So many things to read and watch today.. new chapter of Vampire Knight is out few days back but only got to read it today. Sigh, not much development there. It's so slow that I am losing interest at the rate it goes.
What absolutely made my day is that new chapter of Skip Beat is released today too!! Yiiippppppeeeeee! The manga episode is also starting on a new opening theme song. This series simply just get better and better! There is no words to describe it. How can anyone not fall in love with it yet? I personally think this is way better than Zettai Kareshi. This is one manga which I am currently loving both the drawn and animated version!!! After a year, I am still rooting for it and dying to see how the story will continue to unfold. The climax just keep piling on.
I'm not sure if I want to watch the Taiwan drama version of it though that is currently being shot now. Taiwan has a tendency to over exaggerate and kill the essence. I am dying for someone to decide to shoot the Japanese drama version of would be sooo awesome if they do!!!

Ok I'm just rambling on because I am in a happy mood this week. So many things to read to keep me busy... heeheee
Oh yes please..!!! Make the japanese version of skip beat >_<
Don't know why, but taiwan always step a head when it comes to drama adaptation from manga, you know what i mean, hana yori dango, hana kimi etc... and now skip beat.
right now I'm starting to think who might be suit to be ran and kyoko for the japanese cast ^^ have any idea?
For the Taiwan version.. I never really like Jerry Yan, cause I think his acting is a bit stiff, but sure he's shown some improvement. For Ariel, she's a great actress :)
Are they already started to shot? aren't they have to postpone it since they still have some legal or copyright problem ?
Taiwanese are fanatics when it comes to Japanese manga, has to do with years of under Japanese occupation back then I suppose.
Not sure what is going on but is it off or postpone?
No matter...I think they made a HUGE mistake in the casting. I cannot imagine Ariel as Kyoko no matter how hard I try. She is just too sweet and i like her acting in previous drama but i think lacking the flexibility that the character requires.
As for Jerry, dont bash me but he simply CANNOT ACT and worse, to try to fit the role of ren is simply ridiculous!!! When i saw him in hot shot, he was as stone as ever with that woody expression. He is worse than zai zai the other F4 guy, at least Zai zai was very good in MARS which make me change my mind about his acting. Jerry should just stick to modeling and stop being so arrogant...
I just hope Japan will make a series too.
I can imagine Kim Hyun Joong as Sho! Ren is tough choice, but maybe the pan asian korean actor Daniel Henny came to my mind. would be really cool!! drop dead goregous and have that presence!
Lol, yeah.. Jerry on hot shot was terrible. I simply start to watch hot shot just because of the 'pretty cast' I mean where else you can find Jerry, Wu zhun, and Alan Luo in one drama. But the story is boring, and I gave up after a few episodes.
I understand what you mean, ariel is great actress, but just not fit for the image of Kyoko. When I was thinking for the Japanese cast, Ueno Juri came to my mind, because of her act in Nodame which is very funny, so I think she can present the 'demon kyoko' but the image is not really fit for her.
as for ren, you're right, it's a hard choice, since ren has perfect image.Handsome, tall, cool, good in acting.
yeah..Daniel Henney will be good for Korean version. A 'mix' like him is a bit rare in Japan.
Oh no.. not my Hyun Joong for Sho :) Lee min ho is my nomination for Sho ^^
me too me too!!!! I disliked Hot shot after a few epsiodes because it was getting no where! But i was shallow, i wanted to see the legs on the coach -model CoCO...haaa haaa. I think she is HOT! ;p Wu Zun was like a big VASE there and hardly worth any airtime. Jerry that shorties was dominating way too much irrelevant scene..and xiao zhu was trying too hard to be funny..sigh.
Back to skip beat, yeah Ueno Juri would fit the cute and angry Kyoko (the one with demons) too! However when it comes to the angel scene for Sho MTV, i just cannot visualise her as beautiful. Sorry, she just doesnt come across as radient angel .. bleh :P.. problem with Japanese actress is that they are either too filmsy looking, too cute, too serious mature or too annoying in nasal voice. It's hard to locate one who can pull off such a big role i think...
for sho in japanese, how about Hayami Mokomichi with short hair? hee heee.
U know who they should have pick for REN for both Taiwan and Japanese? I think the looks of Takeshi Kaneshiro fits the bill! Maybe he is looking abit too old for it but his style, suaveness build and mannerism can really make me believe he is REN! Plus he speaks mandarin so he is WAY WAY WAY superior choice than Jerry but of course T.K is way too superstar now to act in such drama production.
lee min ho for sho?! No way!! He is too bulky for the role! haaaa haaa and he definitely doesnt come across as a potential woman flirt. He has too much of an honest face. how about Hyeon Bin? i thought he was really funny in My name is Kim sam soon and he was such a meanie at the start and turn into a utter sweetie later that fits Sho's character progression?
I cannot believe we are talking about casting for a non existing drama! haaaa
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