OMG! This has got to be one of the saddest episode ever, even more than the one where Nishino chosen to part ways with Mei. I cant wait for the ending... please please please let Mei at least end up with Nishino.
I felt really really sad. My heart was almost aching for Mei when she started crying towards the end. my feeling towards Taka also changed at the end.
Akai Ito Episode 8 Summary
(Watch video)
The ep again starts time rewind, with Mei's birth mother Machiko and her best friend (Mei's current mum) , discussing about Mei's father. Mei's mum mentioned the father has changed since Mei's birth. Mei's current mother said that it was truly unexpected that he would suddenly take off from home...but Mei's bith mum interrupted and said " I believe in him." At this point, Nishino's mum appeared and they started chatting with Mei's birth mum offering to look after Nishino while she goes to work that night. That was also the first time Mei's current mother was introduced to Nishino's mum. Mei's current mum also met Nishino for he first time and Nishino's mum commented that "both toddler Nishino and Mei are already very good friends currently."
That night at the night club, the drug peddler ask Nishino mum to meet him after work, saying she is the only one he can entrust the task to.
Back to present day.
Nishino was discussing his mum's condition with the doctor. Nishino said his mum mentioned she is ready to live on her own now, so that Nishino can start to give priority to his own life. Nishino happily shared that she now has many friends and appear to pass her days normally, adding "This is the first time I have seen my mum so energetic!" However, the doctor replied while she is heading in the right direction, but being that this is the 4th time she is in drug rehab, with past history of running away from hospital, the doctor warned that Nishino's mum may be experiencing a stage where she no longer really care about herself. The doctor reminded Nishino not to forget the road to recovery is a long long one. Nishino said he understood and thanked the doctor.
At that moment, was where Taka first raised his hand and slapped Mei. (repeat scene from prev ep)
At home, sensing something is wrong, Haruna brought pudding to Mei's room and tried to find out what was wrong. Using her friend as a conversational example, Mei consulted her sister about the the problem of having a violent boyfriend, and that "her friend" was at loss as to what to do. Haruna told Mei directly that any man who resorted to violence against his partner is definitely the worse kind. Mei quickly jumpoed to defence saying that she knew the guy and he is infact a very gentle kind guy. However Haruna insisted regardless of any excuses or reasoning can condone such an act of violence at all, then Haruna suspiciously asked Mei is she was the victim but Mei lied and replied of course not!
The next day, Takashi sms Mei and apologised for his actions, stating that it was because he cherish those moments with her too much, and he was overcome with shock by wha she had said about not meeting every day. Just as Mei saw his message, a very depressed Mia cried out to Mei.

She told Mei that she had broken up, and was dumped as her bf had fallen for someone in his school. He told her that it was indeed a different feeling being with a good friend, and a girl he liked. As class was to start, mei told Mia she would chat more after school and hear her story. mei sms Taka if it is ok not to meet that day as Mia is depressed over her relationship.

Taka replied sms Mei that he had something important to tell her and that she must meet him. However when she arrived, she discovered Taka had tricked her. His very important matter was simply a trival thing which is asking her what they should do on weekend. A surprisedMei asked "that's it?" Taka got indignant and said that is a very important thing, proposing they should go watch a movie. While Mei concede to his request, she couldnt resist telling Taka, "Taka chan, I like to meet Mia tomorrow. "

The scene changed to Taka walking in front and Mei following quietly behind. Taka turned around and said "Sorry." and continued walking. "Please dont say such things anymore. We did make a promise, which it is to meet one hour daily, even if it is short time, but it should be something that both should treasure alot right?" Taka said ernestly to Mei. Mei looked at his face but said nothing. Taka continued " I shall not go to school tonight. Let us be together!" Mei still didnt say anything but forced a weak smile as a reply, and followed him from behind quietly.
On the other hand, Mia was disappointed to receive Mei's sms that they couldnt meet that day. Miyabi that drug girl saw Mia sitting alone at the playground and approached her, asking Mia to join for fun that day. Miyabi brougher Mia to the night club and Mia saw everyone there taking drug. Miyabi offered Mia a small toy, and showed her the hidden drugs in the toy. Mia asked what was it. Miyabi explained it was Esctasy and that it make everything painful go away, encouraging a Mia to try it. When Mei reached home and tried to call Mia, no one answered the phone and was diverted to voice mail. Mei left a message for Mia to call her regardless what time. We see Mia's phone ringing unattended on the club table, with Mia no where in sight. Next day, Mei went to Mia's class looking for her but her classmate told her she was on leave.

Meanwhile, Mami met up with Nishino and said she has a place to bring him for lunch. To his surprise it was the cafe Nishino use to hang out alot with his classmates. Inside, Yui and Fuji were surprised to see Nishino and greeted him warmly. As they chatted, Fuji exclaimed surprised that it was Mia who got dumped instead of the reverse. Yui shared that Mei was worried about Mia and had been frantically looking everywhere for Mia. Fuji also said he would check with Mia's exbf to find out more details but was diverted to voice mail, so Fuji demanded that he return his call immediately.
WHile everyone was looking deflated and worried in silence, Mami said "Everyone's relationship with each other is good. Despite being in high school, you are still worried about friends from junior high. I do not have such friends. I envy you guys." Nishino looked at her and no one said anything to her statement. At that point, a worried Mei walked into the cafe, and was shocked to see Nishino. Yui asked if Mia has been found and they found out that she was there before arguing with her bf.
Walking to school, Mia was told by another schoolmate that Mia had been spotted with Miyabi. The schoolmate told Mei that it is quite worrying as Mia' companions have bad reputation. Mei listened on with increasing worry.
That eve at 5pm, Taka waited anxiously as before for Mei but she did not appear. He tried calling her but couldnt reach her in person. Mei was in fact frantically looking everywhere for Mia at places she was last seen.
That eve, while he was walking home alone, it was Mia who spotted Nishino and called out to him happily (or groggily from drugs). Nishino was surprised and Mia continued ranting that Nishino didnt bother to call anyone from old days, and why was he being so etc etc.... Nishino took a glance at Mia's company. The drug groupies inclding Miyabi recognised Nishino and took off without a word. Nishino asked Mia "Are you taking drugs? Your pupils are dilated." Mia tried to deny. Nishino spotted the toy penguin (stuffed drug toy) and demanded angrily "What is this?!" Mia tried to deny again saying it was nothing. "Those people will hide the drugs in the toy and peddle the drugs this way right?" Nishino sternly asked Mia. Mia kept quiet guilty. AT that Mei spotted Mia and called and ran to her, surprised to see Nishino as well.
While walking, Mia complained and ask Mei and Nishino not to bother about her. "It's nothing. Stop kicking up a fuss! I only consume a little." Mei replied that Mia isnt this sort of person but Mia retorted that she is EXACTLY this sort of person and so to leave her alone. "No its not good like this." Mei added with concern but Mia brushed her hands off yelling "Stop being so noisy! I'm hurting inside as things have come to this." Mia turned away from Mei and added "Mitsu' has someone he likes, so i figure if i eat this, I will forget everything." Mei told Mia she was sorry that she didnt have a chance to listen to her problems properly. "but even if you ate those pills, it will solve nothing. If this goes on, Mia would be unsavable!" Mei added worriedly. Nishino looked at the scene silently and sadly, with much inner thoughts. At this point, Taka who had been searching for Mei spotted them.
"I wont eat anymore. I promise you." Mia said to Mei.
"I believe you." Mei replied happily.
"I definitely will NOT eat them again, so please do not worry. I have only consume 2-3 times, so I can rid the habit easily." Mia said to Mei.
At that point, Nishino interrupted and solemnly said "Will definitely eat them again." A surprised Mei and Mia turned around to look at him. "Everyone always think they will be alright. This is not an issue of trust!" Nishino added. Mia looked down with a guitly expression. "Why are you so certain? Why couldnt you be more understanding about what has happened to her, and how she might be feeling now? What she is going through is not something that everyone can think it through" Mei angrily retorted Nishino.
"I am saying this has nothing to do with Mia's will power! There are many things in this world, where your will power alone is not enough!!" Nishino replied agitatedly. "Perhaps it is so! but i believe in Mia!! Because she said she wont take the drugs anymore." Mei replied. Seeing how determined Mei looked, Nishino did not try to convince her otherwise and merely said "Jya. (bye)", turned around and left.
After Nishino left, Taka who had been looking on at the whole exchange, slowly walked towards Mei and Mia. As he walk up the steps from behind, he angrily threw his bag to the ground. Mei turned around and saw him. As Mei started to say "Taka chan, Sor.." Taka angrily slapped her on her face before she couldnt finished.
"You, did you know how many calls I made to you?!!!!" Tak angrily yelled at Mei and grabbed her shoulders shaking her. Nishino turned around at the commotion. He saw Taka angrily shoved Mei against the metal railings while yelling at her "How could I ever trust you?!!" and slapped her heavily across the face. "Oh How could I ever trust you?" Taka yelled again and rained his slaps on Mei repeatedly across her face, and punched Mei at her tummy yelling for Mei to say something! Mia in shock yelled at Taka to stop! Seeing Mei being physically abused, Nishino sprinted across the road without a sec delay!
Nishino grabbed Taka from behind and yelled at him while steering Taka away from Mei "Taka what exactly are you doing?!!!" "It has nothing to do with you! Dont interfere in our matters!" An angry Taka replied him while trying to free himself from Nishino's grip. Taka grabbed Nishino's collar with both his hands and shouted at Nishino "Dont interfere!" Nishino emotionally shouted back "How can I not interfere?!!" and raised his fist to punch Taka right in his face!!
As Taka landed onto the floor, Mei got up from where she had doubled over earlier, and run towards Taka while yelling at Nishino "This has nothing to do with At-kun!" Mei run and kneeled infront of Taka, fending Taka from Nishino. Nishino looked at her in shock!
Mei Tearfully repeated and yelled at Nishino, spilling out her heart "This has nothing to do with you. When everyone was pointing their fingers at me and scolding me, when I was feeling all alone, it was Taka chan who was by my side. The one who had helped me was not you At-kun, but Taka chan! At this moment, dont be so self righteous about things you say!" Nishino looking almost tearful, stared on at Mei filled with emotions, while Taka looked alittle remorseful hearing what Mei said. Mei continued to tearfully glare at Nishino. Overcome by what mei said, Nishino walked away without a word.
Mami who was suppose to have dinner with her friend, spotted a depressed Nishino walking alone, and abandon her friend making excuse she has to go somewhere. She ran after Nishino and called to her, asking him what was wrong. A surprised Nishino said nothing. She said he was lying, always shouldering all his problems alone, and he can tell her all his problems anytime, no matter what, she would always understand him. Nishino just said thank you to her and that he would send her home without further adding any details. He turned from where he was heading and started walking ahead without waiting for Mami to say a word. A disappointed and dissatisfied Mami turn around and ran after Nishino, hugging him from the back, much to a completely bewildered Nishino. "I meant it." Mami said while still holding him from the back. Nishino looked emotionally distraught and didnt reply her but neither did he make any attempt to move to reciprocate her hug. Instead, he looked like he gave a silent troubled sigh.

Back at the store, Taka's father greeted him. He asked Taka to help him with the curry. He told him cooking curry require patience and small flame, not to be impatient. While not knowing his problems, His father was trying to use the curry as an analogy to advise Taka in ways of life indirectly.

Meanwhile in the room, Mia apologised and also asked Mei, why things couldnt return to the way as before?
The next day before school, Mei went to look for Taka at his father's shop. She called out to a surprised Taka " hey Taka-chan, I too would like to spend our days happily with Taka chan in the future, we made a promise to be always together, so can u believe in me? I believe in you. That's all." Mei smiled brightly at Taka who was surprised by what he heard.

At the shrine celebration, Taka met up with Nishino. Taka playfully slapped Nishino on his hand and said jokingly "Hey, since you are back, you could have at least contact me! you idiot!" Nishino acknowledged Oh, sorry.
"It's alright. I just have a question to ask. Why did you part with Mei? What happened? What was the reason?" Taka asked calmly as a friend. Nishino stonily replied "Lost the feeling. Normally will hence end the relationship right." "Stop liking her? You truly doesnt know how to lie. " Taka said in jest. "I'm not lying" Nishino said.
"Before, Mei had said that it was me who had helped her when she was down, saying such things, it is unlike Mei to be so angry, truth is, she is desperately trying her best to like me. I thought I could replace you easily, but I was unable to. At the School Bunka festival, I had overheard your conversation with Mei back then in the classrooom. From that time onwards, I have already felt that there must be something between you and Mei, how do I say it, a destiny that is invisible to the eye, it's akai ito (the red thread of destiny)." Taka said and look thoughtful. Nishino looked away in silence. "After being beaten by you, that is what I thought. Wow! This person still likes Mei! I am unclear as to what had happened. Isnt it only you the only person who can give Mei happiness? Today Mei is also here." Nishino looked at Taka uncertainly. Meanwhile Mei was in Yuta looking for Taka in the crowd. Taka looked at Nishino face to face with a peaceful look on his face. Nishino replied " Even for liking, there are times where one could be helpless to do anything." With that he walked off. Taka tried calling Mei but she did not answered and was diverted to voice mail.
Taka walked on as he talked on his phone. Nishino leaned against the tree alone, and pondered about his earlier conversation with Taka. Taka ended his call, and heaved a relief smile and started to cross the road.
A car honked.
A startled footstep.
A broken glass.
Mei turned around.
Nishino looked up.
A man hurriedly walked through the crowd exclaiming a traffic accident, involving a guy student has occured.
Mei heard and followed the crowd, rushed towards the scene.
Her eyes widen in shock at the scene before her.
Taka's bag was lying on the floor.
Nishino' who was running to the scene, saw and yelled "TAKA!!!"
Taka's mobile was lying on the floor, next to a pool of blood.
Ambulance sirens.
At the hospital. Nishino and Mei were alone.
Nishino explained to Mei: "That guy, what was he trying to do? He sms me to meet at the shrine at 5pm. As usual, looking hurried and trying to be strong. Really hasnt changed. Taka wants me to meet you. Such a thing...." Nishino was interrupted by the arriving rest of the exclassmates, asking how was Taka. The doctor came out. Taka's father came out and apologised for worrying the rest. He said his son was such an idiot, so unfillia, truly unfillial, being so unfillial to depart before his parents. The group was left in shock and sobbing in grieve.
While waiting at the lounge, Mei suddenly rem to check her mobile. She saw the last voice message Taka had left for her. She hurriedly played the recorded message.
"Mei, I apologised for everything up till now. I have no confidence. Studpily only thinking about myself. Mei I have made u suffered. I am truly an idiot. You must have reached the shrine? I understand now, the person you need to see, to talk it through clearly isnt me, it's Nishino. I am very happy being with you, extremely blessed. However, the person who can give you happiness isnt me." Nishino turned to look at Mei who had been listening to the phone quietly. Mei started to tear as she listened on. "Mei, thank you for liking me. (at this Mei recalled the last scene where Taka had cheerfully waved goodbye to her the last time) From now on, let's return to being friends like we once were back in junior high, just normal friends!" Mei started sobbing at the end of the message...
Typed words
People are often unware of being protected by many people. Such an important matter, I was only aware after I had lost it.
Akai Ito Ep9
Vide0 and summary
thank you!! thank you sooo much for the summary!!! I have been dying for the release and now I am so looooking foward to next episode! Good work and thanks again!
Waa. I'm intrigued by this episode. I'm so dying to watch it. Akai Ito and Boys Over Flowers Korean is driving me craaaaazy.
Anyway, do you know any site where i can download or even just watch akai ito? Can seem to find it in veoh or youtube. :))
Wonderful work as per always. :D.
I definitely agree with you on the thing about how this is a super sad episode, but I guess I consider it more of a good kinda hurt (if there is really such a thing). Like I'm really really sad that Takashi died and everything, but I like how despite his passage, there is a kind of a conclusion in his relationship with Mei. It kind of how can I put it... it ... the word isn't coming to mind at the moment.... lol. kind kinda like it reminds us once again that Taka-chan is human, and being ever so human his insecurities made him into a person that perhaps he didn't "want" to be, but was. But I really do like how he left her a message, and how he tried to bring A-kun and Mei back together. It makes him... more honorable? I don't know if that's the exact term that I want to use to describe his actions, but it kinda "makes better", at least a little all the pain and agony that his character recently brought to the past few episodes of the show. For myself, his actions in this episode reminded me of how his actions were all so human, not reasonable perhaps, but oh so human.
Like I loved the whole A-kun saving Mei from Taka and everything, but I think this ep was for me, more Taka's ep to shine.
Thank you for the detailed and wonderful summaries as always. Thanks thanks thanks!
thanks people.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about Taka. This is HIS episode to shine!
Initially I was so angry at how he is so obsessed with his love for Mei. I was ooo horrified when he was slapping and punching Mei and how he ended up hurting her which is no excuse at all. It made me think about how many abuse victims in real life choose to stay on with their tormetors in real life simply because they too believe in the good side like Mei did....
In this drama, I am glad and happy that Taka came to his realisation, and he so selflessly gave up his love and like a man, try to bring Mei and Nishino together. I was soo proud of him when I saw him smile after he left the voice mail for Mei.
When I was watching I was really touched, and I tried the hardest to convey those facial emotions in my summaries too because I think the episode so deserved it even if it meant an extra hour typing! :P
I nearly cried when i heard Taka's voicemail. My heart was tugging at me sooo much....
I hope next week Nishino doesnt do anything too bad in anger at the night club....
Thk Q sooo much for the detailed summary!! I am sure we are not the only ones here who appreciate you hard work! Thanks!
OMG...i went back to watch this episode after you posted up the summary and it was twice as sad now that I knew what was going on...I can't believe everything that happened in this episode because they packed a lot of different emotions into this one. I couldn't handle it all. I just know it's going to get worse... I agree with anonymous2 because it's so hard watching this drama and boys over flowers korean version...they're both so good!! can't wait till next week!! oh and anonymous 2 you can dl the subbed version on http://s1.zetaboards.com/TimeLesSub/site/
I hope that helps.
Thanks Missopm for sharing the info with us!
For info, I have found online videos for all the episodes (3-8) and embedded the videos here for viewing. Enjoy!
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