U2 isnt too pleased their new album 「No line on the Horizon」got leaked...this one is radically different from their usual style.
Music is subjective and everyone likes different things, yet I have to sadly profess I dont quite like this album despite being a keen supporter of U2 since the launch of their first album. Having collected every single collection inclusive of their compiled best of cds, pains me to say, this new release is disappointing for me. Makes me wonder if U2 has lost their touch and if Bono should just retired, frolick in the sun, sail the yacht with his daughter and those groupies.
The slow number like "Cedars of Lebandon" borders on *ahem* bordem. I ran through the 11 tracks and none has really grabbed me as catchy nor memorable. Does this mark the slow descent of the master of rock band of so many decades? Such forbidden chilling thought is derived from the fact that the theme song "No line on the Horizon" sounded unbelievably *yawn* insipid, lacking the famed U2 spunk. It's has a too experimental feel for me. Yet, it has some critics hailing this new album innovative and best of all time. Wow.. I must be missing something.
I guess its just me then, with the motto - If it aint broken, dont fix it. If the formula works, then stick to it. I just want my old U2 back, minus the overtly deviation from what makes them (use to) sound great.
For those who will be missing "Nishino" in Akai Ito, no fear! The actor Mizobata Junpei will be co starring in a new Fuji Tv drama 「BOSS 」. He aint the lead but who cares. More airtime for us to slurp our drool over him.....
The new drama will screen on 16th April 2009 (THUR 22:00hr) according to the official website. There will also be another mature hottie actor Takenouchi Yutaka starring in the drama.
Actress Yuki Amami is taking on her next lead drama role this spring in Fuji TV's "BOSS." This will be her first time playing a police detective in a TV series.
Amami stars as the new "boss" of a team of quirky detectives who are trying to fight a series of brutal crimes. Her character is intelligent and capable in her work. But even though she can understand the mentalities of the criminals she pursues, she has difficulty understanding men, leaving her unable to find what she really wants: a husband.
So many things to read and watch today.. new chapter of Vampire Knight is out few days back but only got to read it today. Sigh, not much development there. It's so slow that I am losing interest at the rate it goes.
What absolutely made my day is that new chapter of Skip Beat is released today too!! Yiiippppppeeeeee! The manga episode is also starting on a new opening theme song. This series simply just get better and better! There is no words to describe it. How can anyone not fall in love with it yet? I personally think this is way better than Zettai Kareshi. This is one manga which I am currently loving both the drawn and animated version!!! After a year, I am still rooting for it and dying to see how the story will continue to unfold. The climax just keep piling on.
I'm not sure if I want to watch the Taiwan drama version of it though that is currently being shot now. Taiwan has a tendency to over exaggerate and kill the essence. I am dying for someone to decide to shoot the Japanese drama version of this..it would be sooo awesome if they do!!!
I started on a new Korean Manga called "The Queen's Knight".Initially I found the first 3 chapters averagely appealing, but as the story unfold, it gets better! The heroine stopped being a crybaby about her fate and really shape up to her role as a Queen. By chapter 7, I think I have an inkling where it is heading but I prob will never know since the scanlated version stopped at chapter 8. Apparently it is a 17 chapter manga series. I have the Korean raw of the last few chapters but I cannot read korean!!! arrrggghhh.. exasperating....guess I have to slowly plough through the pictures to make some sense unless I can find some kind korean reader to summaries each chapter. Too bad my Korean friends doesnt read manga. Rats.... I just have to be patient for new scans...
Then I started on another new Japanese manga knowned as Stardust Wink. It's one of those Shoujo catergory but its nicely drawn and not too bad for first 2 chapters. The squirrel is really cuteeeee!!! Worth keeping in view for this series. Those interested can check out the translated story summary in this site.
Ok I'm just rambling on because I am in a happy mood this week. So many things to read to keep me busy... heeheee
Can't decide if Triangle is considered exciting this week.
Brief Summary :Incident of Passport Forgery
「#08 偽造パスポート事件」
Goda explained what happened 25years ago to Sachi.
On day of murder, young Goda on way home had saw young Sachi standing by the waters alone. As he had to meet Akimoto, he decided to go home first. Yet on way back along the same spot, he was concerned about Sachi standing there alone and so he went down to investigate, hence stumbling into the dead Sachi. He didnt know she was dead and he went to shake her, thus his hands stained with her blood. Just as he was wondering what to do, he heard a man's voice behind him, asking him not to turn around or he will be killed. Scared out of his wits, he picked up his tinbox and ran for his life not looking back. At home, he had told his elder brother as he helped to wash his hands. His elder brother told him to keep silence about what he saw so not to draw the killer's attention. However, Goda was concern if the murderer will come after him. His elder brother then told him to wait for 15years till the statue of limit is over, and the charges cannot be filed againist the killer, then Goda will be safe.
Goda however told Sachi that he will never run again and he will definitely help to capture the person who killed Shimano.
During his seach, Goda concluded that the killer has to be someone he knew. He suspected it was Kurosaki's dad who had boarded the plane. However as the checking of passenger list revealed, his colleague was shock to find his own name on the passenger list even though he never left japan. However, Goda said he believed in no one and immediately suspected his colleague. Kurosaki chided Goda at his distrust and to rem only with trust can he get to the bottom of the truth. Goda retorted much that he like but he could trust no one and left. Wit the picture he took of his colleague and met up with Akimoto if he recognised his colleague as in shanghai and if he knew Sachie's dad. His exclassmate said sachi dad was in export business so that had got accquainted thru work. then he asked if Goda is going to suspect him next like he did with everyone else? he said Goda had changed from the carefree happy boy he use to be. With that Akimoto left.
Meanwhile, Koruosaki proved his dad alibi to be in Japan and his colleage was playing Pachinco. Privately, Goda colleague told him that while it is uncommon for fake passport to pass imgiation in japan, however, if there has been cases before, and with a call to someone in power, a fake passport can be used. He then revealed that Sachie dad's company had once been charged for such passport forgery and Kurosaki's dad had been on the case. It appeared they remained in contact. The idea of faking his name is likely to create and throw suspicions on him, thus creating discord between Goda and the team. He then added which is exactly what is happening now.
On the otherhand, Kurosaki dad also met up with Goda sister and was spotted by him. At home, He told off his sister not to meet with the father anymore and the sister walked off in anger without revealing the conversation details.
Sachi found out from his mum about his dad unglory past and called to tell Goda about the link between Kurosaki dad and her adopted dad. Goda then realised his mistake about his accusation and called to apologised. His colleague hung up the phone after his apology without saying a word. At the same time, Kurosaki's dad appeared before Goda
Phew!! This is a long one! Sorry it was a little longer than usual because there were certain parts I didnt quite get it and had to dig long and hard through my dictionary and internet to interpret it. This drama is definitely tougher than Akai Ito because there is sooo much talking here.. oh well, at least its done now! Yeahhh!!! This drama always make me smile.
While Mei and Kento is trapped in the forgotten house, Rihito and rest of the class were looking desperately around the campus for Mei to no avail. Tami on the otherwise was revealing her true "identity" and motive, to rid Mei on behalf of Lucia. She claimed responsibilities that she had been the one to been monitoring Mei all along, including the intentional attack on Mei on day one with her knives, to the instigation of Mei's attackers, and distribution of the photo on campus. Mei was shocked stating her disbelief. At that to convinced Mei, Tami snapped her fingers and more attackers appeared.
In the campus, Rin butler claimed he sensed Mei was in danger. As he was sensing, he fell claiming the radius is too wide. Miruku then appeared with her campus, sharing her invention to detect for Mei but Izumi said "let's split up and search for her." Miruku yelled "It should work perfectly in theory" as everyone scattered off. Just then, Rin butler had another "sensory" that pointed him in a specific direction and he exclaimed "a 400year love grudge". (I think it meant grudge)
Back at the house, Tami continued to reveal that the current location is the venue where the mistress had committed sucide with her butler for love in the historical past. The forgotten house - signifying the place where time had stop still for the two of them. "Hence this couldnt be a better place for the last moments for you two. During the swopping of butler, I was the cupid that had improve the relationship between you two." As she said that, the attackers slowly advanced towards Mei and Kento but Kento hit back and made escape to the 2nd storey with Mei. Tami relentlessly pursue on.
Enclosing themselves behind a closed room, kento yelled for Mei to escape thru the window. Mei turned around and yelled for kento to escape with her but Kento told her to hurry as he could no longer hold back the door. Mei hestitated but Kento yelled for her to run for her life. "Mameshiba" Mei was glued to the ground as she watched him struggle to protect her with all his might against the attackers.
"Before I heard your answer, I will not die" Kento tried to assure her. At that moment, the attacker broke through the door and grabbed him, hence sucessfully breaking into the room. Tami walked in at threw her knives at them, slicing Kento on his arm. Kento was then bashed on the head and fainted to the floor.
"You truly are stupid Mei. Coming to this school, only hurting yourself and him in the process, bringing so much pain and suffering to everyone else.Izumi had to suffer and duel with you, Miruku got into a dangerous fix because she got friendly with you. Even other other classmates, Everything...it's ALLL your fault. All because you tried to steal something important away from Lucai sama. Because of you, Rihito is also suffering. Dont say anything, it's tooo late." Tami said to Mei. The attackers then advanced to kill Mei at Tami's order...
After her nightmare of watching Rihito hugging Lucia, Mei woke up in shock in her own room with Rihito by the side comforting her. Mei suddenly remembered and asked worriedly about Kento and Rihito smiled and assured her he is also well.
"How is his wounds? Where is he now?" Mei asked worriedly and rushed out to serach for him. She heard him yelled, and saw the white butler dressing Kento's wound. Kento was cursing at him in pain saying it was all his fault anyway. Then he said she was lucky this time to escape unscathed.
Rihito apologised to Mei again for not being at his side. Kento said its alright since he made it anyway to recuse them. Then Kento further chastised Rihto "Please! The next time if you are going to save someone, please hurry up! Then at least you could have spare me from getting hurt.." (Kento is sooo funny!!) Rihito didnt even retort and Kento shoved him asking what is he stoning for.."If those people ever try anything funny again, I would.." "Kento!" Rihito raised his voice at Kento to be quiet as he signal with his eye at Mei.
Just then, the rest of the class appeared, and asked after Mei. Someone joked that it doesnt look like an ordinary date (judging from Kento wounds) and Kento turned to hide it. Rika asked what happened and asked Kento to explain. Kento tried to explain and before he could reveal about Tami, Tami appeared acting as if nothing happened. Miruku asked what happened, and Tami's butler grabbed Kento by his wounded hand to stop him from saying more, but Rihito grabbed Tami's butler. Kento tried to get help from Rihito but was warned to stop instead. Tami butler and Rihito exchanged suspicious glances. Mei then rem What Tami said about her causing problems for everyone. In the spur, she said it has nothing to do with everone and she quit, and she is quitting form this school. Tami smiled with evil satisfaction.
Kento fought with Rihito ourside Mei dorm. He told Rihito why is he allowing Mei to give up?He said saying his injury has nothing to do with her and Rihito blurted that it wasnt him that saved them. It wasnt him. As a butler, he was unable to protect Mei sama. With great sadness, he turned and went into the room while Kento looked in surprise. Rihito watched Mei packed. Mei told Rihito not to help her so that she can take her time to finish or it ould be over in a flash with Rihito's help. Rihito obliged and moodily stood at a corner without a word. Meanwhile, the Sole girls reported Mei's departure news to Lucia. The crazy woman was pleased. When alone, Lucia turned to ask her butler why wasnt Mei finished off in the end? The butler didnt explain but merely apologised, to which Lucia coldly responded "What a pity.." The white butler looked at Lucia with weird look.
Alone and frustrated, kento ran into Tami's Butler. Privately, kento was informed that it was Tami's butler who had appeared on scene to save the unconscious duo, and fend off the attackers. Tami was about to attack him but the white butler appeared to stop her while claiming it was amazing that the butler could even locate the hut. "Just a little bit more" Tami mumbled.
The white butler continued "What is going to happen? If these 2 return, everyone will then know the truth about your mistress." "Please stop dirtying the hands of my mistress Tami." The butler said. "then that will depend on Mei". At that point, Rihito arrived at the hut to see Tami's butler thru the window.
Hearing all that, Kento asked " So u knew the truth about that woman?!" Tami butler revealed that Tami is indebted to Lucia sama and whipped out a picture taken at a orphanage. They were seperated afther the place closed down. It was Lucia who saved Tami and Tami viewed Lucia as a goddess. Hence she would do anything for Lucia, including staying in Ombra all these while to spy and eliminate any new comer that pose a threat or hinder Lucia sama. "I had placed hope on Mei, thinking the udon girl will bring much changes to the atmosphere." the butler shared with kento.
Meanwhile, Mei was polishing the stairways much to Rihito shock. Mei explained she wanted to polish and "beautify" the place that had taken care of her/ lived for so long.
Meanwhile, the class was performing chant trying to get a divine on how to get Mei to stay. Then it was revealed that endowing "present" would be the solution. The class get to work! (haha! I like Fuji sexy lingerie scene and Mei said she wont wear sucha thing! haa haa). The class went back to class defeated that the presents didnt seem to change mei's mind. Then, there was a new divine that "a heart felt laugh" would be the answer! At that, the class once again set into motion in a series of acts to try to draw mei to laugh with their funny weird antics. However, again that failed. When the class return, the next divine predicted "something white and long, swimming in brown sea with something green on top".
Next day, Mei saw the class busying themselves with cooking something and wondered what was happening. Trying to avoid what was before her, she made excuse she had more to pack and turned to leave. However, Kento grabbed her and told her to wait a min. "Everyone is trying their best, with the best intention for u to try their efforts. Mei looked at them and persisted she wanted to return to her room to pack. Kento grabbed her again and told her to wait. As Mei continued to watch the "disaster" unfolding before her in udon making, Kento added it was alright as everyone is trying their best. Finally Mei couldnt hold back and interrupted the class stating that they shouldnt underestimate undon making. "Arrrggh I truly can watch on further!" With that, she fold her sleeves and demonstrated and teach everyone how to make udon correctly. As the 2 brothers watch on, kento said Mei has reverted to her old self. the whole class was enjoying themselves except for Tami who walked away silently on her own as her own butler looked on.
When they finished and were eating soba, Mei said they shouldnt forget what she had taught them but one of teh girls said it was impossible if Mei isnt around, so please dont quit school. The rest nodded in agreement. "Thank you everyone" Mei said. Everyone else smiled and laughed thinking they had succeed.
Back in the dorm, the head mistress appear thinking Mei had changed her mind. Just as her letter of withdrawal was being torn, Mei interrupted that it was her last good memories spent in the school. "Even if u think u had caused trouble for your classmates, but if everyone work together, the problem will be solved!" the mistress butler told Mei. "it's not just this reason." mei said and went into her room. The head mistress kept quiet.
"Indeed many things have happenb since i came here. I will not forget everyone in this school.Well I have to go." As Mei got up tp take her luggage, Rihito grabbed it. " It;s alright, I will get it myself. " Mei said.
"One year ago, I already knew about Mei." Rihito finally revealed his inner secrets. Mei went eh? "Before master and mistress met with the traffic accdident, I had already known. It was not long after I left Shiroi sama(Lucia), at that time, I had decidedi would not be a butler anymore. I watch before my very eyes at the transformation of Lucia sama with her heart demons and yet powerless to do anything. Hence, I escape from her side. I was afraid of the Shiroi sama who kept deterioting. Her feelings for me, as a butler, I was not able to reciprocate. Hence, I arrive at that small town. That time, I understood a little of Mei sama's life. I wanted to know what kind of person is the heiress Mei who bears Hongo's blood."
"The me then must be doing lots of stupid things with Natsumi and Kento." Mei replied. "You cherish your friends around you a lot, always helping your parents with the chores, even if Mei sama thinks those things that you do are trival,however to me, that sort of Mei sama is the most beautiful, which is why I had wanted to serve you. Even if Mei knew nothing about Hongo and wanted a simple life, yet I still want to serve you. If there is someone to guard mei sama, that person had to be me. To me, serving Mei sama is the very mistress that I want to serve from the bottom of my heart.Hoever as a butler, I was still unable to protect Mei sama" Rihito said.
"U did a great job protecting me" Mei consoled Rihito. He shook his head and continued. "I saw how Mei sama endless preserve on in this school, unknowingly, I forgotten my identity as a butler...."
Mei paused without a word. Then she suddenly walked away from him towards the door. "Thank you. Thank you for always standing by my side. " Mei turned to smile at Rihito one last time before she left. Mei was greeted by the twin brothers who had prepared for her departure. kento chased out but the heli had already left.
Kento ran to Mei's room and saw Rihito slumped by the window. "Why didnt you stop her? Why not? Why not? Why not?!!" Kento shoved Rihito to the ground. "You should not look for Mei anymore." Kento threw his last words and stormed off.
Alone and grining to herself in her own room, Lucia walked out only to be greeted by the headmistress "Are you satisfied that she left? This use to be where I live and i cannot help just came here." she said to Lucia. She then ask "The Rihito that lost her, is now just an empty shell. Will you be happy keeping him in that state by your side?"
"Then are you the one, with your fiance stolen happy?" Lucia asked the head mistress in return. "If one truly wants to have something, I dont care even if it is an empty shell." Lucia added. "I use to have that thought. But now, it sure feels awlful. That is an advice from your senpai" The mistress added before skipping out of the greenhouse.
Back at Mei's room, the white butler found a half dead Rihito that is shivering and running a high fever.
At home that night, Mei couldnt sleep and toss and turn. Natsumi by her side asked Mei if it was really alright like that. Mei heard but remained silent. In school, everyone felt mei's absence and wondering why that "idiot" choose to leave...
Alone, Mei strolled by the beach and sat down at a spot. She then recalled Rihito told her she look prettier removing her specs back in old days. Memories and scenes of times spent with Rihito in the past came flooding back to her. Mei started to sob her heart out by herself.
Just then, Kento arrived to "tease" her. "What are you doing here?" Mei asked. "I'm no longer a butler from today onwards. So there is nothing shocking" Kento replied.
Rihito meanwhile awaken to find himself back into the clutches of raving mad Lucia sama, holding on to his hands and welcoming him back. She smiled radiently to a half dead Rihito who has not recovered from his fever. The white guy stood outside with a stern expression.
"You will catch a cold coming here to cry." Kento said to her. " Dont you care." Mei retorted. "Ahhh I forgot idiot will not catch a chill" "Go away" Mei said. "No i wont. I want to stay here,because you are here. Dont i look like a butler. " "Not at all" Mei retorted.
Kento walked forward to hug her and told her gently "I would never leave you. Although i am not butler. but I will always accompany you by your side. No matter when you are crying or after you cried, I will always be by your side."
Upon hearing that and wrapped by kento comforting arms, Mei closed her eyes and started to sob again... (poooor Mei)
Afterthoughts I feel a little sorry for Kento because I think he knows too that Mei will never reciprocate his feelings, even though he is hoping that she would. He really tries so hard to protect Mei. In fact, he has been doing such a great job always being there for Mei while Rihito is constantly being distracted by Lucia sama. To risk his life to save her, what a display of Kento's true devotion!! However, i think Mei will forever only view Kento like a brother who grew up with him and not the romantic sort of affection.
One thing I dont understand is why Rihito has to hide from Mei about his past in the first place? What he confess to Mei isnt that horrible fact or hard to understand either. If Kento can quit, why can't Rihito just quit and follow Mei back to her small town. Afterall, he did leave Lucia before didnt he? So what prevents him from doing it again? Plus, even if Mei is gone, he can return to the grandfather right? What makes Lucia think that Rihito will stay with her since she is still not the final chosen heiress? Hmmm.
The final scene with Mei crying is quite touching.... unlike Jandi who annoys me everytime she cries, at least when Mei start cries, i can sympathise with her because it is valid, apt and doesnt come across as weakling. Korean drama director ought to take a few lessons from the Japanese ones. Not everyone like "soap opera" drama.
Woke up late today... think I overate last night and suffering from indigestion... sigh.So the summary for episode 07 will come out a little later since I havent even watch it yet myself. Later but surely, it will be out. Give me a couple of hours yah..
PS: Finally found one that works. Here it is episode 7 video . Due to the popular viewing, sometimes it takes a while to load.
Those not familiar with Pandora TV video, please note there is always a 15secs commercial screening before the actual video will load. While waiting, you will see a black screen displaying the logo. Be patient if it doesnt load immediately. The wait should be less than 30secs.
Boys Before Flower Episode 16 (RAW) is now up. It is still being subbed at point of blogging but should be completed by tomorrow I presume. I'm going to wait till tomorrow to watch it but those who can't wait, here it is. (The raw video linkis the same as the sub).
Ok this episode is pretty likeable. I thought GJP is quite funny here, esp the way he keep calling his fiancee monkey. I was chuckling when he was following Jandi on the spying mission. He's like abig kid being told to tag along. Quite funny there!
As for JH...poor thing. I felt abit sorry for him at the grave when he said no one he likes had stayed with him...However what I didnt get was if his grandfather is the EX PRESIDENT, how can NO ONE recognise him??? Especially when he is just a recent ex president and not like generations away right? I found that bit a little unaccountable.
Also, can someone remind me WHY GJP has to give up Jandi? I rem he had promised his dad as a kid to look after the company Shinhwa, but what has that got to do with him continuing to date JanDi on the side as he took over running the business? If GJP mum is worried about the company stocks and need GJP as the sucessor to install investor's confidence, wouldnt GJP then have an upper hand against his mum since SHE NEEDS HIM more than the other way round? So why then does he have to cower to his mum meaningles threats about the company collapsing? Can't he use the company as a bargaining chip to get his mum to agree to his relationship with Jandi? I found that alittle strange.
Incidentally, I thought GJP fiancee looks more compatible with him in this Korean version...ha! I really like her character! All bubbly and straightforward, and game for everything. Cool Chick!
While waiting for episode 16, here is more "picture spam" of Jihoo from me. Just saw the trailer for ep 16 tonight, hmmm... potentially look more interesting than ep15. Is it just me, or do u also notice that generally Monday episodes of HYD are always pretty lame compare to the Tuesday episodes? Maybe it's just coincidental...
So! No one has share with me what they think of Jihoo new hairstyle!! No one? No one at all? Sigh...
Those following "Kiina" drama will not be unfamiliar with this theme song 「Change the World」 by MiChi.
While the storyline in each episode are all pretty predictable (some are similar to Galileo's) or easy to guess, yet I really like the lead character! She is so cute, compassionate, not to mention totally intelligent! Yeah! My kind of heroine! Her ex-bf is also so adorable! The two of them together always makes me laugh.
For those who like this catchy tune, here it is! [download]
Kelly Clarkson's latest album 「All I ever wanted」 which is due this coming March 10, is said to be accidentally leaked recently by Itune Norway due to a technical glitch. The details of how is irrelevant...
A note from me: The whole album free megaload download which I had found has been taken offline after I posted the link here on Sunday. I shan't risk it to post the whole album here, so instead, I will share 3 of my fav songs here.
I couldnt wait for the English sub version and so I started on the raw version on you tube for episode 15. I will leave the sub video link below. Meanwhile, please allow me to rave and rant about it...Please dont tell me I am the only person in this entire world who feel negatively about jandi's character for now...
Also..what do you think of Jihoo's new hair style in this episode? Hmmm..i guess it's alright, abit dorky on him....however but TOO MANY korean actors had spotted this hairstyle already. Before him, i rem there were a few with exactly same cut and carried it off better. One of them was actor Jihoon in the drama Devil. What, same hairstylist who doesnt know how to cut any other hair style? Duh....
Episode 15 (Watch partial subbed video as of bloggin time)
As usual, Jandi begins the show as a fumbling idiot, pissing me off again with her stupid grining face. As she and Jihoo were walking around doing more sightseeing, they stopped to buy Portuguese Tart. Jihoo discovered his wallet is missing (Min swiped it to place his picture with J.H inside). Jandi offered to pay and took out her wallet. The tart shop lady asked Jihoo where he was from and he told her he was from Korea. He smiled when the lady mistook them for a young newly wed honeymoon couple. So she offered Jandi a free tart. That greedy gut took the tart and she forgot all about her wallet which she placed on the countertop. Sigh...
While she realised, Jihoo told her to wait and ran off, borrowing a guitar to perform singing to earn cash for both of them. All silly Jandi could do is smile like a moron and touch her stupid hair. When walking back, her heel broke and so she had to take off her shoes. Seeing that, Jihoo squat down without hesitation to piggy back her. Of course, as they walked home, they were spotted by GJP waiting in the car. Too bad, GJP cannot do anything except seeing from a distance his best friend caring for his girl. Next day, moronic Jandi woke up and sleepily ambled to the toilet without even thinking of locking the toilet door. So Jihoo opened the door not knowing she is sitting inside doing her business. Jihoo coolly said something and closed the door. When she realised what happened, she screamed in horror!! And hide in the room sobbing away igoring Jihoo knocking on the door, and Min sniggering away...Finally JH said something about going out and dragged Min away and left silly girl alone.
When the boys left, silly crybaby finally came out of the room, welcomed by breakfast, presumbly left by JH with a note. Jihoo on the otherhand went shopping alone for shoes for silly Jandi. When they met, Jihoo passed her the new air ticket, to her shock was flying first class!!! I assumed she decline or something from her stupid expression. (Come on, she expect rich gorgeous Jihoo to fly econmy class with her?? Is she really THAT STUPID???)
At the airport, like prince charming, Jihoo kneeled down and slipped the new shoes onto silly cow's feet. Just as both of them smiled away, guess who is here to spoil the party - GJP of course. Jihoo looked annoyed and said something angril to GJP, prob asking why he is here or telling him he has no business here anymore since its over since he dumped JD (just guessing here base on his facial expressions). Curly hair jealously yelled at Jihoo. However Jihoo continued saying something more (guessing he prob said things like - I let her go to give u all the chances but u let her go in the end or something) and aggravated jealous GJP punch my prince Jihoo!!! ARRRGGHH!!!
Of course finally moronic Jandi wake from her daze, stepped up and yelled for GJP to stop, told off GJP and left with Jihoo, leaving GJP devasted, slumped to the floor and crying by himself. Sigh both him and JANDI really deserve each other.... GJP faithful subordinate arrived with the shoes that GJP bought for Jandi. He saw pathetic GJP sobbing his heart out, hugged him and left, leaving the shoes behind. Guess who picked up the pair of shoes but GJP future fiancee....
Back in Korea, Jandi was obviously affected and listless at work... when she made delivery to Jihoo's grandfather clinic, he was yelling at her to do something (since she is always too dumb to react fast). Seems like he asked her to help out to pour drinks for the old people or something. Anycase, they started chatting and being busybody, seemed to be asking alot of questions which the old man just ignored her until she said something that made him laugh.
Next scene...Jihoo was dressing up and he had a NEW short HAIRSTYLE !!! ARRRRGGHHHHHHH!! I missed his old hairstyle but he remains Sooo dashing with his ear stud and all! Heeee. He appeared in school again visitng Jandi at the stairway.
On the street, she saw GJP on big screen and she stood there staring. GJP sister saw her and invited her home. Moronic woman strayed into GJP room without permission and start thinking abt past memories. Later she started to sob like mad into sister's arms.
Later, Jandi's best friend was invited to GJP birthday party by her crush....Jandi also received an invite of her own. At the party, Jihoo like a perfect prince, extended his arm to Jandi to escort hermuch to the envy of the rest of the girls... The silly girl of course hesitated, before accepting it. During the party, Jihoo was carefully watching over Jandi's expression and her pained discomfort...Suddenly GJP mum's appeared at their table, asking her to play the piano (i think). Jihoo stood up immediately to her defence but Jandi of course said yes to the request much to F4's shock. Jihoo looked at her with concern. (rem Jihoo had always practice with her?) Much to everyone surprise including the mum, she managed to play and sing, while choking back her tears of course. When she finished, the mum was on stage saying something with a smile before annoucing GJP's fiancee news to everyone. F4 was shocked! Gjp mumbled something about that old witch... then the fiancee was dragged unceremoniously into the party by the body guards.
Later outside, F4, Jandi and GJP mum were chatting. GJP storm to join in. The fiancess also joined in. Much to GJP mum's delight and angry looking Jandi, GJP grabbed fiancee hands by mistake and dragged her off without looking he had got the wrong girl. We see Jandi going home with Jihoo in a car talking, with her crying away as usual and Jihoo with dead serious expression. yet after she alighted, Jihoo lean his head back against the car seat and smiled to himself as he said something to himself. As he open his eyes, he saw the fumbling absent minded idiot had left her bag of stuff in his car... meanwhile, GJP appeared in his quarters...
For those who liked and missed the "Galieo" drama, you may like this new mystery/ suspense- detective series which is currently airing under NTV (official link). Apparently, the show's selling point is its mysteries are based on difficult real-life cases.
Airing on every Wednesday, the drama titled "Kiina" (キイナ) aka "Impossible Crime Investigator ", revolves round a female investigator named Haruse Kiina, who solved cases based on the combination of intuitions, exceptional photographic memory, meticulous observations and analytical character. The sole member of "Beppan" in her department, she was soon joined by a reluctant 2nd member, Yamazaki Takeru - an passionate and ernest newcomer who aspired to be an outstanding detective. (Beppan is a special department which solely specialise in solving mysterious cases which are deem unsolveable by the "normal" police unit)
The series starts off with Takeru disagreeing with Kiina who seemingly tries to solve case based on her emotions, rather than via scientific methods. However, we prob shall see that slowly changing. (This is my assumption here based on finishing ep one)
The rest of the police department does not seem to value Kiina's weird methods and contributions very much, brushing off any statements of hers, though they do acknowledged the fact that she has high ability to solve improbable cases. (Typical male ego or gender discrimation at play here?)
Anycase, the stories seemed interesting. While Galieo is outright a firm believer that everything can be explained by science, Kiina character is much different though she still solve the cases via orthodox channels. The only difference is she is contrastingly a more emotive person believing in hocus pocus such as horoscope and the unexplainable, which contradicts the very core characteristics of a detective characteristic which is to be rational and logical. Also, while Galileo scribbles away his confounding fomula, Kiina sits in the library to "scan" through books in search for a logical and valid answers to mysteries she was solving. She has a penchant for sweets and rubbing her as she ponders over something she is stuck with :) In here, she also has her ex-bf to help her with some scientific facts.
I have watched a few episodes and as far, and not bad. It doesnt have a gripping pace like Triangle but I think it is pretty interesting because accompanying the cases, the storyline contained little tibits with real cases/facts which are stranger than friction.
The drama is up to ep 06 currently but the subs is up to episode 04 (at time of blogging).
This week's episode is generally boring. Not much excitment till the last few minutes of the show when Nishino's mum finally appeared and saw Mei in person. Whoa!
A note from me (23 Feb)
I have completed the detailed summary as below and removed the condensed summary posted on Sunday. I cannot believe next week is last episode. Somehow, I feel like I havent had enough of Nishino. He doesnt seem to appear much comparing to Mei and Mia. Maybe it's just me... greedy guts.. haaa.
While viewing the video, viewers can manually pause the blog imeem music player, located at the right hand side.
Akai Ito Episode 10 Summary
Sitting down with her stepparents, Mei's father revealed the agreement he had with his wife prior Mei's adoption - which was to ensure raising Mei to adulthood, and treating her no differently from their own daughter Haruna. "Yet no matter how hard I tried, I just couldnt do it. Hence the divorce isnt your mum nor Mei's fault. I'm sorry mei, especially when its your birthday..." Mei shook her head as she listened to her dad.
In the hospital, Nishino worriedly sat by a sleeping Mami while the doctor asked the shrine guy what is Mami's relationship with Nishino. The shrine guy revealed they are childhood friends and Mami's dad is also a drug junkie, and Nishino had saved her when she was being beaten by her dad. Understanding the situation, the doctor approached Nishino saying that it would be good to have a consultation session with Mami since the cause of her self muitilation (sucide) is unknown.
In school, Mei confided in Mia about Sara's sms wishing her happy birthday and wanting to have a chat. "I have returned a few sms but there was no reply." Mei said. "I see....since there is an sms, perhaps there is some sort of change? Could Sara have regained back her memories? At least she rem Mei's birthday right?" Mia deduced.
After Mami has awaken, she was in consultation session with the doctor accompanied by Nishino. When asked how is she feeling currently, Mami replied she felt nothing in particular except that she is here as Nishino asked her to come. "What do you think is the meaning of being here?" The doctor gently asked. "To guard that I do not slit my wrist again" Mami replied. (Note: "mihateru" or original form "miharu" has a few meaning such as "stand watch" but i choose to use "guard" as the closest in context here).
The doctor seemed amused by her choice of word "guard". He went on to add that self physical abuse is not a good thing, going on to query why did she slit her wrist. Not looking at anyone, Mami paused and replied she didnt know. Nishino while silent shows an inkling that he knew the cause.
After the session, both of them went to the aquarium. While Mami was all upbeat and happy, Nishino looked contrastingly opposite, lost in his own thoughts. She turned around and saw Nishino expression and asked him what was wrong. Jolt back to reality, Nishino smiled and said nothing. Self-deceiving cow seemed happy with that answer and asked to continue her stupid aquarium excursion (Aw man! She is sooo desperate !!!)
On the other hand, Yui met up with Mei and Mia and offered to treat them at their usual cafe. Mei jumped straight to the topic and asked Yui what is the matter. As Yui paused, Mia cheekily asked her to spit it out quick. To Mei's & Mia utter shock, Yuio revealed "I think I am pregnant... I AM pregnant! I went to the hospital yesterday. I am 4 months along." Mia expressed shock that Yui let it dragged for so long! "I thought it was only "maybe". Well I was hoping it was all a mistake. I was afriad to go to the hospital. I couldnt muster my courage." Yui confessed miserably.
"I understand how you feel. Hve you told Natsu?" Mei asked with concern. "We agreed to meet this sat, but i did not tell him I had gone to the hospital." Yui said. "You HAVE to tell him!" Mia said. "Dont make it sound so simple!!! If I were to mention it, the relationship will definitely change! I may be dumped!" Yui said with much confused exasperation. "Now is not the time to say such things! You are already 4 months along! You have to consider about your body!" Mei said. "What's there to consider? I will probably abort it." Yui said as she sounded like she was convincing herself. "Dont say it with such certainty! if it's me, I would keep the child." Mia jumped in. "Give birth to it?! How is that possible?!!! Iam only 16yrs old!!! I would not suddenly be mature just because I have a baby!!" Yui expressed her horror when Mei and Mia was stunned into silence.
As Mia and Mei walked home by themselves, they both expressed their concerns about Yui to each other. Mei shared that she simply didnt know what to say and wondered if Yui would be able to talk to Natsu about it. Just then, they were interrupted by Miyabi calling out to them. Miyabi was commenting that both of them had gone on to high school, and when asked what she was doing now, Miyabi was interrupted by the guys punching their victim (drug peddler who lost the drugs). She tried to intervene for the guy but was grabbed by her hair and shoved to the ground, being told "Do u know what happens when the "thing" is lost?" Before the dude left, he warned his victim he will be dead meat the next time his drugs lot lost. As Miyabi took leave, both the girls look at her with concern.
Meanwhile, Nishino was sharing with teh doctor that mami seemed to have adapted to her new life at the shrine. While the doctor shared that she only comes here because of Nishino, he quickly added that it was Nishino's mum that he wanted to talk about. the doctor queried if Nishino was still unable to bring his mum to the hospital. "Yes. After that day, mum didnt leave home one step. She probably feels too ashamed to see sensei, hence didnt have courage to come."Nishino replied. "Your mum's feeling of guilt has probably multiplied after lying to you. Her unease will only result in more negative thoughts. There are cases where patients have lost their lives in similar cases. Nishino kun, you have to watch over your mum, and care for her" The doctor solemnly shared. Nishino looked concerned and replied he will.
At the night club, the drug guy was chiding the young dude that he wasnt running a charity (over the drugs) and he was pinning his hopes on the young chap since he look promising. Hence the drug guy told the young chap not to disappoint him.
Back at the shrine place, Nishino shared news that he will be working at a gas station during the time his mum is in recovery. Mami expressed disappointment that he wasnt going to be visiting at the shrine with her as such. "No such thing. I will try to visit here whenever I can" Nishino tried to ease her mind. (Poor nishino, another leech to make him worry). While the spineless bitch dazed off in utter silent devastation, the shrine guy noticing her expression interjected that he would help to look after Nishino's mum and asked Nishino to ask him for any help. The shrine guy turned to Mami and asked her for agreement. Only then did the selfish self absorbed cow nodded her head. She turned around to look at Nishino with her sad fat face. Nishino just smiled and nodded at her, before looking solemn again (prob thinking shit, now she is becoming my responsibility too?!)
while Nishino was hard at work, his mum was holed up at home doing nothing except puffing away. Looking for her lighter, she saw the album taken with Mei and her mum. When he returned, his mum started blabbling " You and Mei shared the same birthday. You are both schoomates. What kind of destiny is this?" Nishino asked why is she saying this. "If I'm not around, you can be with Mei right? To have a mum like me..." Nishino interrupted her and said he has never thought that way, before cheerfully switching topic saying the doc is worried about her and he would accompny her to the hospital. His mum ignored him.
Moving to Yui and Natsu. The atmosphere was tense. Yui started saying she had gone to the hospital. Natsu asked how was it. "As expected..." Natsu lowered his head in depression. Seeing his expression, Yui lied and said it was a mistake. Natsu immediately looked relived and happy again, saying "OMG! It's great! I was so worried! I couldnt even pay attention while playing soccer. I must be scared to death. Now that I can sigh a relief, I am getting hungry." Yui asked with concern "if , what if , the results showed that I am pregnant?" "If? How is that possible? We are just high school students, how could we be able to raise it. Moreever, our life ahead has only just started. What's more, I would be slaughtered by my parents if they knew about it." Natsu babbled on while choosing his food, totally oblivious to Yui's expression and increasing sadness. Yui struggled to sound in agreement. However, she couldnt hold back her tears and Natsu saw as he lifted his head. Yui ran out of the cafe, leaving a stunned Natsu sitting there only to stir when the staff barked at him. Natsu gave chase.
Mei met up with his sister. Haruna asked outright if Mei had gone out on her birthday. Mei told the sister everything from their 16th birthday promise, to the meeting with Nishino at the cake shop which they had met for the first time. Haruna said it was great that he remembered! Mei said she was really happy. Mei also shared what Nishino had said to her about every meeting has a meaning to it.
Back to Natsu who had caught up with Yui. Yui angrily told Natsu she finally understand everything, about how he always only care about himself, and asked him to leave her alone as such and not bother with her. It finally dawned on Natsu that Yui was really pregnant. "this is my own decision. Before even thinking about your parents' reaction, your own future, or issue with raising the child, couldnt you have at least worry about me one bit? Initially, I had wanted you to give it more thoughts, hoping you would consider more about the matter of the two of us. However it is enough, your life no longer consists of me. " With that outburst, Yui ran off. Nishino who happen to pass by saw the two.
Alone, Natsu confided to Nishino that Yui is pregnant and how he had been relieved when she said it was a scare, and said a lot of hurting things to her. he admitted she was right, that he had only thought about himself. Nishino what is going to happen next. Natsu said he would go and apologise to Yui but Nishino interrupted he was asking about after the baby is born. Natsu said it was impossible to be parents since they are only high school students, its impossible. "I see. However Natsu. To be irresponsible and have a child, only to say later it's impossible, even with thoughts to raise the kids, but with your half baked thoughts, it will only trouble and bring more unfortune in the future for the child. A child has no choice over who their parents are." Nishino solemnly reprimanded Natsu off and walked off.
Meanwhile, Yui narrated the events to Mei, asking Mei to accompany her to hospital (for abortion). While Mei said it is fine with her but is Yui really alright with such a decision? "Yes. Having this child will definitely be regrettavle. A child that is born without the parents looking fwd to it, will definitely not be happy." Yui said. Hearing that, Mei told Yui to seriously have another talk with Natsu. She also corrected Yui's thought that it aint true about her views about the child will be unfortunate.
That night, Mei asked her mum why did she choose to adopt her. Her mum replied because she is a child of her birth parents. At that time, her father did not have a stable job, hence her mum's parents had objected to their relationship. Their life was very tough but after Mei's birth...people always become real parents after having their own child. "So, because you are their child, which is why I tried my best to raise u like my own child with Haruna. However, I had caused u to have unhappy memories. Maybe as your father had said, we never really became your parents. " her mum said with a sigh. "It;s not true. I will not change. Mum, thank you for raising me up to now." Mei said and consoled her mum.
While they were out, Mia spotted Miyabi and the drug people "at work" again at the same spot. Mia stormed up to Miyabi and dragged her aside, lecturing her that she should stop even if she was feeling alone without the care and concerns from her parents. The fact that they both shared the same plight of having parents who didnt care, Mia said she could somewhat understand Miyabi's feeling that it's painful not to have parental love, but continuing on with those people...." Miyabi cut off Mia shouting what is wrong with those people, saying they are like friends to her. Mia said if they are true friends, they can remain so even without drugs. Miyabi brushed her off as being naggy. At this point, mei told Miyabi that Mia had always been worried about Miyabi. Miyabi threw a glance at Mia without saying a word. Then, the whole drug transaction was busted by police and the 3 girls ran for their life away from the cops.
At home, Nishino discovered a missing mum and photo's strewned all over. Worried, he called the shrine guy and they both headed out to find his mum. Mami the nosy pig ran after the shrine guy asking if it was Nishino and if he was alright., The shrine guy told her not to worry and stay at home, and he will call her and dashed off. At this point, Mami was approached by Sara asking for Nishino!
At the club, they were clearing out all the drugs from the club. Miyabi while running tripped and spilled the drugs. As she was picking them up, Mia told her to leave it and not to bother. However Miyabi told them to leave as it doesnt concern them. Without a word, mei and Mia went to help her, much to Miyabi's shock. Hearing the sirens, they ran again when done picking up the stuff.
Miyabi, Mei and Mia reached the night club. The young dude asked what was she doing back there. Miyabi said they had no where to go since there were cops all over. He yelled at her and also asking who are mei and Mia. To Mia and Mei's surprise, Miyabi declared they are her friends. the guy relented and let them into the club where Mei saw everything. Just then, Nishino and the shrine guy appeared at the club.
Inside, Nishino was shocked to see Mei and Mia. The night club drug guy said they are busy and for Nishino to hurry up to say what he wanted to ask. Nishino outright asked where was his mum. "you are looking for your mum again? Come to think of it, my thigh is still hurting!" The shrine guy stepped in asking if she has been here and the drug guy said she hasnt been here for a while. The shrine guy asked what is the drug guy asking the kids to do. The drug guy luaghed saying that the shrine guy sounded so righteous but upon digging, wont he too have some secrets? The shrine guy replied he is repenting in his own ways, and he is not interested in advicing / lecturing someone who refused to mend his ways. At that, he turned and said that Mei and Mia are not suitable to linger here and to leave. Mei and Mia didnt budge. Nishino spoke and asked if she really isnt here? The guy said yeah. With that, Nishino turned and said "Mei, let;s go."
Just as Mei was leaving, someone suddenly called her. She stopped. Nishino turned around and asked his mum asking why. asking her to also return. Completely ignoring him, the mum ambled towards Mei, not taking her eyes off for a minute as memories of the past flooded through her mind. She recalled how she had went to Mei's apartment to apologise to Mei's birth mum, only to discover in despair that the mum had killed herself while Mei was screaming her lungs off in the cot bed. Nishino mum tearfully carried a screaming Mei in her arms.
Back to reality, "Mei Chan? You are really mei chan?" Nishino mum asked her. Mei nodded and said yes. Nishino looked on worriedly at the scene before him as his mum stare on at a questioning Mei.
Afterthhoughts I think Mei is the key to Nishino's mum's recovery. All the poor woman needed is a chance to say sorry and be forgiven. She never got that chance from Mei's parents so she is so racked by guilt. If Mei being the sweet girl she is can say it's ok and she is happy all these years with her stepmum, I think Nishino's mum will stand a chance. Mei will be the only person who can fuel Nishino's mum to truly abandon drug addiction I think....
Just a flashing thought, as for Mami, actually I am surprise she bears no grudges at all towards Nishino's mum for causing his dad's drug addiction. is that a normal reaction consideirng she saw with her own eyes when she trailed her father. I don't know. If Nishino is not such a hottie, she prob would I guess. Ha ha. As for Yui and Fuji, they wont part I am sure.
Ok, enough of my babbling, time to watch Akai Ito Episode 10!
I rewatch Boys before flowers ep 14 over lunch today since I didnt have time yesterday and was only skimming through the scenes.
The first thing that cross my mind was if I were GJP friends and Jihoo, I would bash him not because he decide to let JanDi go, but more for the fact that he couldnt do it like a man in person. Like a "coward" (regardless his reasons), he made JanDi wait in vain for 6 months without a word. Any man who is decent should come clean and made his intentions known to the other party even if its a lie!
Like what Jihoo said, as a favor, please see JanDi one more time and speak to her. Exactly!! Not only does this end the relationship proper with a closure, at least it allows JanDi to move on and so that Jihoon can act on his feelings! The only time I approve is when he cruelly kill and dash all her hopes so that it will be a clean break, leaving her absolutely no hope. In reality, I would rather have a man break my heart to a million pieces than trying to be Mr Nice. His cruel parting would be a fuel and motivation for the girl not linger on in false dreams.
Anycase, when Jihoo was replying to GJP query as to why he is asking GJP to meet Jandi , I wonder about that response "that is all i can do now." Is he hinting to GJP to let go because when she is your gf, I cannot do more to comfort her. So let go and let me do more than a friend!
I felt so sad for Jihoo when he was hugging a crying JanDi. I felt like my heart could break for him. He is the best! The silent protector. He looked so cute in that cap when he was offering her icecream. How can JanDi not be bewitched?!! arrrrggghh! Did anyone else spot how causal Jihoo is with Jandi now, always having his arms placed round her shoulders... so sweet!!! And he didnt deny anything when Min ask if she is his gf. He look so amused at Jandi at Min's place, but I wonder why does JanDi gorged her mouth so full like a pig. She is eating as if she hasnt ate for days! None of my gfs will ever eat like that!
However there was a part I didnt quite understand. What Jandi said to him before she left. She said she was glad she met Jihoo. However I didnt understand why shy said she would not have the courage to say that later after the trip? Any ideas?
Anycase, I am "amazed" at how the drama could made a boring Macau looked remotely interesting to tourists... even the St Paul's ruin which is just one wall left standing, I wanted to laugh when JanDi and Jihoo look as if they were before some grand architecture. There is nothing else beyond that wall except a small museum at the back. The back of the wall has steel stairs erected so you can look through the window holes from the other side but that is about it... Anyone notice how polluted the air is that you cannot see the blue sky, its not overcast, its grey because its polluted air.... I guess they have to pick Macau for the Venice theme...but they should have cut it short and sweet, Too draggy as if I am watching some touring sighseeing promo clips.
After watching Triangle ep07, I was actually quite sad. I felt soo sorry for Shimano now especially after Goda read his last letter to his sister. I nearly want to cry, thinking if I am Sachi reading that. I love how this drama is able to completely manipulate my feelings towards each character, from being wary of them to a complete turn around of feeling sorry for them.
The story of their past. Apparently Shimano and Sachi's birth mother abandon Shimano in shanghai and left Sachi in Osaka orphanage. When Sachi was young, Shimano went to Japan to look for his sister and swore to himself he would do everything to bring her back one day. Hence even when he was struggling alone after his stepparents died, Sachi was his fuel of motivation, so that he can appear before her one day as a rich man to help his sister. He revealed that if he had not let go of her hands back then, perhaps then they would have been able to also laugh, banter and quarrel like any other siblings. Lastly, he shared that he was the one who left the character on the yellow blanket, and hence he was the one who had named her.
Before the two could know each other better, Poor Shimano was murdered but staged as a sucide, apparently the target was suppose to be Goda. However the shanghai police ruled the case as sucide and Goda had no recourse but through his FBI links, he discovered the drugs that killed Shimano was strictly only available in Japan. Hence someone had smuggled the drug into shanghai, called the hotel reception to confirm Goda's room, snuck in and laced the glass with poison. Poor Shimano ended up dead because Goda offered his room to him with intentions to protect Shimano from other attackers (due to business dealing).
Next episode 08 will be quite exciting. The ending of epsiode 07, Goda finally told Sachi the truth about what happened 25years ago, that he was actually the first on the scene. He saw a fallen Sachi and thinking she is playing, he shook her and hence his hands are covered with her blood. Goda said he is going to reveal why he had waited for the limit of statue to pass. Meanwhile Goda's friend also told the Kuro and his dad that he had saw the young Goda fleeing from the scene of crime.
Tuesday is always a super busy day! With 3 dramas to watch and 2 to summarise... so please be patient yah!
For those dying to watch Boys before flowers episode 14 video sub, here it is.
I just started watching Part 1 and I am already pissed with Jan Di. I really am getting to be annoyed with the Korean version of JanDi. She is sooo useless and always relying so much on Jihoo. She claim she always wanted to travel alone on vacation and yet she didnt plan a single thing except on the plane. She just assume GJP is waiting for her even though he had not make any contact for 6months. Hello pigeon brain, where is your fall back plan?
Plus She knows how Jihoo feel about her but she has no qualms about constantly accepting his help. I am starting to dislike her and how her obsession with GJP makes her insensitive to how Jihoon may feel as he watch over her. Despite everything he did for her, she can just brush everything off saying if its all a dream just because GJP pretend not to know her. If I am Jihoo, I would have been upset too!
Jihoo is so sweet. When he said "Once i realise you are alone an unable to do anything, next thing I knew i was on the plane." I think its so sad that he is ocnstantly worrying about her all the time and trying to protect her from harm. Yet when Jandi heard that, she didnt say a word and went back to her "dreamy state" after he left the room. Sooooo annoying. Felt like giving a tight slap to wake her up!
As for GJP, he deserves to be jealous seeing those pixs of Jihoo and JanDi. Not a word for 6 months and he expect people to wait for him blindly? Maybe both him and JanDi are such fools that they deserve each other.
It is strange that I have never felt so felt negatively about the 2 main leads in other versions except in this Korean version. If it's not for KHJ as Jihoo, I wont be following this anymore for sure!!
Nothing too exciting in this episode apart from Lucia sama getting her wish of having Rihito serve her for the week. Crazy woman wants him to hold her hand to sleep. This week focuses more on Kento and how he is confronts and negotiate his own feelings he has for Mei, vs witnessing Mei's increasing feelings for his brother Rihito. The highlight is probably his confessions to a shocked Mei, and Rihito hearing everything behind the closed door.
Mei chan no Butler episode 6 summary
Mei saw the pictures and asked what is going on. The class were mumbling about the school ban which prohibits romance between mistress and butler or faces immediate explusion from school. The girls crowd around Rihito claiming it must be some mistake and at the same time trying to ask for a hug too. While Mei was removing the pixs, Daimon noticed it was the same theme park venue and Miruku immediately deduced someone must have been hiding and spying to take such pictures to sabotage Mei. However one of the butler said they did hug together afterall.
When Kento came into room throwing the stack of pictures he had removed, he saw the board and went to help Mei to remove those in the class. Rihito came to his senses and started to help but was shoved off by an angry Kento, yelling at him that he had already told Rihito that he would not let him off if something else happens the next time! Mei worriedly tried to part the brothers. Izumi arrived and seriously said that until the investigations are over, Mei has to return to her dorm. Mei tried to protest and clear the misunderstandin but she stop short when Izumi said she should just return to her dorm first.
On way back, Kiba told Rihito to return to the butler school and not to Mei's room. A depressed Rihito understood and apologised gravely to Mei before departing. In the room, Mei's classmate were searching for some evidence but fruitless efforts. Meanwhile Fujiko was also affected and asked to be seperated from her butler as she had always been too clingy to her butler Nezu. As a result, Fujiko ended up in Mei's room to whine about it as she didnt want to be alone in her room without Nezu. Kento scolded her "Baka" but Fujiko retorted one who call others a Baka is one himself. At this point, mei suddenly realised and asked Kento what is he also doing in her room? Kento was stumbling for a reason and Fujiko beat him to it saying he was jealous which Kento produsly denied. Fujiko happily grabbed Mei's hand and proposed for them to be good friends since they now two are in thje situation of forbidden love. Mei told her it is not the same case.
In the chapel, Nezu informed Rihito that 7 groups have been expelled from the investigation and it's a little bit too cruel. He reckoned they are in danger too. Fuji explained her grandfather is a mafia and wanted her to marry some arab king but she only want to be housewife of Nezu. Kento said it was unbelieveable looking at her but Fuji revealed it was nothing, since as far it is only pecks on the forehead. Hearing that, both Mei and Kento jumped up in shock! "How could u do that!" Mei exclaimed. "How improper!" Kento added. Fujiko said its nothing compared to this, whipping out the picture of mei and Rihito hugging. Kento stormed out of the room in frustration.
On way back, Kento was stopped by the evil white guy who said Kento must be feeling awlful seeing those pictures. Kento retorted it must be the white buy who had spread those shots. The white guy said if this goes on, Mei would be snatched about by Rihito. However before that can happen, the white guy said he would offer Kento a chance but Kento shut him up sayying he is being noisy and stormed off!
At the chapel, Izumi declared due to lack of evidence, Nezu-Fujiko and Rihito-Mei are officially free from the "punishment", but was warned by the sole girls to watch themselves, esp Nezu. Nezu however went to seductively flirt with the girl instead, catching her by surprise.
Back in the room, Rihito and Mei are still feeling awkward about the incident. Mei was horrified when her beighbor stopped by to bring an enlarged photoprint of the hugging scene.
The next day, the class was horrified to see the new posting on the swopping of butler. Of course the Sole girsl said Lucia was in favor. They pointed to Mei's dorm neighbor and asked him to be the one picking the random match. Obviously, Lucia got her wish and had Rihito sama while Kento was assigned to Mei.
Before Rihito left on his new temporary reassigment of mistress, he wrote down everything (chores and things location) and informed Mei he would passed it to Kento. He apologised that Kento may be of some trouble as he hasnt mature but Mei smiled and said she knew that. Mei wanted to ask more about the hugging incident but Rihito deftly changed topic and said it was time to return to class. Mei reminded him if he wasnt back to pick up something and Rihito whipped out the pen. Mei was surprised and Rihito smiled saying he would be back to Mei's side very soon. Mei smiled and nodded.
In the classroom, the girls except Lucia and Miruku were practising dance for annual dance party in 2 weeks time. Everything was a mess. Daimon fell and started to nose bled, saying his new mistress has "somethings" that Miruku doesnt have. Miruku angrily got up and slammed his head with a book calling him a pervert! (haa haaa. so funny!) Meanwhile, Fujiko was jealous about Nezu seemingly havin a good time with his new mistress.
The music suddenly started. Much to Mei's dismay, Lucia and Rihito started to dance perfectly in tune with the music and each other. Pissed, Mei tried to grab kento to dance but failed miserably. Mei ended up in the head mistress room and complained about all the weird rules in the school. The head mistress cryptically encouraged her but Mei said she still doesnt quite understand.
That night before she fell asleep, Lucia raised her hands and requested for Rihito to hold it till she fall asleep, saying she would have good dreams that night. While Rihito tried to leave the room, the evil guy asked where he was heading but Rihito said its none of his business.
Back in Mei's room, Mei asked kento why is he walking to and fro. He said nothing but he was actually worried and checking if everything is in place. Mei said there is no soap and Kento refered to Rihito's note and hestitated passing to Mei since he had heard the shower turning on. He screamed in shock when the door open, relieved to find Mei still fully dressed! That night Kento simply couldnt sleep from stress. He heard ruckus outside and went to check but it was only a drunk Nezu. nezu asked Kento to show himself as a man to Mei or will lose to his brother, then he passed out calling out Fujiko's name.
The next day at breakfast, Mei disgruntingly looked on at Rihito and Lucia. Distracted, she nearly dropped the glass but kento caught it switly. Lucia commented Kento is taking good care of Mei.
In class, Fujiko was upset that Nezu seemed unaffected by her dancing with other guys. Mei unhappily looked at Lucia and Rihito. Kento tried to distract her by dancing but Mei's heart was not in it. Kento asked him to "look this way" and pulled her closer but Mei instinctively pushed Kento away and backed off. She triped and fell but Rihito grabbed her in time. Lucia asked Rihito to excuse themselves. On way in garden, Lucia said Rihito's smile will instantly vanish once they are alone.
Mei and Kento overheard Fujiko and Nezu arguement. Nezu told her to treat all butler the same but Fujiko slapped him saying she only knew love because of him before running off. Mei ran after her. Kento asked if he is really alright since he obviously.. but Nezu cut him off saying Fujiko must find true love.
Mei and Fujiko were chatting, saying that the school ban was established as there was a mistress who had set a precedent falling in love with her butler. There was a secret place in the school campus where they would meet secretly. Tami appeared saying she knew about the forgtten house. The myth is that if one could find the secret house on the dance party, it is destined for lover pair to live happily after. Fujiko said most of the ladies here have to marry one day so regardless how connected they are with their butler, they have to part one day. Hence she really wants to find that forgotten house....
On her way back, the white butler was waiting for her asking if she knows the meaning being Hongo heiress? That means sucesding great wealth and power, which includes having her marriage being predetermined and arranged. Hence Rihito is solely only there to ensuring she meets the qualification of an heiress. While practicing, Mei was distracted and Kento reprimanded her for not being serious since the dance is next day.
To distract herself, Mei suggested making Udon. While Kento joked about her having no taste, Mei said she is alittle nostalgic about the past talking about her old times, asking what if she is not Hongo heiress, what would she be doing now. prob staying with Natsumi, making Udon but probably happier
"Then go back to as before, it's not that its impossible." Kento replied seriously "U are simple" Mei simply said "but why not?" Kento asked "What? I was just causally joking" Mei replied. "Is it because of him?" Kento solemnly asked. Mei paused and looked disturbed. Uncertainly she called out to Kento by his nickname.
"U always call me by that name. I always call u specky udon girl. However if I dont do that, I cannot conceal it, that I like you." Kento finally confessed his true feelings. Mei stood there in shock. kento rushed out of the room and saw Rihito standing outside gloomily. Rihito reached out for the door but stopped himself. Mei remained stunned in the room.
That night Kento sat alone, half frustrated over his confession. Mei also sat alone pondering at this new information.
Next day, Izumi annouced they are setting off for the dance. The girls slowly stood up one by one with their new butler joining in, all except Mei who remained seated. Kento looked at Mei with mixed emotions. Nezu meanwhile was also on sideline as his new mistress couldnt be fond.
As the group prepared to leave, kento uttered" I said forget it." Everyone paused hearing that. "Let;s not dance. I say we forget about this dance party looking at how everyone is."
"What is wrong? Its time to gather" the sole girls said.
"I said the exchanging of butler should stop now since it is benefiting no one." Kento further exchanged strong words with the Sole girls. "To trust each other. To value each other. That is why one could be together isnt it?" Kento expressed himself. Then he turned to Nezu and reprimanded him.
"U were even calling her name in your dreams, u value her so much. so stop forcing yourself to be strong." Kento yelled at Nezu. "Guess it cannot be helped" Nezu said as he walked to Fujiko "In my eyes, you are the only special one. So I am returning to my lady"
The sole girls got upset and said they cannot do that or they will b expelled. All the butlers went back to their old mistress. When asked by each girl, all the individual butler expressed their old mistress is the best. More girls joined in. The sole girls were overnumbered. Izumi stepped in saying kento was right, "the mistress & butler relationship is based on dependence and mutual respect. The student body has spoken." Sensing a losing battle, the sole girls stormed off in anger. Mei looked at Kento and started sobbing while kento looked away pretending to scratch his head.
"I am very happy this week. Very soon you will be back" Lucia told a departing Rihito. He ignored her and walked out. The head mistress felt worried. Her butler said is the dance hour is an inauspicious hour?
Rihito happily made his way back to Mei's room. Meanwhile Mei was being lied by Tami that Rihito was waiting for her. She pointed that the forgotten house to her. Meanwhile the white guy told Lucia sama all is in place. Lucia happily complete the last verse of the passage that Tami had previously read to Mei and Fujiko. Which is "The lover will unite together...forever in death in heaven."
Kento asked Mei what she had to say to him. Mei was equally shocked. Tami came into the room and shut the door. She asked Mei if she wants to know the true meaning of the passage. Sh finally revealed about going to heaven part. She smiled apologing for lying, before changing to solemn expression, revealing "It is all for Lucia sama
Next episode 07 synopsis: As they fled to the 2nd storey and got trapped in a room, to help Mei, Kento made the mental preparation to sacrifice himself. While he held the door back alone from the attackers and was fully prepared to die, Kento told Mei to escape alone. Next moment, Tami and guys broke through the door and. As Kento defended Mei from Tami's knives, he got injured and fell down. Tami told Mei if she had not come to this school, then no one has to get hurt. Meanwhile Rihito and Izumi noticed Kento and Mei's absence in the ball. Rin's butler who has spiritual power sense that Mei was in danger...
(PS: I stand corrected. I watched ep 07 proper and Mei chan had said "yameru kara", meaning she is quiting school. I misheard the trailer. Sorry!)
Dwelling from place to place, restlessly ambling from point to point. A nomadic soul. A wandering mind. Honoring the past. Living the present. Anticipating the future.