The first 10 mins of the You are beautiful episode 11 left me in a roller coaster ride from excitement to sadness to bursting out laughing so hard! And the last 2 mins simply took my breath away from my entire being!!!!!
Just finished the RAW....The brief summary is for people who are unable to load the video and dying to find out what happen. Please note the summary will not b as detailed as the japanese ones since it is verbally translated to me and not because I understand korean. For full version of sub video, please go to viikii.
Brief Summary
The scene open where we left off at last epi where Shinwoo publicly declared MN is his gf. He then apologised and requested the reporters to make way for them. (Of couse no one budged at such a big scoop!) TK looking from the sideline saw the trapped couple, took off his jacket and shoved people aside walking towards shinwoo and MN. He then used his jacket to cover MN head completely and looked at shinwoo into the eyes. (I'm not exactly sure what that look is suppose to mean. Does it mean I leave her in your care?) (excitement)
The couple left the scene immediately but not before MN unrealisingly dropped the hairclip TK gave her in the commotion. TK saw the clip on the floor being trampled by the mob and it was broken ... (sad) Jeremy was still in shock about the fact and followed after the mob.
Fakefairy was doubly shocked at the outcome. She was mumbling somthing about MN and TK heard her, hence demanding how did fakefairy know it was MN. aught by surprise, Fakefairy didnt know what to lie with. TK had no patience with her and told her he will come back and pressed her for details later, and left for the couple.
In the artist room, MN apologised to shinwoo, saying he is so nice to her but she concealed such a truth and he must be angry. Shinwoo was saying goodnaturedly (i am not sure if MN heard him) now how should he react to such a newsflash, wont it be strange if he is not angry? So Shinwoo pretended a very solemn voice and told MN the truth really left one speechless. He then told her to uncover her face so that he can have a proper look. Then he declared so she is really a girland quite pretty one at that, and pretended to himself how he could not have discovered it. He then said "MN i thought u are a very honest person, to think..." MN sheepishly looked down (she is sooo cute here!) MN apologised again profusely to shinwoo. Shinwoo told her that she would have to tell him the details from the start another time, but for now they are no longer good brothers but have to start afresh. he said that with a smile. At that junction, Jeremy kept slamming on the door wanting to be let in. TK followed in.
Jeremy stood and stared at MN. TK said he had knew from the start and now they all know and should let him know if they can accept the truth. He said he will bear responsibilty (or something like that). Shinwoo replied he is fine with it. TK turned to Jeremy.
A dazed/ shocked/ disbelieving Jeremy asked MN "Are u really a girl?" without any smile. "Are u really a girl?!!!!!" TK looked worried. MN said sory jeremy. Jeremy said how can he know nothing... Jeremy grabbed a surprised MN by the shoulder and slowly break into an escatic smile and kissed MN on the forehead! Both Shinwoo and TK were shocked!!!!
An excited Jeremey happily declared "GMN u are really a girl!!!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!" (i am laughing so hard here at jeremy coz now he know he is not gay!) Jeremy was soo excited yelling MN's name that shinwoo and TK had to restrain him. Jeremy asked the guys he wasnt dreaming right? At that, TK said since everyone can accept the truth, its time to handle the aftermath mess. Tk called MN and she couldnt respond while jeremy continue to blabble happily he must be dreaming..TK mumbled Jeremy must also be turning crazy...
In the end, the guys told MN that it is for the sake of the band that she must pretend to be a guy all the way. While the press conference was over, only that male reporter remains suspicious of the mystery within the band.
The aunt accidentally saved TK's mum but in the process saw the belly scar and realised that TK's mum is an unwed mum.
At home, jeremy said even brothers and sisters cannot share the same room, so helped MN shift out. MN left the softtoy behind because she felt guilty abt losing the hair clip but TK misunderstood her that she is ungrateful leaving the rabbit-pig behind, as she has no more use for the softtoy (him)..
At the supermarket, MN had a sticker on her head and as she removed the label, she commented it is 3000won like the hairclip. TK reminded her it is 10000won and not 3000. At that point, MN confessed to TK that she had lost the hairclip. Tk said so she did realised she had lost it. MN perked up and asked if TK had seen it. TK explained it was being kicked ard and damaged on the floor at the press conference. MN asked what to do, but TK said there is nothing to do since its damaged and just throw away. MN started to say something but was interrupted by the staff pushing the trolley. Shinwoo saved a stumbling Mn from falling and TK looked on in surprised, followed by irritation. MN didnt have a chance to finish her sentence. Mn mumbled to herself that the pin is very impt to her.
That nite, TK grumbled he couldnt sleep well and wondered if it is since MN left his room.Tk found out from the aunt she is not in her room and TK wondered where she went. MN had gone back to the auditorium to look for the pin.
TK searched the whole house and wondered if she had gone to search for the hairpin. He recalled she didnt finished the sentence, and pondered what she had wanted to say. As he determined MN would never say anything to aggravate him. He wondered why on earth would she do that and then he recalled the night under the stars where he saw her cry. But he convinced himself it was because she liked shinwoo....In the end, he went down to the auditorium to confirm his own "belief" that she will NOT be there, it is impossible for her to be there but since he cant sleep anyway, he might as well take a look. MN hid herself when TK appeared as she had promised the security guard that her presence must not be discovered to minimise problems.
Just inches away from MN, TK asked himself what on earth was he thinking and threw the hair clip before he left. Mn accidental kicked over the chair and was almost discovered by TK but TK's mum's help call him over, thus TK missed MN. At that moment, MN saw the clip.
TK in the end promised the dying mum that he would record the song. She in turn promised to tell him the whole truth about her great love.
The news was all over about Shinwoo's gf. MN apologised about dragging the trouble to Shinwoo. The manager dragged TK to spy on shinwoo and MN to evasedrop on their conversation. Shinwoo said MN must explain the situation to his girl and MN said she would definitely clear the misundertsanding with Shinwoo's "gf " much to TK's shock. The manager was so sad that MN would have to be in such predication, to lie about her feelings and explain teh truth to shinwoo;s girl. TK said unlikely MN would do that.
Meanwhile, the super big mouth makeup artist revealed the truth about MN being a sister to fake fairy because fake fairy played the victim as a jealous insecure gf of TK. TO comfort her and ease her worries, the makeup artist said it is likely MN will return to become a sister since she has no where else to go. Fakefairy seems please at this news bite.
Tk started childing MN again when she brought him the lime drink. TK sacastically said she didnt presevere till the end because of shinwoo kiss and MN said she was indeed shock. TK started scolding her saying eventually she will reveal her truth feelings bringing trouble to the other person. Mn asked angrily if its wrong to like someone even if its secretly. Out of irritation, TK said if he was shinwoo, he would be in supremely bad mood to know that!!! Hearing that Mn started to cry. Tk was shocked and asked if she was crying. MN said she would never be found out. TK said its troublesome but if she need his help but MN said no and never need him to interfere vermently and left. TK retorted let's see how long you can last!!!
That nite, the manager discovered MN is going to meet shinwoo's girl and MN said she must go to help clear up the air for Shinwoo's benefit. It was the least she must do. The manager went to confide to TK. Tk said if its related to MN dont get him involved as requested by MN. Tk said in jest she prob went to confess and the manager said indeed to TK's shock.
Tk yelled what?!!
The manager explained shinwoo had asked MN over to help so that he can confess his love to his "girl". she said that was all she can do to help and she will go. TK angrily explained if MN is an idiot.
Before MN can board the cab, TK caught up with her and dragged her away to the other side of the office. MN tried to resist and ask him to let her go and why is he interfering but TK ignored her.
MN tried to leave but TK said is that a place she should go? He continued to rant at her that she is young and naive troubling everyone, but doesnt she have any shred of pride? He was really angry disappointted and flustered because of her. MN angrily retorted as such he should not interfere. Tk yelled back how can he not be worried for her seeing her in that state?!! MN yelled back it is none of his business where she goes since she is not troubling him!! In turn she demanded why should he be concerned and involved?!!
TK replied because she is too silly and that made him really angry, and yelled why on earth is he getting angry over her. MN retorted back with much agitation exactly why is he so mad and to just ignore her?!! That he should just ignore what she does and not see what she does! TK yelled back because he always sees her!!!!!!
"It's not very clearly since u are just able to only see yourself? You are shining to bright and its pitch dark ard you that you cannot see anythin else? Since you cannot see clearly and knows nothing, so why are you behaving so? Why are you taking it out on me?!!!!!" MN screamed back at TK in frustration and agony. "So just throw me in some dark corner and not look at me?!" MN continued to let it all out. Hearing that, TK instinctively grabbed MN and kissed her without warning!!!!!!!!
The scene ends with MN in shock and TK shocked at his own action while they remain locked on the lips...
I scream and scream and scream endlessly at the last mins. Even thpugh I had seen the trailer, the final kissing scene still grabbed me emotionally and I couldnt resisting screaming. How did I scream and hold my breath?? I am lost.
OMG this is sooo exciting..but I dont think TK recognise his own feelings yet it seems. Or does he? Come on TK, wake up to your inner voice!!! U love MN too!!! I am assuming TK will fob the kiss off as "some spite or punishment" to MN while MN remains dazed like a deer caught in headlights.
This is a real exciting expisode. I wonder how fake fairy will plot against MN. She is really one super free woman to try to manipulate all these people. She still hasnt come to her senses has she? I dont even know if she is trying to ruin MN out of jealousy or still hoping TK will like her? Either way she is NOT getting the man.
Shinwoo keep missing his chance. he should have just told her he knew the truth about MN being a girl from teh start when he had the chance after the press conference. Why on earth did he pretend otherwise? I dont get it. He thinks too much, and overcomplicate things.
Oh right...tonight is ep 12....after the kiss, it takes the edge away from the wait somehow... haaa

Brief Summary
The scene open where we left off at last epi where Shinwoo publicly declared MN is his gf. He then apologised and requested the reporters to make way for them. (Of couse no one budged at such a big scoop!) TK looking from the sideline saw the trapped couple, took off his jacket and shoved people aside walking towards shinwoo and MN. He then used his jacket to cover MN head completely and looked at shinwoo into the eyes. (I'm not exactly sure what that look is suppose to mean. Does it mean I leave her in your care?) (excitement)
The couple left the scene immediately but not before MN unrealisingly dropped the hairclip TK gave her in the commotion. TK saw the clip on the floor being trampled by the mob and it was broken ... (sad) Jeremy was still in shock about the fact and followed after the mob.
Fakefairy was doubly shocked at the outcome. She was mumbling somthing about MN and TK heard her, hence demanding how did fakefairy know it was MN. aught by surprise, Fakefairy didnt know what to lie with. TK had no patience with her and told her he will come back and pressed her for details later, and left for the couple.
In the artist room, MN apologised to shinwoo, saying he is so nice to her but she concealed such a truth and he must be angry. Shinwoo was saying goodnaturedly (i am not sure if MN heard him) now how should he react to such a newsflash, wont it be strange if he is not angry? So Shinwoo pretended a very solemn voice and told MN the truth really left one speechless. He then told her to uncover her face so that he can have a proper look. Then he declared so she is really a girland quite pretty one at that, and pretended to himself how he could not have discovered it. He then said "MN i thought u are a very honest person, to think..." MN sheepishly looked down (she is sooo cute here!) MN apologised again profusely to shinwoo. Shinwoo told her that she would have to tell him the details from the start another time, but for now they are no longer good brothers but have to start afresh. he said that with a smile. At that junction, Jeremy kept slamming on the door wanting to be let in. TK followed in.
Jeremy stood and stared at MN. TK said he had knew from the start and now they all know and should let him know if they can accept the truth. He said he will bear responsibilty (or something like that). Shinwoo replied he is fine with it. TK turned to Jeremy.
A dazed/ shocked/ disbelieving Jeremy asked MN "Are u really a girl?" without any smile. "Are u really a girl?!!!!!" TK looked worried. MN said sory jeremy. Jeremy said how can he know nothing... Jeremy grabbed a surprised MN by the shoulder and slowly break into an escatic smile and kissed MN on the forehead! Both Shinwoo and TK were shocked!!!!
An excited Jeremey happily declared "GMN u are really a girl!!!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!" (i am laughing so hard here at jeremy coz now he know he is not gay!) Jeremy was soo excited yelling MN's name that shinwoo and TK had to restrain him. Jeremy asked the guys he wasnt dreaming right? At that, TK said since everyone can accept the truth, its time to handle the aftermath mess. Tk called MN and she couldnt respond while jeremy continue to blabble happily he must be dreaming..TK mumbled Jeremy must also be turning crazy...
In the end, the guys told MN that it is for the sake of the band that she must pretend to be a guy all the way. While the press conference was over, only that male reporter remains suspicious of the mystery within the band.
The aunt accidentally saved TK's mum but in the process saw the belly scar and realised that TK's mum is an unwed mum.
At home, jeremy said even brothers and sisters cannot share the same room, so helped MN shift out. MN left the softtoy behind because she felt guilty abt losing the hair clip but TK misunderstood her that she is ungrateful leaving the rabbit-pig behind, as she has no more use for the softtoy (him)..
At the supermarket, MN had a sticker on her head and as she removed the label, she commented it is 3000won like the hairclip. TK reminded her it is 10000won and not 3000. At that point, MN confessed to TK that she had lost the hairclip. Tk said so she did realised she had lost it. MN perked up and asked if TK had seen it. TK explained it was being kicked ard and damaged on the floor at the press conference. MN asked what to do, but TK said there is nothing to do since its damaged and just throw away. MN started to say something but was interrupted by the staff pushing the trolley. Shinwoo saved a stumbling Mn from falling and TK looked on in surprised, followed by irritation. MN didnt have a chance to finish her sentence. Mn mumbled to herself that the pin is very impt to her.
That nite, TK grumbled he couldnt sleep well and wondered if it is since MN left his room.Tk found out from the aunt she is not in her room and TK wondered where she went. MN had gone back to the auditorium to look for the pin.
TK searched the whole house and wondered if she had gone to search for the hairpin. He recalled she didnt finished the sentence, and pondered what she had wanted to say. As he determined MN would never say anything to aggravate him. He wondered why on earth would she do that and then he recalled the night under the stars where he saw her cry. But he convinced himself it was because she liked shinwoo....In the end, he went down to the auditorium to confirm his own "belief" that she will NOT be there, it is impossible for her to be there but since he cant sleep anyway, he might as well take a look. MN hid herself when TK appeared as she had promised the security guard that her presence must not be discovered to minimise problems.
Just inches away from MN, TK asked himself what on earth was he thinking and threw the hair clip before he left. Mn accidental kicked over the chair and was almost discovered by TK but TK's mum's help call him over, thus TK missed MN. At that moment, MN saw the clip.
TK in the end promised the dying mum that he would record the song. She in turn promised to tell him the whole truth about her great love.
The news was all over about Shinwoo's gf. MN apologised about dragging the trouble to Shinwoo. The manager dragged TK to spy on shinwoo and MN to evasedrop on their conversation. Shinwoo said MN must explain the situation to his girl and MN said she would definitely clear the misundertsanding with Shinwoo's "gf " much to TK's shock. The manager was so sad that MN would have to be in such predication, to lie about her feelings and explain teh truth to shinwoo;s girl. TK said unlikely MN would do that.
Meanwhile, the super big mouth makeup artist revealed the truth about MN being a sister to fake fairy because fake fairy played the victim as a jealous insecure gf of TK. TO comfort her and ease her worries, the makeup artist said it is likely MN will return to become a sister since she has no where else to go. Fakefairy seems please at this news bite.
Tk started childing MN again when she brought him the lime drink. TK sacastically said she didnt presevere till the end because of shinwoo kiss and MN said she was indeed shock. TK started scolding her saying eventually she will reveal her truth feelings bringing trouble to the other person. Mn asked angrily if its wrong to like someone even if its secretly. Out of irritation, TK said if he was shinwoo, he would be in supremely bad mood to know that!!! Hearing that Mn started to cry. Tk was shocked and asked if she was crying. MN said she would never be found out. TK said its troublesome but if she need his help but MN said no and never need him to interfere vermently and left. TK retorted let's see how long you can last!!!
That nite, the manager discovered MN is going to meet shinwoo's girl and MN said she must go to help clear up the air for Shinwoo's benefit. It was the least she must do. The manager went to confide to TK. Tk said if its related to MN dont get him involved as requested by MN. Tk said in jest she prob went to confess and the manager said indeed to TK's shock.
Tk yelled what?!!
The manager explained shinwoo had asked MN over to help so that he can confess his love to his "girl". she said that was all she can do to help and she will go. TK angrily explained if MN is an idiot.
Before MN can board the cab, TK caught up with her and dragged her away to the other side of the office. MN tried to resist and ask him to let her go and why is he interfering but TK ignored her.
MN tried to leave but TK said is that a place she should go? He continued to rant at her that she is young and naive troubling everyone, but doesnt she have any shred of pride? He was really angry disappointted and flustered because of her. MN angrily retorted as such he should not interfere. Tk yelled back how can he not be worried for her seeing her in that state?!! MN yelled back it is none of his business where she goes since she is not troubling him!! In turn she demanded why should he be concerned and involved?!!
TK replied because she is too silly and that made him really angry, and yelled why on earth is he getting angry over her. MN retorted back with much agitation exactly why is he so mad and to just ignore her?!! That he should just ignore what she does and not see what she does! TK yelled back because he always sees her!!!!!!
"It's not very clearly since u are just able to only see yourself? You are shining to bright and its pitch dark ard you that you cannot see anythin else? Since you cannot see clearly and knows nothing, so why are you behaving so? Why are you taking it out on me?!!!!!" MN screamed back at TK in frustration and agony. "So just throw me in some dark corner and not look at me?!" MN continued to let it all out. Hearing that, TK instinctively grabbed MN and kissed her without warning!!!!!!!!
The scene ends with MN in shock and TK shocked at his own action while they remain locked on the lips...
I scream and scream and scream endlessly at the last mins. Even thpugh I had seen the trailer, the final kissing scene still grabbed me emotionally and I couldnt resisting screaming. How did I scream and hold my breath?? I am lost.
OMG this is sooo exciting..but I dont think TK recognise his own feelings yet it seems. Or does he? Come on TK, wake up to your inner voice!!! U love MN too!!! I am assuming TK will fob the kiss off as "some spite or punishment" to MN while MN remains dazed like a deer caught in headlights.
This is a real exciting expisode. I wonder how fake fairy will plot against MN. She is really one super free woman to try to manipulate all these people. She still hasnt come to her senses has she? I dont even know if she is trying to ruin MN out of jealousy or still hoping TK will like her? Either way she is NOT getting the man.
Shinwoo keep missing his chance. he should have just told her he knew the truth about MN being a girl from teh start when he had the chance after the press conference. Why on earth did he pretend otherwise? I dont get it. He thinks too much, and overcomplicate things.
Oh right...tonight is ep 12....after the kiss, it takes the edge away from the wait somehow... haaa
stupid blogger keep deletein all the updates I am trying to add.
1. The part where shinwoo found a sobbing MN. He told her he is angry that she had forgotten all about him. And that she should stop sobbing in the dark over TK, and come into the light properly to viw his feelings. he also hinted he had been staring at her all along. Then he sang a song to comfort her "I am a fool". As they left the studio, a confused TK who was still sorting out why he kissed her, saw her leaving with shinwoo, commented seeing her in the open made him just as confused...
2. TK was sorting thru the pile of pictures but he realise it wasnt shinwoo MN was looking at as the scenery dont match. He tried his and bingo! The manager was telling TK not to be so mean to MN, and thus the hair clip story.
I dont get why the makeup artist feels so liberal to keep telling secrets to fake fairy. Cant she ever learnt to shut her mouth? When did she become such budy buddy with fake fairy? Sooo anooying!
I thinks it must hurt like hell for TK, when his mum said she is willing to be the twins step mum because of the man she love, and when she has never been a mum to him. Ouch.
I canx wait for the new development between TK and MN. I dont forsee any mushy scene but how will teh chemistry change? From the hand grabbing when MN stung her eyes and TK had to lead her back....he knows that Mn is no longer just an annoying person he had to protect, but someone who makes him laugh, and take away his troubles in sad he put it "has her uses". How will TK continue to protect her?
Will teh reporter be the one to leak the truth out eventually?
Hi Tvaddict, I just finished watching Ep 11...and am not even looking at ur Ep 12 recaps *shielding my eyes*
Even though I didn't watch the ep 11 preview,me, being the brilliant sleuth that I am ,could easily figure out what the spoiler could be :((
Till now every episode of YAB was cranking up a notch for me .I think I was delirious between ep5 - ep10 ,nearly dying from anticipation (this is strictly confidential between u & me ,I present a sane face & well balanced mind to the world :)).......YAB has spoilt me into thinking that every episode was going to be brilliant and they were .......This was a good episode with simmering tension ,unspoken feelings and things finally coming to a head but I was not..........Wowed ,even with the kiss........................ but I desperately want to be outsmarted !!!........You can understand how highly I rate the brilliant screenplay and the show by that:0
TK'S & SW's exchange of intense looks in the auditorium and later in the dressing room bespoke unfinished business ......both suspect each other of being tangled in someway with MN but doesn't have enough evidence or knows MN 's heart or their own (in TK's case) or each other's to have an outright confrontation....
TK is almost there.........every action ,every thought now swirls around MN....he obsess about her like we do about YAB:0 ..he doesn't want her out of sight even for a minute and follows wherever she goes .......When the pin was trampled upon in the auditorium ,it was as if the special link they had was broken longer the sole confidante and special protector of GMN ....she belongs to 'the gang' now .......Has he gone soft because of MN?Is that why he was 'nice' to his mom?
MN genuinely thinks TK will be upset and angry if he knows her true feelings ,well he did tell her if he was SW (whom TK thinks she likes),he would be disgusted if she confesses ,if that isn't a broad enough hint,what else?...Girl,If u want to know if a guy is interested in you ,just ignore what he says and go by his actions !!!!!!!!...but the pretension is becoming tougher ...her talking back at him from this ep shows some character development .......a person can only hold in so much by squishing her nose !!!
....nimy ....
....nimy...blogger is accepting only limited characters ....continuing ....
Hongki's reaction or rather stunned non reaction on revelation of MN's gender was PRICELESS.:)..........he just stood there and stared & stared & stared ...!!!!!!! I think I laughed the hardest when he was writhing in their hands after he loses his mind:) ........not every day u discover ur straight after all :O....I love how both guys make sure he doesn't hug MN,especially TK ,remember his warning to MN to take care from Jeremy's English habits :0...I just love his high spirits,such a bundle of eneryg..I can see us playing all sorts of nonsense games and never getting bored :)...Guy reminds me of a sunflower :)
That was some fine awww worthy scene in the dressing room with SW & MN... he's such a tease and too subtle for MN...his kiss on the forehead was so bold(for him) !!! I was taken aback as to how beautiful SW looked when posed as a mannequin........
Loved how they treat her the same now that she's officially 'out' the supermarket scene how they acted out their CFs to make her laugh creams to beer, ,boys have grown indeed........... heartbreaking how president says now they keep secrets from him!!.......I felt that was very Korean/Asian ,you cannot imagine President of a talent management company in US saying such things lol ......... TK,u made sure SW was not on the same team as Mn in the badminton and then show how good & mad u r by beating her to the ground ??...............Now,why didn't I think of that before ?
so how's he gonna talk himself out of the kiss??....the pose was awkward ,of course but it was not the forehead !!!!....well ,u saw his surprised eyes :(guy has too much self control for his own good )...knowing him ,he will just say he didn't know how else to shut her up!!!!!........was it a decoy kiss??.....Ep 12, here I come!!*wooshh***
nimy(secret wish :to be Hongki's friend:)
It's always refreshing to read your comments because its a couple days after, and so it's like reliving the moment all over!!!
I know exactly what u mean about YAB spoiling up with fantastic dual eps every week!!! Thelast time I had enjoyed a romantic korean comedy drama as good was - My Lovely Sam Soon. It has been a long while.....
You know the part about the exchange of looks of Shinwoo and's so ironical coz in the end, Shinwoo is the only one who knows everything...about MN's feeling, about TK's cluelessness...
Which is why I still think he is silly to hide it. He should have come out clean and he would have stand some chance...but now...because TK is soooo "unattainable" to MN, it will be hard to replace TK.
I was laughing at your observation, you are right, TK is downright obsessed with MN without even realising it. He even makes excuses for it which makes it even funnier and u want to smack his head and tell him "Dude!!!!!!" However, the part where he smiled and held her hands (was it ep 11 or 12 now..i am losing track) ....glorious!!!!
yeah yeah!!! I love the part about jeremy writhing and going nuts in the guys's hold when he knew MN is a girl! I can soooooo understand how he felt! He's sooo cute and plus TK and Shinwoo had no idea what he was feeling makes it even funnier as they try to restrain him from further physical contact!
Shinwoo is rather pretty isnt he, without coming across "girly". However, it has to be the right hair style, some hair style looks horrid on the initial ep where he was performing on stage with some mushroom hair thingie.
TK's hair has the most variety. From it, I can also tell when the scene was shot! haaaa. I love his recent hairdo much better than the straight Mr Snape-look alike one. However, is it me or he looks abit weird when he laughs. His cheeks somehow looks abit puffy.... It's alright with a grin, but frontal on, sometimes, it just doesnt look like him....
I like his scowl, and cool non smiling look the best. haaaaa. I cannot believe I am even dissecting how they look now....sigh..a sure sign of desperation..
counting down to thurs morn...
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