I just knew I "missed" one drama and couldnt remember what it was until 2 nights ago. It is the "new" (well not so new since it near ending) Taiwanese drama "Black and White" [痞子英雄], action -cop drama.
The story is based on 2 vastly different personality cops being put together to work as a team. They are prob the most ill fated team to always be caught in the middle of the action. Yet one of the cop (Vic Zhou) has his own secret past and mystery, to an extent that he himself has no apparent knowledge of. Their relationship has an added complexity when the mafia boss's daughter fell in love with Vic Chou but his partner fell in love with her.... They have an unknown professional hired hands as their enemy. What is this mission and target of these ruthless mercenaries? Why is Vic Zhou's character being protected by the mafia boss?
The story is based on 2 vastly different personality cops being put together to work as a team. They are prob the most ill fated team to always be caught in the middle of the action. Yet one of the cop (Vic Zhou) has his own secret past and mystery, to an extent that he himself has no apparent knowledge of. Their relationship has an added complexity when the mafia boss's daughter fell in love with Vic Chou but his partner fell in love with her.... They have an unknown professional hired hands as their enemy. What is this mission and target of these ruthless mercenaries? Why is Vic Zhou's character being protected by the mafia boss?
I have caught up to episode 14 and definitely getting more exciting as it is reaching the climax ending. I think I have an inkling of what the ending and mystery is esp after watching the promo clip below but I better not let on else it will kill the fun and joy.
I have caught up to episode 14 and definitely getting more exciting as it is reaching the climax ending. I think I have an inkling of what the ending and mystery is esp after watching the promo clip below but I better not let on else it will kill the fun and joy.
This drama is shot is a very atypical taiwan drama way. Meaning, gone are days of slapstick scene, or intermix of sloppy mandarin speeches with dialect. Instead, it is given a rather professional slick movie style touch, bordering on emulating touches of the production style of CSI series mixed in with Will smith's Bad boys movie.
Honestly, I think the pace is alittle slow esp the first 4 episodes, but the interest is piqued from episode 5 onwards. That was when I stopped clicking on fast fwd to get to the point:) That said, I have to applaud that this is definitely one of the better high quality production from Taiwan to date that should not be missed. It's not just the suspense, but I think the casting is pretty solid, and script relatively well written. The story is not very tight, and unfortunately still full of loop holes which is too balantly sloppy. Yet on the whole, it's a very watchable series and I love the combination between Vic Zhou and Mark Chao.
Mark Chao is a complete manic and a stud in here. His role is an obsessive, impulsive and complusive cop who often charges ahead without much care. Vic Zhou on the other hand acts as an aloof chap who rather hide behind the scene and minimal involvement in dangerous situation, but always rise to the occasion and challenges when the times call for it. I like the chemistry portrayed between the 2. While Mark Chao has been very convincing in his role, always torn between his moral principle of "right and wrong" vs his illogical emotion, Vic Zhou's acting still need room in improvement though he is rather entertaining. Personally, I felt somehow Vic is still trapped in his very sterotype interpretation of an aloof and cassanova character. His (dangling) hands, his facial expression doesnt vary much from his last drama (I cannot rem the title off hand. Was it Mars?)
Below is an over 8mins video clip of the drama series, but it is shot as if it is a movie clip trailer. It's rather long in my view...and gave quite a bit away i think. Then again, maybe I had already watch the drama before i saw this clip thus that biased feel. It is currently airing still in Taiwan, with 4 more epsiodes to end. Hongkong and China audience should be able to view it on TV from 23Jun onwards. Other region not sure.
If u have time, it's a rather interesting drama to tune in to. However, if u are ardent fan of CSI, Num3ers and Criminal Minds, hold your thoughts and try not to compare this Taiwan production with the american production as they will not be on par. Yet, if you watch it objectively just as a Taiwan production, I believe you will grow to be quite fond of it eventually.
All I hope is after all the climax built up, it will not end in anti climax note.
Watch Sub series here
Watch Episode 15 (RAW)
It can't have been MARS, surely... wasn't Silence after that? I think there's another one, too.
Haven't followed taiwan drama for a long time ( The last drama that I watch was fated to love you).
How can I forget this.Vic was once my fav ^^ Need to catch up a lot.
For his last drama, it's delicious relationship and then the drama for promoting taiwan's tourism ( forget the title)
Thanks Briar. I had actually meant to write the last drama which i rem him acting as an aloof bike rider was Mars....or was there another one? I couldnt rem...Oopps..I dont even know there is silence! U are better than me :)
yeah cincan u are right...delicious relationship was after MARs but I only thought it was average so not very memorable for me. Maybe I didnt like the main female lead :P
Was there a drama promoting taiwan tourism?! my goodness!
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