Stumbled upon this TBS drama (Boku no Imouto - "My Sister") while I was looking into one of my fav actor Joe Odagiri's movie "Plastic City".
Still haven't decide if this drama is ok or good. However it still is able to draw me to tune in weekly to it. I wont classify it as highly recommended but I think its still something watchable. It's definitely not light hearted, and it doesn't have cute faces in it to draw in idolised teens. So all it has is script plot and acting to pull one in.
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Relatively speaking, it is kind of a thought provoking, bordering on suspense kind of drama but the pace is neither quick paced nor addictive, though it does draw the curiosity out of me in the quest of "truth" to the accident. The drama has a very touching human side which at many times tempted my eyes to well up, an emotional aspect which someone who has siblings can easily relate. I thought those childhood recaps were done rather well, depicting the dependence and bond between the brother and sister.
I didnt read the synopsis to find out what the drama is about. As far, the story revolves round a pair of siblings whose parents have died when they were 4 and 12yr respectively. The younger sister has always been the street wise penny pinching sort, whose sole objective was to earn money to survive and buy all the book for her older brother. He on the hand would later become a top honor student, fulfilling his dream to become a doctor. The story goes on with the brother entangled in an incident where a woman's sudden death (who tried to cheat money off him) throw his usual peaceful life into turmoil. Strongly accused as the murderer by the dead woman's boyfriend, the doctor tried hard to convince the boyfriend otherwise. However it is intriguing to see the sister's interest. Does she have a secret or is it pure instinctive protection for her brother?
I have reach episode 4 to date and I still would like to follow through the series to unlock the "mystery" and complexities. Well, after knowing the "truth", I am even more keen to see how the whole matter will be resolved and if the doctor (brother) would be apprehended as the murderer based on the testimony of the victim's bf.
This dorama is getting strange, but all the plots make me curious. Hope that The secret that lies behind all this is something worth.
Thanks for your summary
yeah it's kinda strange isnt it? After the sister's confession, its even stranger to find out how it will end. Actor Joe Odagiri has very peculiar choice in his work, at least for movies. So looking forward to see if this drama will be any good :)
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