This episode had me feeling sooooo high and happy and almost fainting with joy!!! It just gets better and better!! I screamed so loudly, I clapped my hands like crazy, and I laughed till my jaw ache... I LOVE THIS episode!!!!
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Viikii Part 1
To begin with, I just have to give it to TK (or rather the script writers!)... he simply come out with the BEST unexpected lines (for me at least!).
"Of course it's a little weird and strange but it still felt alright/ good. GMN I am a man (destined to be) loved/adored by millions, to be loved is my "profession". No it's no biggie if I simply add one more person (you) into my adoring fan club, it wont affect me/ change much. So u can like someone like me."

It was even funnier when he cock his head to one side and went "Huh FAN?" when he realised he had miscalculated GMN's reaction and his coolness had backfired on him, and that GMN had misunderstood his lines and thanked him profusely for allowing her to like him as one of the fan. That expression had me laughing so hard!!! Reminds me of a clueless puppy that got lost. haaaaaa

And when he finally hugged her (i Luuuuurve huggies), I LOVE his expression of subdued controlled joy when he told her she is a very special fan and she should feel doubly honoured/ flattered. That wicked grin is soooo cute!!! he looks as if xmas has come early and he got the present he wanted! I am swooning......

The next scene when he was in the car had me hooting with laughter.

I cannot believe he actually would "lie" about liking sour stuff (GMN mention the mandarin was too sour and she wont offer him but true to his nature, he lied that he liked sour lime, so she must let him try the mandarins) so that he can trick GMN to hand feed him the mandarin. he is soooo like a little boy there!!!

When he came out with all those excuses (so that he can get fed) like "dont you know driving at night time is already a challenge for me?" and "My hands need to be consistently on the steering wheel" just earned himself a notch higher in my "cuteness ranking".
I laughed even harder when innocent gullible GMN actually believed lying "tactics" and replied "Oh i didnt know u like sour stuff, then i shall endeavour to pick the most sour mandarin for you!!!" I was practically floored at her whole-hearted conviction and determination vs TK's shock of another backfired moment from acting too cool! haaaa
Haaaaa. And when he was cheering GMN on with the hairclip, I thought was rather romantically sweet.

The most important line that I come to love in this episode that sums up TK's feelings the best was when he grabbed her by her shoulders and stared at GMN into the eyes and proclaimed "I have always seen you as a woman." I am so glad that he was so reassuringly honest and candid. I like that gesture because while it's not a saccharine sickly sweet move, but its a simple thought that conveys a million heartfelt warmth and feelings..
When Shinwoo came to take GMN away and threw that line to TK "She is my woman from now on" , I was like "Arsehole!!!"Do u really have to do that? Ok ok....frankly, I can totally understand why he said that in that heated moment of jealousy and still having to solve the predicament, but still, it's sooo unbearable. Like what TK said, "it's definitely not a line he wanted to hear but he heard it anyway. "
I like the "reading between the lines" scene between the boss and TK, where the boss said fans can change who they like anytime, and that reminded TK of GMN being his "fan". I love his "realisation suddenly hit me" look when he commented he couldnt even go after the fans who had changed their adoration target, while we all know he was thinking of GMN. I think its a reflection of his childlikeness :)The next scene about the "self invented" fan quiz that follows was also hilarious. It had me laughing the most actually! When he decided to gather "intelligence truth" with that evil eye brow twitch, I knew I will be going in for a good laugh.
With his confidence crumbling down and being "shattered" to pieces by the naive honest GMN's answers to his FAQ, that whole few minutes was priceless!!!! When he made that face and uttered "What?!!! 2?!!! It's really a 2!!!! That makes even a 7 is now like a high score!!!!!!!" That cracked me up even further!!! The final question was the BEST!
When TK finally confessed he is even more nervous wreak about knowing how much GMN likes him, as compared to taking his first piano exam....and trying to act composed while fretting over the result to says alot about how much GMN weighs in his heart...
And when he saw the 100marks, his uncontainable glee and victorious joy and getting all excited had me in stitches man again!!!
When hugging and patting the bunny pig's butt, and joyfully declaring "I take back calling you an ingrate pig-rabbit!", I lost control of myself totally was completely smitten by his character!!!!!!! I could kiss him for that because I can relate to how it feels, and its a realistic emotion scene that totally convince me how 2 people who discovered "love" will react...
The piano singing scene was all good and sweet but a tad cliche for me. It's an overused ruse, singing the "Fly me to the moon" to convey how they both feel towards each other. Then again, I must not be greedy, YAB has spoilt me enough with many many creative original lines and alternative plot already:) One occasional "mainstream" scene is totally acceptable.
For once after so many episodes, in this, I finally feel Shinwoo being true and realistic about the situation because he finally confessed his love. (So nimy, u need not worry about me ragging u now....haaa) The part where he went thru their "love history" with GMN was a little poignant. However, a mixture of "sorry dude" combined with "well too bad, its your own fault" still mixed me up. I mean, yes I know he did alot, but he fantasied too much and thus was blind to reality, ending up in such a plight.. (yes the grandeur princely syndrome) Hasnt anyone told him "seize the moment, seize the day?" GMN is really dense....after all the incidents he mentioned, she is so caught up in TK's accepting her affection that she totally neglected shinwoo...well, at least she did noticed he was sad in the end after she was done playing with the shadow...
And when shinwoo saw GMN wearing the heels, I could truly feel how sad he was, and resigned to the fact that everything was a lost cause, because he knew TK has already accepted GMN, and he was truly out of the must be terribly heart wrenching to see those heels on her....poor dude.
So I guess it was TK's mum's one sided love affair....I cannot believe she will live in her own little world, wreaking TK's life, "sending" GMN's mum to her death, as well as going to wreak the budding love between TK and GMN, all these for her utterly selfish desire of thinking GMN's dad only loved her. She is willing to "destroy" the happiness of people ard her just for that. She is a very sad pathetic character if u ask me. Longing and pining for a love that has already said its goodbye to her....
Towards the end of the episode was also another highlight.
When TK was devising ways to ensure "his little GMN" will not have a change of heart. It was funny how he was actually worried about marks being deducted after GMN returns from BUSAN. When he couldnt see GMN at the gate, he even thought about rushing down the highway to ensure his feelings is made known before his "position" gets shaken. With that, he finally confessed in the most unconventional, manly fashion befitting of HTK's style, telling GMN she shares the same "liking" score. It's sooo sweet!!!!!! I would cringe if he had said "I like you" but i'm glad he didnt and I am sure NONE of his fans here will ever expect him to utter those mushy lines.
As for shinwoo, he had me nodding in approval here when he finally confess to GMN. While waiting at the carpark sitting on the bench. He finally was being truthful to himself and GMN. He told her that maybe they can start being a couple for real since she is a girl afterall. He added that he doesnt expect her to completely give him her heart now but just alittle bit...and all she has to do was make that first step. He said he has already made that first step of liking her. GMN was shocked at the confession. SHinwoo said if she is willing, then come to his side before handing the flight ticket to her, leaving her in shock and dazed at this unexpected love confession. All that was in my head was, good for you shinwoo, you are finally behaving like a real man, and not acting out your princely role.
OH!!! oh How I dread the next episode where everything is destroyed when he learnt the truth about GMN's identity....sob sob... please dont hold it against GMN! It' not her fault, its your mum's crazy self delusions!!
There are other scenes that I liked as well.
The part where TK saw shinwoo's deathly pale shocked look seeing GMN wearing the green heels after being tricked by fake threatening fairy was good. I think fake fairy is really a bitch here. She really has no right to do what she did, absolutely cross the line. I like how TK stood up for shinwoo indirectly even though he has already figured out shinwoo's real emotional state. Fake fairy is soooo finished with TK. 3 cheers for TK for telling her off and threatening her back for a change! Yahoooooooo! As for shinwoo, seeing his glum sorrowful lone figure was quite depressing.... and him looking longingly at GMN....i felt my heart squeeze for a min there.... my poor lonely prince... Actually I am glad he made a last "bid" in an attempt to let GMN know his true feelings before they board the plane to Busan to explain things to his parents.
Next episode will rock man.
Poor Jeremy will discover GMN's affection for TK and unable to handle the truth.
TK will find out GMN and his mum's linkage..the "identity" truth...
The media will prob be having a field day about shinwoo and TK fighting over the same girl...
Alrighty, this is a full run of the value of your time here.
I think this review is about good enough as a synopsis. No point writing in detail since everyone will be flocking to Viikii for the video sub. I am eagerly waiting for your girls to finish the epi and get back here to dissect the whole epi with me!!! :) Counting down to ep14!!!!
okay...just finished episode13...uhm...girls...all together now...ONE...TWO....THREE...YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (jump, jump, jump)WHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!! (jump, jump, jump)...AAAAWWESOME!!! (jump, jump jump)heheheheheheheheh hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehh!
Today, I don't care if they think I am crazy.
TK is a cutie when he was hugging GMN. Thanks for the stills and took pics on my camera new saver. hehehehe. Shaking and hugging Pig-rabbit after the 100% liking true and yes, realistic (I used to do that a lot...hehehehe, was really boy crazy during my teen years).
Am so sorry, yes the piano scene is a cliche...but I loved it because its my favorite song of all time. Used it in my wedding video (blue-eyed Sinatra version and not the Buble version). TK's personality is so consistent, up to his so called confession in the end.
Shinwoo, so glad you owned up to your feelings, too.
Yup, I do agree with you that there is nothing to nitty-gritty pick on in this episode. We just have to enjoy the ride today (few bumps with the mom scenes but tolerable enough if you have good shocks on).
The symbolisms in the entire episode is not tacky....the flow of the script is filled with subtleties. kudos to the writers.
Definitely my favorite episode and drama!!! YAB delivered and more. CD and DVD is a definite keeper. Hope they sell it on barnes and noble. Found Princess hours and Coffee Prince (didn't buy this one though) there. have a hard time ordering thru Amazon and Ebay.
off to watch episode 14. take a bow TvADddict clapping my hand on your review!
There there elisa!! Make sure you dont accidentally knock your boys over as during the excited jumps:) *hee hee*
Crazy?!! NO WAY!!!! U will be crazy not to be jumping! haaaa
Haaaaaaa, you like the hugging pig rabbit scene too?! It's really good isnt it! So unexpected and soooooooo funny! I replayed that part several times bcause I cannot get enough of it! The patting of the bunny butt took the cake really. His bubbling overflowing excitement is sooo contagious even over the screen! Power!!!!
Hey no worries. I love that song too. It's one of my fav when first heard it in Evagelion anime (the first OST). It's just that the scene itself was abit tooo common.... but at least I like how he approach it, using the fan club meeting as a bait, and GMN falling for it and yet fearing TK changing his mind..... haaaa
YOu are right, nothing is tacky... YAB is a real gem with original scenes and lines!!!
I love princess hours, but I dont like to rewatch coffeee prince. I bought the dvd for coffeee prince but I couldnt sit through rewatcing it somehow...whereas princess hours I have watched it so often i had full value of the box sets!
Have u watch My lovely sam soon/ My name is kim sam soon? If not, there is also another keeper you can consider buying (the guys are very cute in there too!!). It's way better than coffee prince I think, but all views are subjective:)
*bow bow*
canx wait for u to join me in ep 14!
Dear Tvaddict ,Wish I could have dropped in earlier to pour my heart out..but out there is a world that doesn’t know or care about yab *mirthless laugh *!..ok,lets get going before they catch me!! I must sound like a defecting crack dealer :) not false entirely ,only I deal in the purest of all crack ,yab :)its easy for me now as I have my routine at tvaddict pat down-I come here , run from ur newest recaps(ungrateful wench,I am !! ,scroll down superfast ,scared I will catch a spoiler) till I reach where I am ,comment and scramble off to viikii for the next ep .Repeat :)
TK 's unconventional declaration (He is a goner for her,sure ,what was I thinking in the last ep??)doesnt work with our dimwitted Minyeo( I hate to admit it , as mush as I love her ,she's not very bright...probably she got all the innocence & Minam the smarts !!!) and she is grateful at having granted the right to adore him,like a miliion other fans ... Minami is what 18-19..let me just say that if she had continued to stay in the nunnery ,she never would have made Mother Superior!I say this in the kindest way possible :)oh ,that adorable smile when he hugs her:) I need a better word than squeal.If Minami is TK’s ‘ phan’ I guess we are YAB ‘phans’ ( I love the way they say it ,am always a fan a local pronunciation in movies /dramas, believe it adds to the local flavour ).Vonjoh sananim is so cool,knows their heart more than them .TK ‘s expression at eating sour lime is priceless!
So partial truth is out .What if reporter wanted a family portrait of Minam & Mineyo? Awkward !.So in SW’s parallel universe ,Go Minyeo is Shinwoo's girlfriend ( for a second I wished they were twin girls ,so I can give one to Shinwoo:))the way he weaves their fictional love story ,taking & altering real & fictional events was surreal.I would classify him as a slight borderline case if only I didn't’t love him so much ;0...I loved how he makes the first kiss 'real'..
...whats with blogger & 4096 characters of all the numbers (???)
Minami takes things too literally and joins A.N.Gel fan club!!....I didnt see that one coming :)TK looked like a evil mastermind(his eyebrows lol) trying to trap poor Minami thru a popup questionnaire…..ouch,the scores !! …..and TK would u stop with the patting the bunny butt?? We love you the best already (cute overload :)*squeal*!!I think TK needs the pig rabbit more than Minami lol .Wow, didn’t know fan clubs were taken seriously by ..well ..the objects of affection....still a source of assured business out of blind adoration, I guess ..
Heyi drops in and creates may the best remembered scene for Jung Young Hwa in the entire series ... his shocked stillness & drained face at seeing Minami wearing those shoes , holding the slightly withered flowers ,conveyed his pain at his love being made a mockery of, unwittingly helped by Minam ...I caught my breath watching that scene as I never expected such subtle execution from him…..hmm..never dismiss a pretty face ??:0.... the preceding scenes also had some funny lines between TK & Heyi ,when she offers help to TK , to which TK ‘s replies"I am holding a knife lol" and asking her to Photoshop it when she requests for a group photo with A.N .Gel... And have to applaud TK for dumping Heyi so beautifully ......
We have to thank manager for his Busan trip made all our boys & girls to finally face up what has stayed far too long hidden :TK's insecurity awakened at hearing MN is going away for an overnight trip with Shinwoo , SW knowing Minam likes TK but still taking his chance(last shot ?) by hesitantly asking (yeah,finally!!!) Minam to be his girl..... asking her to board the plane if she is willing to start afresh ..a frantic TK,unable to bear the thought of being away from Minam, rushes to the airport ,thinks her gone but anyway plans to catch up with her in Busan tell her he is glad to receive 100 pts,always ...sees Minami who didnt take the flight outside the airport... A surprised but overjoyed TK, rushes & envelopes her in a hug and makes his CRYPTIC confession to our 'not so bright' Minami ...Know ur audience,TK!...Wonder how she's gonna interpret it this time unless TK comes thru completely ..For Love Of God,Please!:) ..I want her to know you are completely absolutely in love with her & her only!!
So TK ‘s mom’s was one sided love & she finds out Minam is a girl...
Ep 14 is going to hurt ,right?.....Cant bear to see a sad Jeremy :(..btw where is my Jeremy? ..... Nimy(Phan)
btw I love how Minami asks Taekyung whether she can pull it off as a 'girl' when Shinwoo comes to get for the interview with the reporter :)
I am dreading ep 14 and when did I turn into such a wussy?..
@TvADddict, I have watched My lovely Kim Sam Soon and enjoyed it as well. I watched 4 episodes of Coffee Prince and somehow it failed to hit me right so I abandoned it. Maybe will give it a try again after Akai Ito, you recommended. I know, my Princess Hours or Goong set was worth every penny. I was thinking that another great CD is the Full House OST, Howl is awesome (includes his song in BBF). I haven't tried ordering Yesasia as recommended by some for K and Jdramas. Barnes and Noble is where I order most of my stuff. Got RAN, Seven Samurai and my favorite Lone Wolf and Cub series there. Any ideas where to get CDs and DVDs with good translations?
@ Nimy, I was a little embarrassed when said GMN is dense, early on. I felt I should have chosen my words more carefully, since in the beginning she was more naive. but now i would have to concur with you that she is definitely...lacking. Except that, we do love her that way and is part of the charm of her character.
Back to reality...hehehehe...jump...jump...jump...hahaha.
haa haaa yeah nimy, i didnt see that one coming either - GMN joinin the fan club. What surprises me even more was TK actually devising that "evil" test... haaaaa that quiz scene is frankly my fav to date!
Haaa haaaaaaa when i read the part u sayin she is not very bright, i laughed soooo hard! It's true isnt it! Yet she isnt detestable nor annoying. Rather, somehow in a non explainable way, she is rather adorable, maybe because she is kind and caring...and has TK's back covered at all time that make her soo precious.
If TK pat the pig bunny anymore I will scream and scream from *** heaven knows why..I just want to scream!!! He is sooooooo cute there!! Is it a million times yet since I said he is soo cute? Damn, I need a better word!!!
I have never think much of boys with softies in real life, esp those guys with soft toys in their cars, it frankly put me off big time... but HTK and that pig bunny is completely another matter. I am sooo biased. Maybe because he is projecting GMN as the plushy pig bunny, so I am visualing him doing those excited hugs to her, hence the ultra heightened excitment:)
If I grin anymore, i am gonna have premature wrinkles at my cheek and mouth area!!!! whahaha
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