I was sooo angry by the end of this ep. I HATE (for now) the eldest son! He is soo irresponsible to say all those nasty things and trying to dash the new harmony and bond the family had built. Jealous pig! He basically want to crush any hopes. Arsehole. He himself is also greedy for the inheritance. If he wants to be alone out there and be a d*ck, by all means.... he should leave his family alone to enjoy the newly found trust. I hope Chisato will "CRUSH" him and make him eat his own words! Chisato, Fighting!
Since the subs will prob be out (or is out), I wont put too much time into a detail review. So here is the video and short summary below.
Atashinchin 04 Quick Summary
Basically the story revolve round Shou and his exgf's efforts in recovering his "kidnapped" son. Chisato of course recognise the kidnapper's voice as Shinzo which comes from the super power voice device and asked Akira about it. It was disclosed that the whole "missing and kidnapped" idea was hatched from Shou's son himself, as the little boy had wanted his parents to be reconciled again.

Eventually, apart from Shou, the rest of the family discovered the plot one by one (accidentally) and joined in the "plot". Seeing how Rika had never seen a happy expression on either parents face, Chisato was inspired to come up with the treasure hunt (for Rika) for Shou and gf, while recording their every happy expression. Rika was totally absorbed watching his parents quest to recover him.

Eventually, Shou realised it wasnt a true kidnapping. Shou's gf also disclosed the truth about SHinzo's real feelings about Shou's son. Shinzo had said those abortion words to Shou in the past in order to motivate and reaffirm shou's belief that he can be a good father. Unknown to Shou, Shinzo had been supporting their livelihood all those years before Shou could earn a regular income. The gf explained that she had lied about living on her savings as Shinzo had requested she kept it from Shou. Shou finally understood how he had misunderstood and hated Shinzo wrongly all thse years. No one had cared more than Shinzo about being a "family".

Shou come to a realisation that he had been clinging on to his son for the wrong reasons, and for his son's true happiness, he finally relinquish his son to his gf. However, he promised that he would always always, always be watching over and protecting Rika as Shinzo had done for him. He also promised when the new treasure hunt land project is completed, the family of 3 would go together to the themepark.
As the family went home happily together, they were confronted by a cold sniggering Fuu. He went on to reveal that they had been duped by Chisato and everything she had done was purely out of selfish intention for money!! The guys were shock to hear that ans Sato asked Chisato if it was true... Chisato was speechless!
Yeah.. this is a very touching episode. The little boy just want to see his parent together, and somehow I believe the other siblings could feel it too since they also don't have parent.
About Fuu, I think he comes with a mission (from shinzo I guess). He is not into money, cause in the first episode when they heard about shinzo's death, he is the only one who didn't come home and ask for the inheritance. I'm more suspicious with the secretary and the lawyer.
Yeah i know what u mean..the silblings could all understand where the little boy comes from and in a way, hoping for their own "fairy tale" ending i suppose...
I'm still quite clueless about Fuu's intention but whether he is into money or not, I wished he didnt have to confront Chisato this way. But after watching the next episode, I am glad he did it so that Chisato and now live with them without further "secrets"!
yeah..I am very very curious about the lawyer's stand. I am incline to believe the scretary is loyal to Shinzo which is why he is always helping CHisato and I felt he was warning off the Laywer (in one of the earlier episode).
In anycase, the dynamics are getting more intersting and funnier! I like!
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