The major turn off in this ep and I had goosebumps was when I saw the model's Jae Ha makeup during the photoshot. If he is suppose to be some top model, why did he have such girly hideous makeup done with bright red lip sticks and badly done eye colour?!!! Even a 10yr old can put on better make up than that!!!Eeeeeks! See for yourself.... no way this is professional make up...how can the production studio even do this to him or try to convince us otherwise?!!

Makes me wonder, are they seriously trying to deliberately "ugly-fied" other actors to make F4 guys look even better by comparison or what? I felt so sad they pick a not so good looking guy to play this role. Even his acting is so stiff....Utterly destroying the image that is in the actual manga where the guy was really quite good looking. I wish it was someone looking like JiHoon who played this role instead.
I did a screen shot of the scene where Jae ha has the ugly makeup.The only time he looked normal and decent was at the last few minutes when he kidnapped Jan Di and he sat down to talk to her.
While Jae ha looked crap, Jan Di looked really cute in here as the "model"! Esp at the start when she had the bunny ears! Sooooo adorable!
Ep 11 Video (Sub).
Part1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
OMG..I agree with you. probably not one of the most interesting episode but episode 12 was SO good...I just finished watching it and you will not be disappointed. IT'S FREAKIN sad. Jan Di looked so hot as the model...but yeah you should really watch episode 12.
Yeah!! Ep 12 is soooo much better!! I like it!!! U are right! I definitely was not disappointed!!! Now I am gying for episode 13!!!
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