I rewatch Boys before flowers ep 14 over lunch today since I didnt have time yesterday and was only skimming through the scenes.
The first thing that cross my mind was if I were GJP friends and Jihoo, I would bash him not because he decide to let JanDi go, but more for the fact that he couldnt do it like a man in person. Like a "coward" (regardless his reasons), he made JanDi wait in vain for 6 months without a word. Any man who is decent should come clean and made his intentions known to the other party even if its a lie!
Like what Jihoo said, as a favor, please see JanDi one more time and speak to her. Exactly!! Not only does this end the relationship proper with a closure, at least it allows JanDi to move on and so that Jihoon can act on his feelings! The only time I approve is when he cruelly kill and dash all her hopes so that it will be a clean break, leaving her absolutely no hope. In reality, I would rather have a man break my heart to a million pieces than trying to be Mr Nice. His cruel parting would be a fuel and motivation for the girl not linger on in false dreams.
Anycase, when Jihoo was replying to GJP query as to why he is asking GJP to meet Jandi , I wonder about that response "that is all i can do now." Is he hinting to GJP to let go because when she is your gf, I cannot do more to comfort her. So let go and let me do more than a friend!
I felt so sad for Jihoo when he was hugging a crying JanDi. I felt like my heart could break for him. He is the best! The silent protector. He looked so cute in that cap when he was offering her icecream. How can JanDi not be bewitched?!! arrrrggghh! Did anyone else spot how causal Jihoo is with Jandi now, always having his arms placed round her shoulders... so sweet!!! And he didnt deny anything when Min ask if she is his gf. He look so amused at Jandi at Min's place, but I wonder why does JanDi gorged her mouth so full like a pig. She is eating as if she hasnt ate for days! None of my gfs will ever eat like that!
However there was a part I didnt quite understand. What Jandi said to him before she left. She said she was glad she met Jihoo. However I didnt understand why shy said she would not have the courage to say that later after the trip? Any ideas?
Anycase, I am "amazed" at how the drama could made a boring Macau looked remotely interesting to tourists... even the St Paul's ruin which is just one wall left standing, I wanted to laugh when JanDi and Jihoo look as if they were before some grand architecture. There is nothing else beyond that wall except a small museum at the back. The back of the wall has steel stairs erected so you can look through the window holes from the other side but that is about it... Anyone notice how polluted the air is that you cannot see the blue sky, its not overcast, its grey because its polluted air.... I guess they have to pick Macau for the Venice theme...but they should have cut it short and sweet, Too draggy as if I am watching some touring sighseeing promo clips.
The first thing that cross my mind was if I were GJP friends and Jihoo, I would bash him not because he decide to let JanDi go, but more for the fact that he couldnt do it like a man in person. Like a "coward" (regardless his reasons), he made JanDi wait in vain for 6 months without a word. Any man who is decent should come clean and made his intentions known to the other party even if its a lie!
Like what Jihoo said, as a favor, please see JanDi one more time and speak to her. Exactly!! Not only does this end the relationship proper with a closure, at least it allows JanDi to move on and so that Jihoon can act on his feelings! The only time I approve is when he cruelly kill and dash all her hopes so that it will be a clean break, leaving her absolutely no hope. In reality, I would rather have a man break my heart to a million pieces than trying to be Mr Nice. His cruel parting would be a fuel and motivation for the girl not linger on in false dreams.
Anycase, when Jihoo was replying to GJP query as to why he is asking GJP to meet Jandi , I wonder about that response "that is all i can do now." Is he hinting to GJP to let go because when she is your gf, I cannot do more to comfort her. So let go and let me do more than a friend!
I felt so sad for Jihoo when he was hugging a crying JanDi. I felt like my heart could break for him. He is the best! The silent protector. He looked so cute in that cap when he was offering her icecream. How can JanDi not be bewitched?!! arrrrggghh! Did anyone else spot how causal Jihoo is with Jandi now, always having his arms placed round her shoulders... so sweet!!! And he didnt deny anything when Min ask if she is his gf. He look so amused at Jandi at Min's place, but I wonder why does JanDi gorged her mouth so full like a pig. She is eating as if she hasnt ate for days! None of my gfs will ever eat like that!
However there was a part I didnt quite understand. What Jandi said to him before she left. She said she was glad she met Jihoo. However I didnt understand why shy said she would not have the courage to say that later after the trip? Any ideas?
Anycase, I am "amazed" at how the drama could made a boring Macau looked remotely interesting to tourists... even the St Paul's ruin which is just one wall left standing, I wanted to laugh when JanDi and Jihoo look as if they were before some grand architecture. There is nothing else beyond that wall except a small museum at the back. The back of the wall has steel stairs erected so you can look through the window holes from the other side but that is about it... Anyone notice how polluted the air is that you cannot see the blue sky, its not overcast, its grey because its polluted air.... I guess they have to pick Macau for the Venice theme...but they should have cut it short and sweet, Too draggy as if I am watching some touring sighseeing promo clips.
What Jandi said to him before she left. She said she was glad she met Jihoo. However I didnt understand why shy said she would not have the courage to say that later after the trip? Any ideas?
Yeah.. I've been questioning it too ^~^ My guess is that Jandi already had a feeling that something 'bad' will be happen between she and Junpyo after this trip, and when that happen , she'll choose to cut all the things that could related her to Jun pyo, including Ji hoon who is jun pyo's friend.
Let's wait how things will develop.
While looking at ji hoo's scenes over and over, I notice the difference in ji hoo's hair cut length, this also happened with yi joong in the new caledonia scene ^^ yeah.. it's pre-shot scene and tiny little mistake like this could happen.
LOL to your comment about St.Paul. I've been there too around 6 years ago, and my memory also remind me that nothing really special about the architecture, but the history and the miracle thing behind the story was interesting. So bad, that at that time, the venetian hadn't been built. The hotel looks really great ^^
You seems have traveled a lot around the world, is it kind of your hobby or is it because of your work? ^-^
but how can she cut off her friendship with Jihoo even if things between her and GJP goes south? That is what I dont get it either? Friendship is bilateral isnt it? How can she make such a one sided decision when it is of no fault of Jihoo? Doesnt she think Jihoo would be sad if she did that?
If only Jihoo had fallen for her earlier..... she would not have suffered through all the bad things, her family would not be in poverty...all the if only. In real life, I hate to say this but with such a cute protector like Jihoo by my side, I most proab would say to hell with GJP and gone with Jihoo. However I know Jihoo will NOT make any move until he is sure GJP is truly over with JD. He values GJP as his "brother" alot too.
Yes yes!!! I saw the hair change too!!!!!! The way to explain it off is these master of riches decide to go get their hair done in the hotel salon out of bordem, since Jihoo would even go for bloody pedicure or was it foot massage with JD!!! Haaa
LOL. Yeah U been there so u know what I mean right?! I agree, the history of St Paul Ruin is kind of like a miracle but it is prob only worth 5 mins of the time though....When i was there, the venetian hotel wasnt built yet either:) However, Macau is just not my scene...At least Las vegas has Grand Canyon as alternate purpose...
Yeah I use to travel alot when I was working, but I love leisure travelling just as much, so u can say its a hobby! :P
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