大澤絵里子(Eriko) は、英明女子学院の教師殺害事件を担当する。死亡したのは体育教師・増岡剛(松田悟志)で、頭部に打撃を受けていた。現場に凶器など一切の遺留品がないのを見た絵里子は、犯人は頭がキレ、几帳面で粘着質な性格だと推測
BOSS Episode 06 Summary
Basically the team is being sent to a private girls school to investigate the death of a male PE teacher. He was bashed to death in his home. Evidence such as his mobile and diary was missing. The BOSS team was tasked to investigate as the school prefer it to be handled in low profile and the police department felt it would be better for female investigators to question the students. At the male victim's place, Eriko was puzzled as to why another mineral bottle was in the room when a half drunk bottle remained in the fridge.
The team that went to gather info at the school found out the teacher was dating the students randomly. So the death was suspected to be a love-hate tradegy. One of the top student volunteered info that she had dated the victim. Her apparent intelligence , knowledge in the law and verbal rampage threw BOSS's team off guard. It would appear that the top student was trying to dovert attention away from her best friend who was the actual killer because she was angry about what (mockery) he had written about the fling they had.. However ERiko was able to take the top girl's mockery coolly and set a trap for her. She asked the top girl and her best friend to take a lie detector test. However, it seem the real target was to gather facial, emotional and stress values from hidden camera from top student. Top student discovered the ploy and left angrily with her best friend
Evidence was found near another female teacher's house. However ErIko felt a killer who would bleached and remove all traces of her prescene, would not be so careless to leave evidence near her own home. So she set a trap pretending to confide at the lack of progress to the top student, and letting on how both she and the sensei goes to the same gym.
Finally top student was arrested because of the evidence that was placed in the gym locker. Apparently, Eriko had faked a locker under the demale teacher's name. Top student mistook that as the real locker and planted the victim's diary into the locker wanting to frame the teacher. Yet the teacher's locker was actually elsewhere in another location and the only person who knew the investigator enrollment at the gym was th top girl (it was a ploy to trick the student to share the gym info). Eriko also added that when the top student threw bleach powder over the blood, the 2nd bash on the head resulted in fresh blood pattern spilled over the patch. So when she threw more bleach powder again, the patch layer descrepancy at the bleach powder gave her away that the victim had died at the 2nd assault.
Also, the top student was the real murderer and not her friend because the male teacher was not dead after her friend left. The top student bashed and dealt the final blow when she read the diary and realise he didnt say anything about her. She was like non existence even though she had dated him. She wanted to make the final impression when she bashed his head.
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