Episode 10 is leaving me super high and excited!!! I cannot believe it!!!!I was holding my breath at the last few mins because it was sooo exciting!!!
I am writing a short summary which I hope I got it correctly because I was watching the RAW with my korean friend and he had to "summarise" for me...I got "hushed" so many times coz i was driving hyunjin mad from asking him "what what what..!!" (So thanks H.J!! This is credit to u) haaa haaa. So if there are "mistakes" in the synposis after u watch the proper sub, my apologies:) watch RAW
Short summary
The story started off with Fake fairy pressing MN if she like TK. In utter fear and helplessness, Minnam cowered in shok and gave in to fake fairy manipulation and threat to keep it a secret (since otherwise it will destroy the band and TK). MN went home and cried to herself. She got sicker (since she cant see a doctor ) and TK discovered the severity and tried to send her to hospital. In fright, MN furiously refused as she said that she is frightened the truth will destroy TK's career.
Touched and exasperated, TK sent MN back, but not before telling her she can cry or feel sick in the car without restraining herself. At home, TK selflessly cared for MN the whole nite thru till she recovered. Fake fairy went to their house, and threatened MN to tell the whole truth to the guys, including the truth MN loves TK. However, when she discovered that both shinwoo and jeremy didnt mind if MN has a huge secret, she panicked and decided it was better that MN didnt tell them in private (since they willaccept MN anyway and ruin fake fairy ploy to get people to hate MN). She pretended she was pregnant to stop MN. Instead, she called MN to reveal the truth in the press confeerence the next day instead.
That night, Mn and Tk was watching the stars. TK said he cannot see anything, not even MN. Just when MN felt sad, TK added however at this close distance, he can see her. He said MN that she must never stand anywhere where he cannot see her, so she must always be in this distance within his "sight" in the dark." MN was tearing and told TK that if she ever become a woman again, he must pretend he never knew her and went off. TK was annoyed and mumbled she is ungrateful.
The next day, MN disappeared. The group was panicking. Observant TK noticed the missing hair clip and got everyone to rush to the press release. to try to save the situation...from there, he finally told the 2 the truth to help him search for MN.
He spotted her but it was too late. MN was dressed as a girl and already inside and it was too dark. In mixture of desperation and anger, he yelled out to MN not to stand somewhere where he cannot see her. The lights came on. MN looked at TK with much pain and sorrow. Poor TK!!! The look on his face when Shinwoo took the opportunity to hug and protect MN as TK stared on as the scene unfold before him.
Shinwoo declared publicly MN as his girl while he stare on directly at T.K. In a way I am glad Shinwoo did that to save the situation but in my head I was going "No no no no no!! No Minnan!!! Wrong arms!!!! No TK, it's not like that!!!! On this note, I didnt like the way Shinwoo seems to challenge TK thru the eye contact. Maybe it wasnt a challenge but it did look like "I have the last victory, and there's nothing u can do now that it's public" kinda look for me.
[sidenote: The media will have a field day should TK and MN get together in the end....imagine the headlines. "Fake fairy dumped. TK snatched his bandmate's woman...." My goodness...but that is only my imagination.]
I love the part where T.K was desperately looking for M.N and inside the dark room, he yelled at her, reminding her that wasnt she not suppose to stand somewhere where he cannot see her in the dark? I love that scene. It was a plea but done in such a manly fashion. haaaa. And when he saw MN walking straight into Shinwoo's arms...omg, that last few mins are the best of the whole epi!
So now the whole group knows the truth after TK told them about MN's gender. I wonder how the whole scene will play out now. How long more will TK realise he is in love with MN?! Then again, if he knew MN's dad is the composer (since he already know the dad's name from the cd cover), how will he react to MN? The child of the person who caused his mum to abandon him?
I love many small scenes here.
- It's so cheery where the 3 of them snuck back some lime and only TK pretended his wasnt for MN, and made that funny sour face. haaa haa
- The part where TK was rushing MN to hospital and telling her that he was already prepared to bear all consequences from the moment he promised to hide her secret was also pretty touching for me. And how he "challenge" Shinwoo that he will take care of MN by himself. As TK character, did he do that because he was being "terriotrial", or did he do it because he felt the need to preserve MN gender seccret? I felt more inclined to think it was the former where TK exhibits an unconscious behaviour that MN was his to protect. Shinwoo must be pissed and helpless.
- The part where TK was shopping for MN clothes was so cute. He didnt even realise that he was picking up something he would like MN to wear until he was finally decided. Only then did it occur to him that it shouldnt matter if that was his "type of girl" dressing since it is only escape clothes for MN.Talk about "emotion retard" here :P
- I laughed at the part where TK had his revenge on fake fairy Uhey, by sending the "i am pregnant" sms to her very strict dad. I am glad he strike back coz i am so sick of fake fairy manipulating and black mailing both TK and MN sooo much. She is such despicable person. Just because she like TK, but did she think doing all these he will like her back? So she just wanted to sabotage MN for spite...such a petty narrow minded woman....I feel sorry for any man to fall for a woman like that in real life.
The part that is puzzling me is TK's mum.
- MN's aunt said TK's mum and MN's dad may have dated before. (i'm not too sure if I understood my friend corretly...lost in translation?) But most of all, TK's mum went into hiatus during her prime career period. The plot seem to suggest the aunt suspect the singer is MN's mum as TK's mum hiatus was the same period MN the twins was born.
This is when it confused me.
Initially I assume TK was at least a year older than MN, so it made sense that TK mum left the composer and MN dad married someone else. But from this epi, it seemed TK and MN are born in the same year.
TK mum said her fav song was written by MN dad to help her return to the singing industry. So if TK mum was dating MN dad, how on earth she got pregnant with TK with someone else?
What is more puzzling is, how did MN dad got someone else pregnant with the twins at the same time if he was sooo in love with TK mum? Still following my doubts?
So does that mean they already broke up sometime and they were seeing someone else and hence able to have children (seperately) at the same time? In that case, how can TK's mum said it's because of TK that she lost her true love since MN dad was already sleeping with someone else and his wife is pregnant at the same time as TK's mum? So he didnt love TK's mum very much afterall then to jump to next woman so quickly.... Am i confusing you? Pray do share what u think!!
Basically the whole timing isnt logical to me at this moment...maybe this epi (aunt's suspicions) is a red herring to increase the speculation only.... I cannot wait for the truth to be out.
Another long agonising week till next epi.
PS: I saw the pixs below from the official site but not in episode 10. Does that mean next week TK will rise to the "challange" and cover MN with his jacket and whip her away, out of shinwoo's arm? See the "focused" fixated look on TK's face as he glared on at Shinwoo and MN? My imagination is running wild!!! Heee heee. if that happen, it will be spectacular man.

Read somewhere that TK's mum was raped...that is why she hates him. Because of that MN's dad left her. Also MN's dad loves MN's mum, not TK's mum. Seems TK mum's love for MN's dad is one sided love.
Ahhhhh!! Now THAT would explain all the confusion (on my part!!!!)
But why did MN's dad kept MN's mum's identity a secret then?
Still TK is innocent...she shouldnt have blame it on TK, plus....couldnt she have aborted TK then if she hated him that much?
@tvaddict...thanks for speedy recaps <33...Raw is the way to go …I hate having to watch with subs which cant be helped but one day I would love to just watch....and not just read !!
where do I start ....its like every scene begs my acute attention and overanalyzing:) and I think we should compulsorily discuss every scene lol ..but I mustnt ,I shouldn’t....ok I wont :)
Ep 9
I am glad Minam didn’t run towards Taekyung to comfort him when she saw him crying.She knows how important it’s for him to appear impervious to pain and....the invisible house elf starts interfering !.....
the ultimate Hallmark moment of ep 9 “Since today is the day you were born, it is a truly precious day. Thank you for being born.” and how shaken (weren’t we all??)he was by this which he tried to cover up by asking her not to speak in banmal...
Jump to “ pining for the pin “angst They both act as if it doesn’t matter when in fact they care too much....GMN was pathetically trying to hold it in and she could “ No star can shine with a broken heart” Stardust(movie) quote
And who can forget “mad man operating on stuffed animals”(credit :viikii discussion:)),first there was Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and then there was Hwan Taekyung” Pig –rabbit lol.GMN was totally cute in that scene when going glee mad at her gift …like u pointed out , silently and TK was hecking it out>>>
At every juncture, it was Sophie’s choice for Go Minam in this episode with Taekyung getting madder and madder at being passed over every single time!!!!...he is mistaken ,of course....To quote from “Stardust again , love is “strangely easy to mistake for loathing “ her choices belie her real thoughts
Ep 10
Honestly I don’t remember what I saw in ep 9 after ep 10 brain was addled from the lack of oxygen I had to endure because I was holding my breath and deliberately tooo!!!.I didn’t want my breathing to interfere with my watching lol You did too ,didn’t you ?:)
I loved every single frame(lime scene ,priceless!!...TK stamping his foot in frustration at not being able to convince Go Minam to go to the hospital) ...funniest was The Pregnancy cliché when Hongki goes….” is it that what....we see in dramas …& his , shall we throw a celebration party”...and our innocent nun in training was the only one who didn’t get it....(sometimes I get a Pygmalion vibe from YAB,I wonder why?)
TK never gets Mad ,he gets Even with Heyi....the dad, I’m pregnant message ....he plays around a bit and then goes for the kill ;0 Dude ,you owned her every single time ,she’s not even a worthy opponent anymore !
And the scene where I stopped breathing began with TK’s frantic searching for Minam and his confiding the guys when he really needs their look for Go Minam look for a girl....following her when he catches sight of her and finally yelling in frustration in the dark auditorium when he cat see her“ I told you not to be where I cant see you”!!....lights are back and he sees the girl’s dress he bought her, wearing the pin he bought her....but before the audience catches on Shinwoo claims her ....and I then ,after like 5 mins, I remembered to breath .....
nimy (with slight breathing problems)
Tvaddict....i really enjoyed reading your posts. The commentaries are really really made my day when i am having a tough time in office. However i cannot find your comments for earlier posts. Do you have any...if yes, where are they. Please help me here. And keep up the great work.
Hi @anon,
Thanks for your post, but I didnt have any prior reviews for YAB as I only started watching it much later, and all in one shot from ep 1-6... however rest assured that much more reviews and synopsis will come your way with all the coming eps:)
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