Also..what do you think of Jihoo's new hair style in this episode? Hmmm..i guess it's alright, abit dorky on him....however but TOO MANY korean actors had spotted this hairstyle already. Before him, i rem there were a few with exactly same cut and carried it off better. One of them was actor Jihoon in the drama Devil. What, same hairstylist who doesnt know how to cut any other hair style? Duh....
Episode 15 (Watch partial subbed video as of bloggin time)
As usual, Jandi begins the show as a fumbling idiot, pissing me off again with her stupid grining face. As she and Jihoo were walking around doing more sightseeing, they stopped to buy Portuguese Tart. Jihoo discovered his wallet is missing (Min swiped it to place his picture with J.H inside). Jandi offered to pay and took out her wallet. The tart shop lady asked Jihoo where he was from and he told her he was from Korea. He smiled when the lady mistook them for a young newly wed honeymoon couple. So she offered Jandi a free tart. That greedy gut took the tart and she forgot all about her wallet which she placed on the countertop. Sigh...

While she realised, Jihoo told her to wait and ran off, borrowing a guitar to perform singing to earn cash for both of them. All silly Jandi could do is smile like a moron and touch her stupid hair.

When walking back, her heel broke and so she had to take off her shoes. Seeing that, Jihoo squat down without hesitation to piggy back her. Of course, as they walked home, they were spotted by GJP waiting in the car. Too bad, GJP cannot do anything except seeing from a distance his best friend caring for his girl.

When the boys left, silly crybaby finally came out of the room, welcomed by breakfast, presumbly left by JH with a note. Jihoo on the otherhand went shopping alone for shoes for silly Jandi. When they met, Jihoo passed her the new air ticket, to her shock was flying first class!!! I assumed she decline or something from her stupid expression. (Come on, she expect rich gorgeous Jihoo to fly econmy class with her?? Is she really THAT STUPID???)
At the airport, like prince charming, Jihoo kneeled down and slipped the new shoes onto silly cow's feet. Just as both of them smiled away, guess who is here to spoil the party - GJP of course. Jihoo looked annoyed and said something angril to GJP, prob asking why he is here or telling him he has no business here anymore since its over since he dumped JD (just guessing here base on his facial expressions). Curly hair jealously yelled at Jihoo. However Jihoo continued saying something more (guessing he prob said things like - I let her go to give u all the chances but u let her go in the end or something) and aggravated jealous GJP punch my prince Jihoo!!! ARRRGGHH!!!
Of course finally moronic Jandi wake from her daze, stepped up and yelled for GJP to stop, told off GJP and left with Jihoo, leaving GJP devasted, slumped to the floor and crying by himself. Sigh both him and JANDI really deserve each other.... GJP faithful subordinate arrived with the shoes that GJP bought for Jandi. He saw pathetic GJP sobbing his heart out, hugged him and left, leaving the shoes behind. Guess who picked up the pair of shoes but GJP future fiancee....
Back in Korea, Jandi was obviously affected and listless at work... when she made delivery to Jihoo's grandfather clinic, he was yelling at her to do something (since she is always too dumb to react fast). Seems like he asked her to help out to pour drinks for the old people or something. Anycase, they started chatting and being busybody, seemed to be asking alot of questions which the old man just ignored her until she said something that made him laugh.
Next scene...Jihoo was dressing up and he had a NEW short HAIRSTYLE !!! ARRRRGGHHHHHHH!! I missed his old hairstyle but he remains Sooo dashing with his ear stud and all! Heeee. He appeared in school again visitng Jandi at the stairway.
On the street, she saw GJP on big screen and she stood there staring. GJP sister saw her and invited her home. Moronic woman strayed into GJP room without permission and start thinking abt past memories. Later she started to sob like mad into sister's arms.
Later, Jandi's best friend was invited to GJP birthday party by her crush....Jandi also received an invite of her own. At the party, Jihoo like a perfect prince, extended his arm to Jandi to escort hermuch to the envy of the rest of the girls... The silly girl of course hesitated, before accepting it. During the party, Jihoo was carefully watching over Jandi's expression and her pained discomfort...Suddenly GJP mum's appeared at their table, asking her to play the piano (i think). Jihoo stood up immediately to her defence but Jandi of course said yes to the request much to F4's shock. Jihoo looked at her with concern. (rem Jihoo had always practice with her?)
Much to everyone surprise including the mum, she managed to play and sing, while choking back her tears of course. When she finished, the mum was on stage saying something with a smile before annoucing GJP's fiancee news to everyone. F4 was shocked! Gjp mumbled something about that old witch... then the fiancee was dragged unceremoniously into the party by the body guards.
Later outside, F4, Jandi and GJP mum were chatting. GJP storm to join in. The fiancess also joined in. Much to GJP mum's delight and angry looking Jandi, GJP grabbed fiancee hands by mistake and dragged her off without looking he had got the wrong girl. We see Jandi going home with Jihoo in a car talking, with her crying away as usual and Jihoo with dead serious expression. yet after she alighted, Jihoo lean his head back against the car seat and smiled to himself as he said something to himself. As he open his eyes, he saw the fumbling absent minded idiot had left her bag of stuff in his car... meanwhile, GJP appeared in his quarters...
hahahahahaha,...i can see that u hate jan di most :D.
but, i think i can understand her uneasy feeling about love :p
I had liked her at the starting, coz i thought she was cute. However as the episode progress, I started to dislike how she was being portrayed, utterly useless like a barbie doll. Maybe I just dislike weak girls because they have no reason to be...
She can be uneasy but she can stop behaving like an idiot....and greedy pig...though I am sure Jihoo would never starve her. The way she behave is like she is pigeon brain.
This is not being cute or girly. This is being annoying by acting stupid.
i hope her character role will get better later...
WHy the so very negative comments on Jan-Di? Viewers in discomfort should direct their negative comments to the writer(s). I agree only that some of the enchanting shoul be written for Jan-Di, beginning next episodes. This will redeem all common girls' due respect and purity of love and sex (naivenessas) as a challenge to score with the rich and powerful(a given)
Only when you are really pure in sexual activity world, that your views collide with others not so pure...
my thoughts on understanding Jan-Di's character...She is rreally inhabits the character of GJD.
GJP-I believe was afforded some of those charms and he incorporated these incredibly. Writers certainly had a motive to crown him HYD - Prince for all times...
K-F4 is certainly the best version ogf the 3 HYD so far...
Well, I cannot help being negative when the role character always act like a helpless fumbling idiot.
Anycase, the sentiments written are purely subjective as me the viewer. There is no right or wrong to it:)
That's what drama shows are for, to draw out our own feelings and we choose to root for the characters we like most in it.
Don't worry, you're not the only one. Jandi is just so unlikeable, and her protrayal by GHS is anything but endearing. It's such a shame becuase I love the character and the actress prior to this drama. I don't understand how two guys can fall in love with her. Bleh.
THANK YOU stacey for your comment.
At least now I know I am not alone in disliking this character progression... like u, I use to like this character alot when I first pick up the manga, which then propel me to be addicted to all the drama productions. But here, she is sooo unendearing.
Much that I dont want to compare the various country's version, but Korean version is the ONLY version which makes Jandi so unlikeable for me.
Instead of making me sympathetic with her plight of being "victimised" and push to a corner by GJP mum, I ended up disliking her inability to stand up for herself.
The reason why I like Hana Dori is because the heroine -Jandi is a girl who FIGHTS for what she wants against all odd. Her very likable nature is that she DARE to defy GJP mum and push forward with GJP. Yet in this version, she is always undecisive, dependable, ignorant, clueless, fumbling and insensitive, not to mention leeching on F4 all the time. Drives me mad.
I can go on and on detailing everything I dislike about this character but I better not before I get "bashed" in my own blog by GJP and JD supporters... :P
still, thanks agan stacey for sharing your similar sentiments!
Hehe, I must thank you for voicing your annoyance with Jandi (you're awesome!). I've bought it up in several blogs and forums (especially soompi) and I always get bashed. I always get comments like "stop replying in here or stop watching it if you don't like Jandi."
I, too, can go on and on about why Jandi doesn't work in this drama. She hasn't done anything noteworthy since the first few episodes where she stood up to Jun Pyo. I mean, a heroine doesn't always have to constantly do awesome things, but here she's reduced to the typical cutesy and weak damsel in distress.
I really liked Jandi (Makino) in the other versions, too. I hate comparing them, but I can't help myself. I can understand why both guys fell in love with her in Hana Yori. Heck, even I fell in love with her. Here, I just can't comprehend it.
I soo agree with your whole statement and it's a relief to know I am not the only one she is pissing off!!!! So trust me, U will never get "bashed" here in this blog with your honest views! Ha ha ha.
"JD in here she's reduced to the typical cutesy and weak damsel in distress." << I COULDNT AGREE MORE!!! I think JD character should be more like the girl in Goong.
Her whole behaviour is really vrey hard to stomach and at some point, I really wonder why am I still watchin this. Then I rem I wanted to see KHJ as Jihoo.. (^~^) Then again sometimes his character is also quite unbelieveable. TOOOOOOOO sweet and asking for it (to suffer emotionally). I mean, does such a guy ever exists man? When he bought the shoes and wear it for JD, I was thinking "NO FREAKING WAY!" So cliche!!!
it's quite good to hear that I'm not the only one ranting about Koo Hye Sun's portrayal of Jan Di. It's not KHS personally, not even Jan Di's character but Koo Hye Sun as Jan Di is definitely NOT WORKING. She appears to be dumb and indecisive most of the time. Awkward damsel in distress, it's almost pathetic. I wonder if these negative reactions on Jan Di's character are getting to the producers. How ironic that Jan Di is one of the major "let-downs" in this Korean adaptation of Hana Yori Dango. It would have worked if there were no Shancai or Makino prior to Jan Di. Too bad. I was rooting for Yoon Eun Hye or Moon Geun Young to portray the role of Jan Di. If any of those two did, Boys before Flowers would have given Hana Yori Dango live action a run for their money. For now, we'll just be watching the rest of the episodes, rooting for Ga Eul and Yi Jung and hoping that they will spare us a second season of this series. :P
hey leyram, U will never be the only one ranting about JanDi in this blog for sure!!! She is just freaking annoying. Even my korean gfs thinks she is being stupid. What u said is true, she is a major LET DOWN and its ironical being that she should have been the lead star! sigh...
Ga Eul and Yi Jung? YEAH baby!! I so agree! They are so cute together!
Your Blog is full of hateful tone towards JD and JP. I wanted to write you to tell you that this is the last time I would come to your blog.
Actually, I think that JH is ugly and stupid. JH is a GJP wannabe. All the do I sound? Like you!
To Anon@ 1May,
Know what? I was laughing so hard at your reactions because I honestly dont care 2 hoots what you think about JH. Mate, JH IS TV CHARACTER, UNREAL, SCRIPT PERFORMANCE.
I find it really funny when people get angry over negative reviews over TV characters they like. They react like its blasphemy or something. Children...grow up!
Haaaa haaa
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