Just finished watching the new VCD i bought - Cape No. 7 (海角七号). My interest arouse solely from the fact they had won so many acolades and so I thought I should check it out.
True to its review, the movie is surprisingly good for a Taiwan production. (That is if you are used to Taiwan drama usual exaggerated theatrics style)
The story weaved through several characters, interconnected by a series of 7 letters, written by a Japanese man to his lost Taiwanese love Tomoko somewhere 60years ago. The address stated on the postal mail no longer exists after all these time and the guy working as partime postman decide to open and read the letter. The man was forced to leave Japan after WWII defeat, leaving behind the love of his life and hence a written journal of his emotional turmoil.
Accompanying the letter narration is another story of a modern love-hate relationship between this aspiring band guy vs a Japanese lady working in Taiwan.
While the acting may not be of worthy of A-list ranking, yet the plot is simple and at times touching. There were also moments that I found myself guffawing so loud, much to my own surprise. The ending is somewhat cliche but I love the part where the letter was being read. If I were the old granny reading that long overdue letters, I think my tears would not stop flowing with my heart tugging away...
If u havent seen the movie, I think its a nice show worth considering (watch sub). If U had, then you will rem this song sang towards the end.
Track 02: 國境之南 [download]
Note from me (09 Feb) :
Hey Cincan, a special bonus! Thks for your continuous visit and supportive comments, here's one more OST track here to your request! v(^o^)v
Track 01: 無樂不作 [download]
Hi dear,
Do you know where to download the whole OST? I love the songs in the movie.
thanks you in advance ^^
I have the OST but I didnt upload because of lot of the tracks are the Japanese monologue, at least that was the version of OST I got, U sure u want the whole OST still?
or are u looking for the other faster track? I can upload here if u want that too
Never mind, I have found it ^^
just like you said, most of the tracks is the monologue. My fav song is south of the border and wildjavascript:void(0)
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