Moron, who wants to do something like that?" Sato said. Masaru didnt give up.... (heee heee) Meanwhile, Chisato was still hard at work with the apology session until a queer man showed up declaring he is Fuu's fiancee! He barged into the sauna and Chisato tried to stop him. However, what they witness was the "love confession" simulation between Masaru and Sato instead!
"ehhhhh... so it's like this!" a very innocent Chisato happily chirped bringing the boys back to reality. The boys yelled in shock and Sato tried to explain the misunderstanding and it was only a simulation. When Sato looked at Masaru for affirmation, all he was a glow aura radiating from Masaru!!! "EEEHHH!" Sato was shocked and Masaru shyly looked away... (haaaa haaa poor sato-kun!) Meanwhile, Chisato misreading the scene assure that she will keep the secret under wraps! Sato protested at the misunderstanding but the queer man declared "welcome to the "Hard gay" world!" Sato and Chisato both asked "Who are you?" but the queer man ignored them and continued his search for Fuu.
Fuu was still in the room, dismantling the number plate from the "inherited" toys for each of them. Apparently each consisted the same number that was used on the flying ballon/plane summoning them home after Shinzo had died. Shou managed to decipher the number code sequence reading as "Search within the clock room" (Side explanation on how Shou solved the riddle: Every 2 digit is read as the row and column matrix placement of each Japanase Hiragana character.)
Fuu deduced the clock room is hidding something of the inheritance. "is it money?" Shou asked. "Well...... are u in short of money?" Fuu asked, and added "Aint you the number one hostess? Has the breaking up fee caused u to be like this?" "It's not the breaking up fee, the money is for something else. It's something even as hostess cannot earn enough of..." Shou replied. Fuu didnt reply. The clock started to chime at that moment. "Ah its soo noisy!" Fuu declared. "And the rythm is even off/ chaotic" Shou added. At that, an inspiration hit Fuu. Meanwhile Takeru discoved the actual content inside the suitcase was never suppose to be dynamite! Apparently, the lawyer had stole the suitcase and swop the content into dynamite due to the news of Chisato looking for Onsen back then. She had borrowed the "dynmites" from the Shinzo's castle as she figured the only way to locate an onsen requires blowing up the ground. She also quipped that the castle has many more hidden secrets unknown to many people.
"Is that ok?If they know it was you who did it, will it expose our plans?" The man asked the lawyer. "I wont make such a mistake" She replied. The man asked what she was using to clean her bowling ball. She replied of course it was her towel, only to realise it was a hair wig!
On the other hand, Chisato was still in process of the apology, with Sato and Masaru desperately trying to clear up the earlier simulation misunderstanding. (but the girl was misunderstanding everything Sato was saying to be directed at her) Finally Sato declared "I like you!" Chisato looked at him momentarily and asked "You like Masaru" Of course not Sato declared and wondering how did everything becomes so messed up. Next scene, Chisato fainted and Sato decided he would do mouth to mouth resucitation but his plan was foiled by Masaru, who intended to do it himself. While the 2 are embroiled struggling with each other, Chisato regain consciousness and decided she had enough!
In the clock room, Shou found a hidden key, which was the cause of the disrupted chiming rythmn. On the key, it was inscripted "Concealing the truth of background" Fuu was trying to understand the message when Chisato and the other 2 appeared. Chisato was shocked at the mess with her lingerie strewn all over, demanded to know what they are doing! Chisato was scolding them perverts but Shou assured her he has no interest. "But i mind! What the hell are u doing in my room? Go and apologise with me!" C histo directed her anger at Fuu. "Why should i?" Fuu asked.
"It's bad enough to be dating 27 people at the same time, but to even lie to them! I had initially thought u would be doing the apology with me which was why i accepted it! If u want to split up, then you will have to say it yourself!!" Chisato reprimanded him. "then I give up." Fuu said without a thought.
"It doesnt make a difference if we split up or not. I have already achieve my goal. Thank you." Fuu said with an air of causal indifference. "What are you saying? Stop joking. How do the girls who came today feel? They had truly like you! Yet you said you couldnt care less. It is only right that you should apologise to them sincerely and whole heartedly! " Chisato told Fuu off.
"Are you lecturing me?" Fuu asked. "Dont change the topic." Chisato said. "How could one not?" Fuu asked. "I have no idea why those fellows are mingled in this. but you are in this as our mother because of money isnt it?! If you had truly see yourself as our mother, that would be terribly tricky for me." Fuu retorted. Chisato was speechless.
"Neh, what is Shinzo san like as a person to u?" Fuu counter ask Chisato. "Why do u ask that?" Chisato questioned. "Bet you just see him as a kind person, and have no idea of the true face he concealed" Fuu said. "What do u mean?" Chisato asked. "He is a big bad guy (villian). He has prob destroyed countless futures of other people." Fuu declared much to the silence of the rest of the brothers present. "A totally deceived little girl. Please dont pretend to be my mother demanding me to do anything!" Fuu said and waved at Chisato to go away. In anger, Chisato stormed off. Sato and Masaru chased after her. Shou quietly looked on at the departed Chisato and silblings, and then at Fuu who was staring at the key intently.
While releasing her pent up frustrations at her friends place, they informed her they had discoved Fuu's true intention in returning to the castle - for the inheritance. Her friend said he was back for money after all but Chisato felt otherwise. "Why does Fuu hate Shinzo so much?" Chisato wondered as she recalled their earlier conversation. "A side of Shinzo san that I dont know..." Chisato spaced off.
"Its the first time I have heard you mention things about our father." Shou talked to Fuu. "You disliked Chisato because she was dad's wife? It's so rare to see you talk in that manner to any woman." "Dont use dislike as a pretex. I was completely rejected and put down by Shinzo but he accepted Chisato. He must be jealous of me. " Fuu said before heading off to the loo ( note: I have no idea what Fuu meant by what he said.)
In Sato's room. Masaru initiate a bet. (Masaru win if he can tell the trick, Sato wins if Masaru cannot reveal the secret). The winner will go get Chisato back. Masaru then added that Sato liked Chisato doesnt he? Sato didnt deny. "If you dont want to, I will go pick her up myself. or have you become rusty and afriad of performing before others?" Masaru challenged him. "How can it be? I will show you." sato rise to the challenge but paused looking at the red satin cloth.
In the clock room, Shou suddenly had an idea and discovered that was indeed another set of the riddle behind those tags. There were words inscribed behind but he couldnt make sense. He was shocked when the lawyer suddenly appeared!
At the internet, Chisato rem Shinzo again. He was frustated in attempts to write a letter to his eldest son, but didnt know what to write. She had told him then to write anything he wanted. It's impossible to be so easy give our relationship. He then turn to her and said "Chisato, I am not the kind of person u make me out to be." Meanwhile, Fuu was staring at Shinzo portrait alone at home.
Chisato was shocked to see Masaru appeared before her! "Come home. You have to finish the 10 commandments from the contract right? So let's go back and make peace with Fuu. I'm not the only one who wants u back. Sato as well. He is short of one step to his transformation. You have to watch over him!" He said. Chisato listened to everything and then smile "You do like him afterall!" Masaru desperately denied again but Chisato laughed and said she was joking. "I dont want to lose to that guy!" Masaru declared! Chisato turned around questioningly and got interrrupted by his fan. At home, Dakeru dragged Sato to help him look for the suitcase content.
At home, Fuu saw Chisato returned and mock that she is indeed obstinate. Chisato inturn question his motive in searching for the inheritance, much to Masaru's surprise. "Where did u find out from?" Fuu asked. "Searching for the inheritance is to reveal the secret side of Shinzo. Are u interested?" He added. "i too am interested in his affairs." Chisato agreed. Shou then asked her to come solve the riddle. Chisato took a look and saw it as the English Alphabet from the phonetic aspect. To rearrange it, it read as "living" - indicatin the secret is in the living room! Just when they split to look around, Takeru and Sato appeared. he assumed everyone was helping u look for the missing wig! When he realise it wasnt so, he demanded if someone from the crowd and switched the content! The guilty lawyer told him it was wrong to suspect his own family members. "Exactly! Who on earth wants your fake hair wig" Chisato said. "that's no ordinary wig! It belongs to a top politician! But dont tell anyone or your life will be in danger!" Takeru shared. Just then, Fuu groaned in despair as the queer guy appeared again! Chisato was shocked to see him around still and asked if he never left! The queer said indeed despite all the tricks and turn he suffered! Shou asked the queer's identity and was shocked when Chisato said Fuu's fiancee!
Fuu explained he only like women and that was a one sided affair. The queer whipped out a sword and blamed it was all chisato's fault and if she disappeared, Fuu would be his! Just as Shou and Fuu wanted to walk forward, Sato pushed them away and walk towards the Queer. With his magic trick, he tried to hynoptise the queer and make the sword disappeared! The rest of the brothers declared "FANTASTIC!"
Chisato thanked Sato. Fuu looked on at the exchange. Masaru felt compelled to act as well! He turned on his charm to escot the queer to the door. He winked at Chisato. "He extended his own hands!" Chisato was amazed but sato quickly added but that;s to a guy! Takeru appeared and mistook the queer to be wearing his fake wig! The lawyer also took the chance to get rid of the hidden cashmere wig.
Chisato discovered Takeru was bleeding. Takeru resisted saying it was nothing but Chisato refused. Dakeru still resisted and Sato told her to ignore him as Takeru deserved it. Takeru headed towards Sato. Akira joked Takeru had too much blood anyway, and Masaru chimed in saying bleeding might make him behave better! Takeru turned his attention at Akira and the rest blended into the happy bantering while Shou and Fuu looked on.
"I have never seen such expressions on their faces before." Fuu stated. "It's all because of her" Shou shared. While they pondered abot the missing laywer, Chisato discovered the hidden key hole was revealed! Fuu rushed fwd with the key and unlock the hidden passage way -and to Shinzo's secret.
"It's all because of u we manage to find the secret way." Fuu said to Chisato. Dakeru declared it was more thanks to him. Chisato was still looking at Fuu, and they both looked at each other and smiled.
Inside, they found a robot declaring he is their inheritance. Just then Chisato received a call from her dad saying he has something to tell her.
The secretary appeared and Shou demanded to know what happened to the money inheritance which obviously was not donated to charity. The robot suddenly prounced all of them are liars!
"U have all live on hiding behind your true self, you are all losers escaping your own tragic past. You have no right to live on in the castle." the robot declared. Meanwhile, Chisato discovered her father was just stalling time talking rubbish to prevent her from being at the castle! It was a task set by the secretary!
At the castle, the robot revealed 6 scrolls. They all read the scroll with their name in silence except Fuu who didnt bother. He told the secretary "It doesnt matter if its not read." the secretary picked up the scroll and read aloud "The eldest son Fuu, your real father is ...OKURA SHINZO" Everyone turned around and stare at him. "What is this all about?" Shou asked. "So you are not adopted" Takeru said.
As chisato ran back, the house was empty except for the secretary eating alone. Where's everyone? Chisato asked. they have all left he said. Why? Chisato asked "because its what Shinzo san hoped for " The secretary replied.
Stumbled upon this TBS drama (Boku no Imouto- "My Sister") while I was looking into one of my fav actor Joe Odagiri's movie "Plastic City".
Still haven't decide if this drama is ok or good. However it still is able to draw me to tune in weekly to it. I wont classify it as highly recommended but I think its still something watchable. It's definitely not light hearted, and it doesn't have cute faces in it to draw in idolised teens. So all it has is script plot and acting to pull one in.
Relatively speaking, it is kind of a thought provoking, bordering on suspense kind of drama but the pace is neither quick paced nor addictive, though it does draw the curiosity out of me in the quest of "truth" to the accident. The drama has a very touching human side which at many times tempted my eyes to well up, an emotional aspect which someone who has siblings can easily relate. I thought those childhood recaps were done rather well, depicting the dependence and bond between the brother and sister.
I didnt read the synopsis to find out what the drama is about. As far, the story revolves round a pair of siblings whose parents have died when they were 4 and 12yr respectively. The younger sister has always been the street wise penny pinching sort, whose sole objective was to earn money to survive and buy all the book for her older brother. He on the hand would later become a top honor student, fulfilling his dream to become a doctor. The story goes on with the brother entangled in an incident where a woman's sudden death (who tried to cheat money off him) throw his usual peaceful life into turmoil. Strongly accused as the murderer by the dead woman's boyfriend, the doctor tried hard to convince the boyfriend otherwise. However it is intriguing to see the sister's interest. Does she have a secret or is it pure instinctive protection for her brother?
I have reach episode 4 to date and I still would like to follow through the series to unlock the "mystery" and complexities. Well, after knowing the "truth", I am even more keen to see how the whole matter will be resolved and if the doctor (brother) would be apprehended as the murderer based on the testimony of the victim's bf.
BOSS Episode 5 SUMMARY: Eriko reached the old hospital to discover the killer had moved Mami to another hidden spot. The hospital was a fake site mocking at the slow efficiency of the police.
Eriko and team discovered the killer was previously a victim of the 3 recent dead guys, they used to bully him and bashed him until another student intervened on his behalf. Unfortunately for that, the student was mercilessly killed and the scene was filmed on video for fun. The killer back then was weak and called the police annoymously but his call was unheeded as he dared not leave his name behind. As such, all these years he trained to gain his fitness and check on the 3 bullies, only to discovered even after released from jail, they were not remorseful. In fact on the death anniversary of the guy, they would go tp pub and celebrate and laughed about the incident. Hence the guy was incensed and killed all the 3 bullies as vengence to his dead "protecter" back then.
His capture of the police was his hatred for their lack of intervention that could have prevented the student's death. As such he captured Mami and tried to prove to her that her colleagues would never save her in time....
After much effort Eriko discovered the school that Mami was hidden and the team rushed to save her in the nick of time. Mami prevented the killer from killing himself, and told him she understood the ordeal he had suffered as she was an outcast herself in those school days. However, she had opted to take another path unlike him. The killer put down his gun and was arrested. Eriko told the killer, not to forget that his life was saved by the student who had died in his place so he should cherish it. On the ambulance to hospital, Eriko initially scolded Mami for not training herself hard enough as a police offcer due to her personal disdain for the job, this resulting in her easy capture. However, Eriko also apologised to a surprised Mami, for being a lousy BOSS. She blamed herself that she didnt even realise Mami was captured... Through the incident, Mami decided to place faith in her new BOSS and change her attitude towards her new job...
This is a happy episode and had me laughing quite a bit! It's so funny to see the guys all slowly falling for Chisato and squabbling amongst themselves! It was hilarious when Sato got jealous and tried to get his brother off Chisato. As usual, Fuu only appear in the end to present some "cliff hanger" at the end. I canx wait for next epsiode!
(Due to time constraint, I tried to write down as complete a summary off my head but it may not be in sequence of the episode. Sorry about that... :P)
Short Summary After being confronted by Fuu and the brothers, Chisato was forced to admit that the reason for her "helping" to organise meal togthers and palm print were all due to money. Disappointed, Takeru ask Chisato to move out immediately as he is unable to live with someone who had lied to them. Without further explanation, Chisato agreed to move out. Back at home, Takeru was still upset about Chisato's "betrayal". In the sauna, Shou hinted that Takeru was upset because he liked Chisato which Takeru denied. Shou added that if it wasnt for Chisato, they would never be having conversations as they did and have now. Takeru tried to brush it off....
While Chisato had gone back to her homeless "spot", she informed the secretary that she will break the contract and try to return the money she owed Shinzo. (The secretary was stroking the bear! Funny!) The secretary said he understood and will give her a week to clear her debt.
Chisato thought about becoming a hostess to repay her debts but were stopped by her friends.... who reminded her that she had once promised herself that she would never resort to this profession...
Takeru was offered a chance to return to his own delivery job, on condition he deliver a suitcase to a designated location without peeking at the content. If he complete the task successfully, he would become full time employee. Being Takeru, his curosity got better of him, and at home, he finally discovered it was a case full of dynamites! Not knowing what to do with it, he constantly walked around with it.
While frustrated about the suitcase content and the dilema he was in, Takeru walked around the house. Even if he wanted, he was unable to deny all the changes in all the brothers - Sato who had swore off stepping out of his room is now considering hiking, Akira who used to hate mingling with other people is now constantly in places where people gather, Masaru has conquered his fear of being near woman, and even Shou has decided to move back.
Fuu on the other hand instructed the lawyer to bring out all the individual "inheritance" toy. As he inspected them one by one, he knew there has to be some hidden secret. He told the lawyer that he knew there is another set of inheritance and he showed her the "secret" letter that Shinzo had sent to him before he passed away. The laywer was surprised at the content (epsiode did no reveal what the content was).
Chisato's childhood friend tried to console and encourage Chisato. He reminded her that she had been the one who had saved him from his future back then when he had nearly dropped out of high school after failing and repeating so many years. It was because of what Chisato had told him. Then He wrote on the cardboard what she had said before: "Do not sadden the people who believe in you.", It was that simple sentence that revived his confidence and hence able to graduate successfully. Chisato sigh and said she said it because it was bet to win million dollar. Her friend said he knew but no matter, what she had said had helped him and he would never forget her words.
Meanwhile, Takeru was still confused about the suitcase and he approached the homeless tent, wanting to chat with the homeless "oji san" (old uncle) he had previously saved. Not knowing it was actually Chisato, he revealed his troubles. When he tried to see Chisato's face inside the tent, Chisato grabbed a cardboard and hide the hole to stop him. By chance, it was the cardboard with the message and Takeru mistaken it was advice for him and gone off happily with a decision.
Meanwhile Chisato's friend informed her there is a potential Onsen (hot spring) spot nearby and if they found it, they will be billionare and solve the compulsory govt eviction problem (to vacate the land).
Masaru was also disappointed to know the truth about the high pwoer voice, and that Chisato didnt really like him afterall....however, a conversation with Shou gave him an idea....
Chisato childhood friend went to Shinzo's house. Shou was there and when he learnt that Chisato friend wanted to reveal the truth of her past, and that she had never helped them because of money, Shou told him to say everything into the High power voice changer device. Later, the rest of the siblings learnt the truth about Chisato's background and that when she starts to help someone, she will never care about her own situation. Sato, Akira went to spy on the homeless spot and was surprised to see Chisato really there. Takeru was shocked to leant the Ojisama was actually Chisato! The 3 of them observed Chisato and decided that she truly is someone who helped sincerely, and never planned to deceive them. They also learnt that she had truly wanted to help the rest of the homeless people, and was never for money.
Sato, Takeru and Akira appeared before Chisato and decided to help. Takeru decided to use his Dynamite to blow up the spot that may be the onsen spot. When he saw Chisato in danger, he used himself as a shield to protect her when the dynamite blew! Sato saw and mistook Takeru's intention, pulled him off Chisato and started to fight with him (so funny!)
Later, when they realise their onsen search failed (they hit a water pipe instead), they were also dismayed to hear the govt people have come to evict and remove their tents. Just as they were in despair, Masaru appeared with a TV crew!
He was giving interview, and used the chance to introduce the plight of the homeless people and the eviction. He went on to add that the Shinzo Miracle corporation will employ these homeless people as part time contract workers to help with the themepark construction and provide food and lodging! Chisato was shocked.
The lawyer and secretary appeared. They said they have no "choice" now since it was broadcast over TV, but to use the homeless but on conditionthey clear the interview! Chisato didnt know how to react and look at the brothers for pointers. Takeru and Sato made some comments, and Akira commented it only meant that Takeru likes her. Sato and Takeru tried to muffle Akira...haha. The secretary meanhile told Chisato that it would only materialise if the "temp director" (chisato) agreed, meaning it was an invitation for her to return. Chisato nodded.
As Masaru finished his recording, Chisato ran to him and hugged him! Takeru and Sato was shocked but Masaru was happy but overwhelmed!
At home, Shou welcomed them back with a homecook meal! Everyone happily joined in and sat down ready for dinner. Shou turned to Chisato and said "okaeri" (welcome home". A very touched Chisato replied with much emotion "I'm home". She shared that it felt strange that all her frustrations, and unrest have dissolved once she was home. The group smiled. As they sat down, Chisato was give the honor to start the meal. Shou happily announce it was rule #1 in mother's contract for everyone to sit down and have a meal together, someone commmented but Fuu wasnt around. It was joked that it was better that he wasnt...
Just as everyone was basking in the happiness of a meal together, Fuu suddenly appeared again. This time, he walked to Chisato at the head of the table, and planted a kiss on her cheek! Much to everyone's shock, he declared Chisato as his new girlfriend!!!!
Finally caught up with this episode which I missed last week. It was such a touching episode for me, and at some points close to being moved to tears.... (ok i am a emotional whimp) Shou's little boy is sooo cute and when he smile, I really want to pinch his little cute chubby cheeks.
I was sooo angry by the end of this ep. I HATE (for now) the eldest son! He is soo irresponsible to say all those nasty things and trying to dash the new harmony and bond the family had built. Jealous pig! He basically want to crush any hopes. Arsehole. He himself is also greedy for the inheritance. If he wants to be alone out there and be a d*ck, by all means.... he should leave his family alone to enjoy the newly found trust. I hope Chisato will "CRUSH" him and make him eat his own words! Chisato, Fighting!
Since the subs will prob be out (or is out), I wont put too much time into a detail review. So here is the video and short summary below.
Atashinchin 04 Quick Summary Basically the story revolve round Shou and his exgf's efforts in recovering his "kidnapped" son. Chisato of course recognise the kidnapper's voice as Shinzo which comes from the super power voice device and asked Akira about it. It was disclosed that the whole "missing and kidnapped" idea was hatched from Shou's son himself, as the little boy had wanted his parents to be reconciled again.
Eventually, apart from Shou, the rest of the family discovered the plot one by one (accidentally) and joined in the "plot". Seeing how Rika had never seen a happy expression on either parents face, Chisato was inspired to come up with the treasure hunt (for Rika) for Shou and gf, while recording their every happy expression. Rika was totally absorbed watching his parents quest to recover him. Eventually, Shou realised it wasnt a true kidnapping. Shou's gf also disclosed the truth about SHinzo's real feelings about Shou's son. Shinzo had said those abortion words to Shou in the past in order to motivate and reaffirm shou's belief that he can be a good father. Unknown to Shou, Shinzo had been supporting their livelihood all those years before Shou could earn a regular income. The gf explained that she had lied about living on her savings as Shinzo had requested she kept it from Shou. Shou finally understood how he had misunderstood and hated Shinzo wrongly all thse years. No one had cared more than Shinzo about being a "family".
Shou come to a realisation that he had been clinging on to his son for the wrong reasons, and for his son's true happiness, he finally relinquish his son to his gf. However, he promised that he would always always, always be watching over and protecting Rika as Shinzo had done for him. He also promised when the new treasure hunt land project is completed, the family of 3 would go together to the themepark.
As the family went home happily together, they were confronted by a cold sniggering Fuu. He went on to reveal that they had been duped by Chisato and everything she had done was purely out of selfish intention for money!! The guys were shock to hear that ans Sato asked Chisato if it was true... Chisato was speechless!
Sorry for the week's absence as I was off sunbaking in Phuket (hol pixs)...It was such a lovely lovely week...the sun, sea and wind. An oasis of tranquil and peace.
I know I miss the recap for last week and will try to catch up.
Meanwhile, here's the single release "Sorry Sorry" from the 13 boys Korean pop group - Super Junior. Some of you would probably have discovered for yourself that it sounded more like "Saw-li Saw-li" and "Shawty Shawty" than "Sorry", but who cares right? The tune is great, and Korean groups are simply just getting hotter and hotter by day!
The story revolves around BOSS being tasked to "perform" a police play at a Primary school to rise awareness against crime for the kids. However Mami thought it was stupid and walk off in a fit in the middle of the play. For that, she was also being targeted and kidnapped.
3 guys were found killed with a symbol 4 next to them. Eriko thought Mami had taken leave from the email received from her. The death appeared to be related to another student who was beaten to death by the 3 recent victims. They suspected it was the student victim's brother initiately but proven otherwise.
Meanwhile Nodate told Eriko she cannot fired Mami for her bad attitude, but Eriko can get rid of Yamamura instead as an example. Yamamura who was hiding overheard the conversation feared his job and thus called Mami repeatedly trying to get her back to work to prevent himself being fired. When he tried to visit Mami's place, Eriko and team discovered belatedly that Mami had actually been kidnapped by the killer and rushed to rescue her.
Dwelling from place to place, restlessly ambling from point to point. A nomadic soul. A wandering mind. Honoring the past. Living the present. Anticipating the future.