Phew!! This is a long one! Sorry it was a little longer than usual because there were certain parts I didnt quite get it and had to dig long and hard through my dictionary and internet to interpret it. This drama is definitely tougher than Akai Ito because there is sooo much talking here.. oh well, at least its done now! Yeahhh!!! This drama always make me smile.
Mei Chan no Shitsuji Ep7 Summary (watch video)
While Mei and Kento is trapped in the forgotten house, Rihito and rest of the class were looking desperately around the campus for Mei to no avail. Tami on the otherwise was revealing her true "identity" and motive, to rid Mei on behalf of Lucia. She claimed responsibilities that she had been the one to been monitoring Mei all along, including the intentional attack on Mei on day one with her knives, to the instigation of Mei's attackers, and distribution of the photo on campus. Mei was shocked stating her disbelief. At that to convinced Mei, Tami snapped her fingers and more attackers appeared.
In the campus, Rin butler claimed he sensed Mei was in danger. As he was sensing, he fell claiming the radius is too wide. Miruku then appeared with her campus, sharing her invention to detect for Mei but Izumi said "let's split up and search for her." Miruku yelled "It should work perfectly in theory" as everyone scattered off. Just then, Rin butler had another "sensory" that pointed him in a specific direction and he exclaimed "a 400year love grudge". (I think it meant grudge)
Back at the house, Tami continued to reveal that the current location is the venue where the mistress had committed sucide with her butler for love in the historical past. The forgotten house - signifying the place where time had stop still for the two of them. "Hence this couldnt be a better place for the last moments for you two. During the swopping of butler, I was the cupid that had improve the relationship between you two." As she said that, the attackers slowly advanced towards Mei and Kento but Kento hit back and made escape to the 2nd storey with Mei. Tami relentlessly pursue on.
Enclosing themselves behind a closed room, kento yelled for Mei to escape thru the window. Mei turned around and yelled for kento to escape with her but Kento told her to hurry as he could no longer hold back the door. Mei hestitated but Kento yelled for her to run for her life. "Mameshiba" Mei was glued to the ground as she watched him struggle to protect her with all his might against the attackers.
"Before I heard your answer, I will not die" Kento tried to assure her. At that moment, the attacker broke through the door and grabbed him, hence sucessfully breaking into the room. Tami walked in at threw her knives at them, slicing Kento on his arm. Kento was then bashed on the head and fainted to the floor.
"You truly are stupid Mei. Coming to this school, only hurting yourself and him in the process, bringing so much pain and suffering to everyone else.Izumi had to suffer and duel with you, Miruku got into a dangerous fix because she got friendly with you. Even other other classmates, Everything...it's ALLL your fault. All because you tried to steal something important away from Lucai sama. Because of you, Rihito is also suffering. Dont say anything, it's tooo late." Tami said to Mei. The attackers then advanced to kill Mei at Tami's order...
After her nightmare of watching Rihito hugging Lucia, Mei woke up in shock in her own room with Rihito by the side comforting her. Mei suddenly remembered and asked worriedly about Kento and Rihito smiled and assured her he is also well.
"How is his wounds? Where is he now?" Mei asked worriedly and rushed out to serach for him. She heard him yelled, and saw the white butler dressing Kento's wound. Kento was cursing at him in pain saying it was all his fault anyway. Then he said she was lucky this time to escape unscathed.
Rihito apologised to Mei again for not being at his side. Kento said its alright since he made it anyway to recuse them. Then Kento further chastised Rihto "Please! The next time if you are going to save someone, please hurry up! Then at least you could have spare me from getting hurt.." (Kento is sooo funny!!) Rihito didnt even retort and Kento shoved him asking what is he stoning for.."If those people ever try anything funny again, I would.." "Kento!" Rihito raised his voice at Kento to be quiet as he signal with his eye at Mei.
Just then, the rest of the class appeared, and asked after Mei. Someone joked that it doesnt look like an ordinary date (judging from Kento wounds) and Kento turned to hide it. Rika asked what happened and asked Kento to explain. Kento tried to explain and before he could reveal about Tami, Tami appeared acting as if nothing happened. Miruku asked what happened, and Tami's butler grabbed Kento by his wounded hand to stop him from saying more, but Rihito grabbed Tami's butler. Kento tried to get help from Rihito but was warned to stop instead. Tami butler and Rihito exchanged suspicious glances. Mei then rem What Tami said about her causing problems for everyone. In the spur, she said it has nothing to do with everone and she quit, and she is quitting form this school. Tami smiled with evil satisfaction.
Kento fought with Rihito ourside Mei dorm. He told Rihito why is he allowing Mei to give up?He said saying his injury has nothing to do with her and Rihito blurted that it wasnt him that saved them. It wasnt him. As a butler, he was unable to protect Mei sama. With great sadness, he turned and went into the room while Kento looked in surprise. Rihito watched Mei packed. Mei told Rihito not to help her so that she can take her time to finish or it ould be over in a flash with Rihito's help. Rihito obliged and moodily stood at a corner without a word. Meanwhile, the Sole girls reported Mei's departure news to Lucia. The crazy woman was pleased. When alone, Lucia turned to ask her butler why wasnt Mei finished off in the end? The butler didnt explain but merely apologised, to which Lucia coldly responded "What a pity.." The white butler looked at Lucia with weird look.
Alone and frustrated, kento ran into Tami's Butler. Privately, kento was informed that it was Tami's butler who had appeared on scene to save the unconscious duo, and fend off the attackers. Tami was about to attack him but the white butler appeared to stop her while claiming it was amazing that the butler could even locate the hut. "Just a little bit more" Tami mumbled.
The white butler continued "What is going to happen? If these 2 return, everyone will then know the truth about your mistress." "Please stop dirtying the hands of my mistress Tami." The butler said. "then that will depend on Mei". At that point, Rihito arrived at the hut to see Tami's butler thru the window.
Hearing all that, Kento asked " So u knew the truth about that woman?!" Tami butler revealed that Tami is indebted to Lucia sama and whipped out a picture taken at a orphanage. They were seperated afther the place closed down. It was Lucia who saved Tami and Tami viewed Lucia as a goddess. Hence she would do anything for Lucia, including staying in Ombra all these while to spy and eliminate any new comer that pose a threat or hinder Lucia sama. "I had placed hope on Mei, thinking the udon girl will bring much changes to the atmosphere." the butler shared with kento.
Meanwhile, Mei was polishing the stairways much to Rihito shock. Mei explained she wanted to polish and "beautify" the place that had taken care of her/ lived for so long.
Meanwhile, the class was performing chant trying to get a divine on how to get Mei to stay. Then it was revealed that endowing "present" would be the solution. The class get to work! (haha! I like Fuji sexy lingerie scene and Mei said she wont wear sucha thing! haa haa). The class went back to class defeated that the presents didnt seem to change mei's mind. Then, there was a new divine that "a heart felt laugh" would be the answer! At that, the class once again set into motion in a series of acts to try to draw mei to laugh with their funny weird antics. However, again that failed. When the class return, the next divine predicted "something white and long, swimming in brown sea with something green on top".
Next day, Mei saw the class busying themselves with cooking something and wondered what was happening. Trying to avoid what was before her, she made excuse she had more to pack and turned to leave. However, Kento grabbed her and told her to wait a min. "Everyone is trying their best, with the best intention for u to try their efforts. Mei looked at them and persisted she wanted to return to her room to pack. Kento grabbed her again and told her to wait. As Mei continued to watch the "disaster" unfolding before her in udon making, Kento added it was alright as everyone is trying their best. Finally Mei couldnt hold back and interrupted the class stating that they shouldnt underestimate undon making. "Arrrggh I truly can watch on further!" With that, she fold her sleeves and demonstrated and teach everyone how to make udon correctly. As the 2 brothers watch on, kento said Mei has reverted to her old self. the whole class was enjoying themselves except for Tami who walked away silently on her own as her own butler looked on.
When they finished and were eating soba, Mei said they shouldnt forget what she had taught them but one of teh girls said it was impossible if Mei isnt around, so please dont quit school. The rest nodded in agreement. "Thank you everyone" Mei said. Everyone else smiled and laughed thinking they had succeed.
Back in the dorm, the head mistress appear thinking Mei had changed her mind. Just as her letter of withdrawal was being torn, Mei interrupted that it was her last good memories spent in the school. "Even if u think u had caused trouble for your classmates, but if everyone work together, the problem will be solved!" the mistress butler told Mei. "it's not just this reason." mei said and went into her room. The head mistress kept quiet.
"Indeed many things have happenb since i came here. I will not forget everyone in this school.Well I have to go." As Mei got up tp take her luggage, Rihito grabbed it. " It;s alright, I will get it myself. " Mei said.
"One year ago, I already knew about Mei." Rihito finally revealed his inner secrets. Mei went eh? "Before master and mistress met with the traffic accdident, I had already known. It was not long after I left Shiroi sama(Lucia), at that time, I had decidedi would not be a butler anymore. I watch before my very eyes at the transformation of Lucia sama with her heart demons and yet powerless to do anything. Hence, I escape from her side. I was afraid of the Shiroi sama who kept deterioting. Her feelings for me, as a butler, I was not able to reciprocate. Hence, I arrive at that small town. That time, I understood a little of Mei sama's life. I wanted to know what kind of person is the heiress Mei who bears Hongo's blood."
"The me then must be doing lots of stupid things with Natsumi and Kento." Mei replied. "You cherish your friends around you a lot, always helping your parents with the chores, even if Mei sama thinks those things that you do are trival,however to me, that sort of Mei sama is the most beautiful, which is why I had wanted to serve you. Even if Mei knew nothing about Hongo and wanted a simple life, yet I still want to serve you. If there is someone to guard mei sama, that person had to be me. To me, serving Mei sama is the very mistress that I want to serve from the bottom of my heart.Hoever as a butler, I was still unable to protect Mei sama" Rihito said.
"U did a great job protecting me" Mei consoled Rihito. He shook his head and continued. "I saw how Mei sama endless preserve on in this school, unknowingly, I forgotten my identity as a butler...."
Mei paused without a word. Then she suddenly walked away from him towards the door.
"Thank you. Thank you for always standing by my side. " Mei turned to smile at Rihito one last time before she left. Mei was greeted by the twin brothers who had prepared for her departure. kento chased out but the heli had already left.
Kento ran to Mei's room and saw Rihito slumped by the window.
"Why didnt you stop her? Why not? Why not? Why not?!!" Kento shoved Rihito to the ground. "You should not look for Mei anymore." Kento threw his last words and stormed off.
Alone and grining to herself in her own room, Lucia walked out only to be greeted by the headmistress "Are you satisfied that she left? This use to be where I live and i cannot help just came here." she said to Lucia. She then ask "The Rihito that lost her, is now just an empty shell. Will you be happy keeping him in that state by your side?"
"Then are you the one, with your fiance stolen happy?" Lucia asked the head mistress in return. "If one truly wants to have something, I dont care even if it is an empty shell." Lucia added. "I use to have that thought. But now, it sure feels awlful. That is an advice from your senpai" The mistress added before skipping out of the greenhouse.
Back at Mei's room, the white butler found a half dead Rihito that is shivering and running a high fever.
At home that night, Mei couldnt sleep and toss and turn. Natsumi by her side asked Mei if it was really alright like that. Mei heard but remained silent. In school, everyone felt mei's absence and wondering why that "idiot" choose to leave...
Alone, Mei strolled by the beach and sat down at a spot. She then recalled Rihito told her she look prettier removing her specs back in old days. Memories and scenes of times spent with Rihito in the past came flooding back to her. Mei started to sob her heart out by herself.
Just then, Kento arrived to "tease" her. "What are you doing here?" Mei asked. "I'm no longer a butler from today onwards. So there is nothing shocking" Kento replied.
While Mei and Kento is trapped in the forgotten house, Rihito and rest of the class were looking desperately around the campus for Mei to no avail. Tami on the otherwise was revealing her true "identity" and motive, to rid Mei on behalf of Lucia. She claimed responsibilities that she had been the one to been monitoring Mei all along, including the intentional attack on Mei on day one with her knives, to the instigation of Mei's attackers, and distribution of the photo on campus. Mei was shocked stating her disbelief. At that to convinced Mei, Tami snapped her fingers and more attackers appeared.
In the campus, Rin butler claimed he sensed Mei was in danger. As he was sensing, he fell claiming the radius is too wide. Miruku then appeared with her campus, sharing her invention to detect for Mei but Izumi said "let's split up and search for her." Miruku yelled "It should work perfectly in theory" as everyone scattered off. Just then, Rin butler had another "sensory" that pointed him in a specific direction and he exclaimed "a 400year love grudge". (I think it meant grudge)
Back at the house, Tami continued to reveal that the current location is the venue where the mistress had committed sucide with her butler for love in the historical past. The forgotten house - signifying the place where time had stop still for the two of them. "Hence this couldnt be a better place for the last moments for you two. During the swopping of butler, I was the cupid that had improve the relationship between you two." As she said that, the attackers slowly advanced towards Mei and Kento but Kento hit back and made escape to the 2nd storey with Mei. Tami relentlessly pursue on.
Enclosing themselves behind a closed room, kento yelled for Mei to escape thru the window. Mei turned around and yelled for kento to escape with her but Kento told her to hurry as he could no longer hold back the door. Mei hestitated but Kento yelled for her to run for her life. "Mameshiba" Mei was glued to the ground as she watched him struggle to protect her with all his might against the attackers.
"Before I heard your answer, I will not die" Kento tried to assure her. At that moment, the attacker broke through the door and grabbed him, hence sucessfully breaking into the room. Tami walked in at threw her knives at them, slicing Kento on his arm. Kento was then bashed on the head and fainted to the floor.
"You truly are stupid Mei. Coming to this school, only hurting yourself and him in the process, bringing so much pain and suffering to everyone else.Izumi had to suffer and duel with you, Miruku got into a dangerous fix because she got friendly with you. Even other other classmates, Everything...it's ALLL your fault. All because you tried to steal something important away from Lucai sama. Because of you, Rihito is also suffering. Dont say anything, it's tooo late." Tami said to Mei. The attackers then advanced to kill Mei at Tami's order...

"How is his wounds? Where is he now?" Mei asked worriedly and rushed out to serach for him. She heard him yelled, and saw the white butler dressing Kento's wound. Kento was cursing at him in pain saying it was all his fault anyway. Then he said she was lucky this time to escape unscathed.
Rihito apologised to Mei again for not being at his side. Kento said its alright since he made it anyway to recuse them. Then Kento further chastised Rihto "Please! The next time if you are going to save someone, please hurry up! Then at least you could have spare me from getting hurt.." (Kento is sooo funny!!) Rihito didnt even retort and Kento shoved him asking what is he stoning for.."If those people ever try anything funny again, I would.." "Kento!" Rihito raised his voice at Kento to be quiet as he signal with his eye at Mei.
Just then, the rest of the class appeared, and asked after Mei. Someone joked that it doesnt look like an ordinary date (judging from Kento wounds) and Kento turned to hide it. Rika asked what happened and asked Kento to explain. Kento tried to explain and before he could reveal about Tami, Tami appeared acting as if nothing happened. Miruku asked what happened, and Tami's butler grabbed Kento by his wounded hand to stop him from saying more, but Rihito grabbed Tami's butler. Kento tried to get help from Rihito but was warned to stop instead. Tami butler and Rihito exchanged suspicious glances. Mei then rem What Tami said about her causing problems for everyone. In the spur, she said it has nothing to do with everone and she quit, and she is quitting form this school. Tami smiled with evil satisfaction.
Kento fought with Rihito ourside Mei dorm. He told Rihito why is he allowing Mei to give up?He said saying his injury has nothing to do with her and Rihito blurted that it wasnt him that saved them. It wasnt him. As a butler, he was unable to protect Mei sama. With great sadness, he turned and went into the room while Kento looked in surprise. Rihito watched Mei packed. Mei told Rihito not to help her so that she can take her time to finish or it ould be over in a flash with Rihito's help. Rihito obliged and moodily stood at a corner without a word. Meanwhile, the Sole girls reported Mei's departure news to Lucia. The crazy woman was pleased. When alone, Lucia turned to ask her butler why wasnt Mei finished off in the end? The butler didnt explain but merely apologised, to which Lucia coldly responded "What a pity.." The white butler looked at Lucia with weird look.

The white butler continued "What is going to happen? If these 2 return, everyone will then know the truth about your mistress." "Please stop dirtying the hands of my mistress Tami." The butler said. "then that will depend on Mei". At that point, Rihito arrived at the hut to see Tami's butler thru the window.
Hearing all that, Kento asked " So u knew the truth about that woman?!" Tami butler revealed that Tami is indebted to Lucia sama and whipped out a picture taken at a orphanage. They were seperated afther the place closed down. It was Lucia who saved Tami and Tami viewed Lucia as a goddess. Hence she would do anything for Lucia, including staying in Ombra all these while to spy and eliminate any new comer that pose a threat or hinder Lucia sama. "I had placed hope on Mei, thinking the udon girl will bring much changes to the atmosphere." the butler shared with kento.
Meanwhile, Mei was polishing the stairways much to Rihito shock. Mei explained she wanted to polish and "beautify" the place that had taken care of her/ lived for so long.

Next day, Mei saw the class busying themselves with cooking something and wondered what was happening. Trying to avoid what was before her, she made excuse she had more to pack and turned to leave. However, Kento grabbed her and told her to wait a min. "Everyone is trying their best, with the best intention for u to try their efforts. Mei looked at them and persisted she wanted to return to her room to pack. Kento grabbed her again and told her to wait. As Mei continued to watch the "disaster" unfolding before her in udon making, Kento added it was alright as everyone is trying their best. Finally Mei couldnt hold back and interrupted the class stating that they shouldnt underestimate undon making. "Arrrggh I truly can watch on further!" With that, she fold her sleeves and demonstrated and teach everyone how to make udon correctly. As the 2 brothers watch on, kento said Mei has reverted to her old self. the whole class was enjoying themselves except for Tami who walked away silently on her own as her own butler looked on.
When they finished and were eating soba, Mei said they shouldnt forget what she had taught them but one of teh girls said it was impossible if Mei isnt around, so please dont quit school. The rest nodded in agreement. "Thank you everyone" Mei said. Everyone else smiled and laughed thinking they had succeed.
Back in the dorm, the head mistress appear thinking Mei had changed her mind. Just as her letter of withdrawal was being torn, Mei interrupted that it was her last good memories spent in the school. "Even if u think u had caused trouble for your classmates, but if everyone work together, the problem will be solved!" the mistress butler told Mei. "it's not just this reason." mei said and went into her room. The head mistress kept quiet.
"Indeed many things have happenb since i came here. I will not forget everyone in this school.Well I have to go." As Mei got up tp take her luggage, Rihito grabbed it. " It;s alright, I will get it myself. " Mei said.

"The me then must be doing lots of stupid things with Natsumi and Kento." Mei replied. "You cherish your friends around you a lot, always helping your parents with the chores, even if Mei sama thinks those things that you do are trival,however to me, that sort of Mei sama is the most beautiful, which is why I had wanted to serve you. Even if Mei knew nothing about Hongo and wanted a simple life, yet I still want to serve you. If there is someone to guard mei sama, that person had to be me. To me, serving Mei sama is the very mistress that I want to serve from the bottom of my heart.Hoever as a butler, I was still unable to protect Mei sama" Rihito said.
"U did a great job protecting me" Mei consoled Rihito. He shook his head and continued. "I saw how Mei sama endless preserve on in this school, unknowingly, I forgotten my identity as a butler...."
Mei paused without a word. Then she suddenly walked away from him towards the door.
"Thank you. Thank you for always standing by my side. " Mei turned to smile at Rihito one last time before she left. Mei was greeted by the twin brothers who had prepared for her departure. kento chased out but the heli had already left.
Kento ran to Mei's room and saw Rihito slumped by the window.
"Why didnt you stop her? Why not? Why not? Why not?!!" Kento shoved Rihito to the ground. "You should not look for Mei anymore." Kento threw his last words and stormed off.
Alone and grining to herself in her own room, Lucia walked out only to be greeted by the headmistress "Are you satisfied that she left? This use to be where I live and i cannot help just came here." she said to Lucia. She then ask "The Rihito that lost her, is now just an empty shell. Will you be happy keeping him in that state by your side?"
"Then are you the one, with your fiance stolen happy?" Lucia asked the head mistress in return. "If one truly wants to have something, I dont care even if it is an empty shell." Lucia added. "I use to have that thought. But now, it sure feels awlful. That is an advice from your senpai" The mistress added before skipping out of the greenhouse.
Back at Mei's room, the white butler found a half dead Rihito that is shivering and running a high fever.
At home that night, Mei couldnt sleep and toss and turn. Natsumi by her side asked Mei if it was really alright like that. Mei heard but remained silent. In school, everyone felt mei's absence and wondering why that "idiot" choose to leave...
Alone, Mei strolled by the beach and sat down at a spot. She then recalled Rihito told her she look prettier removing her specs back in old days. Memories and scenes of times spent with Rihito in the past came flooding back to her. Mei started to sob her heart out by herself.
Just then, Kento arrived to "tease" her. "What are you doing here?" Mei asked. "I'm no longer a butler from today onwards. So there is nothing shocking" Kento replied.

"You will catch a cold coming here to cry." Kento said to her.
" Dont you care." Mei retorted.
"Ahhh I forgot idiot will not catch a chill"
"Go away" Mei said.
"No i wont. I want to stay here,because you are here. Dont i look like a butler. "
"Not at all" Mei retorted.
Kento walked forward to hug her and told her gently "I would never leave you. Although i am not butler. but I will always accompany you by your side. No matter when you are crying or after you cried, I will always be by your side."
Upon hearing that and wrapped by kento comforting arms, Mei closed her eyes and started to sob again... (poooor Mei)
Episode 8 Preview
I feel a little sorry for Kento because I think he knows too that Mei will never reciprocate his feelings, even though he is hoping that she would. He really tries so hard to protect Mei. In fact, he has been doing such a great job always being there for Mei while Rihito is constantly being distracted by Lucia sama. To risk his life to save her, what a display of Kento's true devotion!! However, i think Mei will forever only view Kento like a brother who grew up with him and not the romantic sort of affection.
One thing I dont understand is why Rihito has to hide from Mei about his past in the first place? What he confess to Mei isnt that horrible fact or hard to understand either. If Kento can quit, why can't Rihito just quit and follow Mei back to her small town. Afterall, he did leave Lucia before didnt he? So what prevents him from doing it again? Plus, even if Mei is gone, he can return to the grandfather right? What makes Lucia think that Rihito will stay with her since she is still not the final chosen heiress? Hmmm.
The final scene with Mei crying is quite touching.... unlike Jandi who annoys me everytime she cries, at least when Mei start cries, i can sympathise with her because it is valid, apt and doesnt come across as weakling. Korean drama director ought to take a few lessons from the Japanese ones. Not everyone like "soap opera" drama.
Once again thank you for the review. Now, with full understanding with what had happened, my heart just aches and yes I can emphatise with Mei's feeling...(I agree with your thoughts...somehow I get irritated with crying scenes of Jandi...she had alot of crying moments that's why I wasn't moved @ all...Peace to all Jandi's fans...dont throw eggs on me (-:
The part of Mei's departure...where Rihito revealed his secrets was so moving...Rihito's facial expression and Mei's smile before leaving...This dorama really rocks!and steal my tuesday (-:
Looking forward to the next episode!
Once again arigatou!
Thanks for the recap!
This drama makes me smile, too.
I'm loving Kento more and more. I totally want to jump ship, but I won't for a somewhat shallow reason (Ahh, Rihito!). Well, the other reason is that Mei clearly doesn't feel that way about Kento. Poor Kento.
I love the way everyone in school treats Mei. It's so nice to see how they've learned to accept and care for her.
Hehe, you bought in BBF. I agree with you about the difference in the feelings that are evoked from each drama's crying scenes. The scene here is really touching. I was so sad with her when she was crying. It works for me because Mei usually isn't a crybaby (as compared to Jandi) so her crying scene is a lot more powerful. To be fair though, Jandi did have some nice crying scenes.
Thanks girls! Dont worry, I will shield u ffrom the egg throwing because I so agree with you that Jandi isnt moving me at all, much that I sooo wanted to root for her but the director is making her unlikeable. Not the actress fault, blame the scriptwriter...Jandi cries WAY too much...no matter how good an actress, overcrying is detrimental to (viewers) health! hahaha
OMG yeah man... the bidding farewell part between Rihito and Mei was pretty good. can feel hiro aka Rihito's heart breaking into pieces.... sooo sad! Then when kento went to comfort Mei, it all sooo warm and fuzzy feeling, yet tinged with a sad pity (because we know Mei will not fall for him).
Damn, I want those 2 brothers!!! There were alot of critism about the choice of actor for Kento but I think he has his own style and I like him there! Hiro is of course perfect!!! Mei...hmmm... I wasnt sure she is the best choice but well, she is slowly drawing me to her.
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